summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/syweb/webclient/test
diff options
authorPaul "LeoNerd" Evans <>2014-11-17 16:59:24 +0000
committerPaul "LeoNerd" Evans <>2014-11-17 16:59:24 +0000
commit31a049eb692d37387a2db972da754f7ec56218c7 (patch)
tree9e5f47abad904d30c08d2f340b543a631e436894 /syweb/webclient/test
parentInclude room membership in room initialSync (diff)
parentSYN-148: Add the alias after creating the room (diff)
Merge branch 'develop' into room-initial-sync
Diffstat (limited to 'syweb/webclient/test')
10 files changed, 0 insertions, 1456 deletions
diff --git a/syweb/webclient/test/README b/syweb/webclient/test/README
deleted file mode 100644
index e7ed4eaa87..0000000000
--- a/syweb/webclient/test/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-Testing is done using Karma.
-Requires the following:
- - npm/nodejs
- - phantomjs
-Requires the following node packages:
- - npm install jasmine
- - npm install karma
- - npm install karma-jasmine
- - npm install karma-phantomjs-launcher
- - npm install karma-junit-reporter
-Make sure you're in this directory so it can find the config file and run:
-  karma start
-You should see all the tests pass.
-npm install protractor
-Setting up e2e tests (only if you don't have a selenium server to run the tests
-on. If you do, edit the config to point to that url):
-  webdriver-manager update
-  webdriver-manager start
-  Create a file "environment-protractor.js" in this directory and type:
-    module.exports = {
-        seleniumAddress: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub',
-        baseUrl: "http://localhost:8008",
-        username: "YOUR_TEST_USERNAME",
-        password: "YOUR_TEST_PASSWORD"
-    }
-Running e2e tests:
-  protractor protractor.conf.js
-NOTE: This will create a public room on the target home server.
diff --git a/syweb/webclient/test/e2e/home.spec.js b/syweb/webclient/test/e2e/home.spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 470237d557..0000000000
--- a/syweb/webclient/test/e2e/home.spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-var env = require("../environment-protractor.js");
-describe("home page", function() {
-    beforeEach(function() {
-        ptor = protractor.getInstance();
-        // FIXME we use longpoll on the event stream, and I can't get $interval
-        // playing nicely with it. Patches welcome to fix this.
-        ptor.ignoreSynchronization = true;
-    }); 
-    it("should have a title", function() {
-        browser.get(env.baseUrl);
-        expect(browser.getTitle()).toEqual("[matrix]");
-    });
diff --git a/syweb/webclient/test/karma.conf.js b/syweb/webclient/test/karma.conf.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ce958adc9..0000000000
--- a/syweb/webclient/test/karma.conf.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-// Karma configuration
-// Generated on Thu Sep 18 2014 14:25:57 GMT+0100 (BST)
-module.exports = function(config) {
-  config.set({
-    // base path that will be used to resolve all patterns (eg. files, exclude)
-    basePath: '',
-    // frameworks to use
-    // available frameworks:
-    frameworks: ['jasmine'],
-    // list of files / patterns to load in the browser
-    // XXX: Order is important, and doing /js/angular* makes the tests not run :/
-    files: [
-      '../js/jquery*',
-      '../js/angular.js',
-      '../js/angular-mocks.js',
-      '../js/angular-route.js',
-      '../js/angular-animate.js',
-      '../js/angular-sanitize.js',
-      '../js/ng-infinite-scroll-matrix.js',
-      '../js/ui-bootstrap*',
-      '../js/elastic.js',  
-      '../login/**/*.js',
-      '../room/**/*.js',
-      '../components/**/*.js',
-      '../user/**/*.js',
-      '../home/**/*.js',
-      '../recents/**/*.js',
-      '../settings/**/*.js',
-      '../app.js',
-      '../app*',
-      './unit/**/*.js'
-    ],
-    plugins: [
-        'karma-*',
-    ],
-    // list of files to exclude
-    exclude: [
-    ],
-    // preprocess matching files before serving them to the browser
-    // available preprocessors:
-    preprocessors: {
-    },
-    // test results reporter to use
-    // possible values: 'dots', 'progress'
-    // available reporters:
-    reporters: ['progress', 'junit'],
-    junitReporter: {
-        outputFile: 'test-results.xml',
-        suite: ''
-    },
-    // web server port
-    port: 9876,
-    // enable / disable colors in the output (reporters and logs)
-    colors: true,
-    // level of logging
-    // possible values: config.LOG_DISABLE || config.LOG_ERROR || config.LOG_WARN || config.LOG_INFO || config.LOG_DEBUG
-    logLevel: config.LOG_DEBUG,
-    // enable / disable watching file and executing tests whenever any file changes
-    autoWatch: true,
-    // start these browsers
-    // available browser launchers:
-    browsers: ['PhantomJS'],
-    // Continuous Integration mode
-    // if true, Karma captures browsers, runs the tests and exits
-    singleRun: true
-  });
diff --git a/syweb/webclient/test/protractor.conf.js b/syweb/webclient/test/protractor.conf.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 76ae7b712b..0000000000
--- a/syweb/webclient/test/protractor.conf.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-var env = require("./environment-protractor.js");
