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1 files changed, 603 insertions, 169 deletions
diff --git a/synapse/storage/ b/synapse/storage/
index 91ab02ddd1..da3a869272 100644
--- a/synapse/storage/
+++ b/synapse/storage/
@@ -19,8 +19,10 @@ from itertools import chain
 from threading import Lock
 from twisted.internet import defer
+from twisted.internet.defer import ensureDeferred
 from synapse.api.constants import EventTypes, Membership
+from import Sqlite3Engine
 from import get_statements
 from import StateDeltasStore
 from synapse.util.caches.descriptors import cached
@@ -35,14 +37,21 @@ ABSOLUTE_STATS_FIELDS = {
-        "state_events",
+        "total_events",  # TODO review this list
     "user": ("public_rooms", "private_rooms"),
-TYPE_TO_ROOM = {"room": ("room_stats", "room_id"), "user": ("user_stats", "user_id")}
+# these fields are per-timeslice and so should be reset to 0 upon a new slice
+PER_SLICE_FIELDS = {"room": (), "user": ()}
-TEMP_TABLE = "_temp_populate_stats"
+TYPE_TO_TABLE = {"room": ("room_stats", "room_id"), "user": ("user_stats", "user_id")}
+class OldCollectionRequired(Exception):
+    """ Signal that we need to collect old stats rows and retry. """
+    pass
 class StatsStore(StateDeltasStore):
@@ -57,120 +66,295 @@ class StatsStore(StateDeltasStore):
         self.stats_delta_processing_lock = Lock()
-            "populate_stats_createtables", self._populate_stats_createtables
+            "populate_stats_prepare", self._populate_stats_prepare
             "populate_stats_process_rooms", self._populate_stats_process_rooms
+            "populate_stats_process_users", self._populate_stats_process_users
+        )
+        self.register_background_update_handler(
             "populate_stats_cleanup", self._populate_stats_cleanup
+    def quantise_stats_time(self, ts):
+        return (ts // self.stats_bucket_size) * self.stats_bucket_size
+    async def _unwedge_incremental_processor(self, forced_promise):
+        """
+        Make a promise about what this initial background count will handle,
+        so that we can allow the incremental processor to start doing things
+        right away – 'unwedging' it.
+        """
+        if forced_promise is None:
+            promised_stats_delta_pos = (
+                await self.get_max_stream_id_in_current_state_deltas()
+            )
+            promised_max = self.get_room_max_stream_ordering()
+            promised_min = self.get_room_min_stream_ordering()
+            promised_positions = {
+                "state_delta_stream_id": promised_stats_delta_pos,
+                "total_events_min_stream_ordering": promised_min,
+                "total_events_max_stream_ordering": promised_max,
+            }
+        else:
+            promised_positions = forced_promise
+        # this stores it for our reference later
+        await self.update_stats_positions(
+            promised_positions, for_initial_processor=True
+        )
+        # this unwedges the incremental processor
+        await self.update_stats_positions(
+            promised_positions, for_initial_processor=False
+        )
-    def _populate_stats_createtables(self, progress, batch_size):
+    def _populate_stats_prepare(self, progress, batch_size):
         if not self.stats_enabled:
-            yield self._end_background_update("populate_stats_createtables")
+            yield self._end_background_update("populate_stats_prepare")
-        # Get all the rooms that we want to process.
-        def _make_staging_area(txn):
-            # Create the temporary tables
-            stmts = get_statements(
+        def _wedge_incremental_processor(txn):
+            """
+            Wedge the incremental processor (by setting its positions to NULL),
+            and return its previous positions – atomically.
+            """
+            with self.stats_delta_processing_lock:
+                old = self._get_stats_positions_txn(txn, for_initial_processor=False)
+                self._update_stats_positions_txn(txn, None, for_initial_processor=False)
+            return old
+        def _make_skeletons(txn):
+            """
+            Get all the rooms and users that we want to process, and create
+            'skeletons' (incomplete _stats_current rows) for them, if they do
+            not already have a row.
+            """
+            if isinstance(self.database_engine, Sqlite3Engine):
+                sqls = """
+                    INSERT OR IGNORE INTO room_stats_current (room_id)
+                    SELECT room_id FROM rooms;
+                    INSERT OR IGNORE INTO user_stats_current (user_id)
+                    SELECT name AS user_id FROM users;
+                """
+            else:
+                sqls = """
+                    INSERT INTO room_stats_current (room_id)
+                    SELECT room_id FROM rooms
+                    ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
+                    INSERT INTO user_stats_current (user_id)
+                    SELECT name AS user_id FROM users
+                    ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
-                -- We just recreate the table, we'll be reinserting the
-                -- correct entries again later anyway.
