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4 files changed, 26 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/webclient/test/README b/webclient/test/README
index c13010e614..1a7bc832c7 100644
--- a/webclient/test/README
+++ b/webclient/test/README
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ on. If you do, edit the config to point to that url):
   Create a file "environment-protractor.js" in this directory and type:
     module.exports = {
         seleniumAddress: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub',
-        loginUrl: "http://localhost:8008/_matrix/client/#/login",
+        baseUrl: "http://localhost:8008",
         username: "YOUR_TEST_USERNAME",
         password: "YOUR_TEST_PASSWORD"
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ on. If you do, edit the config to point to that url):
 Running e2e tests:
   protractor protractor.conf.js
+NOTE: This will create a public room on the target home server.
diff --git a/webclient/test/e2e/home.spec.js b/webclient/test/e2e/home.spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..470237d557
--- /dev/null
+++ b/webclient/test/e2e/home.spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+var env = require("../environment-protractor.js");
+describe("home page", function() {
+    beforeEach(function() {
+        ptor = protractor.getInstance();
+        // FIXME we use longpoll on the event stream, and I can't get $interval
+        // playing nicely with it. Patches welcome to fix this.
+        ptor.ignoreSynchronization = true;
+    }); 
+    it("should have a title", function() {
+        browser.get(env.baseUrl);
+        expect(browser.getTitle()).toEqual("[matrix]");
+    });
diff --git a/webclient/test/e2e/user.spec.js b/webclient/test/e2e/user.spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bbac53899b..0000000000
--- a/webclient/test/e2e/user.spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-describe("user page", function() {
-    it("should have a title", function() {
-        browser.get("");
-        expect(browser.getTitle()).toEqual("[matrix]");
-    });
diff --git a/webclient/test/protractor.conf.js b/webclient/test/protractor.conf.js
index 720096b390..76ae7b712b 100644
--- a/webclient/test/protractor.conf.js
+++ b/webclient/test/protractor.conf.js
@@ -3,9 +3,16 @@ exports.config = {
     seleniumAddress: env.seleniumAddress,
     specs: ['e2e/*.spec.js'],
     onPrepare: function() {
-        browser.driver.get(env.loginUrl);
+        browser.driver.get(env.baseUrl);
+        // wait till the login is done, detect via url change
+        browser.driver.wait(function() {
+            return browser.driver.getCurrentUrl().then(function(url) {
+                return !(/login/.test(url))
+            });
+        });