1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/docs/replication.rst b/docs/replication.rst
index ccefe0a31a..7e37e71987 100644
--- a/docs/replication.rst
+++ b/docs/replication.rst
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ then either responds with updates immediately if it already has updates or it
waits until the timeout for more updates. If the timeout expires and nothing
happened then the server returns an empty response.
-However until the /sync API this replication API is returning synapse specific
+However unlike the /sync API this replication API is returning synapse specific
data rather than trying to implement a matrix specification. The replication
results are returned as arrays of rows where the rows are mostly lifted
directly from the database. This avoids unnecessary JSON parsing on the server