-                DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {temp}_rooms;
-                CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {temp}_rooms(
-                    room_id TEXT NOT NULL,
-                    events BIGINT NOT NULL
-                );
-                CREATE INDEX {temp}_rooms_events
-                    ON {temp}_rooms(events);
-                CREATE INDEX {temp}_rooms_id
-                    ON {temp}_rooms(room_id);
-            """.format(
-                    temp=TEMP_TABLE
-                ).splitlines()
-            )
-            for statement in stmts:
+            for statement in get_statements(sqls.splitlines()):
-            sql = (
-                "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "
-                + TEMP_TABLE
-                + "_position(position TEXT NOT NULL)"
-            )
-            txn.execute(sql)
+        def _delete_dirty_skeletons(txn):
+            sqls = """
+                DELETE FROM room_stats_current
+                WHERE completed_delta_stream_id IS NULL;
-            # Get rooms we want to process from the database, only adding
-            # those that we haven't (i.e. those not in room_stats_earliest_token)
-            sql = """
-                INSERT INTO %s_rooms (room_id, events)
-                SELECT c.room_id, count(*) FROM current_state_events AS c
-                LEFT JOIN room_stats_earliest_token AS t USING (room_id)
-                WHERE t.room_id IS NULL
-                GROUP BY c.room_id
-            """ % (
-                TEMP_TABLE,
-            )
-            txn.execute(sql)
+                DELETE FROM user_stats_current
+                WHERE completed_delta_stream_id IS NULL;
+            """
+            for statement in get_statements(sqls.splitlines()):
+                txn.execute(statement)
+        # first wedge the incremental processor and reset our promise
+        old_positions = yield self.runInteraction(
+            "populate_stats_wedge", _wedge_incremental_processor
+        )
+        if None in old_positions.values():
+            old_positions = None
+        # with the incremental processor wedged, we delete dirty skeleton rows
+        # since we don't want to double-count them.
+        yield self.runInteraction(
+            "populate_stats_delete_dirty_skeletons", _delete_dirty_skeletons
+        )
+        yield ensureDeferred(self._unwedge_incremental_processor(old_positions))
-        new_pos = yield self.get_max_stream_id_in_current_state_deltas()
-        yield self.runInteraction("populate_stats_temp_build", _make_staging_area)
-        yield self._simple_insert(TEMP_TABLE + "_position", {"position": new_pos})
-        self.get_earliest_token_for_room_stats.invalidate_all()
+        yield self.runInteraction("populate_stats_make_skeletons", _make_skeletons)
+        self.get_earliest_token_for_stats.invalidate_all()
-        yield self._end_background_update("populate_stats_createtables")
+        yield self._end_background_update("populate_stats_prepare")
     def _populate_stats_cleanup(self, progress, batch_size):
-        """
-        Update the user directory stream position, then clean up the old tables.
-        """
+        # TODO is there really no clean-up to be done?
+        # TODO if not self.stats_enabled ….
+        yield self._end_background_update("populate_stats_cleanup")
+        defer.returnValue(1)
+    @defer.inlineCallbacks
+    def _populate_stats_process_users(self, progress, batch_size):
         if not self.stats_enabled:
-            yield self._end_background_update("populate_stats_cleanup")
+            yield self._end_background_update("populate_stats_process_users")
-        position = yield self._simple_select_one_onecol(
-            TEMP_TABLE + "_position", None, "position"
+        def _get_next_batch(txn):
+            # Only fetch 250 users, so we don't fetch too many at once, even
+            # if those 250 users have less than batch_size state events.
+            sql = """
+                SELECT user_id FROM user_stats_current
+                WHERE completed_delta_stream_id IS NULL
+                LIMIT 250
+            """
+            txn.execute(sql)
+            users_to_work_on = txn.fetchall()
+            if not users_to_work_on:
+                return None
+            # Get how many are left to process, so we can give status on how
+            # far we are in processing
+            txn.execute(
+                "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM room_stats_current"
+                " WHERE completed_delta_stream_id IS NULL"
+            )
+            progress["remaining"] = txn.fetchone()[0]
+            return users_to_work_on
+        users_to_work_on = yield self.runInteraction(
+            "populate_stats_users_get_batch", _get_next_batch
-        yield self.update_stats_stream_pos(position)
-        def _delete_staging_area(txn):
-            txn.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TEMP_TABLE + "_rooms")
-            txn.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TEMP_TABLE + "_position")
+        # No more users -- complete the transaction.