-exports.config = {
-    seleniumAddress: env.seleniumAddress,
-    specs: ['e2e/*.spec.js'],
-    onPrepare: function() {
-        browser.driver.get(env.baseUrl);
-        browser.driver.findElement("user_id")).sendKeys(env.username);
-        browser.driver.findElement("password")).sendKeys(env.password);
-        browser.driver.findElement("login")).click();
-        // wait till the login is done, detect via url change
-        browser.driver.wait(function() {
-            return browser.driver.getCurrentUrl().then(function(url) {
-                return !(/login/.test(url))
-            });
-        });
-    }
diff --git a/syweb/webclient/test/unit/event-handler-service.spec.js b/syweb/webclient/test/unit/event-handler-service.spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a4dc3b5a5..0000000000
--- a/syweb/webclient/test/unit/event-handler-service.spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-describe('EventHandlerService', function() {
-    var scope;
-    var modelService = {};
-    // setup the service and mocked dependencies
-    beforeEach(function() {
-        // dependencies
-        module('matrixService');
-        module('notificationService');
-        module('mPresence');
-        // cleanup mocked methods
-        modelService = {};
-        // mocked dependencies
-        module(function ($provide) {
-          $provide.value('modelService', modelService);
-        });
-        // tested service
-        module('eventHandlerService');
-    });
-    beforeEach(inject(function($rootScope) {
-        scope = $rootScope;
-    }));
-    it('should be able to get the number of joined users in a room', inject(
-    function(eventHandlerService) {
-        var roomId = "!";
-        // set mocked data
-        modelService.getRoom = function(roomId) {
-            return {
-                room_id: roomId,
-                current_room_state: {
-                    members: {
-                        "": {
-                            event: {
-                                content: { membership: "join" },
-                                user_id: ""
-                            }
-                        },
-                        "": {
-                            event: {
-                                content: { membership: "invite" },
-                                user_id: ""
-                            }
-                        },
-                        "": {
-                            event: {
-                                content: { membership: "join" },
-                                user_id: ""
-                            }
-                        },
-                        "": {
-                            event: {
-                                content: { membership: "leave" },
-                                user_id: ""
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            };
-        }
-        var num = eventHandlerService.getUsersCountInRoom(roomId);
-        expect(num).toEqual(2);
-    }));
-    it('should be able to get a users power level', inject(
-    function(eventHandlerService) {
-        var roomId = "!";
-        // set mocked data
-        modelService.getRoom = function(roomId) {
-            return {
-                room_id: roomId,
-                current_room_state: {
-                    members: {
-                        "": {
-                            event: {
-                                content: { membership: "join" },
-                                user_id: ""
-                            }
-                        },
-                        "": {
-                            event: {
-                                content: { membership: "join" },
-                                user_id: ""
-                            }
-                        }
-                    },
-                    s: {
-                        "": {
-                            content: {
-                                "": 90,
-                                "default": 50
-                            }
-                        }
-                    },
-                    state: function(type, key) { 
-                        return key ? this.s[type+key] : this.s[type]
-                    }
-                }
-            };
-        };
-        var num = eventHandlerService.getUserPowerLevel(roomId, "");
-        expect(num).toEqual(50);
-        num = eventHandlerService.getUserPowerLevel(roomId, "");
-        expect(num).toEqual(90);
-        num = eventHandlerService.getUserPowerLevel(roomId, "");
-        expect(num).toEqual(50);
-    }));
diff --git a/syweb/webclient/test/unit/filters.spec.js b/syweb/webclient/test/unit/filters.spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7324a8e028..0000000000
--- a/syweb/webclient/test/unit/filters.spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,488 +0,0 @@
-describe('mRoomName filter', function() {
-    var filter, mRoomName;
-    var roomId = "!";
-    // test state values (f.e. test)
-    var testUserId, testAlias, testDisplayName, testOtherDisplayName, testRoomState;
-    // mocked services which return the test values above.
