summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/contrib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib')
11 files changed, 552 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/README.rst b/contrib/README.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c296c55628
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/README.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+Community Contributions
+Everything in this directory are projects submitted by the community that may be useful
+to others. As such, the project maintainers cannot guarantee support, stability
+or backwards compatibility of these projects. 
+Files in this directory should *not* be relied on directly, as they may not
+continue to work or exist in future. If you wish to use any of these files then
+they should be copied to avoid them breaking from underneath you.
diff --git a/contrib/docker/ b/contrib/docker/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..61592109cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/docker/
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+# Synapse Docker
+The `matrixdotorg/synapse` Docker image will run Synapse as a single process. It does not provide a
+database server or a TURN server, you should run these separately.
+If you run a Postgres server, you should simply include it in the same Compose
+project or set the proper environment variables and the image will automatically
+use that server.
+## Build
+Build the docker image with the `docker build` command from the root of the synapse repository.
+docker build -t .
+The `-t` option sets the image tag. Official images are tagged `matrixdotorg/synapse:<version>` where `<version>` is the same as the release tag in the synapse git repository.
+You may have a local Python wheel cache available, in which case copy the relevant packages in the ``cache/`` directory at the root of the project.
+## Run
+This image is designed to run either with an automatically generated configuration
+file or with a custom configuration that requires manual edition.
+### Automated configuration
+It is recommended that you use Docker Compose to run your containers, including
+this image and a Postgres server. A sample ``docker-compose.yml`` is provided,
+including example labels for reverse proxying and other artifacts.
+Read the section about environment variables and set at least mandatory variables,
+then run the server:
+docker-compose up -d
+If secrets are not specified in the environment variables, they will be generated
+as part of the startup. Please ensure these secrets are kept between launches of the
+Docker container, as their loss may require users to log in again.
+### Manual configuration
+A sample ``docker-compose.yml`` is provided, including example labels for
+reverse proxying and other artifacts. The docker-compose file is an example,
+please comment/uncomment sections that are not suitable for your usecase.
+Specify a ``SYNAPSE_CONFIG_PATH``, preferably to a persistent path,
+to use manual configuration. To generate a fresh ``homeserver.yaml``, simply run:
+docker-compose run --rm -e synapse generate
+Then, customize your configuration and run the server:
+docker-compose up -d
+### Without Compose
+If you do not wish to use Compose, you may still run this image using plain
+Docker commands. Note that the following is just a guideline and you may need
+to add parameters to the docker run command to account for the network situation
+with your postgres database.
+docker run \
+    -d \
+    --name synapse \
+    -v ${DATA_PATH}:/data \
+    -e \
+## Volumes
+The image expects a single volume, located at ``/data``, that will hold:
+* temporary files during uploads;
+* uploaded media and thumbnails;
+* the SQLite database if you do not configure postgres;
+* the appservices configuration.
+You are free to use separate volumes depending on storage endpoints at your
+disposal. For instance, ``/data/media`` coud be stored on a large but low
+performance hdd storage while other files could be stored on high performance
+In order to setup an application service, simply create an ``appservices``
+directory in the data volume and write the application service Yaml
+configuration file there. Multiple application services are supported.
+## Environment
+Unless you specify a custom path for the configuration file, a very generic
+file will be generated, based on the following environment settings.
+These are a good starting point for setting up your own deployment.
+Global settings:
+* ``UID``, the user id Synapse will run as [default 991]
+* ``GID``, the group id Synapse will run as [default 991]
+* ``SYNAPSE_CONFIG_PATH``, path to a custom config file
+If ``SYNAPSE_CONFIG_PATH`` is set, you should generate a configuration file
+then customize it manually. No other environment variable is required.
+Otherwise, a dynamic configuration file will be used. The following environment
+variables are available for configuration:
+* ``SYNAPSE_SERVER_NAME`` (mandatory), the current server public hostname.
+* ``SYNAPSE_REPORT_STATS``, (mandatory, ``yes`` or ``no``), enable anonymous
+  statistics reporting back to the Matrix project which helps us to get funding.
+* ``SYNAPSE_NO_TLS``, set this variable to disable TLS in Synapse (use this if
+  you run your own TLS-capable reverse proxy).
+* ``SYNAPSE_ENABLE_REGISTRATION``, set this variable to enable registration on
+  the Synapse instance.
+* ``SYNAPSE_ALLOW_GUEST``, set this variable to allow guest joining this server.
+* ``SYNAPSE_EVENT_CACHE_SIZE``, the event cache size [default `10K`].