+        if not users_to_work_on:
+            yield self._end_background_update("populate_stats_process_users")
+            defer.returnValue(1)
-        yield self.runInteraction("populate_stats_cleanup", _delete_staging_area)
+            "Processing the next %d users of %d remaining",
+            len(users_to_work_on),
+            progress["remaining"],
+        )
-        yield self._end_background_update("populate_stats_cleanup")
-        defer.returnValue(1)
+        processed_membership_count = 0
+        promised_positions = yield self.get_stats_positions(for_initial_processor=True)
+        if None in promised_positions:
+            logger.error(
+                "There is a None in promised_positions;"
+                " dependency task must not have been run."
+                " promised_positions: %s",
+                promised_positions,
+            )
+            yield self._end_background_update("populate_stats_process_users")
+            defer.returnValue(1)
+        for user_id in users_to_work_on:
+            now = self.hs.get_reactor().seconds()
+            def _process_user(txn):
+                # Get the current token
+                current_token = self._get_max_stream_id_in_current_state_deltas_txn(txn)
+                sql = """
+                    SELECT
+                        (
+                            join_rules = 'public'
+                            OR history_visibility = 'world_readable'
+                        ) AS is_public,
+                        COUNT(*) AS count
+                    FROM room_memberships
+                    JOIN room_state USING (room_id)
+                    WHERE
+                        user_id = ? AND membership = 'join'
+                    GROUP BY is_public
+                """
+                txn.execute(sql, (user_id,))
+                room_counts_by_publicness = dict(txn.fetchall())
+                try:
+                    self._update_stats_delta_txn(
+                        txn,
+                        now,
+                        "user",
+                        user_id,
+                        {},
+                        complete_with_stream_id=current_token,
+                        absolute_fields={
+                            # these are counted absolutely because it is
+                            # more difficult to count them from the promised time,
+                            # because counting them now can use the quick lookup
+                            # tables.
+                            "public_rooms": room_counts_by_publicness.get(True, 0),
+                            "private_rooms": room_counts_by_publicness.get(False, 0),
+                        },
+                    )
+                    # TODO CHECK: actually want to **overwrite** some of these!
+                except OldCollectionRequired:
+                    # this can't (shouldn't) actually happen
+                    # since we only run the background update for incomplete rows
+                    # and incomplete rows can never be old.
+                    # However, if it does, the most graceful handling is just to
+                    # ignore it – and carry on processing other users.
+                    logger.error(
+                        "Supposedly Impossible: OldCollectionRequired in initial"
+                        " background update, for user ID %s",
+                        user_id,
+                        exc_info=True,
+                    )
+                    pass
+                # we use this count for rate-limiting
+                return sum(room_counts_by_publicness.values())
+            processed_membership_count += yield self.runInteraction(
+                "update_user_stats", _process_user
+            )
+            # Update the remaining counter.
+            progress["remaining"] -= 1
+            if processed_membership_count > batch_size:
+                # Don't process any more users, we've hit our batch size.
+                defer.returnValue(processed_membership_count)
+        yield self.runInteraction(
+            "populate_stats",
+            self._background_update_progress_txn,
+            "populate_stats_process_users",
+            progress,
+        )
+        defer.returnValue(processed_membership_count)
     def _populate_stats_process_rooms(self, progress, batch_size):
         if not self.stats_enabled:
             yield self._end_background_update("populate_stats_process_rooms")
-        # If we don't have progress filed, delete everything.
