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path: root/tests/http/
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authorRichard van der Hoff <>2019-06-10 20:28:08 +0100
committerRichard van der Hoff <>2019-06-10 20:28:08 +0100
commit69a43d9974824893605252bf32d08484fdaa28fb (patch)
tree180a6d2e659269ebf6e61b424051497cbab22848 /tests/http/
parentSAML2 Improvements and redirect stuff (diff)
parentMerge branch 'release-v1.0.0' of into develop (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/develop' into rav/saml2_client
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/http/')
1 files changed, 109 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/tests/http/ b/tests/http/
index 851fc0eb33..2d5dba6464 100644
--- a/tests/http/
+++ b/tests/http/
@@ -13,28 +13,122 @@
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
 import os.path
+import subprocess
+from zope.interface import implementer
 from OpenSSL import SSL
+from OpenSSL.SSL import Connection
+from twisted.internet.interfaces import IOpenSSLServerConnectionCreator
+def get_test_ca_cert_file():
+    """Get the path to the test CA cert
+    The keypair is generated with:
+        openssl genrsa -out ca.key 2048
+        openssl req -new -x509 -key ca.key -days 3650 -out ca.crt \
+            -subj '/CN=synapse test CA'
+    """
+    return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "ca.crt")
+def get_test_key_file():
+    """get the path to the test key
+    The key file is made with:
+        openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048
+    """
+    return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "server.key")
+cert_file_count = 0
+basicConstraints = CA:FALSE
+keyUsage=nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
+subjectAltName = %(sanentries)s
+def create_test_cert_file(sanlist):
+    """build an x509 certificate file
+    Args:
+        sanlist: list[bytes]: a list of subjectAltName values for the cert
+    Returns:
+        str: the path to the file
+    """
+    global cert_file_count
+    csr_filename = "server.csr"
+    cnf_filename = "server.%i.cnf" % (cert_file_count,)
+    cert_filename = "server.%i.crt" % (cert_file_count,)
+    cert_file_count += 1
+    # first build a CSR
+    subprocess.check_call(
+        [
+            "openssl",
+            "req",
+            "-new",
+            "-key",
+            get_test_key_file(),
+            "-subj",
+            "/",
+            "-out",
+            csr_filename,
+        ]
+    )
+    # now a config file describing the right SAN entries
+    sanentries = b",".join(sanlist)
+    with open(cnf_filename, "wb") as f:
+        f.write(CONFIG_TEMPLATE % {b"sanentries": sanentries})
-def get_test_cert_file():
-    """get the path to the test cert"""
+    # finally the cert
+    ca_key_filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "ca.key")
+    ca_cert_filename = get_test_ca_cert_file()
+    subprocess.check_call(
+        [
+            "openssl",
+            "x509",
+            "-req",
+            "-in",
+            csr_filename,
+            "-CA",
+            ca_cert_filename,
+            "-CAkey",
+            ca_key_filename,
+            "-set_serial",
+            "1",
+            "-extfile",
+            cnf_filename,
+            "-out",
+            cert_filename,
+        ]
+    )
-    # the cert file itself is made with:
-    #
-    # openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout server.pem  -out server.pem -days 36500 \
-    #     -nodes -subj '/CN=testserv'
-    return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'server.pem')
+    return cert_filename
-class ServerTLSContext(object):
-    """A TLS Context which presents our test cert."""
+class TestServerTLSConnectionFactory(object):
+    """An SSL connection creator which returns connections which present a certificate
+    signed by our test CA."""
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.filename = get_test_cert_file()
+    def __init__(self, sanlist):
+        """
+        Args:
+            sanlist: list[bytes]: a list of subjectAltName values for the cert
+        """
+        self._cert_file = create_test_cert_file(sanlist)
-    def getContext(self):
+    def serverConnectionForTLS(self, tlsProtocol):
         ctx = SSL.Context(SSL.TLSv1_METHOD)
-        ctx.use_certificate_file(self.filename)
-        ctx.use_privatekey_file(self.filename)
-        return ctx
+        ctx.use_certificate_file(self._cert_file)
+        ctx.use_privatekey_file(get_test_key_file())
+        return Connection(ctx, None)