summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/synapse_topology/webui
diff options
authorJorik Schellekens <>2019-08-15 16:46:52 +0100
committerJorik Schellekens <>2019-08-28 15:59:54 +0100
commit5414d470f507fbd2b657a1af1022a86f0dba45e2 (patch)
treed3b6f17a952e8c0ba28057f72613bf7d61273002 /synapse_topology/webui
parentIgnore yarn errors (diff)
Linted and loaded.
Diffstat (limited to 'synapse_topology/webui')
-rw-r--r--synapse_topology/webui/src/js/reducers/ui-constants.js (renamed from synapse_topology/webui/src/js/reducers/ui_constants.js)18
53 files changed, 1867 insertions, 1594 deletions
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/.eslintrc.js b/synapse_topology/webui/.eslintrc.js
index b3dd77da95..57884cab92 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/.eslintrc.js
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/.eslintrc.js
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ const path = require('path');
 module.exports = {
     parser: "babel-eslint",
     plugins: [
-      "react",
-      "babel"
+        "react",
+        "babel"
     env: {
         es6: true,
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ module.exports = {
     rules: {
-	        // rules we've always adhered to or now do
+        // rules we've always adhered to or now do
         "max-len": ["error", {
             code: 90,
             ignoreComments: true,
@@ -66,10 +66,9 @@ module.exports = {
         // we set these to warnings, and assert that the number
         // of warnings doesn't exceed a given threshold
         "no-var": ["warn"],
-        "brace-style": ["warn", "1tbs", {"allowSingleLine": true}],
+        "brace-style": ["warn", "1tbs", { "allowSingleLine": true }],
         "prefer-rest-params": ["warn"],
         "prefer-spread": ["warn"],
-        "one-var": ["warn"],
         "padded-blocks": ["warn"],
         "no-extend-native": ["warn"],
         "camelcase": ["warn"],
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/index.html b/synapse_topology/webui/src/index.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 6eac2d5e13..0000000000
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/index.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-  <meta charset="utf-8">
-  <title>Topology - The synapse configuration tool</title>
-<link rel="stylesheet" href="scss/bootstrap.min.css">
-  <div id="content" />
-  <script src="dist/bundle.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/actions/constants.js b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/actions/constants.js
index 6fbe7d57f6..6dc27ee777 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/actions/constants.js
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/actions/constants.js
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
 export const DELEGATION_TYPES = {
-  LOCAL: "local",
-  WELL_KNOWN: ".well_known",
-  DNS: "DNS SRV",
+    LOCAL: "local",
+    WELL_KNOWN: ".well_known",
+    DNS: "DNS SRV",
 export const REVERSE_PROXY_TYPES = {
+    CADDY: "CADDY",
+    NGINX: "NGINX",
+    OTHER: "OTHER",
 export const TLS_TYPES = {
-  ACME: "ACME",
-  TLS: "TLS",
+    ACME: "ACME",
+    TLS: "TLS",
 export const DATABASE_TYPES = {
-  SQLITE3: "sqlite3",
-  POSTGRES: "psycopg2",
\ No newline at end of file
+    SQLITE3: "sqlite3",
+    POSTGRES: "psycopg2",
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/actions/index.js b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/actions/index.js
index 1c68daf3f5..f21bdad520 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/actions/index.js
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/actions/index.js
@@ -1,254 +1,301 @@
 import {
-  FAIL,
+    BACK_UI,
+    FAIL,
+    SET_TLS,
 } from './types';
 import {
-  get_server_setup,
-  post_server_name,
-  get_secretkey,
-  post_cert_paths,
-  post_certs,
-  test_ports,
-  post_config,
-  start_synapse,
+    getServerSetup,
+    postServerName,
+    getSecretkey,
+    postCertPaths,
+    postCerts,
+    testPorts,
+    postConfig,
+    startSynapse,
 } from '../api';
 import { CONFIG_LOCK, CONFIG_DIR } from '../api/constants';
-import { base_config_to_synapse_config } from '../utils/yaml';
+import { baseConfigToSynapseConfig } from '../utils/yaml';
 export const startup = () => {
-  return dispatch => {
-    get_server_setup().then(
-      result => {
-        dispatch(start(result[CONFIG_LOCK]));
-        dispatch(set_config_dir(result[CONFIG_DIR]));
-      },
-      error => dispatch(fail(error)),
-    )
-  }
-const set_config_dir = dir => ({
-  type: SET_CONFIG_DIR,
-  config_dir: dir,
-export const generate_secret_keys = consent => {
-  return (dispatch, getState) => {
-    dispatch(getting_secret_keys());
-    post_server_name(getState().base_config.servername, consent)
-      .then(
-        result => dispatch(get_secret_key()),
-        error => dispatch(fail(error))
-      )
-  }
-export const set_tls_cert_paths = (cert_path, cert_key_path, callback) => {
-  return dispatch => {
-    dispatch(testing_tls_cert_paths(true));
-    post_cert_paths(cert_path, cert_key_path)
-      .then(
-        result => dispatch(check_tls_cert_path_validity(result, callback)),
-        error => dispatch(fail(error))
-      )
-  }
-const set_tls_certs = (cert_path, cert_key_path) => ({
-  cert_path,
-  cert_key_path,
-const testing_tls_cert_paths = testing => ({
-  testing,
+    return dispatch => {
+        getServerSetup().then(
+            result => {
+                dispatch(start(result[CONFIG_LOCK]));
+                dispatch(setConfigDir(result[CONFIG_DIR]));
+            },
+            error => dispatch(fail(error)),
+        )
+    };
+const setConfigDir = dir => ({
+    type: SET_CONFIG_DIR,
+    configDir: dir,
-const check_tls_cert_path_validity = ({ cert_path, cert_key_path }, callback) => {
-  return dispatch => {
-    dispatch(testing_tls_cert_paths(false));
-    dispatch(set_tls_certs(cert_path.absolute_path, cert_key_path.absolute_path))
-    dispatch(set_cert_path_validity({ cert_path, cert_key_path }));
-    if (!cert_path.invalid && !cert_key_path.invalid) {
-      dispatch(advance_ui());
-      callback();
-    }
-  }
-export const upload_tls_cert_files = (tls_cert_file, tls_cert_key_file) =>
-  dispatch => {
-    dispatch(set_tls_cert_files(tls_cert_file, tls_cert_key_file));
-    dispatch(uploading_tls_cert_files(true));
-    post_certs(tls_cert_file, tls_cert_key_file)
-      .then(
-        result => {
-          dispatch(uploading_tls_cert_files(false));
-          dispatch(advance_ui())
-        },
-        error => dispatch(fail(error)),
-      )
-  }
-const uploading_tls_cert_files = uploading => ({
-  uploading
+export const generateSecretKeys = consent => {
+    return (dispatch, getState) => {
+        dispatch(gettingSecretKeys());
+        postServerName(getState().baseConfig.servername, consent)
+            .then(
+                result => dispatch(getSecretKey()),
+                error => dispatch(fail(error)),
+            );
+    };
+export const setTlsCertPaths = (certPath, certKeyPath, callback) => {
+    return dispatch => {
+        dispatch(testingTlsCertPaths(true));
+        postCertPaths(certPath, certKeyPath)
+            .then(
+                result => dispatch(checkTlsCertPathValidity(result, callback)),
+                error => dispatch(fail(error)),
+            );
+    };
+const setTlsCerts = (certPath, certKeyPath) => ({
+    type: SET_TLS_CERT_PATHS,
+    certPath: certPath,
+    certKeyPath: certKeyPath,
+const testingTlsCertPaths = testing => ({
+    testing,
+const checkTlsCertPathValidity =
+    ({ cert_path: certPath, cert_key_path: certKeyPath }, callback) => {
+        return dispatch => {
+            dispatch(testingTlsCertPaths(false));
+            dispatch(setTlsCerts(certPath.absolute_path, certKeyPath.absolute_path))
+            dispatch(setCertPathValidity({ certPath, certKeyPath }));
+            if (!certPath.invalid && !certKeyPath.invalid) {
+                dispatch(advanceUI());
+                callback();
+            };
-export const set_tls_cert_files = (tls_cert_file, tls_cert_key_file) => ({
-  tls_cert_file,
-  tls_cert_key_file,
+        };
+    };
+export const uploadTlsCertFiles = (tlsCertFile, tlsCertKeyFile) =>
+    dispatch => {
+        dispatch(setTlsCertFiles(tlsCertFile, tlsCertKeyFile));
+        dispatch(uploadingTlsCertFiles(true));
+        postCerts(tlsCertFile, tlsCertKeyFile)
+            .then(
+                result => {
+                    dispatch(uploadingTlsCertFiles(false));
+                    dispatch(advanceUI())
+                },
+                error => dispatch(fail(error)),
+            )
+    };
+const uploadingTlsCertFiles = uploading => ({
+    uploading,
+export const setTlsCertFiles = (tlsCertFile, tlsCertKeyFile) => ({
+    type: SET_TLS_CERT_FILES,
+    tlsCertFile,
+    tlsCertKeyFile,
-const set_cert_path_validity = ({ cert_path, cert_key_path }) => ({
-  cert_path_invalid: cert_path.invalid,
-  cert_key_path_invalid: cert_key_path.invalid,
+const setCertPathValidity = ({ certPath, certKeyPath }) => ({
+    certPathInvalid: certPath.invalid,
+    certKeyPathInvalid: certKeyPath.invalid,
-export const getting_secret_keys = () => ({
+export const gettingSecretKeys = () => ({
-export const get_secret_key = () => {
-  return dispatch => {
-    get_secretkey().then(
-      result => dispatch(set_secret_key(result)),
-      error => dispatch(fail(error)),
-    )
-  }
+export const getSecretKey = () => {
+    return dispatch => {
+        getSecretkey().then(
+            result => dispatch(setSecretKey(result)),
+            error => dispatch(fail(error)),
+        )
+    };
-export const set_secret_key = key => ({
-  type: SET_SECRET_KEY,
-  key,
+export const setSecretKey = key => ({
+    type: SET_SECRET_KEY,
+    key,
-export const start = setup_done => ({
-  setup_done,
+export const start = setupDone => ({
+    setupDone,
 export const fail = reason => ({
-  type: FAIL,
-  reason,
+    type: FAIL,
+    reason,
-export const advance_ui = option => ({
-  type: ADVANCE_UI,
-  option,
+export const advanceUI = option => ({
+    type: ADVANCE_UI,
+    option,
-export const set_servername = servername => ({
-  servername,
+export const setServername = servername => ({
+    type: SET_SERVERNAME,
+    servername,
-export const set_stats = consent => ({
-  type: SET_STATS,
-  consent,
+export const setStats = consent => ({
+    type: SET_STATS,
+    consent,
-export const set_delegation = delegation_type => ({
-  delegation_type,
+export const setDelegation = delegationType => ({
+    type: SET_DELEGATION,
+    delegationType,
-export const set_delegation_servername = servername => ({
-  servername,
+export const setDelegationServername = servername => ({
+    servername,
-export const set_delegation_ports = (federation_port, client_port) => ({
-  federation_port,
-  client_port,
+export const setDelegationPorts = (federationPort, clientPort) => ({
+    federationPort,
+    clientPort,
-export const set_reverse_proxy = proxy_type => ({
-  proxy_type,
+export const setReverseProxy = proxyType => ({
+    proxyType,
-export const set_tls = tls_type => ({
-  type: SET_TLS,
-  tls_type,
+export const setTls = tlsType => ({
+    type: SET_TLS,
+    tlsType,
-export const set_synapse_ports = (federation_port, client_port, callback) => {
-  const fed_port_priv = federation_port < 1024;
-  const client_port_priv = client_port < 1024;
-  return dispatch => {
-    dispatch(testing_synapse_ports(true));
-    dispatch({
-      type: SET_SYNAPSE_PORTS,
-      federation_port,
-      client_port,
-    })
-    test_ports([federation_port, client_port])
-      .then(
-        results => dispatch(update_ports_free(
-          fed_port_priv ? true : results.ports[0],
-          client_port_priv ? true : results.ports[1],
-          callback,
-        )),
-        error => dispatch(fail(error)),
-      )
-  }
+export const setSynapsePorts = (federationPort, clientPort, callback) => {
+    const fedPortPriv = federationPort < 1024;
+    const clientPortPriv = clientPort < 1024;
+    return dispatch => {
+        dispatch(testingSynapsePorts(true));
+        dispatch({
+            type: SET_SYNAPSE_PORTS,
+            federationPort,
+            clientPort,
+        })
+        testPorts([federationPort, clientPort])
+            .then(
+                results => dispatch(updatePortsFree(
+                    fedPortPriv ? true : results.ports[0],
+                    clientPortPriv ? true : results.ports[1],
+                    callback,
+                )),
+                error => dispatch(fail(error)),
+            )
+    }
-export const update_ports_free = (synapse_federation_port_free, synapse_client_port_free, callback) => {
-  return dispatch => {
-    dispatch(testing_synapse_ports(false));
-    dispatch({
-      synapse_federation_port_free,
-      synapse_client_port_free,
-    });
-    if (synapse_federation_port_free && synapse_client_port_free) {
-      callback();
-      dispatch(advance_ui());
+export const updatePortsFree =
+    (synapseFederationPortFree, synapseClientPortFree, callback) => {
+        return dispatch => {
+            dispatch(testingSynapsePorts(false));
+            dispatch({
+                type: SET_SYNAPSE_PORTS_FREE,
+                synapseFederationPortFree,
+                synapseClientPortFree,
+            });
+            if (synapseFederationPortFree && synapseClientPortFree) {
+                callback();
+                dispatch(advanceUI());
+            }
+        }
-  }
-export const testing_synapse_ports = verifying => ({
-  verifying,
+export const testingSynapsePorts = verifying => ({
+    verifying,
-export const set_database = database => ({
-  type: SET_DATABASE,
-  database,
+export const setDatabase = database => ({
+    type: SET_DATABASE,
+    database,
-export const write_config = (config, sub_config_name) => {
-  return (dispatch, getState) => {
-    post_config(base_config_to_synapse_config(getState().base_config), sub_config_name)
-      .then(res => start_synapse(), error => dispatch(fail(error)))
-  }
+export const writeConfig = (config, subConfigName) => {
+    return (dispatch, getState) => {
+        postConfig(baseConfigToSynapseConfig(getState().baseConfig), subConfigName)
+            .then(res => startSynapse(), error => dispatch(fail(error)))
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/api/index.js b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/api/index.js
index 521a5a5393..7fd2ee4a28 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/api/index.js
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/api/index.js
@@ -1,89 +1,92 @@
 import fetchAbsolute from 'fetch-absolute';
 import {
+    API_URL,
+    CONFIG,
+    START,
 } from './constants';
 const fetchAbs = fetchAbsolute(fetch)(API_URL)
-export const get_server_name = () =>
-  fetchAbs(SERVER_NAME)
-    .then(res => res.json())
+export const getServerName = () =>
+    fetchAbs(SERVER_NAME)
+        .then(res => res.json())
-export const post_server_name = (servername, consent) =>
-  fetchAbs(
-    {
-      method: 'POST',
-      body: JSON.stringify({
-        "server_name": servername,
-        "report_stats": consent
-      })
-    }
-  )
+export const postServerName = (servername, consent) =>
+    fetchAbs(
+        SERVER_NAME,
+        {
+            method: 'POST',
+            body: JSON.stringify({
+                "server_name": servername,
+                "report_stats": consent,
+            }),
+        },
+    )
-export const post_cert_paths = (cert_path, cert_key_path) =>
-  fetchAbs(
-    {
-      method: 'POST',
-      body: JSON.stringify({
-        cert_path,
-        cert_key_path,
-      })
-    }
-  ).then(res => res.json())
+export const postCertPaths = (certPath, certKeyPath) =>
+    fetchAbs(
+        CERT_PATHS,
+        {
+            method: 'POST',
+            body: JSON.stringify({
+                // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
+                cert_path: certPath,
+                // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
+                cert_key_path: certKeyPath,
+            }),
+        },
+    ).then(res => res.json())
-export const post_certs = (cert, cert_key) =>
-  fetchAbs(
-    {
-      method: 'POST',
-      body: JSON.stringify({
-        cert,
-        cert_key,
-      })
-    }
-  )
+export const postCerts = (cert, certKey) =>
+    fetchAbs(
+        CERT_PATHS,
+        {
+            method: 'POST',
+            body: JSON.stringify({
+                cert,
+                // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
+                cert_key: certKey,
+            }),
+        },
+    )
-export const test_ports = (ports) =>
-  fetchAbs(
-    {
-      method: 'POST',
-      body: JSON.stringify({
-        ports
-      })
-    }
-  ).then(res => res.json())
+export const testPorts = (ports) =>
+    fetchAbs(
+        TEST_PORTS,
+        {
+            method: 'POST',
+            body: JSON.stringify({
+                ports,
+            }),
+        },
+    ).then(res => res.json())
-export const get_secretkey = () =>
-  fetchAbs(SECRET_KEY)
-    .then(res => res.json())
-    .then(json => json.secret_key)
+export const getSecretkey = () =>
+    fetchAbs(SECRET_KEY)
+        .then(res => res.json())
+        .then(json => json.secret_key)
-export const get_config = () => {
+export const getConfig = () => {
-export const post_config = (config, sub_config_name) =>
-  fetchAbs(
-    sub_config_name ? CONFIG + "/" + sub_config_name : CONFIG,
-    {
-      method: 'POST',
-      body: JSON.stringify(config),
-    }
-  )
+export const postConfig = (config, subConfigName) =>
+    fetchAbs(
+        subConfigName ? CONFIG + "/" + subConfigName : CONFIG,
+        {
+            method: 'POST',
+            body: JSON.stringify(config),
+        },
+    );
 // Checks if the server's base config has been setup.
