diff --git a/changelog.d/8700.feature b/changelog.d/8700.feature
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..47d63dce02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/changelog.d/8700.feature
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Add an admin API for local user media statistics. Contributed by @dklimpel.
diff --git a/docs/admin_api/statistics.md b/docs/admin_api/statistics.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d398a120fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/admin_api/statistics.md
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# Users' media usage statistics
+Returns information about all local media usage of users. Gives the
+possibility to filter them by time and user.
+The API is:
+GET /_synapse/admin/v1/statistics/users/media
+To use it, you will need to authenticate by providing an `access_token`
+for a server admin: see [README.rst](README.rst).
+A response body like the following is returned:
+ "users": [
+ {
+ "displayname": "foo_user_0",
+ "media_count": 2,
+ "media_length": 134,
+ "user_id": "@foo_user_0:test"
+ },
+ {
+ "displayname": "foo_user_1",
+ "media_count": 2,
+ "media_length": 134,
+ "user_id": "@foo_user_1:test"
+ }
+ ],
+ "next_token": 3,
+ "total": 10
+To paginate, check for `next_token` and if present, call the endpoint
+again with `from` set to the value of `next_token`. This will return a new page.
+If the endpoint does not return a `next_token` then there are no more
+reports to paginate through.
+The following parameters should be set in the URL:
+* `limit`: string representing a positive integer - Is optional but is
+ used for pagination, denoting the maximum number of items to return
+ in this call. Defaults to `100`.
+* `from`: string representing a positive integer - Is optional but used for pagination,
+ denoting the offset in the returned results. This should be treated as an opaque value
+ and not explicitly set to anything other than the return value of `next_token` from a
+ previous call. Defaults to `0`.
+* `order_by` - string - The method in which to sort the returned list of users. Valid values are:
+ - `user_id` - Users are ordered alphabetically by `user_id`. This is the default.
+ - `displayname` - Users are ordered alphabetically by `displayname`.
+ - `media_length` - Users are ordered by the total size of uploaded media in bytes.
+ Smallest to largest.
+ - `media_count` - Users are ordered by number of uploaded media. Smallest to largest.
+* `from_ts` - string representing a positive integer - Considers only
+ files created at this timestamp or later. Unix timestamp in ms.
+* `until_ts` - string representing a positive integer - Considers only
+ files created at this timestamp or earlier. Unix timestamp in ms.
+* `search_term` - string - Filter users by their user ID localpart **or** displayname.
+ The search term can be found in any part of the string.
+ Defaults to no filtering.
+* `dir` - string - Direction of order. Either `f` for forwards or `b` for backwards.
+ Setting this value to `b` will reverse the above sort order. Defaults to `f`.
+The following fields are returned in the JSON response body:
+* `users` - An array of objects, each containing information
+ about the user and their local media. Objects contain the following fields:
+ - `displayname` - string - Displayname of this user.
+ - `media_count` - integer - Number of uploaded media by this user.
+ - `media_length` - integer - Size of uploaded media in bytes by this user.
+ - `user_id` - string - Fully-qualified user ID (ex. `@user:server.com`).
+* `next_token` - integer - Opaque value used for pagination. See above.
+* `total` - integer - Total number of users after filtering.
diff --git a/synapse/rest/admin/__init__.py b/synapse/rest/admin/__init__.py
index fa7e9e4043..2a4f7a1740 100644
--- a/synapse/rest/admin/__init__.py
+++ b/synapse/rest/admin/__init__.py
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ from synapse.rest.admin.rooms import (
from synapse.rest.admin.server_notice_servlet import SendServerNoticeServlet
+from synapse.rest.admin.statistics import UserMediaStatisticsRestServlet
from synapse.rest.admin.users import (
@@ -227,6 +228,7 @@ def register_servlets(hs, http_server):
+ UserMediaStatisticsRestServlet(hs).register(http_server)
diff --git a/synapse/rest/admin/statistics.py b/synapse/rest/admin/statistics.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f2490e382d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/synapse/rest/admin/statistics.py
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2020 Dirk Klimpel
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Tuple
+from synapse.api.errors import Codes, SynapseError
+from synapse.http.servlet import RestServlet, parse_integer, parse_string
+from synapse.http.site import SynapseRequest
+from synapse.rest.admin._base import admin_patterns, assert_requester_is_admin
+from synapse.storage.databases.main.stats import UserSortOrder
+from synapse.types import JsonDict
+ from synapse.server import HomeServer
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class UserMediaStatisticsRestServlet(RestServlet):
+ """
+ Get statistics about uploaded media by users.