-    var matrixService = {
-        getRoomIdToAliasMapping: function(room_id) {
-            return testAlias;
-        },
-        config: function() {
-            return {
-                user_id: testUserId
-            };
-        }
-    };
-    var eventHandlerService = {
-        getUserDisplayName: function(room_id, user_id) {
-            if (user_id === testUserId) {
-                return testDisplayName;
-            }
-            return testOtherDisplayName;
-        }
-    };
-    var modelService = {
-        getRoom: function(room_id) {
-            return {
-                current_room_state: testRoomState
-            };
-        }
-    };
-    beforeEach(function() {
-        // inject mocked dependencies
-        module(function ($provide) {
-            $provide.value('matrixService', matrixService);
-            $provide.value('eventHandlerService', eventHandlerService);
-            $provide.value('modelService', modelService);
-        });
-        module('matrixFilter');
-    });
-    beforeEach(inject(function($filter) {
-        filter = $filter;
-        mRoomName = filter("mRoomName");
-        // purge the previous test values
-        testUserId = undefined;
-        testAlias = undefined;
-        testDisplayName = undefined;
-        testOtherDisplayName = undefined;
-        // mock up a stub room state
-        testRoomState = {
-            s:{}, // internal; stores the state events
-            state: function(type, key) {
-                // accessor used by filter
-                return key ? this.s[type+key] : this.s[type];
-            },
-            members: {}, // struct used by filter
-            // test helper methods
-            setJoinRule: function(rule) {
-                this.s[""] = {
-                    content: {
-                        join_rule: rule
-                    }
-                };
-            },
-            setRoomName: function(name) {
-                this.s[""] = {
-                    content: {
-                        name: name
-                    }
-                };
-            },
-            setMember: function(user_id, membership, inviter_user_id) {
-                if (!inviter_user_id) {
-                    inviter_user_id = user_id;
-                }
-                this.s["" + user_id] = {
-                    event: {
-                        content: {
-                            membership: membership
-                        },
-                        state_key: user_id,
-                        user_id: inviter_user_id 
-                    }
-                };
-                this.members[user_id] = this.s["" + user_id];
-            }
-        };
-    }));
-    /**** ROOM NAME ****/
-    it("should show the room name if one exists for private (invite join_rules) rooms.", function() {
-        var roomName = "The Room Name";
-        testUserId = "";
-        testRoomState.setJoinRule("invite");
-        testRoomState.setRoomName(roomName);
-        testRoomState.setMember(testUserId, "join");
-        var output = mRoomName(roomId);
-        expect(output).toEqual(roomName);
-    });
-    it("should show the room name if one exists for public (public join_rules) rooms.", function() {
-        var roomName = "The Room Name";
-        testUserId = "";
-        testRoomState.setJoinRule("public");
-        testRoomState.setRoomName(roomName);
-        testRoomState.setMember(testUserId, "join");
-        var output = mRoomName(roomId);
-        expect(output).toEqual(roomName);
-    });
-    /**** ROOM ALIAS ****/
-    it("should show the room alias if one exists for private (invite join_rules) rooms if a room name doesn't exist.", function() {
-        testAlias = "";
-        testUserId = "";
-        testRoomState.setJoinRule("invite");
-        testRoomState.setMember(testUserId, "join");
-        var output = mRoomName(roomId);
-        expect(output).toEqual(testAlias);
-    });
-    it("should show the room alias if one exists for public (public join_rules) rooms if a room name doesn't exist.", function() {
-        testAlias = "";
-        testUserId = "";
-        testRoomState.setJoinRule("public");
-        testRoomState.setMember(testUserId, "join");
-        var output = mRoomName(roomId);
-        expect(output).toEqual(testAlias);
-    });
-    /**** ROOM ID ****/
-    it("should show the room ID for public (public join_rules) rooms if a room name and alias don't exist.", function() {
-        testUserId = "";
-        testRoomState.setJoinRule("public");
-        testRoomState.setMember(testUserId, "join");
-        var output = mRoomName(roomId);
-        expect(output).toEqual(roomId);
-    });
-    it("should show the room ID for private (invite join_rules) rooms if a room name and alias don't exist and there are >2 members.", function() {
-        testUserId = "";
-        testRoomState.setJoinRule("public");
-        testRoomState.setMember(testUserId, "join");
-        testRoomState.setMember("", "join");
-        testRoomState.setMember("", "join");
-        var output = mRoomName(roomId);
-        expect(output).toEqual(roomId);
-    });
-    /**** SELF-CHAT ****/
-    it("should show your display name for private (invite join_rules) rooms if a room name and alias don't exist and it is a self-chat.", function() {
-        testUserId = "";
-        testDisplayName = "Me";
-        testRoomState.setJoinRule("private");
-        testRoomState.setMember(testUserId, "join");
-        var output = mRoomName(roomId);
-        expect(output).toEqual(testDisplayName);
-    });
-    it("should show your user ID for private (invite join_rules) rooms if a room name and alias don't exist and it is a self-chat and they don't have a display name set.", function() {
-        testUserId = "";
-        testRoomState.setJoinRule("private");
-        testRoomState.setMember(testUserId, "join");
-        var output = mRoomName(roomId);
-        expect(output).toEqual(testUserId);
-    });
-    /**** ONE-TO-ONE CHAT ****/
-    it("should show the other user's display name for private (invite join_rules) rooms if a room name and alias don't exist and it is a 1:1-chat.", function() {
-        testUserId = "";
-        otherUserId = "";
-        testOtherDisplayName = "Alice";
-        testRoomState.setJoinRule("private");