-export const get_server_setup = () => fetchAbs(SETUP_CHECK)
-  .then(res => res.json())
+export const getServerSetup = () => fetchAbs(SETUP_CHECK)
+    .then(res => res.json())
-export const start_synapse = () => fetchAbs(START)
\ No newline at end of file
+export const startSynapse = () => fetchAbs(START)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/AccordionToggle.jsx b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/AccordionToggle.jsx
index c53ec75c4d..a44f192737 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/AccordionToggle.jsx
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/AccordionToggle.jsx
@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@ import React from 'react';
 import useAccordionToggle from 'react-bootstrap/useAccordionToggle';
 export default ({ active, children, eventKey, as }) => {
-  console.log(children)
-  const decoratedOnClick = active ? useAccordionToggle(eventKey) : undefined;
-  const As = as;
-  return <As onClick={decoratedOnClick} > {children}</As>
+    console.log(children)
+    const decoratedOnClick = active ? useAccordionToggle(eventKey) : undefined;
+    const As = as;
+    return <As onClick={decoratedOnClick} > {children}</As>
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/BaseIntro.jsx b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/BaseIntro.jsx
index 35824fb36d..22f54a859a 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/BaseIntro.jsx
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/BaseIntro.jsx
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
 import React from 'react';
-import style from '../../scss/main.scss';
 import ContentWrapper from '../containers/ContentWrapper';
 import ButtonDisplay from './ButtonDisplay';
 export default ({ onClick }) =>
-  <ContentWrapper>
-    <h1>Synapse Topology</h1>
-    <p>Let's get started.</p>
-    <ButtonDisplay><button onClick={onClick}>SETUP</button></ButtonDisplay>
-  </ContentWrapper>
\ No newline at end of file
+    <ContentWrapper>
+        <h1>Synapse Topology</h1>
+        <p>Let's get started.</p>
+        <ButtonDisplay><button onClick={onClick}>SETUP</button></ButtonDisplay>
+    </ContentWrapper>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/CompleteSetup.jsx b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/CompleteSetup.jsx
index 6dfb172b81..f41f28354d 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/CompleteSetup.jsx
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/CompleteSetup.jsx
@@ -8,56 +8,60 @@ import DelegationSampleConfig from '../containers/DelegationSampleConfig';
 import AccordionToggle from '../containers/AccordionToggle';
 import { TLS_TYPES, DELEGATION_TYPES } from '../actions/constants';
-import { COMPLETE_UI } from '../reducers/ui_constants';
+import { COMPLETE_UI } from '../reducers/ui-constants';
 export default ({
-  tlsType,
-  delegationType,
-  onClick,
+    tlsType,
+    delegationType,
+    onClick,
 }) => {
-  const [body, setBody] = useState();
-  const revProxyBody = <Card.Body>
-    <ReverseProxySampleConfig />
-    <button
-      onClick={
-        () => delegationType != DELEGATION_TYPES.LOCAL ?
-          setBody(delegationBody) :
-          setBody(finishedBody)
-      }
-    >Next</button>
-  </Card.Body >
-  const delegationBody = <Card.Body>
-    <DelegationSampleConfig />
-    <button
-      onClick={
-        () => setBody(finishedBody)
-      }
-    >Next</button>
-  </Card.Body>
-  const finishedBody = <Card.Body>
-    <p>You done</p>
-    <button onClick={onClick}>Start Synapse</button>
-  </Card.Body>
-  if (!body) {
-    setBody(
-      tlsType == TLS_TYPES.REVERSE_PROXY ?
-        revProxyBody :
-        delegationType != DELEGATION_TYPES.LOCAL ?
-          delegationBody :
-          finishedBody
-    )
-  }
-  return <Card>
-    <AccordionToggle as={Card.Header} eventKey={COMPLETE_UI}>
-      Setup Complete
-    </AccordionToggle>
-    <Accordion.Collapse eventKey={COMPLETE_UI}>
-      {body}
-    </Accordion.Collapse>
-  </Card>
+    const [body, setBody] = useState();
+    const revProxyBody = <Card.Body>
+        <ReverseProxySampleConfig />
+        <button
+            onClick={
+                () => delegationType != DELEGATION_TYPES.LOCAL ?
+                    setBody(delegationBody) :
+                    setBody(finishedBody)
+            }
+        >Next</button>
+    </Card.Body >
+    const delegationBody = <Card.Body>
+        <DelegationSampleConfig />
+        <button
+            onClick={
+                () => setBody(finishedBody)
+            }
+        >Next</button>
+    </Card.Body>
+    const finishedBody = <Card.Body>
+        <p>You done</p>
+        <button onClick={onClick}>Start Synapse</button>
+    </Card.Body>
+    if (!body) {
+        setBody(
+            tlsType == TLS_TYPES.REVERSE_PROXY ?
+                revProxyBody :
+                delegationType != DELEGATION_TYPES.LOCAL ?
+                    delegationBody :
+                    finishedBody,
+        )
+    }
+    return <Card>
+        <AccordionToggle as={Card.Header} eventKey={COMPLETE_UI}>
+            Setup Complete
+        </AccordionToggle>
+        <Accordion.Collapse eventKey={COMPLETE_UI}>
+            {body}
+        </Accordion.Collapse>
+    </Card>
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/ConfigSelector.jsx b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/ConfigSelector.jsx
index 23f0f162ec..48102da83d 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/ConfigSelector.jsx
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/ConfigSelector.jsx
@@ -2,9 +2,11 @@ import React, { useState } from 'react';
 import ContentWrapper from '../containers/ContentWrapper';
 export default () => {
-  return <ContentWrapper>
-    <h1>Config selection</h1>
-    <p>The base config has already been setup. Please select a config to edit:</p>
-    <p>TODO: .. well .. this.</p>
-  </ContentWrapper>;
+    return <ContentWrapper>
+        <h1>Config selection</h1>
+        <p>The base config has already been setup. Please select a config to edit:</p>
+        <p>TODO: .. well .. this.</p>
+    </ContentWrapper>;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/ContentWrapper.jsx b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/ContentWrapper.jsx
index dfd68a6adb..487046ed06 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/ContentWrapper.jsx
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/ContentWrapper.jsx
@@ -3,14 +3,20 @@ import React from 'react';
 import style from '../../scss/main.scss';
 export default ({ servername, children }) => {
-  if (servername) {
-    return <div>
-      <p className={style.servername}>{servername}</p>
-      <div className={style.contentWrapper}>
-        {children}
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  } else {
-    return <div className={style.contentWrapper}>{children}</div>
-  }
+    if (servername) {
+        return <div>
+            <p className={style.servername}>{servername}</p>
+            <div className={style.contentWrapper}>
+                {children}
+            </div>
+        </div>
+    } else {
+        return <div className={style.contentWrapper}>{children}</div>
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/Database.jsx b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/Database.jsx
index cb6b877322..2f5fb6f2e8 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/Database.jsx
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/Database.jsx
@@ -5,41 +5,47 @@ import Card from 'react-bootstrap/Card';
 import useAccordionToggle from 'react-bootstrap/useAccordionToggle';
 import {
 } from '../actions/constants'
-import { DATABASE_UI } from '../reducers/ui_constants';
+import { DATABASE_UI } from '../reducers/ui-constants';
 import AccordionToggle from '../containers/AccordionToggle';
-import { next_ui } from '../reducers/setup-ui-reducer';
+import { nextUI } from '../reducers/setup-ui-reducer';
 export default ({
-  onClick,
+    onClick,
 }) => {
-  const defaultDatabase = DATABASE_TYPES.POSTGRES;
-  const [database, setDatabase] = useState(defaultDatabase)
-  const toggle = useAccordionToggle(next_ui(DATABASE_UI));
-  return <Card>
-    <AccordionToggle as={Card.Header} eventKey={DATABASE_UI}>
-      Database
-    </AccordionToggle>
-    <Accordion.Collapse eventKey={DATABASE_UI}>
-      <Card.Body>
-        <p>Synapse can use either SQLite3 or Postgres as it's database.</p>
-        <p>Postgres is recommended</p>
-        <select defaultValue={defaultDatabase} onChange={event => setDatabase(}>
-          <option value={DATABASE_TYPES.POSTGRES}>PostgreSQL</option>
-          <option value={DATABASE_TYPES.SQLITE3}>SQLite3</option>
-        </select>
-        <button onClick={() => {
-          toggle();
-          onClick(database)
-        }}>Next</button>
-      </Card.Body>
-    </Accordion.Collapse>
-  </Card>
+    const defaultDatabase = DATABASE_TYPES.POSTGRES;
+    const [database, setDatabase] = useState(defaultDatabase)
+    const toggle = useAccordionToggle(nextUI(DATABASE_UI));
+    return <Card>
+        <AccordionToggle as={Card.Header} eventKey={DATABASE_UI}>
+            Database
+        </AccordionToggle>
+        <Accordion.Collapse eventKey={DATABASE_UI}>
+            <Card.Body>
+                <p>Synapse can use either SQLite3 or Postgres as it's database.</p>
+                <p>Postgres is recommended</p>
+                <select defaultValue={defaultDatabase}
+                    onChange={event => setDatabase(}
+                >
+                    <option value={DATABASE_TYPES.POSTGRES}>PostgreSQL</option>
+                    <option value={DATABASE_TYPES.SQLITE3}>SQLite3</option>
+                </select>
+                <button onClick={() => {
+                    toggle();
+                    onClick(database)
+                }}>Next</button>
+            </Card.Body>
+        </Accordion.Collapse>
+    </Card>
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/DelegationOptions.jsx b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/DelegationOptions.jsx
index b63ed47795..1ff6e9e269 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/DelegationOptions.jsx
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/DelegationOptions.jsx
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+/* eslint-disable max-len */
 import React, { useState } from 'react';
 import style from '../../scss/main.scss';
@@ -9,130 +10,143 @@ import Tab from 'react-bootstrap/Tab';
 import useAccordionToggle from 'react-bootstrap/useAccordionToggle';
 import { DELEGATION_TYPES } from '../actions/constants';
-import { DELEGATION_OPTIONS_UI } from '../reducers/ui_constants';
+import { DELEGATION_OPTIONS_UI } from '../reducers/ui-constants';
 import AccordionToggle from '../containers/AccordionToggle';
-import { next_ui } from '../reducers/setup-ui-reducer';
+import { nextUI } from '../reducers/setup-ui-reducer';
 export default ({ servername, skip, onClick }) => {
-  const defaultType = DELEGATION_TYPES.DNS;
-  const [type, setType] = useState(defaultType);
-  const [delegatedServername, setDelegatedServerName] = useState("");
+    const defaultType = DELEGATION_TYPES.DNS;
+    const [type, setType] = useState(defaultType);
-  const [fedPort, setFedPort] = useState("");
-  const [clientPort, setClientPort] = useState("");
+    const [delegatedServername, setDelegatedServerName] = useState("");
-  const [clientPortValid, setClientPortValid] = useState(true)
-  const [fedPortValid, setFedPortValid] = useState(true)
+    const [fedPort, setFedPort] = useState("");
+    const [clientPort, setClientPort] = useState("");
-  const updateValidity = (port, setValid) => setValid(
-    !port ||
-    (!isNaN(port) && 0 < port && port <= 65535)
-  )
+    const [clientPortValid, setClientPortValid] = useState(true)
+    const [fedPortValid, setFedPortValid] = useState(true)
-  const onFederationChange = event => {
-    const val =;
-    setFedPort(val);
-    updateValidity(val, setFedPortValid);
-  }
+    const updateValidity = (port, setValid) => setValid(
+        !port ||
+        (!isNaN(port) && 0 < port && port <= 65535),
+    )
-  const onClientChange = event => {
-    const val =;
-    setClientPort(val);
-    updateValidity(val, setClientPortValid);
-  }
+    const onFederationChange = event => {
-  const toggle = useAccordionToggle(next_ui(DELEGATION_OPTIONS_UI));
+        const val =;
+        setFedPort(val);
+        updateValidity(val, setFedPortValid);
-  return <Card>
-    <AccordionToggle as={Card.Header} eventKey={DELEGATION_OPTIONS_UI}>
-      Delegation (optional)
+    }
+    const onClientChange = event => {
+        const val =;
+        setClientPort(val);
+        updateValidity(val, setClientPortValid);
+    }
+    const toggle = useAccordionToggle(nextUI(DELEGATION_OPTIONS_UI));
+    return <Card>
+        <AccordionToggle as={Card.Header} eventKey={DELEGATION_OPTIONS_UI}>
+            Delegation (optional)
       <button onClick={() => {
-        toggle();
-        skip();
-      }}>
-        Skip
+                toggle();
+                skip();
+            }}>
+                Skip
-    </AccordionToggle>
-    <Accordion.Collapse eventKey={DELEGATION_OPTIONS_UI}>
-      <Card.Body>
-        <p>
-          If you'd like your synapse to be hosted on a different server to the
-          one known on the network by '{servername}' you can use delegation.