+ """
+ PATTERNS = admin_patterns("/statistics/users/media$")
+ def __init__(self, hs: "HomeServer"):
+ self.hs = hs
+ self.auth = hs.get_auth()
+ self.store = hs.get_datastore()
+ async def on_GET(self, request: SynapseRequest) -> Tuple[int, JsonDict]:
+ await assert_requester_is_admin(self.auth, request)
+ order_by = parse_string(
+ request, "order_by", default=UserSortOrder.USER_ID.value
+ )
+ if order_by not in (
+ UserSortOrder.MEDIA_LENGTH.value,
+ UserSortOrder.MEDIA_COUNT.value,
+ UserSortOrder.USER_ID.value,
+ UserSortOrder.DISPLAYNAME.value,
+ ):
+ raise SynapseError(
+ 400,
+ "Unknown value for order_by: %s" % (order_by,),
+ errcode=Codes.INVALID_PARAM,
+ )
+ start = parse_integer(request, "from", default=0)
+ if start < 0:
+ raise SynapseError(
+ 400,
+ "Query parameter from must be a string representing a positive integer.",
+ errcode=Codes.INVALID_PARAM,
+ )
+ limit = parse_integer(request, "limit", default=100)
+ if limit < 0:
+ raise SynapseError(
+ 400,
+ "Query parameter limit must be a string representing a positive integer.",
+ errcode=Codes.INVALID_PARAM,
+ )
+ from_ts = parse_integer(request, "from_ts", default=0)
+ if from_ts < 0:
+ raise SynapseError(
+ 400,
+ "Query parameter from_ts must be a string representing a positive integer.",
+ errcode=Codes.INVALID_PARAM,
+ )
+ until_ts = parse_integer(request, "until_ts")
+ if until_ts is not None:
+ if until_ts < 0:
+ raise SynapseError(
+ 400,
+ "Query parameter until_ts must be a string representing a positive integer.",
+ errcode=Codes.INVALID_PARAM,
+ )
+ if until_ts <= from_ts:
+ raise SynapseError(
+ 400,
+ "Query parameter until_ts must be greater than from_ts.",
+ errcode=Codes.INVALID_PARAM,
+ )
+ search_term = parse_string(request, "search_term")
+ if search_term == "":
+ raise SynapseError(
+ 400,
+ "Query parameter search_term cannot be an empty string.",
+ errcode=Codes.INVALID_PARAM,
+ )
+ direction = parse_string(request, "dir", default="f")
+ if direction not in ("f", "b"):
+ raise SynapseError(
+ 400, "Unknown direction: %s" % (direction,), errcode=Codes.INVALID_PARAM
+ )
+ users_media, total = await self.store.get_users_media_usage_paginate(
+ start, limit, from_ts, until_ts, order_by, direction, search_term
+ )
+ ret = {"users": users_media, "total": total}
+ if (start + limit) < total:
+ ret["next_token"] = start + len(users_media)
+ return 200, ret
diff --git a/synapse/storage/databases/main/stats.py b/synapse/storage/databases/main/stats.py
index 5beb302be3..0cdb3ec1f7 100644
--- a/synapse/storage/databases/main/stats.py
+++ b/synapse/storage/databases/main/stats.py
@@ -16,15 +16,18 @@
import logging
from collections import Counter
+from enum import Enum
from itertools import chain
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
from twisted.internet.defer import DeferredLock
from synapse.api.constants import EventTypes, Membership
+from synapse.api.errors import StoreError
from synapse.storage.database import DatabasePool
from synapse.storage.databases.main.state_deltas import StateDeltasStore
from synapse.storage.engines import PostgresEngine
+from synapse.types import JsonDict
from synapse.util.caches.descriptors import cached
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -59,6 +62,23 @@ TYPE_TO_TABLE = {"room": ("room_stats", "room_id"), "user": ("user_stats", "user
TYPE_TO_ORIGIN_TABLE = {"room": ("rooms", "room_id"), "user": ("users", "name")}
+class UserSortOrder(Enum):
+ """
+ Enum to define the sorting method used when returning users
+ with get_users_media_usage_paginate
+ MEDIA_LENGTH = ordered by size of uploaded media. Smallest to largest.