-        if not progress:
-            yield self.delete_all_stats()
         def _get_next_batch(txn):
             # Only fetch 250 rooms, so we don't fetch too many at once, even
             # if those 250 rooms have less than batch_size state events.
             sql = """
-                SELECT room_id, events FROM %s_rooms
-                ORDER BY events DESC
+                SELECT room_id FROM room_stats_current
+                WHERE completed_delta_stream_id IS NULL
                 LIMIT 250
-            """ % (
-                TEMP_TABLE,
-            )
+            """
             rooms_to_work_on = txn.fetchall()
@@ -179,13 +363,16 @@ class StatsStore(StateDeltasStore):
             # Get how many are left to process, so we can give status on how
             # far we are in processing
-            txn.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + TEMP_TABLE + "_rooms")
+            txn.execute(
+                "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM room_stats_current"
+                " WHERE completed_delta_stream_id IS NULL"
+            )
             progress["remaining"] = txn.fetchone()[0]
             return rooms_to_work_on
         rooms_to_work_on = yield self.runInteraction(
-            "populate_stats_temp_read", _get_next_batch
+            "populate_stats_rooms_get_batch", _get_next_batch
         # No more rooms -- complete the transaction.
@@ -202,8 +389,19 @@ class StatsStore(StateDeltasStore):
         # Number of state events we've processed by going through each room
         processed_event_count = 0
-        for room_id, event_count in rooms_to_work_on:
+        promised_positions = yield self.get_stats_positions(for_initial_processor=True)
+        if None in promised_positions:
+            logger.error(
+                "There is a None in promised_positions;"
+                " dependency task must not have been run."
+                " promised_positions: %s",
+                promised_positions,
+            )
+            yield self._end_background_update("populate_stats_process_rooms")
+            defer.returnValue(1)
+        for room_id in rooms_to_work_on:
             current_state_ids = yield self.get_current_state_ids(room_id)
             join_rules_id = current_state_ids.get((EventTypes.JoinRules, ""))
@@ -251,11 +449,7 @@ class StatsStore(StateDeltasStore):
             now = self.hs.get_reactor().seconds()
-            # quantise time to the nearest bucket
-            now = (now // self.stats_bucket_size) * self.stats_bucket_size
             def _fetch_data(txn):
                 # Get the current token of the room
                 current_token = self._get_max_stream_id_in_current_state_deltas_txn(txn)
@@ -263,58 +457,140 @@ class StatsStore(StateDeltasStore):
                 membership_counts = self._get_user_counts_in_room_txn(txn, room_id)
-                total_state_events = self._get_total_state_event_counts_txn(
-                    txn, room_id
-                )
-                self._update_stats_txn(
+                room_total_event_count = self._count_events_in_room_txn(
-                    "room",
-                    now,
-                    {
-                        "bucket_size": self.stats_bucket_size,
-                        "current_state_events": current_state_events,
-                        "joined_members": membership_counts.get(Membership.JOIN, 0),
-                        "invited_members": membership_counts.get(Membership.INVITE, 0),
-                        "left_members": membership_counts.get(Membership.LEAVE, 0),
-                        "banned_members": membership_counts.get(Membership.BAN, 0),
-                        "state_events": total_state_events,
-                    },
-                )
-                self._simple_insert_txn(
-                    txn,
-                    "room_stats_earliest_token",
-                    {"room_id": room_id, "token": current_token},
-                )
-                # We've finished a room. Delete it from the table.
-                self._simple_delete_one_txn(
-                    txn, TEMP_TABLE + "_rooms", {"room_id": room_id}
+                    promised_positions["total_events_min_stream_ordering"],
+                    promised_positions["total_events_max_stream_ordering"],
-            yield self.runInteraction("update_room_stats", _fetch_data)
+                try:
+                    self._update_stats_delta_txn(
+                        txn,
+                        now,
+                        "room",
+                        room_id,
+                        {"total_events": room_total_event_count},
+                        complete_with_stream_id=current_token,
+                        absolute_fields={
+                            # these are counted absolutely because it is
+                            # more difficult to count them from the promised time,
+                            # because counting them now can use the quick lookup
+                            # tables.
+                            "current_state_events": current_state_events,
+                            "joined_members": membership_counts.get(Membership.JOIN, 0),
+                            "invited_members": membership_counts.get(
+                                Membership.INVITE, 0
+                            ),
+                            "left_members": membership_counts.get(Membership.LEAVE, 0),
+                            "banned_members": membership_counts.get(Membership.BAN, 0),
+                        },
+                    )
+                    # TODO CHECK: actually want to **overwrite** some of these!
+                except OldCollectionRequired:
+                    # this can't (shouldn't) actually happen
+                    # since we only run the background update for incomplete rows
+                    # and incomplete rows can never be old.
+                    # However, if it does, the most graceful handling is just to
+                    # ignore it – and carry on processing other rooms.