-        </p>
-        <a href="" target="_blank">
-          Learn more
-        </a>
-        <p>
-          Other federation servers will connect to {servername}:8448 over the network.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          There are two forms of delegation:
-        </p>
-        <Tabs defaultActiveKey={defaultType} onSelect={k => setType(k)}>
-          <Tab eventKey={DELEGATION_TYPES.DNS} title={DELEGATION_TYPES.DNS}>
-            <p>
-              You will need access to {servername}'s domain zone DNS records.
-              This method also requires the synapse install's server to provide
-              a valid TLS cert for {servername}
-            </p>
-            <p>
-              You will need to add an SRV record to {servername}'s DNS zone. (Once
-              again, we'll print the SRV record out for you later.)
-            </p>
-          </Tab>
-            <p>
-              {servername} provides the url
-              https://{servername}/.well-known/matrix/server which gives
-              federating servers information about how to contact the actual
-              server hosting the synapse install. (Don't worry! We'll print out
-              the .well-known file for you later.)
-            </p>
-          </Tab>
-        </Tabs>
-        <p>Please enter the domain name of the server synapse is installed on.</p>
-        <input
-          type="text"
-          onChange={e => setDelegatedServerName(}
-          autoFocus
-          placeholder="Enter server name"
-        />
-        <p>
-          Homeserver Port
-        </p>
-        <input
-          type="text"
-          onChange={onFederationChange}
-          className={fedPortValid ? undefined : "invalid"}
-          autoFocus
-          placeholder="Use Default 8448"
-        />
-        {fedPortValid ? undefined : <p>Invalid port</p> }
-        <p>
-          Client Port
-        </p>
-        <input
-          type="text"
-          onChange={onClientChange}
-          className={clientPortValid ? undefined : "invalid"}
-          autoFocus
-          placeholder="Use Default 443"
-        />
-        {clientPortValid ? undefined : <p>Invalid port</p> }
-        <button disabled={delegatedServername && clientPortValid && fedPortValid ? undefined : true}
-          onClick={() => {
-            toggle();
-            onClick(type, delegatedServername, fedPort, clientPort)
-          }}
-        >
-          Use {type}
-        </button>
-      </Card.Body>
-    </Accordion.Collapse>
-  </Card>
+        </AccordionToggle>
+        <Accordion.Collapse eventKey={DELEGATION_OPTIONS_UI}>
+            <Card.Body>
+                <p>
+                    If you'd like your synapse to be hosted on a different server to the
+                    one known on the network by '{servername}' you can use delegation.
+                </p>
+                <a
+                    href=""
+                    target="_blank"
+                >
+                    Learn more
+                </a>
+                <p>
+                    Other federation servers will connect to {servername}:8448 over the network.
+                </p>
+                <p>
+                    There are two forms of delegation:
+                </p>
+                <Tabs defaultActiveKey={defaultType} onSelect={k => setType(k)}>
+                    <Tab eventKey={DELEGATION_TYPES.DNS} title={DELEGATION_TYPES.DNS}>
+                        <p>
+                            You will need access to {servername}'s domain zone DNS records.
+                            This method also requires the synapse install's server to provide
+                            a valid TLS cert for {servername}
+                        </p>
+                        <p>
+                            You will need to add an SRV record to {servername}'s DNS zone. (Once
+                            again, we'll print the SRV record out for you later.)
+                        </p>
+                    </Tab>
+                    <Tab eventKey={DELEGATION_TYPES.WELL_KNOWN} title={DELEGATION_TYPES.WELL_KNOWN}>
+                        <p>
+                            {servername} provides the url
+                            https://{servername}/.well-known/matrix/server which gives
+                            federating servers information about how to contact the actual
+                            server hosting the synapse install. (Don't worry! We'll print out
+                            the .well-known file for you later.)
+                        </p>
+                    </Tab>
+                </Tabs>
+                <p>Please enter the domain name of the server synapse is installed on.</p>
+                <input
+                    type="text"
+                    onChange={e => setDelegatedServerName(}
+                    autoFocus
+                    placeholder="Enter server name"
+                />
+                <p>
+                    Homeserver Port
+                </p>
+                <input
+                    type="text"
+                    onChange={onFederationChange}
+                    className={fedPortValid ? undefined : "invalid"}
+                    autoFocus
+                    placeholder="Use Default 8448"
+                />
+                {fedPortValid ? undefined : <p>Invalid port</p>}
+                <p>
+                    Client Port
+                </p>
+                <input
+                    type="text"
+                    onChange={onClientChange}
+                    className={clientPortValid ? undefined : "invalid"}
+                    autoFocus
+                    placeholder="Use Default 443"
+                />
+                {clientPortValid ? undefined : <p>Invalid port</p>}
+                <button disabled={delegatedServername && clientPortValid && fedPortValid ? undefined : true}
+                    onClick={() => {
+                        toggle();
+                        onClick(type, delegatedServername, fedPort, clientPort)
+                    }}
+                >
+                    Use {type}
+                </button>
+            </Card.Body>
+        </Accordion.Collapse>
+    </Card>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/DelegationSampleConfig.jsx b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/DelegationSampleConfig.jsx
index ab4dd7d280..629efdb01f 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/DelegationSampleConfig.jsx
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/DelegationSampleConfig.jsx
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+/* eslint-disable max-len */
 import React from 'react';
 import ContentWrapper from '../containers/ContentWrapper';
@@ -6,61 +7,63 @@ import DownloadOrCopy from './DownloadOrCopy';
 import { DELEGATION_TYPES } from '../actions/constants';
 export default ({
-  delegationType,
-  serverConfig,
-  clientConfig,
-  serverConfigFileName,
-  clientConfigFileName,
-  serverName,
-  onClick
+    delegationType,
+    serverConfig,
+    clientConfig,
+    serverConfigFileName,
+    clientConfigFileName,
+    serverName,
+    onClick,
 }) => {
-  if (delegationType == DELEGATION_TYPES.DNS) {
-    return <ContentWrapper>
-      <h1>ConfigureDelegation</h1>
-      <p>
-        You will need to add the following SRV record to your DNS zone.
+    if (delegationType == DELEGATION_TYPES.DNS) {
+        return <ContentWrapper>
+            <h1>ConfigureDelegation</h1>
+            <p>
+                You will need to add the following SRV record to your DNS zone.
-      <pre>
-        <code>
-          {clientConfig}
-        </code>
-      </pre>
-      <DownloadOrCopy content={clientConfig} fileName={clientConfigFileName} />
-      <ButtonDisplay>
-        <button onClick={onClick}>Continue</button>
-      </ButtonDisplay>
-    </ContentWrapper>
+            <pre>
+                <code>
+                    {clientConfig}
+                </code>
+            </pre>
+            <DownloadOrCopy content={clientConfig} fileName={clientConfigFileName} />
+            <ButtonDisplay>
+                <button onClick={onClick}>Continue</button>
+            </ButtonDisplay>
+        </ContentWrapper>
-  } else {
+    } else {
-    return <ContentWrapper>
-      <h1>Configure delegation</h1>
-      <p>
-        The delegation configuration needs to take place outside the installer.
-      </p>
-      <p>
-        You'll need to host the following at https://{serverName}/.well-known/matrix/server
-      </p>
-      <pre>
-        <code>
-          {serverConfig}
-        </code>
-      </pre>
-      <DownloadOrCopy content={serverConfig} fileName={serverConfigFileName} />
-      <p>
-        You'll also need to host the following at https://{serverName}/.well-known/matrix/client
-      </p>
-      <pre>
-        <code>
-          {clientConfig}
-        </code>
-      </pre>
-      <DownloadOrCopy content={clientConfig} fileName={clientConfigFileName} />
-      <ButtonDisplay>
-        <button onClick={onClick}>Continue</button>
-      </ButtonDisplay>
-    </ContentWrapper>;
+        return <ContentWrapper>
+            <h1>Configure delegation</h1>
+            <p>
+                The delegation configuration needs to take place outside the installer.
