summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/docs/dev
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/dev')
-rw-r--r--docs/dev/git/branches.jpgbin0 -> 72228 bytes
-rw-r--r--docs/dev/git/clean.pngbin0 -> 110840 bytes
-rw-r--r--docs/dev/git/squash.pngbin0 -> 29667 bytes
5 files changed, 323 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/dev/ b/docs/dev/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b747ff20c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/dev/
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+Some notes on how we use git
+On keeping the commit history clean
+In an ideal world, our git commit history would be a linear progression of
+commits each of which contains a single change building on what came
+before. Here, by way of an arbitrary example, is the top of `git log --graph
+<img src="git/clean.png" alt="clean git graph" width="500px">
+Note how the commit comment explains clearly what is changing and why. Also
+note the *absence* of merge commits, as well as the absence of commits called
+things like (to pick a few culprits):
+[“pep8”](, [“fix broken
+[“typo”](, or [“Who's
+the president?”](
+There are a number of reasons why keeping a clean commit history is a good
+ * From time to time, after a change lands, it turns out to be necessary to
+   revert it, or to backport it to a release branch. Those operations are
+   *much* easier when the change is contained in a single commit.
+ * Similarly, it's much easier to answer questions like “is the fix for
+   `/publicRooms` on the release branch?” if that change consists of a single
+   commit.
+ * Likewise: “what has changed on this branch in the last week?” is much
+   clearer without merges and “pep8” commits everywhere.
+ * Sometimes we need to figure out where a bug got introduced, or some
+   behaviour changed. One way of doing that is with `git bisect`: pick an
+   arbitrary commit between the known good point and the known bad point, and
+   see how the code behaves. However, that strategy fails if the commit you
+   chose is the middle of someone's epic branch in which they broke the world
+   before putting it back together again.
+One counterargument is that it is sometimes useful to see how a PR evolved as
+it went through review cycles. This is true, but that information is always
+available via the GitHub UI (or via the little-known [refs/pull
+Of course, in reality, things are more complicated than that. We have release
+branches as well as `develop` and `master`, and we deliberately merge changes
+between them. Bugs often slip through and have to be fixed later. That's all
+fine: this not a cast-iron rule which must be obeyed, but an ideal to aim
+Merges, squashes, rebases: wtf?
+Ok, so that's what we'd like to achieve. How do we achieve it?
+The TL;DR is: when you come to merge a pull request, you *probably* want to
+“squash and merge”:
+![squash and merge](git/squash.png).
+(This applies whether you are merging your own PR, or that of another
+“Squash and merge”<sup id="a1">[1](#f1)</sup> takes all of the changes in the
+PR, and bundles them into a single commit. GitHub gives you the opportunity to
+edit the commit message before you confirm, and normally you should do so,
+because the default will be useless (again: `* woops typo` is not a useful
+thing to keep in the historical record).
+The main problem with this approach comes when you have a series of pull
+requests which build on top of one another: as soon as you squash-merge the
+first PR, you'll end up with a stack of conflicts to resolve in all of the
+others. In general, it's best to avoid this situation in the first place by
+trying not to have multiple related PRs in flight at the same time. Still,
+sometimes that's not possible and doing a regular merge is the lesser evil.
+Another occasion in which a regular merge makes more sense is a PR where you've
+deliberately created a series of commits each of which makes sense in its own
+right. For example: [a PR which gradually propagates a refactoring operation
+through the codebase](, or [a
+PR which is the culmination of several other
+PRs]( In this case the ability
+to figure out when a particular change/bug was introduced could be very useful.
+Ultimately: **this is not a hard-and-fast-rule**. If in doubt, ask yourself “do
+each of the commits I am about to merge make sense in their own right”, but
+remember that we're just doing our best to balance “keeping the commit history
+clean” with other factors.