+ MEDIA_COUNT = ordered by number of uploaded media. Smallest to largest.
+ USER_ID = ordered alphabetically by `user_id`.
+ DISPLAYNAME = ordered alphabetically by `displayname`
+ """
+ MEDIA_LENGTH = "media_length"
+ MEDIA_COUNT = "media_count"
+ USER_ID = "user_id"
+ DISPLAYNAME = "displayname"
class StatsStore(StateDeltasStore):
def __init__(self, database: DatabasePool, db_conn, hs):
super().__init__(database, db_conn, hs)
@@ -882,3 +902,110 @@ class StatsStore(StateDeltasStore):
absolute_field_overrides={"joined_rooms": joined_rooms},
+ async def get_users_media_usage_paginate(
+ self,
+ start: int,
+ limit: int,
+ from_ts: Optional[int] = None,
+ until_ts: Optional[int] = None,
+ order_by: Optional[UserSortOrder] = UserSortOrder.USER_ID.value,
+ direction: Optional[str] = "f",
+ search_term: Optional[str] = None,
+ ) -> Tuple[List[JsonDict], Dict[str, int]]:
+ """Function to retrieve a paginated list of users and their uploaded local media
+ (size and number). This will return a json list of users and the
+ total number of users matching the filter criteria.
+ Args:
+ start: offset to begin the query from
+ limit: number of rows to retrieve
+ from_ts: request only media that are created later than this timestamp (ms)
+ until_ts: request only media that are created earlier than this timestamp (ms)
+ order_by: the sort order of the returned list
+ direction: sort ascending or descending
+ search_term: a string to filter user names by
+ Returns:
+ A list of user dicts and an integer representing the total number of
+ users that exist given this query
+ """
+ def get_users_media_usage_paginate_txn(txn):
+ filters = []
+ args = [self.hs.config.server_name]
+ if search_term:
+ filters.append("(lmr.user_id LIKE ? OR displayname LIKE ?)")
+ args.extend(["@%" + search_term + "%:%", "%" + search_term + "%"])
+ if from_ts:
+ filters.append("created_ts >= ?")
+ args.extend([from_ts])
+ if until_ts:
+ filters.append("created_ts <= ?")
+ args.extend([until_ts])
+ # Set ordering
+ if UserSortOrder(order_by) == UserSortOrder.MEDIA_LENGTH:
+ order_by_column = "media_length"
+ elif UserSortOrder(order_by) == UserSortOrder.MEDIA_COUNT:
+ order_by_column = "media_count"
+ elif UserSortOrder(order_by) == UserSortOrder.USER_ID:
+ order_by_column = "lmr.user_id"
+ elif UserSortOrder(order_by) == UserSortOrder.DISPLAYNAME:
+ order_by_column = "displayname"
+ else:
+ raise StoreError(
+ 500, "Incorrect value for order_by provided: %s" % order_by
+ )
+ if direction == "b":
+ order = "DESC"
+ else:
+ order = "ASC"
+ where_clause = "WHERE " + " AND ".join(filters) if len(filters) > 0 else ""
+ sql_base = """
+ FROM local_media_repository as lmr
+ LEFT JOIN profiles AS p ON lmr.user_id = '@' || p.user_id || ':' || ?
+ {}
+ GROUP BY lmr.user_id, displayname
+ """.format(
+ where_clause
+ )
+ # SQLite does not support SELECT COUNT(*) OVER()
+ sql = """
+ SELECT lmr.user_id
+ {sql_base}
+ ) AS count_user_ids
+ """.format(
+ sql_base=sql_base,
+ )
+ txn.execute(sql, args)
+ count = txn.fetchone()[0]
+ sql = """
+ lmr.user_id,
+ displayname,
+ COUNT(lmr.user_id) as media_count,
+ SUM(media_length) as media_length
+ {sql_base}
+ ORDER BY {order_by_column} {order}
+ """.format(
+ sql_base=sql_base, order_by_column=order_by_column, order=order,
+ )
+ args += [limit, start]
+ txn.execute(sql, args)
+ users = self.db_pool.cursor_to_dict(txn)
+ return users, count
+ return await self.db_pool.runInteraction(
+ "get_users_media_usage_paginate_txn", get_users_media_usage_paginate_txn
+ )
diff --git a/tests/rest/admin/test_statistics.py b/tests/rest/admin/test_statistics.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..816683a612
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/rest/admin/test_statistics.py
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2020 Dirk Klimpel
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import json
+from binascii import unhexlify
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
+import synapse.rest.admin
+from synapse.api.errors import Codes
+from synapse.rest.client.v1 import login
+from tests import unittest
+class UserMediaStatisticsTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
+ servlets = [
+ synapse.rest.admin.register_servlets,
+ login.register_servlets,
+ ]
+ def prepare(self, reactor, clock, hs):
+ self.store = hs.get_datastore()
+ self.media_repo = hs.get_media_repository_resource()
+ self.admin_user = self.register_user("admin", "pass", admin=True)
+ self.admin_user_tok = self.login("admin", "pass")
+ self.other_user = self.register_user("user", "pass")
+ self.other_user_tok = self.login("user", "pass")
+ self.url = "/_synapse/admin/v1/statistics/users/media"
+ def test_no_auth(self):
+ """
+ Try to list users without authentication.