+            </p>
+            <p>
+                You'll need to host the following at https://{serverName}/.well-known/matrix/server
+            </p>
+            <pre>
+                <code>
+                    {serverConfig}
+                </code>
+            </pre>
+            <DownloadOrCopy content={serverConfig} fileName={serverConfigFileName} />
+            <p>
+                You'll also need to host the following at https://{serverName}/.well-known/matrix/client
+            </p>
+            <pre>
+                <code>
+                    {clientConfig}
+                </code>
+            </pre>
+            <DownloadOrCopy content={clientConfig} fileName={clientConfigFileName} />
+            <ButtonDisplay>
+                <button onClick={onClick}>Continue</button>
+            </ButtonDisplay>
+        </ContentWrapper>;
+    }
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/DownloadOrCopy.jsx b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/DownloadOrCopy.jsx
index 34e2302755..9fddd1fe22 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/DownloadOrCopy.jsx
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/DownloadOrCopy.jsx
@@ -2,20 +2,22 @@ import React from 'react';
 import ButtonDisplay from './ButtonDisplay';
 const download = (filename, text) => {
-  const e = document.createElement('a');
-  e.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(text));
-  e.setAttribute('download', filename);
- = 'none';
-  document.body.appendChild(e);
+    const e = document.createElement('a');
+    e.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(text));
+    e.setAttribute('download', filename);
+ = 'none';
+    document.body.appendChild(e);
+    document.body.removeChild(e);
-  document.body.removeChild(e);
 export default ({ content, fileName }) =>
-  <ButtonDisplay>
-    <button onClick={() => download(fileName, content)}>Download</button>
-    <button onClick={() => navigator.clipboard.writeText(content)}>Copy</button>
-  </ButtonDisplay>
\ No newline at end of file
+    <ButtonDisplay>
+        <button onClick={() => download(fileName, content)}>Download</button>
+        <button onClick={() => navigator.clipboard.writeText(content)}>Copy</button>
+    </ButtonDisplay>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/Error.jsx b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/Error.jsx
index 6f01286340..d10660fb0b 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/Error.jsx
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/Error.jsx
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
 import React from 'react';
-import style from '../../scss/main.scss';
 import ContentWrapper from '../containers/ContentWrapper';
 export default () => {
-  return <ContentWrapper>
-    <h1>Damn!</h1>
-    <p>Has the config server been started?</p>
-  </ContentWrapper>;
+    return <ContentWrapper>
+        <h1>Damn!</h1>
+        <p>Has the config server been started?</p>
+    </ContentWrapper>;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/ExportKeys.jsx b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/ExportKeys.jsx
index 16b01ab69e..60a7e94c35 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/ExportKeys.jsx
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/ExportKeys.jsx
@@ -7,41 +7,53 @@ import useAccordionToggle from 'react-bootstrap/useAccordionToggle';
 import ButtonDisplay from './ButtonDisplay';
 import DownloadOrCopy from './DownloadOrCopy';
-import { KEY_EXPORT_UI } from '../reducers/ui_constants';
+import { KEY_EXPORT_UI } from '../reducers/ui-constants';
 import AccordionToggle from '../containers/AccordionToggle';
-import { next_ui } from '../reducers/setup-ui-reducer';
-export default ({ secret_key_loaded, secret_key, onClick }) => {
-  const toggle = useAccordionToggle(next_ui(KEY_EXPORT_UI));
-  const decoratedOnClick = () => {
-    toggle();
-    onClick();
-  }
-  var body;
-  if (!secret_key_loaded) {
-    body = <Card.Body>Generating secret key</Card.Body>
-  } else {
-    body = <Card.Body>
-      <p>
-        Your server uses a secret key to identify itself to other servers. Keep
-        a copy of it to retain ownership of the server name in case the server
-        is inaccessible:
+import { nextUI } from '../reducers/setup-ui-reducer';
+export default ({ secretKeyLoaded, secretKey, onClick }) => {
+    const toggle = useAccordionToggle(nextUI(KEY_EXPORT_UI));
+    const decoratedOnClick = () => {
+        toggle();
+        onClick();
+    }
+    let body;
+    if (!secretKeyLoaded) {
+        body = <Card.Body>Generating secret key</Card.Body>
+    } else {
+        body = <Card.Body>
+            <p>
+                Your server uses a secret key to identify itself to other servers. Keep
+                a copy of it to retain ownership of the server name in case the server
+                is inaccessible:
-      <pre><code>{secret_key}</code></pre>
-      <p>Keep a copy of this key somewhere safe</p>
-      <DownloadOrCopy content={secret_key} fileName="secret_key.txt" />
-      <ButtonDisplay><button onClick={decoratedOnClick}>Next</button></ButtonDisplay>
-    </Card.Body>
-  }
-  return <Card>
-    <AccordionToggle as={Card.Header} eventKey={KEY_EXPORT_UI}>
-      Secret Key
+            <pre><code>{secretKey}</code></pre>
+            <p>Keep a copy of this key somewhere safe</p>
+            <DownloadOrCopy content={secretKey} fileName="secret_key.txt" />
+            <ButtonDisplay>
+                <button onClick={decoratedOnClick}>Next</button>
+            </ButtonDisplay>
+        </Card.Body>
+    }
+    return <Card>
+        <AccordionToggle as={Card.Header} eventKey={KEY_EXPORT_UI}>
+            Secret Key
-    <Accordion.Collapse eventKey={KEY_EXPORT_UI}>
-      {body}
-    </Accordion.Collapse>
-  </Card>
+        <Accordion.Collapse eventKey={KEY_EXPORT_UI}>
+            {body}
+        </Accordion.Collapse>
+    </Card>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/Loading.jsx b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/Loading.jsx
index 8b8c598dff..c94f8deab7 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/Loading.jsx
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/Loading.jsx
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
 import React from 'react';
-import style from '../../scss/main.scss';
 import ContentWrapper from '../containers/ContentWrapper';
 export default () => {
-  return <ContentWrapper>
-    <h1>loading..</h1>
-  </ContentWrapper>;
+    return <ContentWrapper>
+        <h1>loading..</h1>
+    </ContentWrapper>;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/PortSelection.jsx b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/PortSelection.jsx
index 273f79f3e9..e041956571 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/PortSelection.jsx
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/PortSelection.jsx
@@ -1,133 +1,142 @@
+/* eslint-disable max-len */
 import React, { useState } from 'react';
 import Accordion from 'react-bootstrap/Accordion';
 import Card from 'react-bootstrap/Card';
 import useAccordionToggle from 'react-bootstrap/useAccordionToggle';
-import { PORT_SELECTION_UI } from '../reducers/ui_constants';
+import { PORT_SELECTION_UI } from '../reducers/ui-constants';
 import AccordionToggle from '../containers/AccordionToggle';
 import ContentWrapper from '../containers/ContentWrapper';
-import { next_ui } from '../reducers/setup-ui-reducer';
+import { nextUI } from '../reducers/setup-ui-reducer';
 export default ({
-  servername,
-  verifyingPorts,
-  fedPortInUse,
-  clientPortInUse,
-  canChangePorts,
-  defaultFedPort,
-  defaultClientPort,
-  onClick,
+    servername,
+    verifyingPorts,
+    fedPortInUse,
+    clientPortInUse,
+    canChangePorts,
+    defaultFedPort,
+    defaultClientPort,
+    onClick,
 }) => {
-  if (verifyingPorts) {
-    return <ContentWrapper><h1>Verifying ports.</h1></ContentWrapper>
-  }
-  const [fedPort, setFedPort] = useState(defaultFedPort);
-  const [clientPort, setClientPort] = useState(defaultClientPort);
-  const [clientPortValid, setClientPortValid] = useState(true)
-  const [fedPortValid, setFedPortValid] = useState(true)
-  const [clientPortPriv, setClientPortPriv] = useState(defaultClientPort < 1024)
-  const [fedPortPriv, setFedPortPriv] = useState(defaultFedPort < 1024)
-  const [_fedPortInUse, set_fedPortInUse] = useState(fedPortInUse)
-  const [_clientPortInUse, set_clientPortInUse] = useState(clientPortInUse)
-  const updateValidity = (port, setValid) => setValid(
-    !isNaN(port) && 0 < port && port <= 65535
-  )
-  const updatePriv = (port, setPriv) => setPriv(
-    port < 1024
-  )
-  const onFederationChange = event => {
-    const val = ? : defaultFedPort;
-    set_fedPortInUse(false);
-    setFedPort(val);
-    updatePriv(val, setFedPortPriv);
-    updateValidity(val, setFedPortValid);
-  }
-  const onClientChange = event => {
-    const val = ? : defaultClientPort;
-    set_clientPortInUse(false);
-    setClientPort(val);
-    updatePriv(val, setClientPortPriv);
-    updateValidity(val, setClientPortValid);
-  }
-  const toggle = useAccordionToggle(next_ui(PORT_SELECTION_UI));
-  return <Card>
-    <AccordionToggle as={Card.Header} eventKey={PORT_SELECTION_UI}>
-      {servername}'s ports
-    </AccordionToggle>
-    <Accordion.Collapse eventKey={PORT_SELECTION_UI}>
-      <Card.Body>
-        <p>
-          Synapse will be listening on the following ports on localhost.
-    </p>
-        {
-          canChangePorts ?
-            <p>
-              Since you're using a reverse proxy you can change these to anything you
-              like as long as synapse can bind to them. We recommend not using privileged
-              ports within the range 0 to 1024.
-        </p>
-            :
-            <p>
-              Since you're not using a reverse proxy synapse will have to listen on
-              these ports. If any of these ports are already in use (we'll test them when
-              you click the button) you will either need to reconfigure the ports used on
-              localhost, setup up delegation or use a reverse proxy.
-        </p>
-        }
-        <p>
-          We will check that the ports are not in use.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          Note: we can't check whether privileged ports are in use. If you've
-          set a privileged port <b>we will skip the check for that port</b>.
-        </p>
-        <h3>Federation Port</h3>
-        <input
-          type="text"
-          className={_fedPortInUse|!fedPortValid?"invalid":undefined}
-          onChange={onFederationChange}
-          disabled={canChangePorts ? undefined : true}
-          autoFocus
-          placeholder={defaultFedPort}
-        />
-        {_fedPortInUse ? <p>This port is in use.</p> : undefined}
-        {fedPortValid ? undefined : <p>Invalid port</p> }
-        {fedPortPriv ? <p>This is a privileged port.</p> : undefined}
-        <h3>Client Port</h3>
-        <input
-          type="text"
-          className={_clientPortInUse|!clientPortValid?"invalid":undefined}
-          onChange={onClientChange}
-          disabled={canChangePorts ? undefined : true}
-          autoFocus
-          placeholder={defaultClientPort}
-        />
-        {_clientPortInUse ? <p>This port is in use.</p> : undefined}
-        {clientPortValid ? undefined : <p>Invalid port</p> }
-        {clientPortPriv ? <p>This is a privileged port.</p> : undefined}
-        <div>
-          <button
-            disabled={clientPortValid && fedPortValid ? undefined : true}
-            onClick={() => onClick(parseInt(fedPort), parseInt(clientPort), toggle)}
-          >Verify These Ports</button>
-        </div>
-      </Card.Body>
-    </Accordion.Collapse>
-  </Card>
+    if (verifyingPorts) {
+        return <ContentWrapper><h1>Verifying ports.</h1></ContentWrapper>
+    }
+    const [fedPort, setFedPort] = useState(defaultFedPort);
+    const [clientPort, setClientPort] = useState(defaultClientPort);
+    const [clientPortValid, setClientPortValid] = useState(true)
+    const [fedPortValid, setFedPortValid] = useState(true)
+    const [clientPortPriv, setClientPortPriv] = useState(defaultClientPort < 1024)
+    const [fedPortPriv, setFedPortPriv] = useState(defaultFedPort < 1024)
+    const [internalFedPortInUse, setInternalFedPortInUse] = useState(fedPortInUse)
+    const [internalClientPortInUse, setInternalClientPortInUse] = useState(clientPortInUse)
+    const updateValidity = (port, setValid) => setValid(
+        !isNaN(port) && 0 < port && port <= 65535,
+    )
+    const updatePriv = (port, setPriv) => setPriv(
+        port < 1024,
+    )
+    const onFederationChange = event => {
+        const val = ? : defaultFedPort;
+        setInternalFedPortInUse(false);
+        setFedPort(val);
+        updatePriv(val, setFedPortPriv);
+        updateValidity(val, setFedPortValid);
+    }
+    const onClientChange = event => {
+        const val = ? : defaultClientPort;
+        setInternalClientPortInUse(false);
+        setClientPort(val);
+        updatePriv(val, setClientPortPriv);
+        updateValidity(val, setClientPortValid);
+    }
+    const toggle = useAccordionToggle(nextUI(PORT_SELECTION_UI));
+    return <Card>
+        <AccordionToggle as={Card.Header} eventKey={PORT_SELECTION_UI}>
+            {servername}'s ports
+        </AccordionToggle>
+        <Accordion.Collapse eventKey={PORT_SELECTION_UI}>
+            <Card.Body>
+                <p>
+                    Synapse will be listening on the following ports on localhost.
+                </p>
+                {
+                    canChangePorts ?
+                        <p>
+                            Since you're using a reverse proxy you can change these to anything you
+                            like as long as synapse can bind to them. We recommend not using privileged
+                            ports within the range 0 to 1024.
+                        </p>
+                        :
+                        <p>
+                            Since you're not using a reverse proxy synapse will have to listen on
+                            these ports. If any of these ports are already in use (we'll test them when
+                            you click the button) you will either need to reconfigure the ports used on
+                            localhost, setup up delegation or use a reverse proxy.
+                        </p>
+                }
+                <p>
+                    We will check that the ports are not in use.
+                </p>
+                <p>
+                    Note: we can't check whether privileged ports are in use. If you've
+                    set a privileged port <b>we will skip the check for that port</b>.
+                </p>
+                <h3>Federation Port</h3>
+                <input
+                    type="text"
+                    className={internalFedPortInUse | !fedPortValid ? "invalid" : undefined}
+                    onChange={onFederationChange}
+                    disabled={canChangePorts ? undefined : true}
+                    autoFocus
+                    placeholder={defaultFedPort}
+                />
+                {internalFedPortInUse ? <p>This port is in use.</p> : undefined}
+                {fedPortValid ? undefined : <p>Invalid port</p>}
+                {fedPortPriv ? <p>This is a privileged port.</p> : undefined}
+                <h3>Client Port</h3>
+                <input
+                    type="text"
+                    className={internalClientPortInUse | !clientPortValid ? "invalid" : undefined}
+                    onChange={onClientChange}
+                    disabled={canChangePorts ? undefined : true}
+                    autoFocus
+                    placeholder={defaultClientPort}
+                />
+                {internalClientPortInUse ? <p>This port is in use.</p> : undefined}
+                {clientPortValid ? undefined : <p>Invalid port</p>}
+                {clientPortPriv ? <p>This is a privileged port.</p> : undefined}
+                <div>
+                    <button
+                        disabled={clientPortValid && fedPortValid ? undefined : true}
+                        onClick={() => onClick(parseInt(fedPort), parseInt(clientPort), toggle)}
+                    >Verify These Ports</button>
+                </div>
+            </Card.Body>
+        </Accordion.Collapse>
+    </Card>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/ReverseProxySampleConfig.jsx b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/ReverseProxySampleConfig.jsx
index a5e7adea95..155ead0bf0 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/ReverseProxySampleConfig.jsx
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/ReverseProxySampleConfig.jsx
@@ -6,28 +6,31 @@ import DownloadOrCopy from './DownloadOrCopy';
 import { REVERSE_PROXY_TYPES } from '../actions/constants';
 export default ({ proxyType, sampleConfig, fileName }) => {
-  return <ContentWrapper>
-    <h1>Configure the ReverseProxy</h1>
-    <p>
-      It's time for you to setup the reverse proxy outside of this installer.
-    </p>
-    {
-      proxyType == REVERSE_PROXY_TYPES.OTHER ?
-        <p>
-          Here's a sample config for Apache. Since you chose 'other' for your reverse proxy.
-          You'll have to figure it out for yourself. We believe in you.
-        </p>
-        :
+    return <ContentWrapper>
+        <h1>Configure the ReverseProxy</h1>
-          We can't do it for you
-        but here's the sample configuration for your {proxyType} proxy.
+            It's time for you to setup the reverse proxy outside of this installer.
-    }
-    <pre>
-      <code>
-        {sampleConfig}
-      </code>
-    </pre>
-    <DownloadOrCopy content={sampleConfig} fileName={fileName} />
-  </ContentWrapper>;
+        {
+            proxyType == REVERSE_PROXY_TYPES.OTHER ?
+                <p>
+                    Here's a sample config for Apache. Since you chose 'other'
+                    for your reverse proxy. You'll have to figure it out
+                    for yourself. We believe in you.