+Git branching model
+A [lot](
+[words]( have been
+written in the past about git branching models (no really, [a
+lot]( I tend to
+think the whole thing is overblown. Fundamentally, it's not that
+complicated. Here's how we do it.
+Let's start with a picture:
+![branching model](git/branches.jpg)
+It looks complicated, but it's really not. There's one basic rule: *anyone* is
+free to merge from *any* more-stable branch to *any* less-stable branch at
+*any* time<sup id="a2">[2](#f2)</sup>. (The principle behind this is that if a
+change is good enough for the more-stable branch, then it's also good enough go
+put in a less-stable branch.)
+Meanwhile, merging (or squashing, as per the above) from a less-stable to a
+more-stable branch is a deliberate action in which you want to publish a change
+or a set of changes to (some subset of) the world: for example, this happens
+when a PR is landed, or as part of our release process.
+So, what counts as a more- or less-stable branch? A little reflection will show
+that our active branches are ordered thus, from more-stable to less-stable:
+ * `master` (tracks our last release).
+ * `release-vX.Y.Z` (the branch where we prepare the next release)<sup
+   id="a3">[3](#f3)</sup>.
+ * PR branches which are targeting the release.
+ * `develop` (our "mainline" branch containing our bleeding-edge).
+ * regular PR branches.
+The corollary is: if you have a bugfix that needs to land in both
+`release-vX.Y.Z` *and* `develop`, then you should base your PR on
+`release-vX.Y.Z`, get it merged there, and then merge from `release-vX.Y.Z` to
+`develop`. (If a fix lands in `develop` and we later need it in a
+release-branch, we can of course cherry-pick it, but landing it in the release
+branch first helps reduce the chance of annoying conflicts.)
+<b id="f1">[1]</b>: “Squash and merge” is GitHub's term for this
+operation. Given that there is no merge involved, I'm not convinced it's the
+most intuitive name. [^](#a1)
+<b id="f2">[2]</b>: Well, anyone with commit access.[^](#a2)
+<b id="f3">[3]</b>: Very, very occasionally (I think this has happened once in
+the history of Synapse), we've had two releases in flight at once. Obviously,
+`release-v1.2.3` is more-stable than `release-v1.3.0`. [^](#a3)
diff --git a/docs/dev/git/branches.jpg b/docs/dev/git/branches.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..715ecc8cd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/dev/git/branches.jpg
Binary files differdiff --git a/docs/dev/git/clean.png b/docs/dev/git/clean.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3accd7ccef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/dev/git/clean.png
Binary files differdiff --git a/docs/dev/git/squash.png b/docs/dev/git/squash.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..234caca3e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/dev/git/squash.png
Binary files differdiff --git a/docs/dev/ b/docs/dev/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a90c5d2441
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/dev/
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+# How to test OpenID Connect
+Any OpenID Connect Provider (OP) should work with Synapse, as long as it supports the authorization code flow.
+There are a few options for that:
+ - start a local OP. Synapse has been tested with [Hydra][hydra] and [Dex][dex-idp].
+   Note that for an OP to work, it should be served under a secure (HTTPS) origin.
+   A certificate signed with a self-signed, locally trusted CA should work. In that case, start Synapse with a `SSL_CERT_FILE` environment variable set to the path of the CA.
+ - use a publicly available OP. Synapse has been tested with [Google][google-idp].
+ - setup a SaaS OP, like [Auth0][auth0] and [Okta][okta]. Auth0 has a free tier which has been tested with Synapse.
+## Sample configs
+Here are a few configs for providers that should work with Synapse.
+### [Dex][dex-idp]
+[Dex][dex-idp] is a simple, open-source, certified OpenID Connect Provider.
+Although it is designed to help building a full-blown provider, with some external database, it can be configured with static passwords in a config file.
+Follow the [Getting Started guide]( to install Dex.