+                    logger.error(
+                        "Supposedly Impossible: OldCollectionRequired in initial"
+                        " background update, for room ID %s",
+                        room_id,
+                        exc_info=True,
+                    )
+                    pass
+                # we use this count for rate-limiting
+                return room_total_event_count
+            room_event_count = yield self.runInteraction(
+                "update_room_stats", _fetch_data
+            )
             # Update the remaining counter.
             progress["remaining"] -= 1
-            yield self.runInteraction(
-                "populate_stats",
-                self._background_update_progress_txn,
-                "populate_stats_process_rooms",
-                progress,
-            )
-            processed_event_count += event_count
+            processed_event_count += room_event_count
             if processed_event_count > batch_size:
                 # Don't process any more rooms, we've hit our batch size.
+        yield self.runInteraction(
+            "populate_stats",
+            self._background_update_progress_txn,
+            "populate_stats_process_rooms",
+            progress,
+        )
+    def update_total_event_count_between_txn(self, txn, low_pos, high_pos):
+        """
+        Updates the total_events counts for rooms
+        Args:
+            txn: Database transaction. It is assumed that you will have one,
+                since you probably want to update pointers at the same time.
+            low_pos: The old stream position (stream position of the last event
+                that was already handled.)
+            high_pos: The new stream position (stream position of the new last
+                event to handle.)
+        """
+        if low_pos >= high_pos:
+            # nothing to do here.
+            return
+        now = self.hs.get_reactor().seconds()
+        # we choose comparators based on the signs
+        low_comparator = "<=" if low_pos < 0 else "<"
+        high_comparator = "<" if high_pos < 0 else "<="
+        # so, examples:
+        # 3, 7 → 3 < … <= 7 (normal-filled)
+        # -4, -2 → -4 <= … < -2 (backfilled)
+        # -7, 7 → -7 <= … <= 7 (both)
+        sql = """
+            SELECT room_id, COUNT(*) AS new_events
+            FROM events
+            WHERE ? %s stream_ordering AND stream_ordering %s ?
+            GROUP BY room_id
+        """ % (
+            low_comparator,
+            high_comparator,
+        )
+        txn.execute(sql, (low_pos, high_pos))
+        for room_id, new_events in txn.fetchall():
+            while True:
+                try:
+                    self._update_stats_delta_txn(
+                        txn, now, "room", room_id, {"total_events": new_events}
+                    )
+                    break
+                except OldCollectionRequired:
+                    self._collect_old_txn(txn, "room")
+                    continue
+    def _count_events_in_room_txn(self, txn, room_id, low_token, high_token):
+        sql = """
+            SELECT COUNT(*) AS num_events
+            FROM events
+            WHERE room_id = ?
+                AND ? <= stream_ordering
+                AND stream_ordering <= ?
+        """
+        txn.execute(sql, (room_id, low_token, high_token))
+        return txn.fetchone()[0]
     def delete_all_stats(self):
         Delete all statistics records.
+        TODO obsolete?
         def _delete_all_stats_txn(txn):
@@ -435,7 +711,7 @@ class StatsStore(StateDeltasStore):
-    def get_earliest_token_for_room_stats(self, room_id):
+    def get_earliest_token_for_stats(self, stats_type, id):
         Fetch the "earliest token". This is used by the room stats delta
         processor to ignore deltas that have been processed between the
@@ -445,15 +721,17 @@ class StatsStore(StateDeltasStore):
+        table, id_col = TYPE_TO_TABLE[stats_type]
         return self._simple_select_one_onecol(
-            "room_stats_earliest_token",
-            {"room_id": room_id},
-            retcol="token",
+            "%s_current" % (table,),
+            {id_col: id},
+            retcol="completed_delta_stream_id",
     def update_stats(self, stats_type, stats_id, ts, fields):
-        table, id_col = TYPE_TO_ROOM[stats_type]
+        table, id_col = TYPE_TO_TABLE[stats_type]
         return self._simple_upsert(
             keyvalues={id_col: stats_id, "ts": ts},
@@ -462,62 +740,218 @@ class StatsStore(StateDeltasStore):
     def _update_stats_txn(self, txn, stats_type, stats_id, ts, fields):
-        table, id_col = TYPE_TO_ROOM[stats_type]
+        table, id_col = TYPE_TO_TABLE[stats_type]
         return self._simple_upsert_txn(
             txn, table=table, keyvalues={id_col: stats_id, "ts": ts}, values=fields
-    def update_stats_delta(self, ts, stats_type, stats_id, field, value):
-        def _update_stats_delta(txn):
-            table, id_col = TYPE_TO_ROOM[stats_type]
+    def _collect_old_txn(self, txn, stats_type, limit=500):
+        # we do them in batches to prevent concurrent updates from
+        # messing us over with lots of retries
-            sql = (
-                "SELECT * FROM %s"
-                " WHERE %s=? and ts=("
-                "  SELECT MAX(ts) FROM %s"
-                "  WHERE %s=?"