+                </p>
+                :
+                <p>
+                    We can't do it for you
+                    but here's the sample configuration for your {proxyType} proxy.
+                </p>
+        }
+        <pre>
+            <code>
+                {sampleConfig}
+            </code>
+        </pre>
+        <DownloadOrCopy content={sampleConfig} fileName={fileName} />
+    </ContentWrapper>;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/ServerName.jsx b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/ServerName.jsx
index e2f160a17b..938da625a6 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/ServerName.jsx
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/ServerName.jsx
@@ -2,43 +2,59 @@ import React, { useState } from 'react';
 import Accordion from 'react-bootstrap/Accordion';
 import Card from 'react-bootstrap/Card';
-import { SERVER_NAME_UI } from '../reducers/ui_constants';
+import { SERVER_NAME_UI } from '../reducers/ui-constants';
 import AccordionToggle from '../containers/AccordionToggle';
 import useAccordionToggle from 'react-bootstrap/useAccordionToggle';
-import { next_ui } from '../reducers/setup-ui-reducer';
+import { nextUI } from '../reducers/setup-ui-reducer';
 export default ({ onClick }) => {
-  const [servername, setServerName] = useState("");
-  const onChange = event => {
-    setServerName(;
-  };
-  const toggle = useAccordionToggle(next_ui(SERVER_NAME_UI));
-  const decoratedOnClick = () => {
-    toggle();
-    onClick(servername);
-  }
-  return <Card>
-    <AccordionToggle as={Card.Header} eventKey={SERVER_NAME_UI} >
-      Name your server
-    </AccordionToggle>
-    <Accordion.Collapse eventKey={SERVER_NAME_UI}>
-      <Card.Body>
-        <p>
-          Your server name usually matches your domain. For example, the
- server is simply called ``.
-        </p>
-        <p>
-          Your server name will be used to establish User IDs (e.g.
-          ``) and Room Aliases (e.g. ``).
-        </p>
-        <input type="text" onChange={onChange} autoFocus placeholder="Enter server name"></input>
-        <div>
-          <button disabled={servername ? undefined : true} onClick={decoratedOnClick}>Next</button>
-        </div>
-      </Card.Body>
-    </Accordion.Collapse>
-  </Card>;
+    const [servername, setServerName] = useState("");
+    const onChange = event => {
+        setServerName(;
+    };
+    const toggle = useAccordionToggle(nextUI(SERVER_NAME_UI));
+    const decoratedOnClick = () => {
+        toggle();
+        onClick(servername);
+    }
+    return <Card>
+        <AccordionToggle as={Card.Header} eventKey={SERVER_NAME_UI} >
+            Name your server
+        </AccordionToggle>
+        <Accordion.Collapse eventKey={SERVER_NAME_UI}>
+            <Card.Body>
+                <p>
+                    Your server name usually matches your domain. For example, the
+           server is simply called ``.
+                        </p>
+                <p>
+                    Your server name will be used to establish User IDs (e.g.
+                    ``) and Room Aliases (e.g. ``).
+                        </p>
+                <input
+                    type="text"
+                    onChange={onChange}
+                    autoFocus
+                    placeholder="Enter server name"
+                />
+                <div>
+                    <button
+                        disabled={servername ? undefined : true}
+                        onClick={decoratedOnClick}
+                    >
+                        Next
+                    </button>
+                </div>
+            </Card.Body>
+        </Accordion.Collapse>
+    </Card>;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/StatsReporter.jsx b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/StatsReporter.jsx
index 1ca896ca42..51c4ad0ece 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/StatsReporter.jsx
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/StatsReporter.jsx
@@ -4,39 +4,43 @@ import Accordion from 'react-bootstrap/Accordion';
 import Card from 'react-bootstrap/Card';
 import useAccordionToggle from 'react-bootstrap/useAccordionToggle';
-import { STATS_REPORT_UI } from '../reducers/ui_constants';
+import { STATS_REPORT_UI } from '../reducers/ui-constants';
 import AccordionToggle from '../containers/AccordionToggle';
-import { next_ui } from '../reducers/setup-ui-reducer';
+import { nextUI } from '../reducers/setup-ui-reducer';
 export default ({ onClick }) => {
-  const [consent, setConsent] = useState(false);
-  const toggle = useAccordionToggle(next_ui(STATS_REPORT_UI));
-  const decoratedOnClick = () => {
-    toggle();
-    onClick(consent);
-  }
-  return <Card>
-    <AccordionToggle as={Card.Header} eventKey={STATS_REPORT_UI}>
-      Anonymous Statistics
-    </AccordionToggle>
-    <Accordion.Collapse eventKey={STATS_REPORT_UI}>
-      <Card.Body>
-        <p>
-          Would you like to report anonymous statistics to
-          Your server will send anonymised, aggregated statistics to
-          on user usage so we can measure the health of the Matrix ecosystem.
-        </p>
-        <label>
-          <input
-            type="checkbox"
-            onChange={event => setConsent(}
-          />
-          Yes, send anonymous statistics
-        </label>
-        <button onClick={decoratedOnClick}>Next</button>
-      </Card.Body>
-    </Accordion.Collapse>
-  </Card >
+    const [consent, setConsent] = useState(false);
+    const toggle = useAccordionToggle(nextUI(STATS_REPORT_UI));
+    const decoratedOnClick = () => {
+        toggle();
+        onClick(consent);
+    }
+    return <Card>
+        <AccordionToggle as={Card.Header} eventKey={STATS_REPORT_UI}>
+            Anonymous Statistics
+        </AccordionToggle>
+        <Accordion.Collapse eventKey={STATS_REPORT_UI}>
+            <Card.Body>
+                <p>
+                    Would you like to report anonymous statistics to
+                    Your server will send anonymised, aggregated statistics to
+                    on user usage so we can measure the health of the Matrix ecosystem.
+                </p>
+                <label>
+                    <input
+                        type="checkbox"
+                        onChange={event => setConsent(}
+                    />
+                    Yes, send anonymous statistics
+                </label>
+                <button onClick={decoratedOnClick}>Next</button>
+            </Card.Body>
+        </Accordion.Collapse>
+    </Card>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/TLS.jsx b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/TLS.jsx
index 584a658608..77a2c97803 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/TLS.jsx
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/TLS.jsx
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+/* eslint-disable max-len */
 import React, { useState } from 'react';
 import style from '../../scss/main.scss';
@@ -8,150 +9,164 @@ import Tabs from 'react-bootstrap/Tabs';
 import Tab from 'react-bootstrap/Tab';
 import useAccordionToggle from 'react-bootstrap/useAccordionToggle';
-import { TLS_UI } from '../reducers/ui_constants';
+import { TLS_UI } from '../reducers/ui-constants';
 import { TLS_TYPES, REVERSE_PROXY_TYPES } from '../actions/constants';
 import AccordionToggle from '../containers/AccordionToggle';
-import { next_ui } from '../reducers/setup-ui-reducer';
+import { nextUI } from '../reducers/setup-ui-reducer';
 const tlsLink = "";
 const apacheLink = "";
 const caddyLink = "";
 const haproxyLink = "";
 const nginxLink = "";
-const proxyInfoLink = "";
-export default ({ testingCertPaths, uploadingCerts, certPathInvalid, certKeyPathInvalid, onClickCertPath, onClickCertUpload, onClickACME, onClickReverseProxy }) => {
-  const defaultType = TLS_TYPES.REVERSE_PROXY;
-  const [type, setType] = useState(defaultType);
-  const [certPath, setCertPath] = useState("");
-  const [certKeyPath, setCertKeyPath] = useState("");
-  const [certFile, setCertFile] = useState();
-  const [certKeyFile, setCertKeyFile] = useState();
-  const defaultValue = REVERSE_PROXY_TYPES.NGINX;
-  const [reverseProxy, setReverseProxy] = useState(defaultValue);
-  const toggle = useAccordionToggle(next_ui(TLS_UI));
-  return <Card>
-    <AccordionToggle as={Card.Header} eventKey={TLS_UI}>
-      TLS
-    </AccordionToggle>
-    <Accordion.Collapse eventKey={TLS_UI}>
-      <Card.Body>
-        <p>
-          Synapse uses TLS to ensure communication between homeservers is
-          secure. To use TLS, you’ll need a TLS certificate. Synapse supports
-          ACME, providing your own certificates, or reverse proxy handling TLS
-          certificates.
-        </p>
-        <Tabs defaultActiveKey={defaultType} onSelect={k => setType(k)}>
-          <Tab eventKey={TLS_TYPES.REVERSE_PROXY} title="Reverse Proxy">
-            <p>
-              It is recommended to run Synapse behind a reverse proxy such as <a target="_blank" href={apacheLink}>Apache</a>, <a target="_blank" href={caddyLink}>Caddy</a>, <a target="_blank" href={haproxyLink}>HAProxy</a>, or <a target="_blank" href={nginxLink}>NGiNX</a>.
-            </p>
-            <p>
-              The main benefit to this is that the reverse proxy can listen on
-              the privileged port 443 (which clients like Riot expect to connect
-              to) on behalf of synapse. The incoming traffic is then forwarded
-              to Synapse on a non privileged port.
-            </p>
-            <p>
-              You need root to listen on ports 0 to 1024 inclusive and running
-              synapse with root privileges is <b>strongly discouraged</b>.
-              Reverse proxies are more secure, run with root and pass things on
-              like nobody's business.
-            </p>
-            <p>
-              (Note: you can also have synapse use a non privileged port by
-              using one of the delegation methods mentioned earlier.)
-            </p>
-            <p>
-              If you choose to use a Reverse Proxy we'll provide you with
-              configuration templates later.
-            </p>
-            <p>More information about Reverse Proxies
-              <a href="">
-                in the docs</a>.
-            </p>
-            <p>
-              Please choose the reverse proxy you're using. This is just so we can provide
-              you with a template later, if you already know how you're going to set yours
-              up don't worry too much about this.
-            </p>
-            <select defaultValue={defaultValue} onChange={e => setReverseProxy(} >
-              <option value={REVERSE_PROXY_TYPES.APACHE}>Apache</option>
-              <option value={REVERSE_PROXY_TYPES.CADDY}>Caddy</option>
-              <option value={REVERSE_PROXY_TYPES.HAPROXY}>HAProxy</option>
-              <option value={REVERSE_PROXY_TYPES.NGINX}>NGiNX</option>
-              <option value={REVERSE_PROXY_TYPES.OTHER}>Some other Reverse Proxy</option>
-            </select>
-            <div>
-              <button onClick={() => {
-                toggle();
-                onClickReverseProxy(reverseProxy)
-              }}>
-                I already/will use a Reverse Proxy with TLS
-              </button>
-            </div>
-          </Tab>
-          <Tab eventKey={TLS_TYPES.ACME} title="ACME">
-            <p>
-              ACME is a protocol that allows TLS certificates to be requested
-              automagically. Synapse supports ACME by requesting certs from
-              Let's Encrypt, which is one of the easiest ways to manage your
-              certificates.
-            </p>
-            <p>
-              If you wish to use ACME you will need access to port 80 which
-              usually requires root privileges. Do not run Synapse as root. Use
-              a Reverse Proxy or Authbind
-            </p>
-            <button onClick={() => {
-              toggle();
-              onClickACME()
-            }}>Use ACME</button>
-          </Tab>
-          <Tab eventKey={TLS_TYPES.TLS} title="Provide your own TLS certs">
-            <p>
-              Specify a path to or upload TLS certs for the domain.
-            </p>
-            <p>Please enter {certPathInvalid ? "a valid" : "the"} path to the cert</p>
-            <input
-              className={certPathInvalid ? style.invalidInput : undefined}
-              type="text"
-              placeholder="/path/to/your/cert.pem"
-              value={certPath ? certPath : undefined}
-              onChange={e => setCertPath(}
-            />
-            <p>Please enter {certKeyPathInvalid ? "a valid" : "the"} path to the cert's key</p>
-            <input
-              className={certKeyPathInvalid ? style.invalidInput : undefined}
-              type="text"
-              placeholder="/path/to/your/cert/key.tls.key"
-              value={certKeyPath ? certKeyPath : undefined}
-              onChange={e => setCertKeyPath(}
-            />
-            <button
-              disabled={certPath && certKeyPath ? undefined : true}
-              onClick={() => onClickCertPath(certPath, certKeyPath, toggle)}
-            >Use TLS Path</button>
-            <h3>OR..</h3>
-            <h1>Upload a TLS cert</h1>
-            <p>Upload a cert file.</p>
-            <input type="file" name="cert" onChange={e => setCertFile([0])} />
-            <p>Upload the cert's private key file.</p>
-            <input type="file" name="certkey" onChange={e => setCertKeyFile([0])} />
-            <button disabled={certFile && certKeyFile ? undefined : true} onClick={() => onClickCertUpload(certFile, certKeyFile, toggle)}>Upload cert</button>
-          </Tab>
-        </Tabs>
-      </Card.Body>
-    </Accordion.Collapse>
-  </Card>
+export default ({
+    testingCertPaths,
+    uploadingCerts,
+    certPathInvalid,
+    certKeyPathInvalid,
+    onClickCertPath,
+    onClickCertUpload,
+    onClickACME,
+    onClickReverseProxy,
+}) => {
+    const defaultType = TLS_TYPES.REVERSE_PROXY;
+    const [type, setType] = useState(defaultType);
+    const [certPath, setCertPath] = useState("");
+    const [certKeyPath, setCertKeyPath] = useState("");
+    const [certFile, setCertFile] = useState();
+    const [certKeyFile, setCertKeyFile] = useState();
+    const defaultValue = REVERSE_PROXY_TYPES.NGINX;
+    const [reverseProxy, setReverseProxy] = useState(defaultValue);
+    const toggle = useAccordionToggle(nextUI(TLS_UI));
+    return <Card>
+        <AccordionToggle as={Card.Header} eventKey={TLS_UI}>
+            TLS
+        </AccordionToggle>
+        <Accordion.Collapse eventKey={TLS_UI}>
+            <Card.Body>
+                <p>
+                    Synapse uses TLS to ensure communication between homeservers is
+                    secure. To use TLS, you’ll need a TLS certificate. Synapse supports
+                    ACME, providing your own certificates, or reverse proxy handling TLS
+                    certificates.