+Edit `examples/config-dev.yaml` config file from the Dex repo to add a client:
+- id: synapse
+  secret: secret
+  redirectURIs:
+  - '[synapse base url]/_synapse/oidc/callback'
+  name: 'Synapse'
+Run with `dex serve examples/config-dex.yaml`
+Synapse config:
+   enabled: true
+   skip_verification: true # This is needed as Dex is served on an insecure endpoint
+   issuer: ""
+   discover: true
+   client_id: "synapse"
+   client_secret: "secret"
+   scopes:
+     - openid
+     - profile
+   user_mapping_provider:
+     config:
+       localpart_template: '{{ }}'
+       display_name_template: '{{|capitalize }}'
+### [Auth0][auth0]
+1. Create a regular web application for Synapse
+2. Set the Allowed Callback URLs to `[synapse base url]/_synapse/oidc/callback`
+3. Add a rule to add the `preferred_username` claim.
+   <details>
+    <summary>Code sample</summary>
+    ```js
+    function addPersistenceAttribute(user, context, callback) {
+      user.user_metadata = user.user_metadata || {};
+      user.user_metadata.preferred_username = user.user_metadata.preferred_username || user.user_id;
+      context.idToken.preferred_username = user.user_metadata.preferred_username;
+      auth0.users.updateUserMetadata(user.user_id, user.user_metadata)
+        .then(function(){
+            callback(null, user, context);
+        })
+        .catch(function(err){
+            callback(err);
+        });
+    }
+    ```
+  </details>
+   enabled: true
+   issuer: "" # TO BE FILLED
+   discover: true
+   client_id: "your-client-id" # TO BE FILLED
+   client_secret: "your-client-secret" # TO BE FILLED
+   scopes:
+     - openid
+     - profile
+   user_mapping_provider:
+     config:
+       localpart_template: '{{ user.preferred_username }}'
+       display_name_template: '{{ }}'
+### GitHub
+GitHub is a bit special as it is not an OpenID Connect compliant provider, but just a regular OAuth2 provider.
+The `/user` API endpoint can be used to retrieve informations from the user.
+As the OIDC login mechanism needs an attribute to uniquely identify users and that endpoint does not return a `sub` property, an alternative `subject_claim` has to be set.
+1. Create a new OAuth application:
+2. Set the callback URL to `[synapse base url]/_synapse/oidc/callback`
+   enabled: true
+   issuer: ""
+   discover: false
+   client_id: "your-client-id" # TO BE FILLED
+   client_secret: "your-client-secret" # TO BE FILLED
+   authorization_endpoint: ""
+   token_endpoint: ""
+   userinfo_endpoint: ""
+   scopes:
+     - read:user
+   user_mapping_provider:
+     config:
+       subject_claim: 'id'
+       localpart_template: '{{ user.login }}'
+       display_name_template: '{{ }}'
+### Google
+1. Setup a project in the Google API Console
+2. Obtain the OAuth 2.0 credentials (see <>)
+3. Add this Authorized redirect URI: `[synapse base url]/_synapse/oidc/callback`
+   enabled: true
+   issuer: ""
+   discover: true
+   client_id: "your-client-id" # TO BE FILLED
+   client_secret: "your-client-secret" # TO BE FILLED
+   scopes:
+     - openid
+     - profile
+   user_mapping_provider:
+     config:
+       localpart_template: '{{ user.given_name|lower }}'
+       display_name_template: '{{ }}'
+### Twitch
+1. Setup a developer account on [Twitch](
+2. Obtain the OAuth 2.0 credentials by [creating an app](
+3. Add this OAuth Redirect URL: `[synapse base url]/_synapse/oidc/callback`
+   enabled: true
+   issuer: ""
+   discover: true
+   client_id: "your-client-id" # TO BE FILLED
+   client_secret: "your-client-secret" # TO BE FILLED
+   client_auth_method: "client_secret_post"
+   scopes:
+     - openid
+   user_mapping_provider:
+     config:
+       localpart_template: '{{ user.preferred_username }}'
+       display_name_template: '{{ }}'