1 files changed, 56 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/modules/writing_a_module.md b/docs/modules/writing_a_module.md
index 30de69a533..b99f64b9d8 100644
--- a/docs/modules/writing_a_module.md
+++ b/docs/modules/writing_a_module.md
@@ -83,3 +83,59 @@ the callback name as the argument name and the function as its value. A
Callbacks for each category can be found on their respective page of the
[Synapse documentation website](https://matrix-org.github.io/synapse).
+## Caching
+_Added in Synapse 1.74.0._
+Modules can leverage Synapse's caching tools to manage their own cached functions. This
+can be helpful for modules that need to repeatedly request the same data from the database
+or a remote service.
+Functions that need to be wrapped with a cache need to be decorated with a `@cached()`
+decorator (which can be imported from `synapse.module_api`) and registered with the
+API when initialising the module. If the module needs to invalidate an entry in a cache,
+it needs to use the [`ModuleApi.invalidate_cache`](https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/blob/release-v1.77/synapse/module_api/__init__.py#L904)
+API, with the function to invalidate the cache of and the key(s) of the entry to
+Below is an example of a simple module using a cached function:
+from typing import Any
+from synapse.module_api import cached, ModuleApi
+class MyModule:
+ def __init__(self, config: Any, api: ModuleApi):
+ self.api = api
+ # Register the cached function so Synapse knows how to correctly invalidate
+ # entries for it.
+ self.api.register_cached_function(self.get_user_from_id)
+ @cached()
+ async def get_department_for_user(self, user_id: str) -> str:
+ """A function with a cache."""
+ # Request a department from an external service.
+ return await self.http_client.get_json(
+ "https://int.example.com/users", {"user_id": user_id)
+ )["department"]
+ async def do_something_with_users(self) -> None:
+ """Calls the cached function and then invalidates an entry in its cache."""
+ user_id = "@alice:example.com"
+ # Get the user. Since get_department_for_user is wrapped with a cache,
+ # the return value for this user_id will be cached.
+ department = await self.get_department_for_user(user_id)
+ # Do something with `department`...
+ # Let's say something has changed with our user, and the entry we have for
+ # them in the cache is out of date, so we want to invalidate it.
+ await self.api.invalidate_cache(self.get_department_for_user, (user_id,))
+See the [`cached` docstring](https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/blob/release-v1.77/synapse/module_api/__init__.py#L190) for more details.