+ """
+ request, channel = self.make_request("GET", self.url, b"{}")
+ self.render(request)
+ self.assertEqual(401, int(channel.result["code"]), msg=channel.result["body"])
+ self.assertEqual(Codes.MISSING_TOKEN, channel.json_body["errcode"])
+ def test_requester_is_no_admin(self):
+ """
+ If the user is not a server admin, an error 403 is returned.
+ """
+ request, channel = self.make_request(
+ "GET", self.url, json.dumps({}), access_token=self.other_user_tok,
+ )
+ self.render(request)
+ self.assertEqual(403, int(channel.result["code"]), msg=channel.result["body"])
+ self.assertEqual(Codes.FORBIDDEN, channel.json_body["errcode"])
+ def test_invalid_parameter(self):
+ """
+ If parameters are invalid, an error is returned.
+ """
+ # unkown order_by
+ request, channel = self.make_request(
+ "GET", self.url + "?order_by=bar", access_token=self.admin_user_tok,
+ )
+ self.render(request)
+ self.assertEqual(400, int(channel.result["code"]), msg=channel.result["body"])
+ self.assertEqual(Codes.INVALID_PARAM, channel.json_body["errcode"])
+ # negative from
+ request, channel = self.make_request(
+ "GET", self.url + "?from=-5", access_token=self.admin_user_tok,
+ )
+ self.render(request)
+ self.assertEqual(400, int(channel.result["code"]), msg=channel.result["body"])
+ self.assertEqual(Codes.INVALID_PARAM, channel.json_body["errcode"])
+ # negative limit
+ request, channel = self.make_request(
+ "GET", self.url + "?limit=-5", access_token=self.admin_user_tok,
+ )
+ self.render(request)
+ self.assertEqual(400, int(channel.result["code"]), msg=channel.result["body"])
+ self.assertEqual(Codes.INVALID_PARAM, channel.json_body["errcode"])
+ # negative from_ts
+ request, channel = self.make_request(
+ "GET", self.url + "?from_ts=-1234", access_token=self.admin_user_tok,
+ )
+ self.render(request)
+ self.assertEqual(400, int(channel.result["code"]), msg=channel.result["body"])
+ self.assertEqual(Codes.INVALID_PARAM, channel.json_body["errcode"])
+ # negative until_ts
+ request, channel = self.make_request(
+ "GET", self.url + "?until_ts=-1234", access_token=self.admin_user_tok,
+ )
+ self.render(request)
+ self.assertEqual(400, int(channel.result["code"]), msg=channel.result["body"])
+ self.assertEqual(Codes.INVALID_PARAM, channel.json_body["errcode"])
+ # until_ts smaller from_ts
+ request, channel = self.make_request(
+ "GET",
+ self.url + "?from_ts=10&until_ts=5",
+ access_token=self.admin_user_tok,
+ )
+ self.render(request)
+ self.assertEqual(400, int(channel.result["code"]), msg=channel.result["body"])
+ self.assertEqual(Codes.INVALID_PARAM, channel.json_body["errcode"])
+ # empty search term
+ request, channel = self.make_request(
+ "GET", self.url + "?search_term=", access_token=self.admin_user_tok,
+ )
+ self.render(request)
+ self.assertEqual(400, int(channel.result["code"]), msg=channel.result["body"])
+ self.assertEqual(Codes.INVALID_PARAM, channel.json_body["errcode"])
+ # invalid search order
+ request, channel = self.make_request(
+ "GET", self.url + "?dir=bar", access_token=self.admin_user_tok,
+ )
+ self.render(request)
+ self.assertEqual(400, int(channel.result["code"]), msg=channel.result["body"])
+ self.assertEqual(Codes.INVALID_PARAM, channel.json_body["errcode"])
+ def test_limit(self):
+ """
+ Testing list of media with limit
+ """
+ self._create_users_with_media(10, 2)
+ request, channel = self.make_request(
+ "GET", self.url + "?limit=5", access_token=self.admin_user_tok,
+ )
+ self.render(request)
+ self.assertEqual(200, int(channel.result["code"]), msg=channel.result["body"])
+ self.assertEqual(channel.json_body["total"], 10)
+ self.assertEqual(len(channel.json_body["users"]), 5)
+ self.assertEqual(channel.json_body["next_token"], 5)
