diff --git a/synapse/handlers/search.py b/synapse/handlers/search.py
index 2718e9482e..b7545c111f 100644
--- a/synapse/handlers/search.py
+++ b/synapse/handlers/search.py
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ from synapse.api.filtering import Filter
from synapse.api.errors import SynapseError
from synapse.events.utils import serialize_event
+from unpaddedbase64 import decode_base64, encode_base64
import logging
@@ -34,27 +36,59 @@ class SearchHandler(BaseHandler):
super(SearchHandler, self).__init__(hs)
- def search(self, user, content):
+ def search(self, user, content, batch=None):
"""Performs a full text search for a user.
user (UserID)
content (dict): Search parameters
+ batch (str): The next_batch parameter. Used for pagination.
dict to be returned to the client with results of search
+ batch_group = None
+ batch_group_key = None
+ batch_token = None
+ if batch:
+ try:
+ b = decode_base64(batch)
+ batch_group, batch_group_key, batch_token = b.split("\n")
+ assert batch_group is not None
+ assert batch_group_key is not None
+ assert batch_token is not None
+ except:
+ raise SynapseError(400, "Invalid batch")
- search_term = content["search_categories"]["room_events"]["search_term"]
- keys = content["search_categories"]["room_events"].get("keys", [
+ room_cat = content["search_categories"]["room_events"]
+ # The actual thing to query in FTS
+ search_term = room_cat["search_term"]
+ # Which "keys" to search over in FTS query
+ keys = room_cat.get("keys", [
"content.body", "content.name", "content.topic",
- filter_dict = content["search_categories"]["room_events"].get("filter", {})
- event_context = content["search_categories"]["room_events"].get(
+ # Filter to apply to results
+ filter_dict = room_cat.get("filter", {})
+ # What to order results by (impacts whether pagination can be doen)
+ order_by = room_cat.get("order_by", "rank")
+ # Include context around each event?
+ event_context = room_cat.get(
"event_context", None
+ # Group results together? May allow clients to paginate within a
+ # group
+ group_by = room_cat.get("groupings", {}).get("group_by", {})
+ group_keys = [g["key"] for g in group_by]
if event_context is not None:
before_limit = int(event_context.get(
"before_limit", 5
@@ -65,6 +99,15 @@ class SearchHandler(BaseHandler):
except KeyError:
raise SynapseError(400, "Invalid search query")
+ if order_by not in ("rank", "recent"):
+ raise SynapseError(400, "Invalid order by: %r" % (order_by,))
+ if set(group_keys) - {"room_id", "sender"}:
+ raise SynapseError(
+ 400,
+ "Invalid group by keys: %r" % (set(group_keys) - {"room_id", "sender"},)
+ )
search_filter = Filter(filter_dict)
# TODO: Search through left rooms too
@@ -77,19 +120,130 @@ class SearchHandler(BaseHandler):
room_ids = search_filter.filter_rooms(room_ids)
- rank_map, event_map, _ = yield self.store.search_msgs(
- room_ids, search_term, keys
- )
+ if batch_group == "room_id":
+ room_ids.intersection_update({batch_group_key})
- filtered_events = search_filter.filter(event_map.values())
+ rank_map = {} # event_id -> rank of event
+ allowed_events = []
+ room_groups = {} # Holds result of grouping by room, if applicable
+ sender_group = {} # Holds result of grouping by sender, if applicable
- allowed_events = yield self._filter_events_for_client(
- user.to_string(), filtered_events
- )
+ # Holds the next_batch for the entire result set if one of those exists
+ global_next_batch = None
- allowed_events.sort(key=lambda e: -rank_map[e.event_id])
- allowed_events = allowed_events[:search_filter.limit()]
+ if order_by == "rank":
+ results = yield self.store.search_msgs(
+ room_ids, search_term, keys
+ )
+ results_map = {r["event"].event_id: r for r in results}
+ rank_map.update({r["event"].event_id: r["rank"] for r in results})
+ filtered_events = search_filter.filter([r["event"] for r in results])
+ events = yield self._filter_events_for_client(
+ user.to_string(), filtered_events
+ )
+ events.sort(key=lambda e: -rank_map[e.event_id])
+ allowed_events = events[:search_filter.limit()]
+ for e in allowed_events:
+ rm = room_groups.setdefault(e.room_id, {
+ "results": [],
+ "order": rank_map[e.event_id],
+ })
+ rm["results"].append(e.event_id)
+ s = sender_group.setdefault(e.sender, {
+ "results": [],
+ "order": rank_map[e.event_id],
+ })
+ s["results"].append(e.event_id)
+ elif order_by == "recent":
+ # In this case we specifically loop through each room as the given
+ # limit applies to each room, rather than a global list.