-        testRoomState.setMember(testUserId, "join");
-        testRoomState.setMember("", "join");
-        var output = mRoomName(roomId);
-        expect(output).toEqual(testOtherDisplayName);
-    });
-    it("should show the other user's ID for private (invite join_rules) rooms if a room name and alias don't exist and it is a 1:1-chat and they don't have a display name set.", function() {
-        testUserId = "";
-        otherUserId = "";
-        testRoomState.setJoinRule("private");
-        testRoomState.setMember(testUserId, "join");
-        testRoomState.setMember("", "join");
-        var output = mRoomName(roomId);
-        expect(output).toEqual(otherUserId);
-    });
-    /**** INVITED TO ROOM ****/
-    it("should show the other user's display name for private (invite join_rules) rooms if you are invited to it.", function() {
-        testUserId = "";
-        testDisplayName = "Me";
-        otherUserId = "";
-        testOtherDisplayName = "Alice";
-        testRoomState.setJoinRule("private");
-        testRoomState.setMember(testUserId, "join");
-        testRoomState.setMember(otherUserId, "join");
-        testRoomState.setMember(testUserId, "invite");
-        var output = mRoomName(roomId);
-        expect(output).toEqual(testOtherDisplayName);
-    });
-    it("should show the other user's ID for private (invite join_rules) rooms if you are invited to it and the inviter doesn't have a display name.", function() {
-        testUserId = "";
-        testDisplayName = "Me";
-        otherUserId = "";
-        testRoomState.setJoinRule("private");
-        testRoomState.setMember(testUserId, "join");
-        testRoomState.setMember(otherUserId, "join");
-        testRoomState.setMember(testUserId, "invite");
-        var output = mRoomName(roomId);
-        expect(output).toEqual(otherUserId);
-    });
-describe('duration filter', function() {
-    var filter, durationFilter;
-    beforeEach(module('matrixWebClient'));
-    beforeEach(inject(function($filter) {
-        filter = $filter;
-        durationFilter = filter("duration");
-    }));
-    it("should represent 15000 ms as '15s'", function() {
-        var output = durationFilter(15000);
-        expect(output).toEqual("15s");
-    });
-    it("should represent 60000 ms as '1m'", function() {
-        var output = durationFilter(60000);
-        expect(output).toEqual("1m");
-    });
-    it("should represent 65000 ms as '1m'", function() {
-        var output = durationFilter(65000);
-        expect(output).toEqual("1m");
-    });
-    it("should represent 10 ms as '0s'", function() {
-        var output = durationFilter(10);
-        expect(output).toEqual("0s");
-    });
-    it("should represent 4m as '4m'", function() {
-        var output = durationFilter(1000*60*4);
-        expect(output).toEqual("4m");
-    });
-    it("should represent 4m30s as '4m'", function() {
-        var output = durationFilter(1000*60*4 + 1000*30);
-        expect(output).toEqual("4m");
-    });
-    it("should represent 2h as '2h'", function() {
-        var output = durationFilter(1000*60*60*2);
-        expect(output).toEqual("2h");
-    });
-    it("should represent 2h35m as '2h'", function() {
-        var output = durationFilter(1000*60*60*2 + 1000*60*35);
-        expect(output).toEqual("2h");
-    });
-describe('orderMembersList filter', function() {
-    var filter, orderMembersList;
-    beforeEach(module('matrixWebClient'));
-    beforeEach(inject(function($filter) {
-        filter = $filter;
-        orderMembersList = filter("orderMembersList");
-    }));
-    it("should sort a single entry", function() {
-        var output = orderMembersList({
-            "": {
-                last_active_ago: 50,
-                last_updated: 1415266943964
-            }
-        });
-        expect(output).toEqual([{
-                id: "",
-                last_active_ago: 50,
-                last_updated: 1415266943964
-        }]);
-    });
-    it("should sort by taking last_active_ago into account", function() {
-        var output = orderMembersList({
-            "": {
-                last_active_ago: 1000,
-                last_updated: 1415266943964
-            },
-            "": {
-                last_active_ago: 50,
-                last_updated: 1415266943964
-            },
-            "": {
-                last_active_ago: 99999,
-                last_updated: 1415266943964
-            }
-        });
-        expect(output).toEqual([
-            {
-                id: "",
-                last_active_ago: 50,
-                last_updated: 1415266943964
-            },
-            {
-                id: "",
-                last_active_ago: 1000,
-                last_updated: 1415266943964
-            },
-            {
-                id: "",
-                last_active_ago: 99999,
-                last_updated: 1415266943964
-            },
-        ]);
-    });
-    it("should sort by taking last_updated into account", function() {
-        var output = orderMembersList({
-            "": {
-                last_active_ago: 1000,
-                last_updated: 1415266943964
-            },
-            "": {
-                last_active_ago: 1000,
-                last_updated: 1415266900000
-            },
-            "": {
-                last_active_ago: 1000,
-                last_updated: 1415266943000
-            }
-        });
-        expect(output).toEqual([
-            {
-                id: "",
-                last_active_ago: 1000,
-                last_updated: 1415266943964
-            },
-            {
-                id: "",
-                last_active_ago: 1000,
-                last_updated: 1415266943000
-            },
-            {
-                id: "",
-                last_active_ago: 1000,
-                last_updated: 1415266900000
-            },
-        ]);
-    });
-    it("should sort by taking last_updated and last_active_ago into account", 
-    function() {
-        var output = orderMembersList({
-            "": {
-                last_active_ago: 1000,
-                last_updated: 1415266943000
-            },
-            "": {
-                last_active_ago: 100000,
-                last_updated: 1415266943900
-            },
-            "": {
-                last_active_ago: 1000,
