diff --git a/tests/rest/client/v2_alpha/test_relations.py b/tests/rest/client/v2_alpha/test_relations.py
index bcc1c1bb85..661dd45755 100644
--- a/tests/rest/client/v2_alpha/test_relations.py
+++ b/tests/rest/client/v2_alpha/test_relations.py
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
+import itertools
import six
from synapse.api.constants import EventTypes, RelationTypes
@@ -30,6 +32,12 @@ class RelationsTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
+ def make_homeserver(self, reactor, clock):
+ # We need to enable msc1849 support for aggregations
+ config = self.default_config()
+ config["experimental_msc1849_support_enabled"] = True
+ return self.setup_test_homeserver(config=config)
def prepare(self, reactor, clock, hs):
self.room = self.helper.create_room_as(self.user_id)
res = self.helper.send(self.room, body="Hi!")
@@ -40,7 +48,7 @@ class RelationsTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
creates the right shape of event.
- channel = self._send_relation(RelationTypes.ANNOTATION, "m.reaction", key="👍")
+ channel = self._send_relation(RelationTypes.ANNOTATION, "m.reaction", key=u"👍")
self.assertEquals(200, channel.code, channel.json_body)
event_id = channel.json_body["event_id"]
@@ -72,7 +80,7 @@ class RelationsTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
channel = self._send_relation(RelationTypes.ANNOTATION, EventTypes.Member)
self.assertEquals(400, channel.code, channel.json_body)
- def test_paginate(self):
+ def test_basic_paginate_relations(self):
"""Tests that calling pagination API corectly the latest relations.
channel = self._send_relation(RelationTypes.ANNOTATION, "m.reaction")
@@ -102,6 +110,243 @@ class RelationsTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
+ # Make sure next_batch has something in it that looks like it could be a
+ # valid token.
+ self.assertIsInstance(
+ channel.json_body.get("next_batch"), six.string_types, channel.json_body
+ )
+ def test_repeated_paginate_relations(self):
+ """Test that if we paginate using a limit and tokens then we get the
+ expected events.
+ """
+ expected_event_ids = []
+ for _ in range(10):
+ channel = self._send_relation(RelationTypes.ANNOTATION, "m.reaction")
+ self.assertEquals(200, channel.code, channel.json_body)
+ expected_event_ids.append(channel.json_body["event_id"])
+ prev_token = None
+ found_event_ids = []
+ for _ in range(20):
+ from_token = ""
+ if prev_token:
+ from_token = "&from=" + prev_token
+ request, channel = self.make_request(
+ "GET",
+ "/_matrix/client/unstable/rooms/%s/relations/%s?limit=1%s"
+ % (self.room, self.parent_id, from_token),
+ )
+ self.render(request)
+ self.assertEquals(200, channel.code, channel.json_body)
+ found_event_ids.extend(e["event_id"] for e in channel.json_body["chunk"])
+ next_batch = channel.json_body.get("next_batch")
+ self.assertNotEquals(prev_token, next_batch)
+ prev_token = next_batch
+ if not prev_token:
+ break
+ # We paginated backwards, so reverse
+ found_event_ids.reverse()
+ self.assertEquals(found_event_ids, expected_event_ids)
+ def test_aggregation_pagination_groups(self):
+ """Test that we can paginate annotation groups correctly.
+ """
+ sent_groups = {u"👍": 10, u"a": 7, u"b": 5, u"c": 3, u"d": 2, u"e": 1}
+ for key in itertools.chain.from_iterable(
+ itertools.repeat(key, num) for key, num in sent_groups.items()
+ ):
+ channel = self._send_relation(
+ RelationTypes.ANNOTATION, "m.reaction", key=key
+ )
+ self.assertEquals(200, channel.code, channel.json_body)
+ prev_token = None
+ found_groups = {}
+ for _ in range(20):
+ from_token = ""
+ if prev_token:
+ from_token = "&from=" + prev_token
+ request, channel = self.make_request(
+ "GET",
+ "/_matrix/client/unstable/rooms/%s/aggregations/%s?limit=1%s"
+ % (self.room, self.parent_id, from_token),
+ )
+ self.render(request)
+ self.assertEquals(200, channel.code, channel.json_body)
+ self.assertEqual(len(channel.json_body["chunk"]), 1, channel.json_body)
+ for groups in channel.json_body["chunk"]:
+ # We only expect reactions
+ self.assertEqual(groups["type"], "m.reaction", channel.json_body)
+ # We should only see each key once
+ self.assertNotIn(groups["key"], found_groups, channel.json_body)
+ found_groups[groups["key"]] = groups["count"]
+ next_batch = channel.json_body.get("next_batch")
+ self.assertNotEquals(prev_token, next_batch)
+ prev_token = next_batch
+ if not prev_token:
+ break
+ self.assertEquals(sent_groups, found_groups)
+ def test_aggregation_pagination_within_group(self):
+ """Test that we can paginate within an annotation group.