-                ")"
-            ) % (table, id_col, table, id_col)
-            txn.execute(sql, (stats_id, stats_id))
-            rows = self.cursor_to_dict(txn)
-            if len(rows) == 0:
-                # silently skip as we don't have anything to apply a delta to yet.
-                # this tries to minimise any race between the initial sync and
-                # subsequent deltas arriving.
+        now = self.hs.get_reactor().seconds()
+        quantised_ts = self.quantise_stats_time(now)
+        table, id_col = TYPE_TO_TABLE[stats_type]
+        fields = ", ".join(
+            field
+            for field in chain(
+                ABSOLUTE_STATS_FIELDS[stats_type], PER_SLICE_FIELDS[stats_type]
+            )
+        )
+        sql = ("SELECT %s FROM %s_current WHERE end_ts <= ? LIMIT %d FOR UPDATE") % (
+            id_col,
+            table,
+            limit,
+        )
+        txn.execute(sql, (quantised_ts,))
+        maybe_more = txn.rowcount == limit
+        updates = txn.fetchall()
+        sql = (
+            "INSERT INTO %s_historical (%s, %s, bucket_size, end_ts)"
+            " SELECT %s, %s, end_ts - start_ts AS bucket_size, end_ts"
+            " FROM %s_current WHERE %s = ?"
+        ) % (table, id_col, fields, id_col, fields, table, id_col)
+        txn.executemany(sql, updates)
+        sql = ("UPDATE %s_current SET start_ts = NULL, end_ts = NULL WHERE %s = ?") % (
+            table,
+            id_col,
+        )
+        txn.executemany(sql, updates)
+        return maybe_more
+    async def collect_old(self, stats_type):
+        while True:
+            maybe_more = await self.runInteraction(
+                "stats_collect_old", self._collect_old_txn, stats_type
+            )
+            if not maybe_more:
-            current_ts = ts
-            latest_ts = rows[0]["ts"]
-            if current_ts < latest_ts:
-                # This one is in the past, but we're just encountering it now.
-                # Mark it as part of the current bucket.
-                current_ts = latest_ts
-            elif ts != latest_ts:
-                # we have to copy our absolute counters over to the new entry.
-                values = {
-                    key: rows[0][key] for key in ABSOLUTE_STATS_FIELDS[stats_type]
-                }
-                values[id_col] = stats_id
-                values["ts"] = ts
-                values["bucket_size"] = self.stats_bucket_size
-                self._simple_insert_txn(txn, table=table, values=values)
-            # actually update the new value
-            if stats_type in ABSOLUTE_STATS_FIELDS[stats_type]:
-                self._simple_update_txn(
-                    txn,
-                    table=table,
-                    keyvalues={id_col: stats_id, "ts": current_ts},
-                    updatevalues={field: value},
+    async def update_stats_delta(
+        self, ts, stats_type, stats_id, fields, complete_with_stream_id=None
+    ):
+        """
+        Args:
+            ts (int):
+            stats_type (str):
+            stats_id (str):
+            fields (dict[str, int]): Deltas of stats values.
