diff --git a/docs/client-server/howto.rst b/docs/client-server/howto.rst
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index 0000000000..de096ab60c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/client-server/howto.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+TODO(kegan): Tweak joinalias API keys/path? Event stream historical > live needs
+a token (currently doesn't). im/sync responses include outdated event formats
+(room membership change messages). Room config (specifically: message history,
+public rooms). /register seems super simplistic compared to /login, maybe it
+would be better if /register used the same technique as /login?
+How to use the client-server API
+This guide focuses on how the client-server APIs *provided by the reference
+home server* can be used. Since this is specific to a home server
+implementation, there may be variations in relation to registering/logging in
+which are not covered in extensive detail in this guide.
+If you haven't already, get a home server up and running on
+Before you can send and receive messages, you must **register** for an account.
+If you already have an account, you must **login** into it.
+The aim of registration is to get a user ID and access token which you will need
+when accessing other APIs::
+ curl -XPOST -d '{"user_id":"example", "password":"wordpass"}' "http://localhost:8080/matrix/client/api/v1/register"
+ {
+ "access_token": "QGV4YW1wbGU6bG9jYWxob3N0.AqdSzFmFYrLrTmteXc",
+ "home_server": "localhost",
+ "user_id": "@example:localhost"
+ }
+NB: If a ``user_id`` is not specified, one will be randomly generated for you.
+If you do not specify a ``password``, you will be unable to login to the account
+if you forget the ``access_token``.
+Implementation note: The matrix specification does not enforce how users
+register with a server. It just specifies the URL path and absolute minimum
+keys. The reference home server uses a username/password to authenticate user,
+but other home servers may use different methods.
+The aim when logging in is to get an access token for your existing user ID::
+ curl -XGET "http://localhost:8080/matrix/client/api/v1/login"
+ {
+ "type": "m.login.password"
+ }
+ curl -XPOST -d '{"type":"m.login.password", "user":"example", "password":"wordpass"}' "http://localhost:8080/matrix/client/api/v1/login"
+ {
+ "access_token": "QGV4YW1wbGU6bG9jYWxob3N0.vRDLTgxefmKWQEtgGd",
+ "home_server": "localhost",
+ "user_id": "@example:localhost"
+ }
+Implementation note: Different home servers may implement different methods for
+logging in to an existing account. In order to check that you know how to login
+to this home server, you must perform a ``GET`` first and make sure you
+recognise the login type. If you do not know how to login, you can
+``GET /login/fallback`` which will return a basic webpage which you can use to
+login. The reference home server implementation support username/password login,
+but other home servers may support different login methods (e.g. OAuth2).
+In order to communicate with another user, you must **create a room** with that
+user and **send a message** to that room.
+Creating a room
+If you want to send a message to someone, you have to be in a room with them. To
+create a room::
+ curl -XPOST -d '{"room_alias_name":"tutorial"}' "http://localhost:8080/matrix/client/api/v1/rooms?access_token=QGV4YW1wbGU6bG9jYWxob3N0.vRDLTgxefmKWQEtgGd"
+ {
+ "room_alias": "#tutorial:localhost",
+ "room_id": "!CvcvRuDYDzTOzfKKgh:localhost"
+ }
+The "room alias" is a human-readable string which can be shared with other users
+so they can join a room, rather than the room ID which is a randomly generated
+string. You can have multiple room aliases per room.
+TODO(kegan): How to add/remove aliases from an existing room.
+Sending messages
+You can now send messages to this room::
+ curl -XPUT -d '{"msgtype":"m.text", "body":"hello"}' "http://localhost:8080/matrix/client/api/v1/rooms/%21CvcvRuDYDzTOzfKKgh:localhost/messages/%40example%3Alocalhost/msgid1?access_token=QGV4YW1wbGU6bG9jYWxob3N0.vRDLTgxefmKWQEtgGd"
+NB: There are no limitations to the types of messages which can be exchanged.
+The only requirement is that ``"msgtype"`` is specified.
+NB: Depending on the room config, users who join the room may be able to see
+message history from before they joined.
+Users and rooms
+Each room can be configured to allow or disallow certain rules. In particular,
+these rules may specify if you require an **invitation** from someone already in
+the room in order to **join the room**. In addition, you may also be able to
+join a room **via a room alias** if one was set up.
+Inviting a user to a room
+You can directly invite a user to a room like so::
+ curl -XPUT -d '{"membership":"invite"}' "http://localhost:8080/matrix/client/api/v1/rooms/%21CvcvRuDYDzTOzfKKgh:localhost/members/%40myfriend%3Alocalhost/state?access_token=QGV4YW1wbGU6bG9jYWxob3N0.vRDLTgxefmKWQEtgGd"
+This informs ``@myfriend:localhost`` of the room ID
+``!CvcvRuDYDzTOzfKKgh:localhost`` and allows them to join the room.
+Joining a room via an invite
+If you receive an invite, you can join the room by changing the membership to
+ curl -XPUT -d '{"membership":"join"}' "http://localhost:8080/matrix/client/api/v1/rooms/%21CvcvRuDYDzTOzfKKgh:localhost/members/%40myfriend%3Alocalhost/state?access_token=QG15ZnJpZW5kOmxvY2FsaG9zdA...XKuGdVsovHmwMyDDvK"
+NB: Only the person invited (``@myfriend:localhost``) can change the membership
+state to ``"join"``.