+                </p>
+                <Tabs defaultActiveKey={defaultType} onSelect={k => setType(k)}>
+                    <Tab eventKey={TLS_TYPES.REVERSE_PROXY} title="Reverse Proxy">
+                        <p>
+                            It is recommended to run Synapse behind a reverse proxy such
+                            as <a target="_blank" href={apacheLink}>Apache</a>, <a target="_blank" href={caddyLink}>Caddy</a>, <a target="_blank" href={haproxyLink}>HAProxy</a>, or <a target="_blank" href={nginxLink}>NGiNX</a>.
+                        </p>
+                        <p>
+                            The main benefit to this is that the reverse proxy can listen on
+                            the privileged port 443 (which clients like Riot expect to connect
+                            to) on behalf of synapse. The incoming traffic is then forwarded
+                            to Synapse on a non privileged port.
+                        </p>
+                        <p>
+                            You need root to listen on ports 0 to 1024 inclusive and running
+                            synapse with root privileges is <b>strongly discouraged</b>.
+                                                                                                                    Reverse proxies are more secure, run with root and pass things on
+                                                                                                                    like nobody's business.
+                        </p>
+                        <p>
+                            (Note: you can also have synapse use a non privileged port by
+                            using one of the delegation methods mentioned earlier.)
+                        </p>
+                        <p>
+                            If you choose to use a Reverse Proxy we'll provide you with
+                            configuration templates later.
+                        </p>
+                        <p>More information about Reverse Proxies
+                            <a href="">
+                                in the docs</a>.
+                        </p>
+                        <p>
+                            Please choose the reverse proxy you're using. This is just so we can provide
+                            you with a template later, if you already know how you're going to set yours
+                            up don't worry too much about this.
+                        </p>
+                        <select defaultValue={defaultValue} onChange={e => setReverseProxy(} >
+                            <option value={REVERSE_PROXY_TYPES.APACHE}>Apache</option>
+                            <option value={REVERSE_PROXY_TYPES.CADDY}>Caddy</option>
+                            <option value={REVERSE_PROXY_TYPES.HAPROXY}>HAProxy</option>
+                            <option value={REVERSE_PROXY_TYPES.NGINX}>NGiNX</option>
+                            <option value={REVERSE_PROXY_TYPES.OTHER}>Some other Reverse Proxy</option>
+                        </select>
+                        <div>
+                            <button onClick={() => {
+                                toggle();
+                                onClickReverseProxy(reverseProxy)
+                            }}>
+                                I already/will use a Reverse Proxy with TLS
+                        </button>
+                        </div>
+                    </Tab>
+                    <Tab eventKey={TLS_TYPES.ACME} title="ACME">
+                        <p>
+                            ACME is a protocol that allows TLS certificates to be requested
+                            automagically. Synapse supports ACME by requesting certs from
+                            Let's Encrypt, which is one of the easiest ways to manage your
+                            certificates.
+                        </p>
+                        <p>
+                            If you wish to use ACME you will need access to port 80 which
+                            usually requires root privileges. Do not run Synapse as root. Use
+                            a Reverse Proxy or Authbind
+                        </p>
+                        <button onClick={() => {
+                            toggle();
+                            onClickACME()
+                        }}>Use ACME</button>
+                    </Tab>
+                    <Tab eventKey={TLS_TYPES.TLS} title="Provide your own TLS certs">
+                        <p>
+                            Specify a path to or upload TLS certs for the domain.
+                        </p>
+                        <p>Please enter {certPathInvalid ? "a valid" : "the"} path to the cert</p>
+                        <input
+                            className={certPathInvalid ? style.invalidInput : undefined}
+                            type="text"
+                            placeholder="/path/to/your/cert.pem"
+                            value={certPath ? certPath : undefined}
+                            onChange={e => setCertPath(}
+                        />
+                        <p>Please enter {certKeyPathInvalid ? "a valid" : "the"} path to the cert's key</p>
+                        <input
+                            className={certKeyPathInvalid ? style.invalidInput : undefined}
+                            type="text"
+                            placeholder="/path/to/your/cert/key.tls.key"
+                            value={certKeyPath ? certKeyPath : undefined}
+                            onChange={e => setCertKeyPath(}
+                        />
+                        <button
+                            disabled={certPath && certKeyPath ? undefined : true}
+                            onClick={() => onClickCertPath(certPath, certKeyPath, toggle)}
+                        >Use TLS Path</button>
+                        <h3>OR..</h3>
+                        <h1>Upload a TLS cert</h1>
+                        <p>Upload a cert file.</p>
+                        <input type="file" name="cert" onChange={e => setCertFile([0])} />
+                        <p>Upload the cert's private key file.</p>
+                        <input type="file" name="certkey" onChange={e => setCertKeyFile([0])} />
+                        <button disabled={certFile && certKeyFile ? undefined : true} onClick={() => onClickCertUpload(certFile, certKeyFile, toggle)}>Upload cert</button>
+                    </Tab>
+                </Tabs>
+            </Card.Body>
+        </Accordion.Collapse>
+    </Card>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/UI.jsx b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/UI.jsx
index b5c3297adf..82b66b3386 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/UI.jsx
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/UI.jsx
@@ -6,21 +6,21 @@ import Accordion from 'react-bootstrap/Accordion';
 import Card from 'react-bootstrap/Card';
 import {
-  TLS_UI,
-} from '../reducers/ui_constants';
+    TLS_UI,
+    ERROR_UI,
+} from '../reducers/ui-constants';
 import Error from './Error';
 import Loading from './Loading';
@@ -38,55 +38,66 @@ import Database from '../containers/Database';
 import ConfigSelector from './ConfigSelector';
 import CompleteSetup from '../containers/CompleteSetup';
-const block_mapping = ui_block => {
-  console.log(`fetching ${ui_block}`)
-  switch (ui_block) {
-    case LOADING_UI:
-      return <Loading key={ui_block} />
-    case ERROR_UI:
-      return <Error key={ui_block} />
-    case SETUP_INTRO_UI:
-      return < IntroUi key={ui_block} />
-    case SERVER_NAME_UI:
-      return <ServerName key={ui_block} />
-    case STATS_REPORT_UI:
-      return <StatsReporter key={ui_block} />
-    case KEY_EXPORT_UI:
-      return <ExportKeys key={ui_block} />
-      return <DelegationOptions key={ui_block} />
-    case TLS_UI:
-      return <TLS key={ui_block} />
-      return <PortSelection key={ui_block} />
-      return <ReverseProxySampleConfig key={ui_block} />
-      return <DelegationSampleConfig key={ui_block} />
-    case DATABASE_UI:
-      return <Database key={ui_block} />
-    case COMPLETE_UI:
-      return <CompleteSetup key={ui_block} />
-    default:
-      return <h1>how did i get here?</h1>
-  }
+const blockMapping = uiBlock => {
+    console.log(`fetching ${uiBlock}`)
+    switch (uiBlock) {
+        case LOADING_UI:
+            return <Loading key={uiBlock} />
+        case ERROR_UI:
+            return <Error key={uiBlock} />
+        case SETUP_INTRO_UI:
+            return <IntroUi key={uiBlock} />
+        case SERVER_NAME_UI:
+            return <ServerName key={uiBlock} />
+        case STATS_REPORT_UI:
+            return <StatsReporter key={uiBlock} />
+        case KEY_EXPORT_UI:
+            return <ExportKeys key={uiBlock} />
+            return <DelegationOptions key={uiBlock} />
+        case TLS_UI:
+            return <TLS key={uiBlock} />
+        case PORT_SELECTION_UI:
+            return <PortSelection key={uiBlock} />
+            return <ReverseProxySampleConfig key={uiBlock} />
+            return <DelegationSampleConfig key={uiBlock} />
+        case DATABASE_UI:
+            return <Database key={uiBlock} />
+        case COMPLETE_UI:
+            return <CompleteSetup key={uiBlock} />
+        default:
+            return <h1>how did i get here?</h1>
+    }
-export default ({ setup_ui, config_ui, base_config }) => {
+export default ({ setupUI, configUI, baseConfig }) => {
+    if (!baseConfig.baseConfigChecked) {
+        return <Loading />
+    }
+    if (baseConfig.setupDone) {
+        console.log(`switching to ui ${configUI}`);
+        return <ConfigSelector></ConfigSelector>
+    }
+    if (!baseConfig.setupDone) {
-  if (!base_config.base_config_checked) {
-    return <Loading />
-  }
+        console.log(setupUI);
+        return <Accordion defaultActiveKey="0">
+            {}
+        </Accordion >
-  if (base_config.setup_done) {
-    console.log(`switching to ui ${config_ui}`);
-    return <ConfigSelector></ConfigSelector>
-  }
+    }
-  if (!base_config.setup_done) {
-    console.log(setup_ui);
-    return <Accordion defaultActiveKey="0">
-      {}
-    </Accordion >
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/WalkThrough.jsx b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/WalkThrough.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index f353e5c477..0000000000
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/components/WalkThrough.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-import React from 'react';
-import ButtonDisplay from './ButtonDisplay';
-export default ({ children }) =>
-  <div>{children}</div>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/AccordionToggle.js b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/AccordionToggle.js
index 95816f2679..b283a4e398 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/AccordionToggle.js
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/AccordionToggle.js
@@ -3,16 +3,16 @@ import { connect } from 'react-redux';
 import AccordionToggle from '../components/AccordionToggle';
 const mapStateToProps = (state, { eventKey, as, children }) => ({
-  active: state.setup_ui.active_blocks.includes(eventKey),
-  eventKey,
-  as,
-  children,
+    active: state.setupUI.activeBlocks.includes(eventKey),
+    eventKey,
+    as,
+    children,
 const mapDispathToProps = (dispatch) => ({
 export default connect(
-  mapStateToProps,
-  mapDispathToProps
+    mapStateToProps,
+    mapDispathToProps,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/BaseIntro.js b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/BaseIntro.js
index 3095fec0a2..6d0a9b437f 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/BaseIntro.js
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/BaseIntro.js
@@ -2,17 +2,17 @@ import { connect } from 'react-redux';
 import BaseIntro from '../components/BaseIntro';
-import { advance_ui } from '../actions';
+import { advanceUI } from '../actions';
 const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => ({
 const mapDispathToProps = (dispatch) => ({
-  onClick: () => dispatch(advance_ui())
+    onClick: () => dispatch(advanceUI()),
 export default connect(
-  null,
-  mapDispathToProps
+    null,
+    mapDispathToProps,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/CompleteSetup.js b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/CompleteSetup.js
index 7c926b4f74..483522dd93 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/CompleteSetup.js
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/CompleteSetup.js
@@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
 import { connect } from 'react-redux';
 import CompleteSetup from '../components/CompleteSetup';
-import { write_config } from '../actions';
+import { writeConfig } from '../actions';
 const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
-  tlsType: state.base_config.tls,
-  delegationType: state.base_config.delegation_type,
+    tlsType: state.baseConfig.tls,
+    delegationType: state.baseConfig.delegationType,
 const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => ({
-  onClick: () => {
-    dispatch(write_config())
-  },
+    onClick: () => dispatch(writeConfig()),
 export default connect(
-  mapStateToProps,
-  mapDispatchToProps,
+    mapStateToProps,
+    mapDispatchToProps,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/ContentWrapper.js b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/ContentWrapper.js
index 47ebcadb21..dc1b0a3f28 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/ContentWrapper.js
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/ContentWrapper.js
@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ import { connect } from 'react-redux';
 import ContentWrapper from '../components/ContentWrapper';
 const mapStateToProps = (state, { children }) => ({
-  servername: state.base_config.servername,
-  children,
+    servername: state.baseConfig.servername,
+    children,
 const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => ({
 export default connect(
-  mapStateToProps
+    mapStateToProps,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/Database.js b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/Database.js
index e590831405..8387c1df7f 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/Database.js
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/Database.js
@@ -1,20 +1,22 @@
 import { connect } from 'react-redux';
 import Database from '../components/Database';
-import { set_database, advance_ui } from '../actions';
+import { setDatabase, advanceUI } from '../actions';
 const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
 const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => ({
-  onClick: database => {
-    dispatch(set_database(database));
-    dispatch(advance_ui());
-  }
+    onClick: database => {
+        dispatch(setDatabase(database));
+        dispatch(advanceUI());
+    },
 export default connect(
-  null,
-  mapDispatchToProps,
+    null,
+    mapDispatchToProps,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/DelegationOptions.js b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/DelegationOptions.js
index ce5855969e..d93b188ba6 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/DelegationOptions.js
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/DelegationOptions.js
@@ -1,31 +1,44 @@
 import { connect } from 'react-redux';
 import DelegationOptions from '../components/DelegationOptions';
-import { set_delegation, advance_ui, set_delegation_servername, set_delegation_ports } from '../actions';
+import {
+    setDelegation,
+    advanceUI,
+    setDelegationServername,
+    setDelegationPorts,
+} from '../actions';
 import { DELEGATION_TYPES } from '../actions/constants';
 const mapStateToProps = (state, { children }) => {
-  return {
-    servername: state.base_config.servername,
-  }
+    return {
+        servername: state.baseConfig.servername,
+    }
 const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => ({
-  onClick: (type, servername, fedPort, clientPort) => {
-    dispatch(advance_ui());
-    dispatch(set_delegation(type));
-    dispatch(set_delegation_servername(servername));
-    dispatch(set_delegation_ports(fedPort, clientPort));
-  },
-  skip: () => {
-    dispatch(advance_ui());
-    dispatch(set_delegation(DELEGATION_TYPES.LOCAL));
-  }
+    onClick: (type, servername, fedPort, clientPort) => {
+        dispatch(advanceUI());
+        dispatch(setDelegation(type));
+        dispatch(setDelegationServername(servername));
+        dispatch(setDelegationPorts(fedPort, clientPort));
+    },
+    skip: () => {
+        dispatch(advanceUI());
+        dispatch(setDelegation(DELEGATION_TYPES.LOCAL));
+    },
 export default connect(
-  mapStateToProps,
-  mapDispatchToProps,
+    mapStateToProps,
+    mapDispatchToProps,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/DelegationSampleConfig.js b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/DelegationSampleConfig.js
index 82deabef2f..430475d0f8 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/DelegationSampleConfig.js
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/DelegationSampleConfig.js
@@ -2,55 +2,73 @@ import { connect } from 'react-redux';
 import DelegationSampleConfig from '../components/DelegationSampleConfig';
-import { advance_ui } from '../actions';
+import { advanceUI } from '../actions';
 import DNSConfig from '../templates/dns-srv';
 import FedWellKnownConfig from '../templates/federation-well-known'
 import ClientWellKnownConfig from '../templates/client-well-known'
 import { DELEGATION_TYPES } from '../actions/constants';
-// synapseServerName: state.base_config.delegation_server_name ? state.base_config.delegation_server_name : state.base_config.servername,
+// synapseServerName: state.baseConfig.delegationServerName ? state.baseConfig.delegationServerName : state.baseConfig.servername,
 const serverConfig = state => {
-  if (state.delegation_type == DELEGATION_TYPES.DNS) {
-    return undefined;
-  } else {
-    return FedWellKnownConfig({
-      synapseServerName: state.delegation_servername,
-      delegationSynapsePort: state.delegation_federation_port ? state.delegation_federation_port : 8448,
-    });
-  }
+    if (state.delegationType == DELEGATION_TYPES.DNS) {
+        return undefined;
+    } else {
+        return FedWellKnownConfig({
+            synapseServerName: state.delegationServerName,
+            delegationSynapsePort: state.delegationFederationPort ?