+            complete_with_stream_id (int, optional):
+        Returns:
+        """
+        while True:
+            try:
+                return await self.runInteraction(
+                    "update_stats_delta",
+                    self._update_stats_delta_txn,
+                    ts,
+                    stats_type,
+                    stats_id,
+                    fields,
+                    complete_with_stream_id=complete_with_stream_id,
-            else:
-                sql = ("UPDATE %s SET %s=%s+? WHERE %s=? AND ts=?") % (
-                    table,
-                    field,
-                    field,
-                    id_col,
+            except OldCollectionRequired:
+                # retry after collecting old rows
+                await self.collect_old(stats_type)
+    def _update_stats_delta_txn(
+        self,
+        txn,
+        ts,
+        stats_type,
+        stats_id,
+        fields,
+        complete_with_stream_id=None,
+        absolute_fields=None,
+    ):
+        table, id_col = TYPE_TO_TABLE[stats_type]
+        quantised_ts = self.quantise_stats_time(int(ts))
+        end_ts = quantised_ts + self.stats_bucket_size
+        field_sqls = ["%s = %s + ?" % (field, field) for field in fields.keys()]
+        field_values = list(fields.values())
+        if absolute_fields is not None:
+            field_sqls += ["%s = ?" % (field,) for field in absolute_fields.keys()]
+            field_values += list(absolute_fields.values())
+        if complete_with_stream_id is not None:
+            field_sqls.append("completed_delta_stream_id = ?")
+            field_values.append(complete_with_stream_id)
+        sql = (
+            "UPDATE %s_current SET end_ts = ?, %s"
+            " WHERE (end_ts IS NOT NULL AND (end_ts >= ? OR completed_delta_stream_id IS NULL))"
+            " AND %s = ?"
+        ) % (table, ", ".join(field_sqls), id_col)
+        qargs = [end_ts] + list(field_values) + [end_ts, stats_id]
+        txn.execute(sql, qargs)
+        if txn.rowcount > 0:
+            # success.
+            return
+        # if we're here, it's because we didn't succeed in updating a stats
+        # row. Why? Let's find out…
+        current_row = self._simple_select_one_txn(
+            txn,
+            table + "_current",
+            {id_col: stats_id},
+            ("end_ts", "completed_delta_stream_id"),
+            allow_none=True,
+        )
+        if current_row is None:
+            # we need to insert a row! (insert a dirty, incomplete row)
+            insertee = {
+                id_col: stats_id,
+                "end_ts": end_ts,
+                "start_ts": ts,  # TODO or do we use qts?
+                "completed_delta_stream_id": complete_with_stream_id,
+            }
+            # we assume that, by default, blank fields should be zero.
+            for field_name in ABSOLUTE_STATS_FIELDS[stats_type]:
+                insertee[field_name] = 0
+            for field_name in PER_SLICE_FIELDS[stats_type]:
+                insertee[field_name] = 0
+            for (field, value) in fields.items():
+                insertee[field] = value
+            if absolute_fields is not None:
+                for (field, value) in absolute_fields.items():
+                    insertee[field] = value
+            self._simple_insert_txn(txn, table + "_current", insertee)
+        elif current_row["end_ts"] is None:
+            # update the row, including start_ts
+            sql = (
+                "UPDATE %s_current SET start_ts = ?, end_ts = ?, %s"
+                " WHERE end_ts IS NULL AND %s = ?"
+            ) % (table, ", ".join(field_sqls), id_col)
+            qargs = (
+                [end_ts - self.stats_bucket_size, end_ts]
+                + list(field_values)
+                + [stats_id]
+            )
+            txn.execute(sql, qargs)
+            if txn.rowcount == 0:
+                raise RuntimeError(
+                    "Should be impossible: No rows updated"
+                    " but all conditions are known to be met."
-                txn.execute(sql, (value, stats_id, current_ts))
-        return self.runInteraction("update_stats_delta", _update_stats_delta)
+        elif current_row["end_ts"] < end_ts:
+            # we need to perform old collection first
+            raise OldCollectionRequired()
+    def incremental_update_total_events(self, in_positions):
+        def incremental_update_total_events_txn(txn):
+            positions = in_positions.copy()
+            max_pos = self.get_room_max_stream_ordering()
+            min_pos = self.get_room_min_stream_ordering()
+            self.update_total_event_count_between_txn(
+                txn,
+                low_pos=positions["total_events_max_stream_ordering"],
+                high_pos=max_pos,
+            )
+            self.update_total_event_count_between_txn(
+                txn,
+                low_pos=min_pos,
+                high_pos=positions["total_events_min_stream_ordering"],
+            )
+            if (
+                positions["total_events_max_stream_ordering"] != max_pos
+                or positions["total_events_min_stream_ordering"] != min_pos
+            ):
+                positions["total_events_max_stream_ordering"] = max_pos
+                positions["total_events_min_stream_ordering"] = min_pos
+                self._update_stats_positions_txn(txn, positions)
+            return positions
+        return self.runInteraction(
+            "stats_incremental_total_events", incremental_update_total_events_txn
+        )