diff --git a/tests/storage/test_client_ips.py b/tests/storage/test_client_ips.py
index 09305c3bf1..76fe65b59e 100644
--- a/tests/storage/test_client_ips.py
+++ b/tests/storage/test_client_ips.py
@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ class ClientIpStoreTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
"user_id": user_id,
"device_id": "device_id",
- "access_token": "access_token",
"ip": "ip",
"user_agent": "user_agent",
"last_seen": 12345678000,
@@ -201,6 +200,85 @@ class ClientIpStoreTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
active = self.get_success(self.store.user_last_seen_monthly_active(user_id))
+ def test_devices_last_seen_bg_update(self):
+ # First make sure we have completed all updates.
+ while not self.get_success(self.store.has_completed_background_updates()):
+ self.get_success(self.store.do_next_background_update(100), by=0.1)
+ # Insert a user IP
+ user_id = "@user:id"
+ self.get_success(
+ self.store.insert_client_ip(
+ user_id, "access_token", "ip", "user_agent", "device_id"
+ )
+ )
+ # Force persisting to disk
+ self.reactor.advance(200)
+ # But clear the associated entry in devices table
+ self.get_success(
+ self.store._simple_update(
+ table="devices",
+ keyvalues={"user_id": user_id, "device_id": "device_id"},
+ updatevalues={"last_seen": None, "ip": None, "user_agent": None},
+ desc="test_devices_last_seen_bg_update",
+ )
+ )
+ # We should now get nulls when querying
+ result = self.get_success(
+ self.store.get_last_client_ip_by_device(user_id, "device_id")
+ )
+ r = result[(user_id, "device_id")]
+ self.assertDictContainsSubset(
+ {
+ "user_id": user_id,
+ "device_id": "device_id",
+ "ip": None,
+ "user_agent": None,
+ "last_seen": None,
+ },
+ r,
+ )
+ # Register the background update to run again.
+ self.get_success(
+ self.store._simple_insert(
+ table="background_updates",
+ values={
+ "update_name": "devices_last_seen",
+ "progress_json": "{}",
+ "depends_on": None,
+ },
+ )
+ )
+ # ... and tell the DataStore that it hasn't finished all updates yet
+ self.store._all_done = False
+ # Now let's actually drive the updates to completion
+ while not self.get_success(self.store.has_completed_background_updates()):
+ self.get_success(self.store.do_next_background_update(100), by=0.1)
+ # We should now get the correct result again
+ result = self.get_success(
+ self.store.get_last_client_ip_by_device(user_id, "device_id")
+ )
+ r = result[(user_id, "device_id")]
+ self.assertDictContainsSubset(
+ {
+ "user_id": user_id,
+ "device_id": "device_id",
+ "ip": "ip",
+ "user_agent": "user_agent",
+ "last_seen": 0,
+ },
+ r,
+ )
class ClientIpAuthTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):