+ self._check_fields(channel.json_body["users"])
+ def test_from(self):
+ """
+ Testing list of media with a defined starting point (from)
+ """
+ self._create_users_with_media(20, 2)
+ request, channel = self.make_request(
+ "GET", self.url + "?from=5", access_token=self.admin_user_tok,
+ )
+ self.render(request)
+ self.assertEqual(200, int(channel.result["code"]), msg=channel.result["body"])
+ self.assertEqual(channel.json_body["total"], 20)
+ self.assertEqual(len(channel.json_body["users"]), 15)
+ self.assertNotIn("next_token", channel.json_body)
+ self._check_fields(channel.json_body["users"])
+ def test_limit_and_from(self):
+ """
+ Testing list of media with a defined starting point and limit
+ """
+ self._create_users_with_media(20, 2)
+ request, channel = self.make_request(
+ "GET", self.url + "?from=5&limit=10", access_token=self.admin_user_tok,
+ )
+ self.render(request)
+ self.assertEqual(200, int(channel.result["code"]), msg=channel.result["body"])
+ self.assertEqual(channel.json_body["total"], 20)
+ self.assertEqual(channel.json_body["next_token"], 15)
+ self.assertEqual(len(channel.json_body["users"]), 10)
+ self._check_fields(channel.json_body["users"])
+ def test_next_token(self):
+ """
+ Testing that `next_token` appears at the right place
+ """
+ number_users = 20
+ self._create_users_with_media(number_users, 3)
+ # `next_token` does not appear
+ # Number of results is the number of entries
+ request, channel = self.make_request(
+ "GET", self.url + "?limit=20", access_token=self.admin_user_tok,
+ )
+ self.render(request)
+ self.assertEqual(200, int(channel.result["code"]), msg=channel.result["body"])
+ self.assertEqual(channel.json_body["total"], number_users)
+ self.assertEqual(len(channel.json_body["users"]), number_users)
+ self.assertNotIn("next_token", channel.json_body)
+ # `next_token` does not appear
+ # Number of max results is larger than the number of entries
+ request, channel = self.make_request(
+ "GET", self.url + "?limit=21", access_token=self.admin_user_tok,
+ )
+ self.render(request)
+ self.assertEqual(200, int(channel.result["code"]), msg=channel.result["body"])
+ self.assertEqual(channel.json_body["total"], number_users)
+ self.assertEqual(len(channel.json_body["users"]), number_users)
+ self.assertNotIn("next_token", channel.json_body)
+ # `next_token` does appear
+ # Number of max results is smaller than the number of entries
+ request, channel = self.make_request(
+ "GET", self.url + "?limit=19", access_token=self.admin_user_tok,
+ )
+ self.render(request)
+ self.assertEqual(200, int(channel.result["code"]), msg=channel.result["body"])
+ self.assertEqual(channel.json_body["total"], number_users)
+ self.assertEqual(len(channel.json_body["users"]), 19)
+ self.assertEqual(channel.json_body["next_token"], 19)
+ # Set `from` to value of `next_token` for request remaining entries
+ # Check `next_token` does not appear
+ request, channel = self.make_request(
+ "GET", self.url + "?from=19", access_token=self.admin_user_tok,
+ )
+ self.render(request)
+ self.assertEqual(200, int(channel.result["code"]), msg=channel.result["body"])
+ self.assertEqual(channel.json_body["total"], number_users)
+ self.assertEqual(len(channel.json_body["users"]), 1)
+ self.assertNotIn("next_token", channel.json_body)
+ def test_no_media(self):
+ """
+ Tests that a normal lookup for statistics is successfully
+ if users have no media created
+ """
+ request, channel = self.make_request(
+ "GET", self.url, access_token=self.admin_user_tok,
+ )
+ self.render(request)
+ self.assertEqual(200, channel.code, msg=channel.json_body)
+ self.assertEqual(0, channel.json_body["total"])
+ self.assertEqual(0, len(channel.json_body["users"]))