+                state.delegationFederationPort :
+                8448,
+        });
+    }
 const clientConfig = state => {
-  if (state.delegation_type == DELEGATION_TYPES.WELL_KNOWN) {
-    return ClientWellKnownConfig({
-      synapseServerName: state.delegation_servername,
-      delegationClientPort: state.delegation_client_port ? state.delegation_client_port : 443,
-    });
-  } else {
-    return DNSConfig({
-      serverName: state.servername,
-      synapseServerName: state.delegation_servername,
-      delegationClientPort: state.delegation_client_port ? state.delegation_client_port : 443,
-    })
-  }
+    if (state.delegationType == DELEGATION_TYPES.WELL_KNOWN) {
+        return ClientWellKnownConfig({
+            synapseServerName: state.delegationServerName,
+            delegationClientPort: state.delegationClientPort ?
+                state.delegationClientPort :
+                443,
+        });
+    } else {
+        return DNSConfig({
+            serverName: state.servername,
+            synapseServerName: state.delegationServerName,
+            delegationClientPort: state.delegationClientPort ?
+                state.delegationClientPort :
+                443,
+        })
+    }
 const mapStateToProps = state => ({
-  delegationType: state.base_config.delegation_type,
-  serverConfig: serverConfig(state.base_config),
-  clientConfig: clientConfig(state.base_config),
-  serverConfigFileName: `${state.base_config.servername}_delegation.conf`,
-  clientConfigFileName: `${state.base_config.servername}_client_delegation.conf`,
-  serverName: state.base_config.servername,
+    delegationType: state.baseConfig.delegationType,
+    serverConfig: serverConfig(state.baseConfig),
+    clientConfig: clientConfig(state.baseConfig),
+    serverConfigFileName: `${state.baseConfig.servername}_delegation.conf`,
+    clientConfigFileName: `${state.baseConfig.servername}_client_delegation.conf`,
+    serverName: state.baseConfig.servername,
 const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
-  onClick: () => dispatch(advance_ui()),
+    onClick: () => dispatch(advanceUI()),
 export default connect(
-  mapStateToProps,
-  mapDispatchToProps
+    mapStateToProps,
+    mapDispatchToProps,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/ExportKeys.js b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/ExportKeys.js
index 095d63b644..a473de36a1 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/ExportKeys.js
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/ExportKeys.js
@@ -2,22 +2,24 @@ import { connect } from 'react-redux';
 import ExportKeys from '../components/ExportKeys';
-import { advance_ui } from '../actions';
+import { advanceUI } from '../actions';
+const mapStateToProps = state => {
+    const secretKeyLoaded = state.baseConfig.secretKeyLoaded;
+    const secretKey = state.baseConfig.secretKey;
+    return {
+        secretKeyLoaded,
+        secretKey,
+    }
-const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => {
-  const secret_key_loaded = state.base_config.secret_key_loaded;
-  const secret_key = state.base_config.secret_key;
-  return {
-    secret_key_loaded,
-    secret_key,
-  }
-const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => ({
-  onClick: () => dispatch(advance_ui())
+const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
+    onClick: () => dispatch(advanceUI()),
 export default connect(
-  mapStateToProps,
-  mapDispatchToProps
+    mapStateToProps,
+    mapDispatchToProps,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/PortSelection.js b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/PortSelection.js
index 93c3ac7f89..38d0f715e0 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/PortSelection.js
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/PortSelection.js
@@ -2,43 +2,59 @@ import { connect } from 'react-redux';
 import PortSelection from '../components/PortSelection';
-import { set_synapse_ports } from '../actions';
+import { setSynapsePorts } from '../actions';
 import { TLS_TYPES } from '../actions/constants';
 const defaultFedPort = state => {
-  console.log(state)
-  if (state.tls == TLS_TYPES.REVERSE_PROXY) {
-    return 8008;
-  }
-  return state.delegation_federation_port ? state.delegation_federation_port : 8448;
+    console.log(state)
+    if (state.tls == TLS_TYPES.REVERSE_PROXY) {
+        return 8008;
+    }
+    return state.delegationFederationPort ? state.delegationFederationPort : 8448;
 const defaultClientPort = state => {
-  if (state.tls == TLS_TYPES.REVERSE_PROXY) {
-    return 8008;
-  }
-  return state.delegation_federation_port ? state.delegation_federation_port : 443;
+    if (state.tls == TLS_TYPES.REVERSE_PROXY) {
+        return 8008;
+    }
+    return state.delegationFederationPort ?
+        state.delegationFederationPort :
+        443;
-const mapStateToProps = ({ base_config }) => ({
-  servername: base_config.servername,
-  verifyingPorts: base_config.verifying_ports,
-  fedPortInUse: base_config.synapse_federation_port_free != undefined ? !base_config.synapse_federation_port_free : false,
-  clientPortInUse: base_config.synapse_client_port_free != undefined ? !base_config.synapse_client_port_free : false,
-  canChangePorts: base_config.tls == TLS_TYPES.REVERSE_PROXY,
-  defaultFedPort: defaultFedPort(base_config),
-  defaultClientPort: defaultClientPort(base_config),
+const mapStateToProps = ({ baseConfig }) => ({
+    servername: baseConfig.servername,
+    verifyingPorts: baseConfig.verifyingPorts,
+    fedPortInUse: baseConfig.synapseFederationPortFree != undefined ?
+        !baseConfig.synapseFederationPortFree :
+        false,
+    clientPortInUse: baseConfig.synapseClientPortFree != undefined ?
+        !baseConfig.synapseClientPortFree :
+        false,
+    canChangePorts: baseConfig.tls == TLS_TYPES.REVERSE_PROXY,
+    defaultFedPort: defaultFedPort(baseConfig),
+    defaultClientPort: defaultClientPort(baseConfig),
 const mapDispathToProps = (dispatch) => ({
-  onClick: (fedPort, clientPort, callback) => {
-    dispatch(set_synapse_ports(fedPort, clientPort, callback));
-  }
+    onClick: (fedPort, clientPort, callback) => {
+        dispatch(setSynapsePorts(fedPort, clientPort, callback));
+    },
 export default connect(
-  mapStateToProps,
-  mapDispathToProps
+    mapStateToProps,
+    mapDispathToProps,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/ReverseProxySampleConfig.js b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/ReverseProxySampleConfig.js
index 4c6bb94eb0..694e298682 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/ReverseProxySampleConfig.js
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/ReverseProxySampleConfig.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import { connect } from 'react-redux';
 import ReverseProxySampleConfig from '../components/ReverseProxySampleConfig';
-import { advance_ui } from '../actions';
+import { advanceUI } from '../actions';
 import { REVERSE_PROXY_TYPES } from '../actions/constants';
 import apacheConfig from '../templates/apache';
@@ -11,37 +11,47 @@ import haproxyConfig from '../templates/haproxy';
 import nginxConfig from '../templates/nginx';
 const sampleConfig = reverseProxyType => {
-  switch (reverseProxyType) {
-      return apacheConfig;
-      return caddyConfig;
-      return haproxyConfig;
-      return nginxConfig;
-      return otherConfig;
-  }
+    switch (reverseProxyType) {
+            return apacheConfig;
+            return caddyConfig;
+            return haproxyConfig;
+            return nginxConfig;
+            return otherConfig;
+    }
 const mapStateToProps = state => ({
-  proxyType: state.base_config.reverse_proxy,
-  sampleConfig: sampleConfig(state.base_config.reverse_proxy)({
-    delegationFedPort: state.base_config.delegation_federation_port ? state.base_config.delegation_federation_port : 8448,
-    delegationClientPort: state.base_config.delegation_client_port ? state.base_config.delegation_client_port : 443,
-    fedPort: state.base_config.synapse_federation_port,
-    clientPort: state.base_config.synapse_client_port,
-    synapseServerName: state.base_config.delegation_server_name ? state.base_config.delegation_server_name : state.base_config.servername,
-  }),
-  fileName: "synapse_reverse_proxy.conf",
+    proxyType: state.baseConfig.reverseProxy,
+    sampleConfig: sampleConfig(state.baseConfig.reverseProxy)({
+        delegationFedPort: state.baseConfig.delegationFederationPort ?
+            state.baseConfig.delegationFederationPort :
+            8448,
+        delegationClientPort: state.baseConfig.delegationClientPort ?
+            state.baseConfig.delegationClientPort :
+            443,
+        fedPort: state.baseConfig.synapseFederationPort,
+        clientPort: state.baseConfig.synapseClientPort,
+        synapseServerName: state.baseConfig.delegationServerName ?
