diff --git a/webclient/room/room-controller.js b/webclient/room/room-controller.js
index 07e3695b69..b9ba23dc48 100644
--- a/webclient/room/room-controller.js
+++ b/webclient/room/room-controller.js
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ angular.module('RoomController', ['ngSanitize', 'matrixFilter', 'mFileInput'])
first_pagination: true, // this is toggled off when the first pagination is done
can_paginate: true, // this is toggled off when we run out of items
paginating: false, // used to avoid concurrent pagination requests pulling in dup contents
- stream_failure: undefined, // the response when the stream fails
+ stream_failure: undefined // the response when the stream fails
$scope.members = {};
$scope.autoCompleting = false;
@@ -395,17 +395,55 @@ angular.module('RoomController', ['ngSanitize', 'matrixFilter', 'mFileInput'])
// By default send this as a message unless it's an IRC-style command
if (!promise && !isCmd) {
- promise = matrixService.sendTextMessage($scope.room_id, $scope.textInput);
+ var message = $scope.textInput;
+ $scope.textInput = "";
+ // Echo the message to the room
+ // To do so, create a minimalist fake text message event and add it to the in-memory list of room messages
+ var echoMessage = {
+ content: {
+ body: message,
+ hsob_ts: "Sending...", // Hack timestamp to display this text in place of the message time
+ msgtype: "m.text"
+ },
+ room_id: $scope.room_id,
+ type: "m.room.message",
+ user_id: $scope.state.user_id,
+ echo_msg_state: "messagePending" // Add custom field to indicate the state of this fake message to HTML
+ };
+ $rootScope.events.rooms[$scope.room_id].messages.push(echoMessage);
+ scrollToBottom();
+ // Make the request
+ promise = matrixService.sendTextMessage($scope.room_id, message);
if (promise) {
function() {
console.log("Request successfully sent");
- $scope.textInput = "";
+ if (echoMessage) {
+ // Remove the fake echo message from the room messages
+ // It will be replaced by the one acknowledged by the server
+ var index = $rootScope.events.rooms[$scope.room_id].messages.indexOf(echoMessage);
+ if (index > -1) {
+ $rootScope.events.rooms[$scope.room_id].messages.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $scope.textInput = "";
+ }
function(error) {
$scope.feedback = "Request failed: " + error.data.error;
+ if (echoMessage) {
+ // Mark the message as unsent for the rest of the page life
+ echoMessage.content.hsob_ts = "Unsent";
+ echoMessage.echo_msg_state = "messageUnSent";
+ }
diff --git a/webclient/room/room.html b/webclient/room/room.html
index 493884f601..147113987e 100644
--- a/webclient/room/room.html
+++ b/webclient/room/room.html
@@ -40,7 +40,10 @@
ng-class="(events.rooms[room_id].messages[$index + 1].user_id !== msg.user_id ? 'differentUser' : '') + (msg.user_id === state.user_id ? ' mine' : '')" scroll-item>
<td class="leftBlock">
<div class="sender" ng-hide="events.rooms[room_id].messages[$index - 1].user_id === msg.user_id">{{ members[msg.user_id].displayname || msg.user_id }}</div>
- <div class="timestamp">{{ (msg.content.hsob_ts || msg.ts) | date:'MMM d HH:mm' }}</div>
+ <div class="timestamp"
+ ng-class="msg.echo_msg_state">
+ {{ (msg.content.hsob_ts || msg.ts) | date:'MMM d HH:mm' }}
+ </div>
<td class="avatar">
<img class="avatarImage" ng-src="{{ members[msg.user_id].avatar_url || 'img/default-profile.png' }}" width="32" height="32"
@@ -67,7 +70,9 @@
{{ members[msg.state_key].displayname || msg.state_key }}
<span ng-show='msg.content.msgtype === "m.emote"' ng-bind-html="'* ' + (members[msg.user_id].displayname || msg.user_id) + ' ' + msg.content.body | linky:'_blank'"/>
- <span ng-show='msg.content.msgtype === "m.text"' ng-bind-html="((msg.content.msgtype === 'm.text') ? msg.content.body : '') | linky:'_blank'"/>
+ <span ng-show='msg.content.msgtype === "m.text"'
+ ng-class="msg.echo_msg_state"
+ ng-bind-html="((msg.content.msgtype === 'm.text') ? msg.content.body : '') | linky:'_blank'"/>
<div ng-show='msg.content.msgtype === "m.image"'>
<div ng-hide='msg.content.thumbnail_url' ng-style="msg.content.body.h && { 'height' : (msg.content.body.h < 320) ? msg.content.body.h : 320}">
<img class="image" ng-src="{{ msg.content.url }}"/>