+ def test_order_by(self):
+ """
+ Testing order list with parameter `order_by`
+ """
+ # create users
+ self.register_user("user_a", "pass", displayname="UserZ")
+ userA_tok = self.login("user_a", "pass")
+ self._create_media(userA_tok, 1)
+ self.register_user("user_b", "pass", displayname="UserY")
+ userB_tok = self.login("user_b", "pass")
+ self._create_media(userB_tok, 3)
+ self.register_user("user_c", "pass", displayname="UserX")
+ userC_tok = self.login("user_c", "pass")
+ self._create_media(userC_tok, 2)
+ # order by user_id
+ self._order_test("user_id", ["@user_a:test", "@user_b:test", "@user_c:test"])
+ self._order_test(
+ "user_id", ["@user_a:test", "@user_b:test", "@user_c:test"], "f",
+ )
+ self._order_test(
+ "user_id", ["@user_c:test", "@user_b:test", "@user_a:test"], "b",
+ )
+ # order by displayname
+ self._order_test(
+ "displayname", ["@user_c:test", "@user_b:test", "@user_a:test"]
+ )
+ self._order_test(
+ "displayname", ["@user_c:test", "@user_b:test", "@user_a:test"], "f",
+ )
+ self._order_test(
+ "displayname", ["@user_a:test", "@user_b:test", "@user_c:test"], "b",
+ )
+ # order by media_length
+ self._order_test(
+ "media_length", ["@user_a:test", "@user_c:test", "@user_b:test"],
+ )
+ self._order_test(
+ "media_length", ["@user_a:test", "@user_c:test", "@user_b:test"], "f",
+ )
+ self._order_test(
+ "media_length", ["@user_b:test", "@user_c:test", "@user_a:test"], "b",
+ )
+ # order by media_count
+ self._order_test(
+ "media_count", ["@user_a:test", "@user_c:test", "@user_b:test"],
+ )
+ self._order_test(
+ "media_count", ["@user_a:test", "@user_c:test", "@user_b:test"], "f",
+ )
+ self._order_test(
+ "media_count", ["@user_b:test", "@user_c:test", "@user_a:test"], "b",
+ )
+ def test_from_until_ts(self):
+ """
+ Testing filter by time with parameters `from_ts` and `until_ts`
+ """
+ # create media earlier than `ts1` to ensure that `from_ts` is working
+ self._create_media(self.other_user_tok, 3)
+ self.pump(1)
+ ts1 = self.clock.time_msec()
+ # list all media when filter is not set
+ request, channel = self.make_request(
+ "GET", self.url, access_token=self.admin_user_tok,
+ )
+ self.render(request)
+ self.assertEqual(200, int(channel.result["code"]), msg=channel.result["body"])
+ self.assertEqual(channel.json_body["users"][0]["media_count"], 3)
+ # filter media starting at `ts1` after creating first media
+ # result is 0
+ request, channel = self.make_request(
+ "GET", self.url + "?from_ts=%s" % (ts1,), access_token=self.admin_user_tok,
+ )
+ self.render(request)
+ self.assertEqual(200, int(channel.result["code"]), msg=channel.result["body"])
+ self.assertEqual(channel.json_body["total"], 0)
+ self._create_media(self.other_user_tok, 3)
+ self.pump(1)
+ ts2 = self.clock.time_msec()
+ # create media after `ts2` to ensure that `until_ts` is working
+ self._create_media(self.other_user_tok, 3)
+ # filter media between `ts1` and `ts2`
+ request, channel = self.make_request(
+ "GET",
+ self.url + "?from_ts=%s&until_ts=%s" % (ts1, ts2),
+ access_token=self.admin_user_tok,
+ )
+ self.render(request)
+ self.assertEqual(200, int(channel.result["code"]), msg=channel.result["body"])
+ self.assertEqual(channel.json_body["users"][0]["media_count"], 3)
+ # filter media until `ts2` and earlier
+ request, channel = self.make_request(
+ "GET", self.url + "?until_ts=%s" % (ts2,), access_token=self.admin_user_tok,
+ )
+ self.render(request)
+ self.assertEqual(200, int(channel.result["code"]), msg=channel.result["body"])
+ self.assertEqual(channel.json_body["users"][0]["media_count"], 6)
+ def test_search_term(self):
+ self._create_users_with_media(20, 1)
+ # check without filter get all users