+* ``SYNAPSE_CACHE_FACTOR``, the cache factor [default `0.5`].
+* ``SYNAPSE_RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY``, set this variable to the recaptcha public
+  key in order to enable recaptcha upon registration.
+* ``SYNAPSE_RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY``, set this variable to the recaptcha private
+  key in order to enable recaptcha upon registration.
+* ``SYNAPSE_TURN_URIS``, set this variable to the coma-separated list of TURN
+  uris to enable TURN for this homeserver.
+* ``SYNAPSE_TURN_SECRET``, set this to the TURN shared secret if required.
+Shared secrets, that will be initialized to random values if not set:
+* ``SYNAPSE_REGISTRATION_SHARED_SECRET``, secret for registrering users if
+  registration is disable.
+* ``SYNAPSE_MACAROON_SECRET_KEY`` secret for signing access tokens
+  to the server.
+Database specific values (will use SQLite if not set):
+* `POSTGRES_DB` - The database name for the synapse postgres database. [default: `synapse`]
+* `POSTGRES_HOST` - The host of the postgres database if you wish to use postgresql instead of sqlite3. [default: `db` which is useful when using a container on the same docker network in a compose file where the postgres service is called `db`]
+* `POSTGRES_PASSWORD` - The password for the synapse postgres database. **If this is set then postgres will be used instead of sqlite3.** [default: none] **NOTE**: You are highly encouraged to use postgresql! Please use the compose file to make it easier to deploy.
+* `POSTGRES_USER` - The user for the synapse postgres database. [default: `matrix`]
+Mail server specific values (will not send emails if not set):
+* ``SYNAPSE_SMTP_HOST``, hostname to the mail server.
+* ``SYNAPSE_SMTP_PORT``, TCP port for accessing the mail server [default ``25``].
+* ``SYNAPSE_SMTP_USER``, username for authenticating against the mail server if any.
+* ``SYNAPSE_SMTP_PASSWORD``, password for authenticating against the mail server if any.
diff --git a/contrib/docker/conf/homeserver.yaml b/contrib/docker/conf/homeserver.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6bc25bb45f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/docker/conf/homeserver.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+# vim:ft=yaml
+## TLS ##
+tls_certificate_path: "/data/{{ SYNAPSE_SERVER_NAME }}.tls.crt"
+tls_private_key_path: "/data/{{ SYNAPSE_SERVER_NAME }}.tls.key"
+tls_dh_params_path: "/data/{{ SYNAPSE_SERVER_NAME }}.tls.dh"
+no_tls: {{ "True" if SYNAPSE_NO_TLS else "False" }}
+tls_fingerprints: []
+## Server ##
+server_name: "{{ SYNAPSE_SERVER_NAME }}"
+pid_file: /
+web_client: False
+soft_file_limit: 0
+## Ports ##
+  {% if not SYNAPSE_NO_TLS %}
+  -
+    port: 8448
+    bind_addresses: ['']
+    type: http
+    tls: true
+    x_forwarded: false
+    resources:
+      - names: [client]
+        compress: true
+      - names: [federation]  # Federation APIs
+        compress: false
+  {% endif %}
+  - port: 8008
+    tls: false
+    bind_addresses: ['']
+    type: http
+    x_forwarded: false
+    resources:
+      - names: [client]
+        compress: true
+      - names: [federation]
+        compress: false
+## Database ##
+  name: "psycopg2"
+  args:
+    user: "{{ POSTGRES_USER or "synapse" }}"
+    password: "{{ POSTGRES_PASSWORD }}"
+    database: "{{ POSTGRES_DB or "synapse" }}"
+    host: "{{ POSTGRES_HOST or "db" }}"
+    port: "{{ POSTGRES_PORT or "5432" }}"
+    cp_min: 5
+    cp_max: 10
+{% else %}
+  name: "sqlite3"
+  args:
+    database: "/data/homeserver.db"
+{% endif %}
+## Performance ##
+event_cache_size: "{{ SYNAPSE_EVENT_CACHE_SIZE or "10K" }}"
+verbose: 0
+log_file: "/data/homeserver.log"
+log_config: "/compiled/log.config"
+## Ratelimiting ##
+rc_messages_per_second: 0.2
+rc_message_burst_count: 10.0
+federation_rc_window_size: 1000
+federation_rc_sleep_limit: 10
+federation_rc_sleep_delay: 500
+federation_rc_reject_limit: 50
+federation_rc_concurrent: 3
+## Files ##
+media_store_path: "/data/media"
+uploads_path: "/data/uploads"
+max_upload_size: "10M"
+max_image_pixels: "32M"
+dynamic_thumbnails: false
+# List of thumbnail to precalculate when an image is uploaded.