-                last_updated: 1415266943964
-            }
-        });
-        expect(output).toEqual([
-            {
-                id: "",
-                last_active_ago: 1000,
-                last_updated: 1415266943964
-            },
-            {
-                id: "",
-                last_active_ago: 1000,
-                last_updated: 1415266943000
-            },
-            {
-                id: "",
-                last_active_ago: 100000,
-                last_updated: 1415266943900
-            },
-        ]);
-    });
-    // SYWEB-26 comment
-    it("should sort members who do not have last_active_ago value at the end of the list", 
-    function() {
-        // single undefined entry
-        var output = orderMembersList({
-            "": {
-                last_active_ago: 1000,
-                last_updated: 1415266943964
-            },
-            "": {
-                last_active_ago: 100000,
-                last_updated: 1415266943964
-            },
-            "": {
-                last_active_ago: undefined,
-                last_updated: 1415266943964
-            }
-        });
-        expect(output).toEqual([
-            {
-                id: "",
-                last_active_ago: 1000,
-                last_updated: 1415266943964
-            },
-            {
-                id: "",
-                last_active_ago: 100000,
-                last_updated: 1415266943964
-            },
-            {
-                id: "",
-                last_active_ago: undefined,
-                last_updated: 1415266943964
-            },
-        ]);
-    });
-    it("should sort multiple members who do not have last_active_ago according to presence", 
-    function() {
-        // single undefined entry
-        var output = orderMembersList({
-            "": {
-                last_active_ago: undefined,
-                last_updated: 1415266943964,
-                presence: "unavailable"
-            },
-            "": {
-                last_active_ago: undefined,
-                last_updated: 1415266943964,
-                presence: "online"
-            },
-            "": {
-                last_active_ago: undefined,
-                last_updated: 1415266943964,
-                presence: "offline"
-            }
-        });
-        expect(output).toEqual([
-            {
-                id: "",
-                last_active_ago: undefined,
-                last_updated: 1415266943964,
-                presence: "online"
-            },
-            {
-                id: "",
-                last_active_ago: undefined,
-                last_updated: 1415266943964,
-                presence: "unavailable"
-            },
-            {
-                id: "",
-                last_active_ago: undefined,
-                last_updated: 1415266943964,
-                presence: "offline"
-            },
-        ]);
-    });
diff --git a/syweb/webclient/test/unit/matrix-service.spec.js b/syweb/webclient/test/unit/matrix-service.spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4959f2395d..0000000000
--- a/syweb/webclient/test/unit/matrix-service.spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,504 +0,0 @@
-describe('MatrixService', function() {
-    var scope, httpBackend;
-    var BASE = "";
-    var PREFIX = "/_matrix/client/api/v1";
-    var URL = BASE + PREFIX;
-    var roomId = "!";
-    var CONFIG = {
-        access_token: "foobar",
-        homeserver: BASE
-    };
-    beforeEach(module('matrixService'));
-    beforeEach(inject(function($rootScope, $httpBackend) {
-        httpBackend = $httpBackend;
-        scope = $rootScope;
-    }));
-    afterEach(function() {
-        httpBackend.verifyNoOutstandingExpectation();
-        httpBackend.verifyNoOutstandingRequest();
-    });
-    it('should be able to POST /createRoom with an alias', inject(
-    function(matrixService) {
-        matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG);
-        var alias = "flibble";
-        matrixService.create(alias).then(function(response) {
-            expect({});
-        });
-        httpBackend.expectPOST(URL + "/createRoom?access_token=foobar",
-            {
-                room_alias_name: alias
-            })
-            .respond({});
-        httpBackend.flush();
-    }));
-    it('should be able to GET /initialSync', inject(function(matrixService) {
-        matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG);
-        var limit = 15;
-        matrixService.initialSync(limit).then(function(response) {
-            expect([]);
-        });
-        httpBackend.expectGET(
-            URL + "/initialSync?access_token=foobar&limit=15")
-            .respond([]);
-        httpBackend.flush();
-    }));
-    it('should be able to GET /rooms/$roomid/state', inject(
-    function(matrixService) {
-        matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG);
-        matrixService.roomState(roomId).then(function(response) {
-            expect([]);
-        });
-        httpBackend.expectGET(
-            URL + "/rooms/" + encodeURIComponent(roomId) + 
-            "/state?access_token=foobar")
-            .respond([]);
-        httpBackend.flush();
-    }));
-    it('should be able to POST /join', inject(function(matrixService) {
-        matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG);
-        matrixService.joinAlias(roomId).then(function(response) {
-            expect({});
-        });
-        httpBackend.expectPOST(
-            URL + "/join/" + encodeURIComponent(roomId) + 
-            "?access_token=foobar",
-            {})
-            .respond({});
-        httpBackend.flush();
-    }));
-    it('should be able to POST /rooms/$roomid/join', inject(
-    function(matrixService) {
-        matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG);
-        matrixService.join(roomId).then(function(response) {
-            expect({});
-        });
-        httpBackend.expectPOST(
-            URL + "/rooms/" + encodeURIComponent(roomId) + 
-            "/join?access_token=foobar",
-            {})
-            .respond({});
-        httpBackend.flush();
-    }));
-    it('should be able to POST /rooms/$roomid/invite', inject(
-    function(matrixService) {
-        matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG);