+ """
+ expected_event_ids = []
+ for _ in range(10):
+ channel = self._send_relation(
+ RelationTypes.ANNOTATION, "m.reaction", key=u"👍"
+ )
+ self.assertEquals(200, channel.code, channel.json_body)
+ expected_event_ids.append(channel.json_body["event_id"])
+ # Also send a different type of reaction so that we test we don't see it
+ channel = self._send_relation(RelationTypes.ANNOTATION, "m.reaction", key="a")
+ self.assertEquals(200, channel.code, channel.json_body)
+ prev_token = None
+ found_event_ids = []
+ encoded_key = six.moves.urllib.parse.quote_plus(u"👍".encode("utf-8"))
+ for _ in range(20):
+ from_token = ""
+ if prev_token:
+ from_token = "&from=" + prev_token
+ request, channel = self.make_request(
+ "GET",
+ "/_matrix/client/unstable/rooms/%s"
+ "/aggregations/%s/%s/m.reaction/%s?limit=1%s"
+ % (
+ self.room,
+ self.parent_id,
+ RelationTypes.ANNOTATION,
+ encoded_key,
+ from_token,
+ ),
+ )
+ self.render(request)
+ self.assertEquals(200, channel.code, channel.json_body)
+ self.assertEqual(len(channel.json_body["chunk"]), 1, channel.json_body)
+ found_event_ids.extend(e["event_id"] for e in channel.json_body["chunk"])
+ next_batch = channel.json_body.get("next_batch")
+ self.assertNotEquals(prev_token, next_batch)
+ prev_token = next_batch
+ if not prev_token:
+ break
+ # We paginated backwards, so reverse
+ found_event_ids.reverse()
+ self.assertEquals(found_event_ids, expected_event_ids)
+ def test_aggregation(self):
+ """Test that annotations get correctly aggregated.
+ """
+ channel = self._send_relation(RelationTypes.ANNOTATION, "m.reaction", "a")
+ self.assertEquals(200, channel.code, channel.json_body)
+ channel = self._send_relation(RelationTypes.ANNOTATION, "m.reaction", "a")
+ self.assertEquals(200, channel.code, channel.json_body)
+ channel = self._send_relation(RelationTypes.ANNOTATION, "m.reaction", "b")
+ self.assertEquals(200, channel.code, channel.json_body)
+ request, channel = self.make_request(
+ "GET",
+ "/_matrix/client/unstable/rooms/%s/aggregations/%s"
+ % (self.room, self.parent_id),
+ )
+ self.render(request)
+ self.assertEquals(200, channel.code, channel.json_body)
+ self.assertEquals(
+ channel.json_body,
+ {
+ "chunk": [
+ {"type": "m.reaction", "key": "a", "count": 2},
+ {"type": "m.reaction", "key": "b", "count": 1},
+ ]
+ },
+ )
+ def test_aggregation_must_be_annotation(self):
+ """Test that aggregations must be annotations.
+ """
+ request, channel = self.make_request(
+ "GET",
+ "/_matrix/client/unstable/rooms/%s/aggregations/m.replaces/%s?limit=1"
+ % (self.room, self.parent_id),
+ )
+ self.render(request)
+ self.assertEquals(400, channel.code, channel.json_body)
+ def test_aggregation_get_event(self):
+ """Test that annotations and references get correctly bundled when
+ getting the parent event.
+ """
+ channel = self._send_relation(RelationTypes.ANNOTATION, "m.reaction", "a")
+ self.assertEquals(200, channel.code, channel.json_body)
+ channel = self._send_relation(RelationTypes.ANNOTATION, "m.reaction", "a")
+ self.assertEquals(200, channel.code, channel.json_body)
+ channel = self._send_relation(RelationTypes.ANNOTATION, "m.reaction", "b")
+ self.assertEquals(200, channel.code, channel.json_body)
+ channel = self._send_relation(RelationTypes.REFERENCES, "m.room.test")
+ self.assertEquals(200, channel.code, channel.json_body)
+ reply_1 = channel.json_body["event_id"]
+ channel = self._send_relation(RelationTypes.REFERENCES, "m.room.test")
+ self.assertEquals(200, channel.code, channel.json_body)
+ reply_2 = channel.json_body["event_id"]
+ request, channel = self.make_request(
+ "GET", "/rooms/%s/event/%s" % (self.room, self.parent_id)
+ )
+ self.render(request)
+ self.assertEquals(200, channel.code, channel.json_body)
+ self.maxDiff = None
+ self.assertEquals(
+ channel.json_body["unsigned"].get("m.relations"),
+ {
+ RelationTypes.ANNOTATION: {
+ "chunk": [
+ {"type": "m.reaction", "key": "a", "count": 2},
+ {"type": "m.reaction", "key": "b", "count": 1},
+ ]
+ },
+ RelationTypes.REFERENCES: {
+ "chunk": [{"event_id": reply_1}, {"event_id": reply_2}]
+ },
+ },
+ )
def _send_relation(self, relation_type, event_type, key=None):
"""Helper function to send a relation pointing at `self.parent_id`
@@ -116,7 +361,7 @@ class RelationsTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
query = ""
if key:
- query = "?key=" + six.moves.urllib.parse.quote_plus(key)
+ query = "?key=" + six.moves.urllib.parse.quote_plus(key.encode("utf-8"))
request, channel = self.make_request(