+- width: 32
+  height: 32
+  method: crop
+- width: 96
+  height: 96
+  method: crop
+- width: 320
+  height: 240
+  method: scale
+- width: 640
+  height: 480
+  method: scale
+- width: 800
+  height: 600
+  method: scale
+url_preview_enabled: False
+max_spider_size: "10M"
+## Captcha ##
+recaptcha_public_key: "{{ SYNAPSE_RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY }}"
+recaptcha_private_key: "{{ SYNAPSE_RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY }}"
+enable_registration_captcha: True
+recaptcha_siteverify_api: ""
+{% else %}
+recaptcha_public_key: "YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY"
+recaptcha_private_key: "YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY"
+enable_registration_captcha: False
+recaptcha_siteverify_api: ""
+{% endif %}
+## Turn ##
+{% for uri in SYNAPSE_TURN_URIS.split(',') %}    - "{{ uri }}"
+{% endfor %}
+turn_shared_secret: "{{ SYNAPSE_TURN_SECRET }}"
+turn_user_lifetime: "1h"
+turn_allow_guests: True
+{% else %}
+turn_uris: []
+turn_shared_secret: "YOUR_SHARED_SECRET"
+turn_user_lifetime: "1h"
+turn_allow_guests: True
+{% endif %}
+## Registration ##
+enable_registration: {{ "True" if SYNAPSE_ENABLE_REGISTRATION else "False" }}
+registration_shared_secret: "{{ SYNAPSE_REGISTRATION_SHARED_SECRET }}"
+bcrypt_rounds: 12
+allow_guest_access: {{ "True" if SYNAPSE_ALLOW_GUEST else "False" }}
+enable_group_creation: true
+# The list of identity servers trusted to verify third party
+# identifiers by this server.
+    -
+    -
+    -
+## Metrics ###
+{% if SYNAPSE_REPORT_STATS.lower() == "yes" %}
+enable_metrics: True
+report_stats: True
+{% else %}
+enable_metrics: False
+report_stats: False
+{% endif %}
+## API Configuration ##
+    - ""
+    - ""
+    - ""
+    - ""
+{% for appservice in SYNAPSE_APPSERVICES %}    - "{{ appservice }}"
+{% endfor %}
+{% else %}
+app_service_config_files: []
+{% endif %}
+macaroon_secret_key: "{{ SYNAPSE_MACAROON_SECRET_KEY }}"
+expire_access_token: False
+## Signing Keys ##
+signing_key_path: "/data/{{ SYNAPSE_SERVER_NAME }}.signing.key"
+old_signing_keys: {}
+key_refresh_interval: "1d" # 1 Day.
+# The trusted servers to download signing keys from.
+  servers:
+    "":
+      verify_keys:
+        "ed25519:auto":
+          key: "Noi6WqcDj0QmPxCNQqgezwTlBKrfqehY1u2FyWP9uYw"
+   enabled: true
+   enable_notifs: false
+   smtp_host: "{{ SYNAPSE_SMTP_HOST }}"
+   smtp_port: {{ SYNAPSE_SMTP_PORT or "25" }}
+   smtp_user: "{{ SYNAPSE_SMTP_USER }}"
+   smtp_pass: "{{ SYNAPSE_SMTP_PASSWORD }}"
+   require_transport_security: False
+   notif_from: "{{ SYNAPSE_SMTP_FROM or "hostmaster@" + SYNAPSE_SERVER_NAME }}"
+   app_name: Matrix
+   template_dir: res/templates
+   notif_template_html: notif_mail.html
+   notif_template_text: notif_mail.txt
+   notif_for_new_users: True
+   riot_base_url: "https://{{ SYNAPSE_SERVER_NAME }}"
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/contrib/docker/conf/log.config b/contrib/docker/conf/log.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1851995802
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/docker/conf/log.config
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+version: 1
+  precise:
+   format: '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(lineno)d - %(levelname)s - %(request)s- %(message)s'
+  context:
+    (): synapse.util.logcontext.LoggingContextFilter
+    request: ""
+  console:
+    class: logging.StreamHandler
+    formatter: precise
+    filters: [context]
+    synapse:
+        level: {{ SYNAPSE_LOG_LEVEL or "WARNING" }}
+        # beware: increasing this to DEBUG will make synapse log sensitive
+        # information such as access tokens.
