diff --git a/webclient/login/login-controller.js b/webclient/login/login-controller.js
index 51f9a3bdf4..2b91926954 100644
--- a/webclient/login/login-controller.js
+++ b/webclient/login/login-controller.js
@@ -10,63 +10,26 @@ angular.module('LoginController', ['matrixService'])
if ($location.port()) {
hs_url += ":" + $location.port();
+ var example_domain = $location.host();
$scope.account = {
homeserver: hs_url,
+ example_domain: example_domain,
desired_user_name: "",
user_id: "",
password: "",
- identityServer: "",
+ identityServer: "http://matrix.org:8090",
pwd1: "",
- pwd2: ""
+ pwd2: "",
- $scope.register = function() {
- // Set the urls
- matrixService.setConfig({
- homeserver: $scope.account.homeserver,
- identityServer: $scope.account.identityServer
- });
- if ($scope.account.pwd1 !== $scope.account.pwd2) {
- $scope.feedback = "Passwords don't match.";
- return;
- }
- else if ($scope.account.pwd1.length < 6) {
- $scope.feedback = "Password must be at least 6 characters.";
- return;
- }
- matrixService.register($scope.account.desired_user_name, $scope.account.pwd1).then(
- function(response) {
- $scope.feedback = "Success";
- // Update the current config
- var config = matrixService.config();
- angular.extend(config, {
- access_token: response.data.access_token,
- user_id: response.data.user_id
- });
- matrixService.setConfig(config);
- // And permanently save it
- matrixService.saveConfig();
- eventStreamService.resume();
- // Go to the user's rooms list page
- $location.url("home");
- },
- function(error) {
- if (error.data) {
- if (error.data.errcode === "M_USER_IN_USE") {
- $scope.feedback = "Username already taken.";
- }
- }
- else if (error.status === 0) {
- $scope.feedback = "Unable to talk to the server.";
- }
- });
+ $scope.login_types = [ "email", "mxid" ];
+ $scope.login_type_label = {
+ "email": "Email address",
+ "mxid": "Matrix ID (e.g. @bob:matrix.org or bob)",
+ $scope.login_type = 'mxid'; // TODO: remember the user's preferred login_type
$scope.login = function() {
homeserver: $scope.account.homeserver,
diff --git a/webclient/login/login.html b/webclient/login/login.html
index 4b2ea60928..8d5a53ebbc 100644
--- a/webclient/login/login.html
+++ b/webclient/login/login.html
@@ -1,55 +1,49 @@
<div ng-controller="LoginController" class="login">
- <h1 id="logo">[matrix]</h1>
- <div id="page">
- <div id="wrapper">
- {{ feedback }}
+ <div id="wrapper" class="loginWrapper">
- <h3>Register for an account:</h3>
- <form novalidate>
- <input id="desired_user_name" size="70" type="text" auto-focus ng-model="account.desired_user_name" placeholder="User name (ex:bob)"/>
- <br/>
- <input id="pwd1" size="70" type="password" auto-focus ng-model="account.pwd1" placeholder="Type a password"/>
- <br/>
- <input id="pwd2" size="70" type="password" auto-focus ng-model="account.pwd2" placeholder="Re-type your password"/>
+ <a href ng-click="goToPage('/login')">
+ <img src="img/logo.png" width="240" height="102" alt="[matrix]" style="padding: 50px"/>
+ </a>
- <!-- New user registration -->
- <div>
- <br/>
- <button ng-click="register()" ng-disabled="!account.desired_user_name || !account.homeserver || !account.pwd1 || !account.pwd2 || account.pwd1 !== account.pwd2">Register</button>
- </div>
- </form>
- <h3>Got an account?</h3>
- <form novalidate>
- <!-- Login with an registered user -->
- <div>{{ login_error_msg }} </div>
- <div>
- <input id="user_id" size="70" type="text" auto-focus ng-model="account.user_id" placeholder="User ID (ex:@bob:localhost or bob)"/>
- <br />
- <input id="password" size="70" type="password" ng-model="account.password" placeholder="Password"/><br />
- <br/>
- <button ng-click="login()" ng-disabled="!account.user_id || !account.password || !account.homeserver">Login</button>
- </div>
- </form>
+ <form id="loginForm" novalidate>
+ <!-- Login with an registered user -->
+ <div>
+ Log in using:<br/>
+ <div ng-repeat="type in login_types">
+ <input type="radio" ng-model="$parent.login_type" value="{{ type }}" id="radio_{{ type }}"/>
+ <label for="radio_{{ type }}">{{ login_type_label[type] }}</label>
+ </div>
+ <div style="text-align: center">
+ <br/>
+ <input id="user_id" size="32" type="text" ng-focus="true" ng-model="account.user_id" placeholder="{{ login_type_label[login_type] }}"/>
+ <br/>
+ <input id="password" size="32" type="password" ng-model="account.password" placeholder="Password"/>
+ <br/><br/>
+ <button ng-click="login()" ng-disabled="!account.user_id || !account.password || !account.homeserver">Login</button>
+ <br/><br/>
+ </div>
- <h3>Servers</h3>
- <form novalidate>
- <div>
- Home Server:
- <input id="homeserver" size="57" type="text" ng-model="account.homeserver" placeholder="Home server URL (ex: http://localhost:8080)"/>
- </div>
- <br />
- <div>
- Identity Server:
- <input id="identityServer" size="56" type="text" ng-model="account.identityServer" placeholder="Identity server URL (ex: http://localhost:8090)"/>
- </div>
- <br />
- </form>
- <br/>
+ <div class="feedback">{{ feedback }} {{ login_error_msg }}</div>
+ <div id="serverConfig">
+ <label for="homeserver">Home Server:</label>
+ <input id="homeserver" size="32" type="text" ng-model="account.homeserver" placeholder="URL (e.g. http://matrix.org:8080)"/>
+ <div class="smallPrint">Your home server stores all your conversation and account data.</div>
+ <label for="identityServer">Identity Server:</label>
+ <input id="identityServer" size="32" type="text" ng-model="account.identityServer" placeholder="URL (e.g. http://matrix.org:8090)"/>
+ <div class="smallPrint">Matrix provides identity servers to track which emails etc. belong to which Matrix IDs.<br/>
+ Only http://matrix.org:8090 currently exists.</div>
+ <br/>
+ <br/>
+ <a href="#/register" style="padding-right: 3em">Create account</a>
+ <a href="#/reset_password">Forgotten password?</a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </form>