-        var inviteUserId = "";
-        matrixService.invite(roomId, inviteUserId).then(function(response) {
-            expect({});
-        });
-        httpBackend.expectPOST(
-            URL + "/rooms/" + encodeURIComponent(roomId) + 
-            "/invite?access_token=foobar",
-            {
-                user_id: inviteUserId
-            })
-            .respond({});
-        httpBackend.flush();
-    }));
-    it('should be able to POST /rooms/$roomid/leave', inject(
-    function(matrixService) {
-        matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG);
-        matrixService.leave(roomId).then(function(response) {
-            expect({});
-        });
-        httpBackend.expectPOST(
-            URL + "/rooms/" + encodeURIComponent(roomId) + 
-            "/leave?access_token=foobar",
-            {})
-            .respond({});
-        httpBackend.flush();
-    }));
-    it('should be able to POST /rooms/$roomid/ban', inject(
-    function(matrixService) {
-        matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG);
-        var userId = "";
-        var reason = "Because.";
-        matrixService.ban(roomId, userId, reason).then(function(response) {
-            expect({});
-        });
-        httpBackend.expectPOST(
-            URL + "/rooms/" + encodeURIComponent(roomId) + 
-            "/ban?access_token=foobar",
-            {
-                user_id: userId,
-                reason: reason
-            })
-            .respond({});
-        httpBackend.flush();
-    }));
-    it('should be able to GET /directory/room/$alias', inject(
-    function(matrixService) {
-        matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG);
-        var alias = "";
-        var roomId = "!";
-        matrixService.resolveRoomAlias(alias).then(function(response) {
-            expect({
-                room_id: roomId
-            });
-        });
-        httpBackend.expectGET(
-            URL + "/directory/room/" + encodeURIComponent(alias) +
-                    "?access_token=foobar")
-            .respond({
-                room_id: roomId
-            });
-        httpBackend.flush();
-    }));
-    it('should be able to send', inject(function(matrixService) {
-        matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG);
-        var roomId = "!";
-        var name = "Room Name";
-        matrixService.setName(roomId, name).then(function(response) {
-            expect({});
-        });
-        httpBackend.expectPUT(
-            URL + "/rooms/" + encodeURIComponent(roomId) + 
-            "/state/",
-            {
-                name: name
-            })
-            .respond({});
-        httpBackend.flush();
-    }));
-    it('should be able to send', inject(function(matrixService) {
-        matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG);
-        var roomId = "!";
-        var topic = "A room topic can go here.";
-        matrixService.setTopic(roomId, topic).then(function(response) {
-            expect({});
-        });
-        httpBackend.expectPUT(
-            URL + "/rooms/" + encodeURIComponent(roomId) + 
-            "/state/",
-            {
-                topic: topic
-            })
-            .respond({});
-        httpBackend.flush();
-    }));
-    it('should be able to send generic state events without a state key', inject(
-    function(matrixService) {
-        matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG);
-        var roomId = "!";
-        var eventType = "";
-        var content = {
-            testing: "1 2 3"
-        };
-        matrixService.sendStateEvent(roomId, eventType, content).then(
-        function(response) {
-            expect({});
-        });
-        httpBackend.expectPUT(
-            URL + "/rooms/" + encodeURIComponent(roomId) + "/state/" + 
-            encodeURIComponent(eventType) + "?access_token=foobar",
-            content)
-            .respond({});
-        httpBackend.flush();
-    }));
-    // TODO: Skipped since the webclient is purposefully broken so as not to
-    // 500
-    xit('should be able to send generic state events with a state key', inject(
-    function(matrixService) {
-        matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG);
-        var roomId = "!";
-        var eventType = "";
-        var content = {
-            testing: "1 2 3"
-        };
-        var stateKey = "version:1";
-        matrixService.sendStateEvent(roomId, eventType, content, stateKey).then(
-        function(response) {
-            expect({});
-        });
-        httpBackend.expectPUT(
-            URL + "/rooms/" + encodeURIComponent(roomId) + "/state/" + 
-            encodeURIComponent(eventType) + "/" + encodeURIComponent(stateKey)+
-            "?access_token=foobar",
-            content)
-            .respond({});
-        httpBackend.flush();
-    }));
-    it('should be able to PUT generic events ', inject(
-    function(matrixService) {
-        matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG);
-        var roomId = "!";
-        var eventType = "";
-        var txnId = "42";
-        var content = {
-            testing: "1 2 3"
-        };
-        matrixService.sendEvent(roomId, eventType, txnId, content).then(
-        function(response) {
-            expect({});
-        });
-        httpBackend.expectPUT(
-            URL + "/rooms/" + encodeURIComponent(roomId) + "/send/" + 
-            encodeURIComponent(eventType) + "/" + encodeURIComponent(txnId)+
-            "?access_token=foobar",
-            content)
-            .respond({});
-        httpBackend.flush();
-    }));
-    it('should be able to PUT text messages ', inject(
-    function(matrixService) {
-        matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG);
-        var roomId = "!";
-        var body = "ABC 123";
-        matrixService.sendTextMessage(roomId, body).then(
-        function(response) {
-            expect({});
-        });
-        httpBackend.expectPUT(
-            new RegExp(URL + "/rooms/" + encodeURIComponent(roomId) + 
-            "/send/*)" +
-            "?access_token=foobar"),
-            {
-                body: body,
-                msgtype: "m.text"
-            })
-            .respond({});
-        httpBackend.flush();
-    }));