+        level: {{ SYNAPSE_LOG_LEVEL or "WARNING" }}
+    level: {{ SYNAPSE_LOG_LEVEL or "WARNING" }}
+    handlers: [console]
diff --git a/contrib/docker/docker-compose.yml b/contrib/docker/docker-compose.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0b531949e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/docker/docker-compose.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# This compose file is compatible with Compose itself, it might need some
+# adjustments to run properly with stack.
+version: '3'
+  synapse:
+    image:
+    # Since snyapse does not retry to connect to the database, restart upon
+    # failure
+    restart: unless-stopped
+    # See the readme for a full documentation of the environment settings
+    environment:
+      -
+      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=changeme
+    volumes:
+      # You may either store all the files in a local folder
+      - ./files:/data
+      # .. or you may split this between different storage points
+      # - ./files:/data
+      # - /path/to/ssd:/data/uploads
+      # - /path/to/large_hdd:/data/media
+    depends_on:
+      - db
+    # In order to expose Synapse, remove one of the following, you might for
+    # instance expose the TLS port directly:
+    ports:
+      - 8448:8448/tcp
+    # ... or use a reverse proxy, here is an example for traefik:
+    labels:
+      - traefik.enable=true
+      - traefik.frontend.rule=Host:my.matrix.Host
+      - traefik.port=8448
+  db:
+    image:
+    # Change that password, of course!
+    environment:
+      - POSTGRES_USER=synapse
+      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=changeme
+    volumes:
+      # You may store the database tables in a local folder..
+      - ./schemas:/var/lib/postgresql/data
+      # .. or store them on some high performance storage for better results
+      # - /path/to/ssd/storage:/var/lib/postfesql/data
diff --git a/contrib/docker/ b/contrib/docker/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..90e8b9c51a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/docker/
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+import jinja2
+import os
+import sys
+import subprocess
+import glob
+# Utility functions
+convert = lambda src, dst, environ: open(dst, "w").write(jinja2.Template(open(src).read()).render(**environ))
+def check_arguments(environ, args):
+    for argument in args:
+        if argument not in environ:
+            print("Environment variable %s is mandatory, exiting." % argument)
+            sys.exit(2)
+def generate_secrets(environ, secrets):
+    for name, secret in secrets.items():
+        if secret not in environ:
+            filename = "/data/%s.%s.key" % (environ["SYNAPSE_SERVER_NAME"], name)
+            if os.path.exists(filename):
+                with open(filename) as handle: value =
+            else:
+                print("Generating a random secret for {}".format(name))
+                value = os.urandom(32).encode("hex")
+                with open(filename, "w") as handle: handle.write(value)
+            environ[secret] = value
+# Prepare the configuration
+mode = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else None
+environ = os.environ.copy()
+ownership = "{}:{}".format(environ.get("UID", 991), environ.get("GID", 991))
+args = ["python", "-m", ""]
+# In generate mode, generate a configuration, missing keys, then exit
+if mode == "generate":
+    args += [
+        "--server-name", environ["SYNAPSE_SERVER_NAME"],
+        "--report-stats", environ["SYNAPSE_REPORT_STATS"],
+        "--config-path", environ["SYNAPSE_CONFIG_PATH"],
+        "--generate-config"
+    ]
+    os.execv("/usr/local/bin/python", args)
+# In normal mode, generate missing keys if any, then run synapse
+    # Parse the configuration file
+    if "SYNAPSE_CONFIG_PATH" in environ:
+        args += ["--config-path", environ["SYNAPSE_CONFIG_PATH"]]
+    else:
+        check_arguments(environ, ("SYNAPSE_SERVER_NAME", "SYNAPSE_REPORT_STATS"))
+        generate_secrets(environ, {
+            "registration": "SYNAPSE_REGISTRATION_SHARED_SECRET",
+            "macaroon": "SYNAPSE_MACAROON_SECRET_KEY"
+        })
+        environ["SYNAPSE_APPSERVICES"] = glob.glob("/data/appservices/*.yaml")
+        if not os.path.exists("/compiled"): os.mkdir("/compiled")
+        convert("/conf/homeserver.yaml", "/compiled/homeserver.yaml", environ)