+ request, channel = self.make_request(
+ "GET", self.url, access_token=self.admin_user_tok,
+ )
+ self.render(request)
+ self.assertEqual(200, int(channel.result["code"]), msg=channel.result["body"])
+ self.assertEqual(channel.json_body["total"], 20)
+ # filter user 1 and 10-19 by `user_id`
+ request, channel = self.make_request(
+ "GET",
+ self.url + "?search_term=foo_user_1",
+ access_token=self.admin_user_tok,
+ )
+ self.render(request)
+ self.assertEqual(200, int(channel.result["code"]), msg=channel.result["body"])
+ self.assertEqual(channel.json_body["total"], 11)
+ # filter on this user in `displayname`
+ request, channel = self.make_request(
+ "GET",
+ self.url + "?search_term=bar_user_10",
+ access_token=self.admin_user_tok,
+ )
+ self.render(request)
+ self.assertEqual(200, int(channel.result["code"]), msg=channel.result["body"])
+ self.assertEqual(channel.json_body["users"][0]["displayname"], "bar_user_10")
+ self.assertEqual(channel.json_body["total"], 1)
+ # filter and get empty result
+ request, channel = self.make_request(
+ "GET", self.url + "?search_term=foobar", access_token=self.admin_user_tok,
+ )
+ self.render(request)
+ self.assertEqual(200, int(channel.result["code"]), msg=channel.result["body"])
+ self.assertEqual(channel.json_body["total"], 0)
+ def _create_users_with_media(self, number_users: int, media_per_user: int):
+ """
+ Create a number of users with a number of media
+ Args:
+ number_users: Number of users to be created
+ media_per_user: Number of media to be created for each user
+ """
+ for i in range(number_users):
+ self.register_user("foo_user_%s" % i, "pass", displayname="bar_user_%s" % i)
+ user_tok = self.login("foo_user_%s" % i, "pass")
+ self._create_media(user_tok, media_per_user)
+ def _create_media(self, user_token: str, number_media: int):
+ """
+ Create a number of media for a specific user
+ Args:
+ user_token: Access token of the user
+ number_media: Number of media to be created for the user
+ """
+ upload_resource = self.media_repo.children[b"upload"]
+ for i in range(number_media):
+ # file size is 67 Byte
+ image_data = unhexlify(
+ b"89504e470d0a1a0a0000000d4948445200000001000000010806"
+ b"0000001f15c4890000000a49444154789c63000100000500010d"
+ b"0a2db40000000049454e44ae426082"
+ )
+ # Upload some media into the room
+ self.helper.upload_media(
+ upload_resource, image_data, tok=user_token, expect_code=200
+ )
+ def _check_fields(self, content: List[Dict[str, Any]]):
+ """Checks that all attributes are present in content
+ Args:
+ content: List that is checked for content
+ """
+ for c in content:
+ self.assertIn("user_id", c)
+ self.assertIn("displayname", c)
+ self.assertIn("media_count", c)
+ self.assertIn("media_length", c)
+ def _order_test(
+ self, order_type: str, expected_user_list: List[str], dir: Optional[str] = None
+ ):
+ """Request the list of users in a certain order. Assert that order is what
+ we expect
+ Args:
+ order_type: The type of ordering to give the server
+ expected_user_list: The list of user_ids in the order we expect to get
+ back from the server
+ dir: The direction of ordering to give the server
+ """
+ url = self.url + "?order_by=%s" % (order_type,)
+ if dir is not None and dir in ("b", "f"):
+ url += "&dir=%s" % (dir,)
+ request, channel = self.make_request(
+ "GET", url.encode("ascii"), access_token=self.admin_user_tok,
+ )
+ self.render(request)
+ self.assertEqual(200, channel.code, msg=channel.json_body)
+ self.assertEqual(channel.json_body["total"], len(expected_user_list))
+ returned_order = [row["user_id"] for row in channel.json_body["users"]]
+ self.assertListEqual(expected_user_list, returned_order)
+ self._check_fields(channel.json_body["users"])