+ # This is not necessarilly a good idea.
+ for room_id in room_ids:
+ room_events = []
+ if batch_group == "room_id" and batch_group_key == room_id:
+ pagination_token = batch_token
+ else:
+ pagination_token = None
+ i = 0
+ # We keep looping and we keep filtering until we reach the limit
+ # or we run out of things.
+ # But only go around 5 times since otherwise synapse will be sad.
+ while len(room_events) < search_filter.limit() and i < 5:
+ i += 1
+ results = yield self.store.search_room(
+ room_id, search_term, keys, search_filter.limit() * 2,
+ pagination_token=pagination_token,
+ )
+ results_map = {r["event"].event_id: r for r in results}
+ rank_map.update({r["event"].event_id: r["rank"] for r in results})
+ filtered_events = search_filter.filter([
+ r["event"] for r in results
+ ])
+ events = yield self._filter_events_for_client(
+ user.to_string(), filtered_events
+ )
+ room_events.extend(events)
+ room_events = room_events[:search_filter.limit()]
+ if len(results) < search_filter.limit() * 2:
+ pagination_token = None
+ break
+ else:
+ pagination_token = results[-1]["pagination_token"]
+ if room_events:
+ res = results_map[room_events[-1].event_id]
+ pagination_token = res["pagination_token"]
+ group = room_groups.setdefault(room_id, {})
+ if pagination_token:
+ next_batch = encode_base64("%s\n%s\n%s" % (
+ "room_id", room_id, pagination_token
+ ))
+ group["next_batch"] = next_batch
+ if batch_token:
+ global_next_batch = next_batch
+ group["results"] = [e.event_id for e in room_events]
+ group["order"] = max(
+ e.origin_server_ts/1000 for e in room_events
+ if hasattr(e, "origin_server_ts")
+ )
+ allowed_events.extend(room_events)
+ # Normalize the group orders
+ if room_groups:
+ if len(room_groups) > 1:
+ mx = max(g["order"] for g in room_groups.values())
+ mn = min(g["order"] for g in room_groups.values())
+ for g in room_groups.values():
+ g["order"] = (g["order"] - mn) * 1.0 / (mx - mn)
+ else:
+ room_groups.values()[0]["order"] = 1
+ else:
+ # We should never get here due to the guard earlier.
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ # If client has asked for "context" for each event (i.e. some surrounding
+ # events and state), fetch that
if event_context is not None:
now_token = yield self.hs.get_event_sources().get_current_token()
@@ -144,11 +298,22 @@ class SearchHandler(BaseHandler):
logger.info("Found %d results", len(results))
+ rooms_cat_res = {
+ "results": results,
+ "count": len(results)
+ }
+ if room_groups and "room_id" in group_keys:
+ rooms_cat_res.setdefault("groups", {})["room_id"] = room_groups
+ if sender_group and "sender" in group_keys:
+ rooms_cat_res.setdefault("groups", {})["sender"] = sender_group
+ if global_next_batch:
+ rooms_cat_res["next_batch"] = global_next_batch
"search_categories": {
- "room_events": {
- "results": results,
- "count": len(results)
- }
+ "room_events": rooms_cat_res
diff --git a/synapse/rest/client/v1/room.py b/synapse/rest/client/v1/room.py
index 3628298376..6e0d93766b 100644
--- a/synapse/rest/client/v1/room.py
+++ b/synapse/rest/client/v1/room.py
@@ -600,7 +600,8 @@ class SearchRestServlet(ClientV1RestServlet):
content = _parse_json(request)
- results = yield self.handlers.search_handler.search(auth_user, content)
+ batch = request.args.get("next_batch", [None])[0]
+ results = yield self.handlers.search_handler.search(auth_user, content, batch)
defer.returnValue((200, results))
diff --git a/synapse/storage/search.py b/synapse/storage/search.py
index cdf003502f..3cea2011fa 100644
--- a/synapse/storage/search.py
+++ b/synapse/storage/search.py
@@ -16,18 +16,13 @@
from twisted.internet import defer
from _base import SQLBaseStore
+from synapse.api.errors import SynapseError
from synapse.storage.engines import PostgresEngine, Sqlite3Engine
-from collections import namedtuple
+import logging
-"""The result of a search.