+        convert("/conf/log.config", "/compiled/log.config", environ)
+        subprocess.check_output(["chown", "-R", ownership, "/data"])
+        args += ["--config-path", "/compiled/homeserver.yaml"]
+    # Generate missing keys and start synapse
+    subprocess.check_output(args + ["--generate-keys"])
+    os.execv("/sbin/su-exec", ["su-exec", ownership] + args)
diff --git a/contrib/graph/ b/contrib/graph/
index 88d92c89d7..7d3b4d7eb6 100644
--- a/contrib/graph/
+++ b/contrib/graph/
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ import argparse
 from import FrozenEvent
 from synapse.util.frozenutils import unfreeze
+from six import string_types
 def make_graph(file_name, room_id, file_prefix, limit):
     print "Reading lines"
@@ -58,7 +60,7 @@ def make_graph(file_name, room_id, file_prefix, limit):
         for key, value in unfreeze(event.get_dict()["content"]).items():
             if value is None:
                 value = "<null>"
-            elif isinstance(value, basestring):
+            elif isinstance(value, string_types):
                 value = json.dumps(value)
diff --git a/contrib/prometheus/consoles/synapse.html b/contrib/prometheus/consoles/synapse.html
index e23d8a1fce..69aa87f85e 100644
--- a/contrib/prometheus/consoles/synapse.html
+++ b/contrib/prometheus/consoles/synapse.html
@@ -202,11 +202,11 @@ new PromConsole.Graph({
 <h3>Requests by Servlet</h3>
-<div id="synapse_http_server_requests_servlet"></div>
+<div id="synapse_http_server_request_count_servlet"></div>
 new PromConsole.Graph({
-  node: document.querySelector("#synapse_http_server_requests_servlet"),
-  expr: "rate(synapse_http_server_requests:servlet[2m])",
+  node: document.querySelector("#synapse_http_server_request_count_servlet"),
+  expr: "rate(synapse_http_server_request_count:servlet[2m])",
   name: "[[servlet]]",
   yAxisFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize,
   yHoverFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize,
@@ -215,11 +215,11 @@ new PromConsole.Graph({
 <h4>&nbsp;(without <tt>EventStreamRestServlet</tt> or <tt>SyncRestServlet</tt>)</h4>
-<div id="synapse_http_server_requests_servlet_minus_events"></div>
+<div id="synapse_http_server_request_count_servlet_minus_events"></div>
 new PromConsole.Graph({
-  node: document.querySelector("#synapse_http_server_requests_servlet_minus_events"),
-  expr: "rate(synapse_http_server_requests:servlet{servlet!=\"EventStreamRestServlet\", servlet!=\"SyncRestServlet\"}[2m])",
+  node: document.querySelector("#synapse_http_server_request_count_servlet_minus_events"),
+  expr: "rate(synapse_http_server_request_count:servlet{servlet!=\"EventStreamRestServlet\", servlet!=\"SyncRestServlet\"}[2m])",
   name: "[[servlet]]",
   yAxisFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize,
   yHoverFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize,
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ new PromConsole.Graph({
 new PromConsole.Graph({
   node: document.querySelector("#synapse_http_server_response_time_avg"),
-  expr: "rate(synapse_http_server_response_time:total[2m]) / rate(synapse_http_server_response_time:count[2m]) / 1000",
+  expr: "rate(synapse_http_server_response_time_seconds[2m]) / rate(synapse_http_server_response_count[2m]) / 1000",
   name: "[[servlet]]",
   yAxisFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize,
   yHoverFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize,
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ new PromConsole.Graph({
 new PromConsole.Graph({
   node: document.querySelector("#synapse_http_server_response_ru_utime"),
-  expr: "rate(synapse_http_server_response_ru_utime:total[2m])",
+  expr: "rate(synapse_http_server_response_ru_utime_seconds[2m])",
   name: "[[servlet]]",
   yAxisFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize,
   yHoverFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize,
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ new PromConsole.Graph({
 new PromConsole.Graph({
   node: document.querySelector("#synapse_http_server_response_db_txn_duration"),
-  expr: "rate(synapse_http_server_response_db_txn_duration:total[2m])",
+  expr: "rate(synapse_http_server_response_db_txn_duration_seconds[2m])",
   name: "[[servlet]]",
   yAxisFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize,
   yHoverFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize,