-    it('should be able to PUT emote messages ', inject(
-    function(matrixService) {
-        matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG);
-        var roomId = "!";
-        var body = "ABC 123";
-        matrixService.sendEmoteMessage(roomId, body).then(
-        function(response) {
-            expect({});
-        });
-        httpBackend.expectPUT(
-            new RegExp(URL + "/rooms/" + encodeURIComponent(roomId) + 
-            "/send/*)" +
-            "?access_token=foobar"),
-            {
-                body: body,
-                msgtype: "m.emote"
-            })
-            .respond({});
-        httpBackend.flush();
-    }));
-    it('should be able to POST redactions', inject(
-    function(matrixService) {
-        matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG);
-        var roomId = "!";
-        var eventId = "";
-        matrixService.redactEvent(roomId, eventId).then(
-        function(response) {
-            expect({});
-        });
-        httpBackend.expectPOST(URL + "/rooms/" + encodeURIComponent(roomId) + 
-            "/redact/" + encodeURIComponent(eventId) +
-            "?access_token=foobar")
-            .respond({});
-        httpBackend.flush();
-    }));
-    it('should be able to GET /directory/room/$alias', inject(
-    function(matrixService) {
-        matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG);
-        var alias = "";
-        var roomId = "!";
-        matrixService.resolveRoomAlias(alias).then(function(response) {
-            expect({
-                room_id: roomId
-            });
-        });
-        httpBackend.expectGET(
-            URL + "/directory/room/" + encodeURIComponent(alias) +
-                    "?access_token=foobar")
-            .respond({
-                room_id: roomId
-            });
-        httpBackend.flush();
-    }));
-    it('should be able to GET /rooms/$roomid/members', inject(
-    function(matrixService) {
-        matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG);
-        var roomId = "!";
-        matrixService.getMemberList(roomId).then(function(response) {
-            expect({});
-        });
-        httpBackend.expectGET(
-            URL + "/rooms/" + encodeURIComponent(roomId) +
-                    "/members?access_token=foobar")
-            .respond({});
-        httpBackend.flush();
-    }));
-    it('should be able to paginate a room', inject(
-    function(matrixService) {
-        matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG);
-        var roomId = "!";
-        var from = "3t_44e_54z";
-        var limit = 20;
-        matrixService.paginateBackMessages(roomId, from, limit).then(function(response) {
-            expect({});
-        });
-        httpBackend.expectGET(
-            URL + "/rooms/" + encodeURIComponent(roomId) +
-                    "/messages?access_token=foobar&dir=b&from="+
-                    encodeURIComponent(from)+"&limit="+limit)
-            .respond({});
-        httpBackend.flush();
-    }));
-    it('should be able to GET /publicRooms', inject(
-    function(matrixService) {
-        matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG);
-        matrixService.publicRooms().then(function(response) {
-            expect({});
-        });
-        httpBackend.expectGET(
-            new RegExp(URL + "/publicRooms(.*)"))
-            .respond({});
-        httpBackend.flush();
-    }));
-    it('should be able to GET /profile/$userid/displayname', inject(
-    function(matrixService) {
-        matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG);
-        var userId = "";
-        matrixService.getDisplayName(userId).then(function(response) {
-            expect({});
-        });
-        httpBackend.expectGET(URL + "/profile/" + encodeURIComponent(userId) +
-            "/displayname?access_token=foobar")
-            .respond({});
-        httpBackend.flush();
-    }));
-    it('should be able to GET /profile/$userid/avatar_url', inject(
-    function(matrixService) {
-        matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG);
-        var userId = "";
-        matrixService.getProfilePictureUrl(userId).then(function(response) {
-            expect({});
-        });
-        httpBackend.expectGET(URL + "/profile/" + encodeURIComponent(userId) +
-            "/avatar_url?access_token=foobar")
-            .respond({});
-        httpBackend.flush();
-    }));
-    it('should be able to PUT /profile/$me/avatar_url', inject(
-    function(matrixService) {
-        var testConfig = angular.copy(CONFIG);
-        testConfig.user_id = "";
-        matrixService.setConfig(testConfig);
-        var url = "";
-        matrixService.setProfilePictureUrl(url).then(function(response) {
-            expect({});
-        });
-        httpBackend.expectPUT(URL + "/profile/" + 
-            encodeURIComponent(testConfig.user_id) +
-            "/avatar_url?access_token=foobar",
-            {
-                avatar_url: url
-            })
-            .respond({});
-        httpBackend.flush();
-    }));
-    it('should be able to PUT /profile/$me/displayname', inject(
-    function(matrixService) {
-        var testConfig = angular.copy(CONFIG);
-        testConfig.user_id = "";
-        matrixService.setConfig(testConfig);
-        var displayname = "Bob Smith";
-        matrixService.setDisplayName(displayname).then(function(response) {
-            expect({});
-        });
-        httpBackend.expectPUT(URL + "/profile/" + 
-            encodeURIComponent(testConfig.user_id) +
-            "/displayname?access_token=foobar",
-            {
-                displayname: displayname
-            })
-            .respond({});
-        httpBackend.flush();
-    }));
-    it('should be able to login with password', inject(
-    function(matrixService) {
-        matrixService.setConfig(CONFIG);
-        var userId = "";
-        var password = "monkey";
-        matrixService.login(userId, password).then(function(response) {
-            expect({});
-        });
-        httpBackend.expectPOST(new RegExp(URL+"/login(.*)"),
-            {
-                user: userId,
-                password: password,
-                type: "m.login.password"
-            })
-            .respond({});
-        httpBackend.flush();
-    }));