- rank_map (dict): Mapping event_id -> rank
- event_map (dict): Mapping event_id -> event
- pagination_token (str): Pagination token
-SearchResult = namedtuple("SearchResult", ("rank_map", "event_map", "pagination_token"))
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class SearchStore(SQLBaseStore):
@@ -42,7 +37,7 @@ class SearchStore(SQLBaseStore):
"content.body", "content.name", "content.topic"
- SearchResult
+ list of dicts
clauses = []
args = []
@@ -100,12 +95,103 @@ class SearchStore(SQLBaseStore):
for ev in events
- defer.returnValue(SearchResult(
+ defer.returnValue([
- r["event_id"]: r["rank"]
- for r in results
- if r["event_id"] in event_map
- },
- event_map,
- None
- ))
+ "event": event_map[r["event_id"]],
+ "rank": r["rank"],
+ }
+ for r in results
+ if r["event_id"] in event_map
+ ])
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def search_room(self, room_id, search_term, keys, limit, pagination_token=None):
+ """Performs a full text search over events with given keys.
+ Args:
+ room_id (str): The room_id to search in
+ search_term (str): Search term to search for
+ keys (list): List of keys to search in, currently supports
+ "content.body", "content.name", "content.topic"
+ pagination_token (str): A pagination token previously returned
+ Returns:
+ list of dicts
+ """
+ clauses = []
+ args = [search_term, room_id]
+ local_clauses = []
+ for key in keys:
+ local_clauses.append("key = ?")
+ args.append(key)
+ clauses.append(
+ "(%s)" % (" OR ".join(local_clauses),)
+ )
+ if pagination_token:
+ try:
+ topo, stream = pagination_token.split(",")
+ topo = int(topo)
+ stream = int(stream)
+ except:
+ raise SynapseError(400, "Invalid pagination token")
+ clauses.append(
+ "(topological_ordering < ?"
+ " OR (topological_ordering = ? AND stream_ordering < ?))"
+ )
+ args.extend([topo, topo, stream])
+ if isinstance(self.database_engine, PostgresEngine):
+ sql = (
+ "SELECT ts_rank_cd(vector, query) as rank,"
+ " topological_ordering, stream_ordering, room_id, event_id"
+ " FROM plainto_tsquery('english', ?) as query, event_search"
+ " NATURAL JOIN events"
+ " WHERE vector @@ query AND room_id = ?"
+ )
+ elif isinstance(self.database_engine, Sqlite3Engine):
+ sql = (
+ "SELECT rank(matchinfo(event_search)) as rank, room_id, event_id"
+ " topological_ordering, stream_ordering"
+ " FROM event_search"
+ " NATURAL JOIN events"
+ " WHERE value MATCH ? AND room_id = ?"
+ )
+ else:
+ # This should be unreachable.
+ raise Exception("Unrecognized database engine")
+ for clause in clauses:
+ sql += " AND " + clause
+ # We add an arbitrary limit here to ensure we don't try to pull the
+ # entire table from the database.
+ sql += " ORDER BY topological_ordering DESC, stream_ordering DESC LIMIT ?"
+ args.append(limit)
+ results = yield self._execute(
+ "search_rooms", self.cursor_to_dict, sql, *args
+ )
+ events = yield self._get_events([r["event_id"] for r in results])
+ event_map = {
+ ev.event_id: ev
+ for ev in events
+ }
+ defer.returnValue([
+ {
+ "event": event_map[r["event_id"]],
+ "rank": r["rank"],
+ "pagination_token": "%s,%s" % (
+ r["topological_ordering"], r["stream_ordering"]
+ ),
+ }
+ for r in results
+ if r["event_id"] in event_map
+ ])