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ new PromConsole.Graph({
 new PromConsole.Graph({
   node: document.querySelector("#synapse_http_server_send_time_avg"),
-  expr: "rate(synapse_http_server_response_time:total{servlet='RoomSendEventRestServlet'}[2m]) / rate(synapse_http_server_response_time:count{servlet='RoomSendEventRestServlet'}[2m]) / 1000",
+  expr: "rate(synapse_http_server_response_time_second{servlet='RoomSendEventRestServlet'}[2m]) / rate(synapse_http_server_response_count{servlet='RoomSendEventRestServlet'}[2m]) / 1000",
   name: "[[servlet]]",
   yAxisFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize,
   yHoverFormatter: PromConsole.NumberFormatter.humanize,
diff --git a/contrib/prometheus/synapse-v1.rules b/contrib/prometheus/synapse-v1.rules
index b6f84174b0..4c900ba537 100644
--- a/contrib/prometheus/synapse-v1.rules
+++ b/contrib/prometheus/synapse-v1.rules
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 synapse_federation_transaction_queue_pendingEdus:total = sum(synapse_federation_transaction_queue_pendingEdus or absent(synapse_federation_transaction_queue_pendingEdus)*0)
 synapse_federation_transaction_queue_pendingPdus:total = sum(synapse_federation_transaction_queue_pendingPdus or absent(synapse_federation_transaction_queue_pendingPdus)*0)
-synapse_http_server_requests:method{servlet=""} = sum(synapse_http_server_requests) by (method)
-synapse_http_server_requests:servlet{method=""} = sum(synapse_http_server_requests) by (servlet)
+synapse_http_server_request_count:method{servlet=""} = sum(synapse_http_server_request_count) by (method)
+synapse_http_server_request_count:servlet{method=""} = sum(synapse_http_server_request_count) by (servlet)
-synapse_http_server_requests:total{servlet=""} = sum(synapse_http_server_requests:by_method) by (servlet)
+synapse_http_server_request_count:total{servlet=""} = sum(synapse_http_server_request_count:by_method) by (servlet)
 synapse_cache:hit_ratio_5m = rate(synapse_util_caches_cache:hits[5m]) / rate(synapse_util_caches_cache:total[5m])
 synapse_cache:hit_ratio_30s = rate(synapse_util_caches_cache:hits[30s]) / rate(synapse_util_caches_cache:total[30s])
diff --git a/contrib/prometheus/synapse-v2.rules b/contrib/prometheus/synapse-v2.rules
index 07e37a885e..6ccca2daaf 100644
--- a/contrib/prometheus/synapse-v2.rules
+++ b/contrib/prometheus/synapse-v2.rules
@@ -5,19 +5,19 @@ groups:
     expr: "sum(synapse_federation_transaction_queue_pendingEdus or absent(synapse_federation_transaction_queue_pendingEdus)*0)"
   - record: "synapse_federation_transaction_queue_pendingPdus:total"
     expr:   "sum(synapse_federation_transaction_queue_pendingPdus or absent(synapse_federation_transaction_queue_pendingPdus)*0)"
-  - record: 'synapse_http_server_requests:method'
+  - record: 'synapse_http_server_request_count:method'
       servlet: ""
-    expr: "sum(synapse_http_server_requests) by (method)"
-  - record: 'synapse_http_server_requests:servlet'
+    expr: "sum(synapse_http_server_request_count) by (method)"
+  - record: 'synapse_http_server_request_count:servlet'
       method: ""
-    expr: 'sum(synapse_http_server_requests) by (servlet)'
+    expr: 'sum(synapse_http_server_request_count) by (servlet)'
-  - record: 'synapse_http_server_requests:total'
+  - record: 'synapse_http_server_request_count:total'
       servlet: ""
-    expr: 'sum(synapse_http_server_requests:by_method) by (servlet)'
+    expr: 'sum(synapse_http_server_request_count:by_method) by (servlet)'
   - record: 'synapse_cache:hit_ratio_5m'
     expr: 'rate(synapse_util_caches_cache:hits[5m]) / rate(synapse_util_caches_cache:total[5m])'
diff --git a/contrib/systemd/synapse.service b/contrib/systemd/synapse.service
index 3f037055b9..b81ce3915d 100644
--- a/contrib/systemd/synapse.service
+++ b/contrib/systemd/synapse.service
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
 # (e.g. for ArchLinux)
 # rather than in a user home directory or similar under virtualenv.
+# **NOTE:** This is an example service file that may change in the future. If you
+# wish to use this please copy rather than symlink it.
 Description=Synapse Matrix homeserver
@@ -12,6 +15,7 @@ Group=synapse
 ExecStart=/usr/bin/python2.7 -m --config-path=/etc/synapse/homeserver.yaml
 ExecStop=/usr/bin/synctl stop /etc/synapse/homeserver.yaml
+# EnvironmentFile=-/etc/sysconfig/synapse  # Can be used to e.g. set SYNAPSE_CACHE_FACTOR 