-    it('should be able to PUT presence status', inject(
-    function(matrixService) {
-        var testConfig = angular.copy(CONFIG);
-        testConfig.user_id = "";
-        matrixService.setConfig(testConfig);
-        var status = "unavailable";
-        matrixService.setUserPresence(status).then(function(response) {
-            expect({});
-        });
-        httpBackend.expectPUT(URL+"/presence/"+
-            encodeURIComponent(testConfig.user_id)+
-            "/status?access_token=foobar",
-            {
-                presence: status
-            })
-            .respond({});
-        httpBackend.flush();
-    }));
diff --git a/syweb/webclient/test/unit/model-service.spec.js b/syweb/webclient/test/unit/model-service.spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e2fa8ceba3..0000000000
--- a/syweb/webclient/test/unit/model-service.spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-describe('ModelService', function() {
-    // setup the dependencies
-    beforeEach(function() {
-        // dependencies
-        module('matrixService');
-        // tested service
-        module('modelService');
-    });
-    it('should be able to get a member in a room', inject(
-    function(modelService) {
-        var roomId = "!";
-        var userId = "";
-        modelService.getRoom(roomId).current_room_state.storeStateEvent({
-            type: "",
-            id: "",
-            user_id: userId,
-            state_key: userId,
-            content: {
-                membership: "join"
-            }
-        });
-        var user = modelService.getMember(roomId, userId);
-        expect(user.event.state_key).toEqual(userId);
-    }));
diff --git a/syweb/webclient/test/unit/register-controller.spec.js b/syweb/webclient/test/unit/register-controller.spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b5c7842358..0000000000
--- a/syweb/webclient/test/unit/register-controller.spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-describe("RegisterController ", function() {
-    var rootScope, scope, ctrl, $q, $timeout;
-    var userId = "@foo:bar";
-    var displayName = "Foo";
-    var avatarUrl = "avatar.url";
-    window.webClientConfig = {
-        useCapatcha: false
-    };
-    // test vars
-    var testRegisterData, testFailRegisterData;
-    // mock services
-    var matrixService = {
-        config: function() {
-            return {
-                user_id: userId
-            }
-        },
-        setConfig: function(){},
-        register: function(mxid, password, threepidCreds, useCaptcha) {
-            var d = $q.defer();
-            if (testFailRegisterData) {
-                d.reject({
-                    data: testFailRegisterData
-                });
-            }
-            else {
-                d.resolve({
-                    data: testRegisterData
-                });
-            }
-            return d.promise;
-        }
-    };
-    var eventStreamService = {};
-    beforeEach(function() {
-        module('matrixWebClient');
-        // reset test vars
-        testRegisterData = undefined;
-        testFailRegisterData = undefined;
-    });
-    beforeEach(inject(function($rootScope, $injector, $location, $controller, _$q_, _$timeout_) {
-            $q = _$q_;
-            $timeout = _$timeout_;
-            scope = $rootScope.$new();
-            rootScope = $rootScope;
-            routeParams = {
-                user_matrix_id: userId
-            };
-            ctrl = $controller('RegisterController', {
-                '$scope': scope,
-                '$rootScope': $rootScope, 
-                '$location': $location,
-                'matrixService': matrixService,
-                'eventStreamService': eventStreamService
-            });
-        })
-    );
-    // SYWEB-109
-    it('should display an error if the HS rejects the username on registration', function() {
-        var prevFeedback = angular.copy(;
-        testFailRegisterData = {
-            errcode: "M_UNKNOWN",
-            error: "I am rejecting you."
-        };
-        scope.account.pwd1 = "password";
-        scope.account.pwd2 = "password";
-        scope.account.desired_user_id = "bob";
-        scope.register(); // this depends on the result of a deferred
-        rootScope.$digest(); // which is delivered after the digest
-        expect(;
-    });
diff --git a/syweb/webclient/test/unit/user-controller.spec.js b/syweb/webclient/test/unit/user-controller.spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 798cc4de48..0000000000
--- a/syweb/webclient/test/unit/user-controller.spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-describe("UserCtrl", function() {
-    var scope, ctrl, matrixService, routeParams, $q, $timeout;
-    var userId = "@foo:bar";
-    var displayName = "Foo";
-    var avatarUrl = "avatar.url";
-    beforeEach(module('matrixWebClient'));
-    beforeEach(function() {
-        inject(function($rootScope, $injector, $controller, _$q_, _$timeout_) {
-            $q = _$q_;
-            $timeout = _$timeout_;
-            matrixService = {
-                config: function() {
-                    return {
-                        user_id: userId
-                    };
-                },
-                getDisplayName: function(uid) {
-                    var d = $q.defer();
-                    d.resolve({
-                        data: {
-                            displayname: displayName
-                        }
-                    });
-                    return d.promise;
-                },
-                getProfilePictureUrl: function(uid) {
-                    var d = $q.defer();
-                    d.resolve({
-                        data: {
-                            avatar_url: avatarUrl
-                        }
-                    });
-                    return d.promise;
-                }
-            };
-            scope = $rootScope.$new();
-            routeParams = {
-                user_matrix_id: userId
-            };
-            ctrl = $controller('UserController', {
-                '$scope': scope, 
-                '$routeParams': routeParams, 
-                'matrixService': matrixService
-            });
-        });
-    });
-    it('should display your user id', function() {
-        expect(scope.user_id).toEqual(userId);
-    });