+Joining a room via an alias
+Alternatively, if you know the room alias for this room and the room config
+allows it, you can directly join a room via the alias::
+ curl -XPUT -d '{}' "http://localhost:8080/matrix/client/api/v1/join/%23tutorial%3Alocalhost?access_token=QG15ZnJpZW5kOmxvY2FsaG9zdA...XKuGdVsovHmwMyDDvK"
+ {
+ "room_id": "!CvcvRuDYDzTOzfKKgh:localhost"
+ }
+You will need to use the room ID when sending messages, not the room alias.
+NB: If the room is configured to be an invite-only room, you will still require
+an invite in order to join the room even though you know the room alias. As a
+result, it is more common to see a room alias in relation to a public room,
+which do not require invitations.
+Getting events
+An event is some interesting piece of data that a client may be interested in.
+It can be a message in a room, a room invite, etc. There are many different ways
+of getting events, depending on what the client already knows.
+Getting all state
+If the client doesn't know any information on the rooms the user is
+invited/joined on, they can get all the user's state for all rooms::
+ curl -XGET "http://localhost:8080/matrix/client/api/v1/im/sync?access_token=QG15ZnJpZW5kOmxvY2FsaG9zdA...XKuGdVsovHmwMyDDvK"
+ [
+ {
+ "membership": "join",
+ "messages": {
+ "chunk": [
+ {
+ "content": {
+ "body": "@example:localhost joined the room.",
+ "hsob_ts": 1408444664249,
+ "membership": "join",
+ "membership_source": "@example:localhost",
+ "membership_target": "@example:localhost",
+ "msgtype": "m.text"
+ },
+ "event_id": "lZjmmlrEvo",
+ "msg_id": "m1408444664249",
+ "room_id": "!CvcvRuDYDzTOzfKKgh:localhost",
+ "type": "m.room.message",
+ "user_id": "_homeserver_"
+ },
+ {
+ "content": {
+ "body": "hello",
+ "hsob_ts": 1408445405672,
+ "msgtype": "m.text"
+ },
+ "event_id": "BiBJqamISg",
+ "msg_id": "msgid1",
+ "room_id": "!CvcvRuDYDzTOzfKKgh:localhost",
+ "type": "m.room.message",
+ "user_id": "@example:localhost"
+ },
+ [...]
+ {
+ "content": {
+ "body": "@myfriend:localhost joined the room.",
+ "hsob_ts": 1408446501661,
+ "membership": "join",
+ "membership_source": "@myfriend:localhost",
+ "membership_target": "@myfriend:localhost",
+ "msgtype": "m.text"
+ },
+ "event_id": "IMmXbOzFAa",
+ "msg_id": "m1408446501661",
+ "room_id": "!CvcvRuDYDzTOzfKKgh:localhost",
+ "type": "m.room.message",
+ "user_id": "_homeserver_"
+ }
+ ],
+ "end": "20",
+ "start": "0"
+ },
+ "room_id": "!CvcvRuDYDzTOzfKKgh:localhost"
+ }
+ ]
+This returns all the room IDs of rooms the user is invited/joined on, as well as
+all of the messages and feedback for these rooms. This can be a LOT of data. You
+may just want the most recent message for each room. This can be achieved by
+applying pagination stream parameters to this request::
+ curl -XGET "http://localhost:8080/matrix/client/api/v1/im/sync?access_token=QG15ZnJpZW5kOmxvY2FsaG9zdA...XKuGdVsovHmwMyDDvK&from=END&to=START&limit=1"
+ [
+ {
+ "membership": "join",
+ "messages": {
+ "chunk": [
+ {
+ "content": {
+ "body": "@myfriend:localhost joined the room.",
+ "hsob_ts": 1408446501661,
+ "membership": "join",
+ "membership_source": "@myfriend:localhost",
+ "membership_target": "@myfriend:localhost",
+ "msgtype": "m.text"
+ },
+ "event_id": "IMmXbOzFAa",
+ "msg_id": "m1408446501661",
+ "room_id": "!CvcvRuDYDzTOzfKKgh:localhost",
+ "type": "m.room.message",
+ "user_id": "_homeserver_"
+ }
+ ],
+ "end": "20",
+ "start": "21"
+ },
+ "room_id": "!CvcvRuDYDzTOzfKKgh:localhost"
+ }
+ ]
+Getting live state
+Once you know which rooms the client has previously interacted with, you need to
+listen for incoming events. This can be done like so::
+ curl -XGET "http://localhost:8080/matrix/client/api/v1/events?access_token=QG15ZnJpZW5kOmxvY2FsaG9zdA...XKuGdVsovHmwMyDDvK&from=END"
+ {
+ "chunk": [],
+ "end": "215",
+ "start": "215"
+ }
+This will block waiting for an incoming event, timing out after several seconds.
+Even if there are no new events (as in the example above), there will be some
+pagination stream response keys. The client should make subsequent requests
+using the value of the ``"end"`` key (in this case ``215``) as the ``from``
+query parameter. This value should be stored so when the client reopens your app
+after a period of inactivity, you can resume from where you got up to in the
+event stream. If it has been a long period of inactivity, there may be LOTS of
+events waiting for the user. In this case, you may wish to get all state instead
+and then resume getting live state from a newer end token.
+NB: The timeout can be changed by adding a ``timeout`` query parameter, which is
+in milliseconds. A timeout of 0 will not block.