+            state.baseConfig.delegationServerName :
+            state.baseConfig.servername,
+    }),
+    fileName: "synapse_reverse_proxy.conf",
 const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
-  onClick: () => dispatch(advance_ui()),
+    onClick: () => dispatch(advanceUI()),
 export default connect(
-  mapStateToProps,
-  mapDispatchToProps
+    mapStateToProps,
+    mapDispatchToProps,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/ServerName.js b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/ServerName.js
index b7fa07982b..6fdf863b17 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/ServerName.js
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/ServerName.js
@@ -2,20 +2,20 @@ import { connect } from 'react-redux';
 import ServerName from '../components/ServerName';
-import { advance_ui, set_servername } from '../actions';
+import { advanceUI, setServername } from '../actions';
 const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => ({
 const mapDispathToProps = (dispatch) => ({
-  onClick: servername => {
-    dispatch(advance_ui());
-    dispatch(set_servername(servername));
-  }
+    onClick: servername => {
+        dispatch(advanceUI());
+        dispatch(setServername(servername));
+    },
 export default connect(
-  null,
-  mapDispathToProps
+    null,
+    mapDispathToProps,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/StatsReporter.js b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/StatsReporter.js
index 2ff9fd64e0..c7e3b06966 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/StatsReporter.js
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/StatsReporter.js
@@ -2,21 +2,23 @@ import { connect } from 'react-redux';
 import StatsReporter from '../components/StatsReporter';
-import { advance_ui, set_stats, generate_secret_keys } from '../actions';
+import { advanceUI, setStats, generateSecretKeys } from '../actions';
 const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => ({
 const mapDispathToProps = (dispatch) => ({
-  onClick: consent => {
-    dispatch(advance_ui());
-    dispatch(set_stats(consent));
-    dispatch(generate_secret_keys(consent))
-  }
+    onClick: consent => {
+        dispatch(advanceUI());
+        dispatch(setStats(consent));
+        dispatch(generateSecretKeys(consent))
+    },
 export default connect(
-  null,
-  mapDispathToProps
+    null,
+    mapDispathToProps,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/TLS.js b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/TLS.js
index cca3f1fa94..34150577ae 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/TLS.js
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/TLS.js
@@ -2,37 +2,51 @@ import { connect } from 'react-redux';
 import TLS from '../components/TLS';
-import { advance_ui, set_tls, set_tls_cert_paths, set_tls_cert_files, set_reverse_proxy } from '../actions';
+import {
+    advanceUI,
+    setTls,
+    setTlsCertPaths,
+    setTlsCertFiles,
+    setReverseProxy,
+} from '../actions';
 import { TLS_TYPES } from '../actions/constants';
 const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => ({
-  testingCertPaths: state.base_config.testing_cert_paths,
-  uploadingCertPaths: state.base_config.uploading_certs,
-  certPathInvalid: state.base_config.cert_path_invalid,
-  certKeyPathInvalid: state.base_config.cert_key_path_invalid,
+    testingCertPaths: state.baseConfig.testingCertPaths,
+    uploadingCertPaths: state.baseConfig.uploadingCerts,
+    certPathInvalid: state.baseConfig.certPathInvalid,
+    certKeyPathInvalid: state.baseConfig.certKeyPathInvalid,
 const mapDispathToProps = (dispatch) => ({
-  onClickACME: () => {
-    dispatch(advance_ui(TLS_TYPES.ACME));
-    dispatch(set_tls(TLS_TYPES.ACME));
-  },
-  onClickReverseProxy: proxy_type => {
-    dispatch(advance_ui());
-    dispatch(set_tls(TLS_TYPES.REVERSE_PROXY))
-    dispatch(set_reverse_proxy(proxy_type))
-  },
-  onClickCertPath: (cert_path, cert_key_path, callback) => {
-    dispatch(set_tls_cert_paths(cert_path, cert_key_path, callback));
-  },
-  onClickCertUpload: (tls_cert_file, tls_key_file, callback) => {
-    dispatch(set_tls_cert_files(tls_cert_file, tls_key_file));
-    callback();
-  },
+    onClickACME: () => {
+        dispatch(advanceUI(TLS_TYPES.ACME));
+        dispatch(setTls(TLS_TYPES.ACME));
+    },
+    onClickReverseProxy: proxyType => {
+        dispatch(advanceUI());
+        dispatch(setTls(TLS_TYPES.REVERSE_PROXY))
+        dispatch(setReverseProxy(proxyType))
+    },
+    onClickCertPath: (certPath, certKeyPath, callback) => {
+        dispatch(setTlsCertPaths(certPath, certKeyPath, callback));
+    },
+    onClickCertUpload: (tlsCertFile, tlsKeyFile, callback) => {
+        dispatch(setTlsCertFiles(tlsCertFile, tlsKeyFile));
+        callback();
+    },
 export default connect(
-  null,
-  mapDispathToProps
+    null,
+    mapDispathToProps,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/UI.js b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/UI.js
index 15acab3953..f4ee16c8fb 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/UI.js
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/containers/UI.js
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 import { connect } from 'react-redux';
 import UI from '../components/UI';
-const mapStateToProps = ({ setup_done, setup_ui, config_ui, base_config }) => ({
-  setup_done,
-  setup_ui,
-  config_ui,
-  base_config,
+const mapStateToProps = ({ setupDone, setupUI, configUI, baseConfig }) => ({
+    setupDone,
+    setupUI,
+    configUI,
+    baseConfig,
@@ -14,5 +14,5 @@ const mapDispathToProps = (dispatch, ownProps) => ({
 export default connect(
-  mapStateToProps,
+    mapStateToProps,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/index.jsx b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/index.jsx
index e576539c7c..3995436fd1 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/index.jsx
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/index.jsx
@@ -5,23 +5,21 @@ import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux'
 import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
 import rootReducer from './reducers';
 import UI from './containers/UI';
-import style from '../scss/main.scss';
-import logo from '../fonts/matrix-logo.svg';
 import { startup } from './actions';
 const store = createStore(
-  rootReducer,
-  applyMiddleware(thunk),
+    rootReducer,
+    applyMiddleware(thunk),
-  <Provider store={store}>
-    {/* <img className={style.logo} src={logo} /> */}
-    <UI />
-  </Provider>,
-  document.body,
+    <Provider store={store}>
+        {/* <img className={style.logo} src={logo} /> */}
+        <UI />
+    </Provider>,
+    document.body,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/reducers/base-config-reducer.js b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/reducers/base-config-reducer.js
index fc7c9b0027..9d296a6a3a 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/reducers/base-config-reducer.js
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/reducers/base-config-reducer.js
@@ -1,136 +1,140 @@
 import {
+    SET_TLS,
 } from "../actions/types";
 export default (state, action) => {
-  switch (action.type) {
-      return {
-        ...state,
-        base_config_checked: true,
-        setup_done: action.setup_done,
-      }
-      return {
-        ...state,
-        servername: action.servername,
-      }
-    case SET_STATS:
-      return {
-        ...state,
-        report_stats: action.consent,
-      }
-      return {
-        ...state,
-        secret_key_loaded: false,
-      }
-    case SET_SECRET_KEY:
-      return {
-        ...state,
-        secret_key_loaded: true,
-        secret_key: action.key,
-      };
-      return {
-        ...state,
-        delegation_type: action.delegation_type,
-      }
-      return {
-        ...state,
-        delegation_servername: action.servername,
-      }
-      return {
-        ...state,
-        delegation_federation_port: action.federation_port,
-        delegation_client_port: action.client_port,
-      }
-      return {
-        ...state,
-        reverse_proxy: action.proxy_type,
-      }
-    case SET_TLS:
-      return {
-        ...state,
-        tls: action.tls_type,
-      }
-      return {
-        ...state,
-        testing_cert_paths: action.testing,
-      }
-      return {
-        ...state,
-        cert_path_invalid: action.cert_path_invalid,
-        cert_key_path_invalid: action.cert_key_path_invalid,
-      }
-      return {
-        ...state,
-        tls_cert_path: action.cert_path,
-        tls_cert_key_path: action.cert_key_path,
-      }
-      return {
-        ...state,
-        tls_cert_file: action.tls_cert_file,
-        tls_cert_key_file: action.tls_cert_key_file,
-      }
-      return {
-        ...state,
-        uploading_certs: action.uploading,
-      }
-      return {
-        ...state,
-        verifying_ports: action.verifying,
-      }
-      return {
-        ...state,
-        synapse_federation_port: action.federation_port,
-        synapse_client_port: action.client_port,
-      }
-      return {
-        ...state,
-        synapse_federation_port_free: action.synapse_federation_port_free,
-        synapse_client_port_free: action.synapse_client_port_free,
-      }
-    case SET_DATABASE:
-      return {
-        ...state,
-        database: action.database,
-      }
-    case SET_CONFIG_DIR:
-      return {
-        ...state,
-        config_dir: action.config_dir,
-      }
-    default:
-      return state;
-  }
+    switch (action.type) {
+        case BASE_CONFIG_CHECKED:
+            return {
+                ...state,
+                baseConfigChecked: true,
+                setupDone: action.setupDone,
+            }
+        case SET_SERVERNAME:
+            return {
+                ...state,
+                servername: action.servername,
+            }
+        case SET_STATS:
+            return {
+                ...state,
+                reportStats: action.consent,
+            }
+        case GETTING_SECRET_KEY:
+            return {
+                ...state,
+                secretKeyLoaded: false,
+            }
+        case SET_SECRET_KEY:
+            return {
+                ...state,
+                secretKeyLoaded: true,
+                secretKey: action.key,
+            };
+        case SET_DELEGATION:
+            return {
+                ...state,
+                delegationType: action.delegationType,
+            }
+            return {
+                ...state,
+                delegationServername: action.servername,
+            }
+            return {
+                ...state,
+                delegationFederationPort: action.federationPort,
+                delegationClientPort: action.clientPort,
+            }
+        case SET_REVERSE_PROXY:
+            return {
+                ...state,
+                reverseProxy: action.proxyType,
+            }
+        case SET_TLS:
+            return {
+                ...state,
+                tls: action.tlsType,
+            }
+            return {
+                ...state,
+                testingCertPaths: action.testing,
+            }
+            return {
+                ...state,
+                certPathInvalid: action.certPathInvalid,
+                certKeyPathInvalid: action.certKeyPathInvalid,
+            }
+        case SET_TLS_CERT_PATHS:
+            return {
+                ...state,
+                tlsCertPath: action.certPath,
+                tlsCertKeyPath: action.certKeyPath,
+            }
+        case SET_TLS_CERT_FILES:
+            return {
+                ...state,
+                tlsCertFile: action.tlsCertFile,
+                tlsCertKeyFile: action.tlsCerKeyFile,
+            }
+            return {
+                ...state,
+                uploadingCerts: action.uploading,
+            }
+            return {
+                ...state,
+                verifyingports: action.verifying,
+            }
+        case SET_SYNAPSE_PORTS:
+            return {
+                ...state,
+                synapseFederationPort: action.federationPort,
+                synapseClientPort: action.clientPort,
+            }
+            return {
+                ...state,
+                synapseFederationPortFree: action.synapseFederationPortFree,
+                synapseClientPortFree: action.synapseClientPortFree,
+            }
+        case SET_DATABASE:
+            return {
+                ...state,
+                database: action.database,
+            }
+        case SET_CONFIG_DIR:
+            return {
+                ...state,
+                configDir: action.configDir,
+            }
+        default:
+            return state;
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/reducers/config-ui-reducer.js b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/reducers/config-ui-reducer.js
index d9a268c681..aa3fb40952 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/reducers/config-ui-reducer.js
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/reducers/config-ui-reducer.js
@@ -1,13 +1,21 @@
-  CONFIG_SELECTION_UI: "config_selection_ui"
-export default ({ config_ui, base_config }, action) => {
-  if (!base_config.base_config_checked) {
-    return config_ui;
-  }
-  if (!base_config.setup_done) {
-    return config_ui;
-  }
-  return config_ui;
+    CONFIG_SELECTION_UI: "config_selection_ui",
+export default ({ configUI, baseConfig }, action) => {
+    if (!baseConfig.baseConfigChecked) {
+        return configUI;
+    };
+    if (!baseConfig.setupDone) {
+        return configUI;
+    };
+    return configUI;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/reducers/index.js b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/reducers/index.js
index 4c31d3931b..9cceb9332e 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/reducers/index.js
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/reducers/index.js
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-import base_config_reducer from './base-config-reducer';
+import baseConfigReducer from './base-config-reducer';
-import config_ui_reducer from './config-ui-reducer';
-import setup_ui_reducer from './setup-ui-reducer';
+import configUIReducer from './config-ui-reducer';
+import setupUIReducer from './setup-ui-reducer';
-import { SETUP_INTRO_UI, SERVER_NAME_UI } from './ui_constants';
+import { SETUP_INTRO_UI, SERVER_NAME_UI } from './ui-constants';
 export default (state = {
-  setup_ui: {
-    active_blocks: [SETUP_INTRO_UI, SERVER_NAME_UI],
-  },
-  config_ui: {
-  },
-  base_config: {
-    base_config_checked: false,
-  }
+    setupUI: {
+        activeBlocks: [SETUP_INTRO_UI, SERVER_NAME_UI],
+    },
+    configUI: {
+    },
+    baseConfig: {
+        baseConfigChecked: false,
+    },
 }, action) => ({
-  config_ui: config_ui_reducer(state, action),
-  setup_ui: setup_ui_reducer(state, action),
-  base_config: base_config_reducer(state.base_config, action)
+    configUI: configUIReducer(state, action),
+    setupUI: setupUIReducer(state, action),
+    baseConfig: baseConfigReducer(state.baseConfig, action),
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/reducers/setup-ui-reducer.js b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/reducers/setup-ui-reducer.js
index 720f85ebed..e6219ad575 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/reducers/setup-ui-reducer.js
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/reducers/setup-ui-reducer.js
@@ -1,30 +1,39 @@
 import { ADVANCE_UI, BACK_UI, BASE_CONFIG_CHECKED } from '../actions/types';
-import useAccordionToggle from 'react-bootstrap/useAccordionToggle'
 import {
-} from './ui_constants';
+} from './ui-constants';
-const new_active_blocks = active_blocks => {
-  return SETUP_ORDER.slice(0, active_blocks.length + 1)
+const newActiveBlocks = activeBlocks => {
+    return SETUP_ORDER.slice(0, activeBlocks.length + 1)
-export default ({ setup_ui, base_config }, action) => {
-  if (!base_config.base_config_checked) {
-    return setup_ui;
-  }
-  if (base_config.setup_done) {
-    return setup_ui;
-  }
-  switch (action.type) {
-    case ADVANCE_UI:
-      return {
-        active_blocks: new_active_blocks(setup_ui.active_blocks),
-      }
-    case BACK_UI:
-    default:
-      return setup_ui;
-  }
+export default ({ setupUI, baseConfig }, action) => {
+    if (!baseConfig.baseConfigChecked) {
+        return setupUI;
+    }
+    if (baseConfig.setupDone) {
+        return setupUI;
+    }
+    switch (action.type) {
+        case ADVANCE_UI:
+            return {
+                activeBlocks: newActiveBlocks(setupUI.activeBlocks),
+            }
+        case BACK_UI:
+        default:
+            return setupUI;
+    }
-export const next_ui = current => SETUP_ORDER[SETUP_ORDER.lastIndexOf(current) + 1]
\ No newline at end of file
+export const nextUI = current => SETUP_ORDER[SETUP_ORDER.lastIndexOf(current) + 1]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/reducers/state.js b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/reducers/state.js
index 398887221c..88982aa4c2 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/reducers/state.js
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/reducers/state.js
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
 const state = {
-  setup_ui: {
-    active_blocks: ["block1"],
-  },
-  config_ui: {
+    setupUI: {
+        activeBlocks: ["block1"],
+    },
+    configUI: {
-  },
-  base_config: {
-    setup_done: true,
-    base_config_checked: false,
-    servername: "server_name",
-    report_stats: false,
-    getting_secret_key: false,
-    secret_key: "asdfsadf",
-    delegation_type: "local|well_known|DNS_SRV",
-    delegation_server_name: "name",
-    delegation_federation_port: "\"\"|325",
-    delegation_client_port: "\"\"|325",
-    reverse_proxy: "nginx|caddy|apache|haproxy|other|none",
-    tls: "acme|tls|reverseproxy",
-    testing_cert_paths: true,
-    uploading_certs: true,
-    cert_path_invalid: true,
-    cert_key_path_invalid: true,
-    tls_cert_path: "sadfaf",
-    tls_cert_key_path: "sdfasdf",
-    tls_cert_file: "sadfa;dlf;sad;fkla;sdlfjkas;dlfkjas;dflkja;sdfkljadf ------",
-    tls_cert_key_file: "sadfa;dlf;sad;fkla;sdlfjkas;dlfkjas;dflkja;sdfkljadf ------",
-    tls_path: "sdasfaf/a/fdasfd/a/fasd/",
-    verifying_ports: true,
-    synapse_federation_port_free: true,
-    synapse_client_port_free: true,
-    synapse_federation_port: 1234,
-    synapse_client_port: 1234,
-    database: "sqlite3|postgres",
-    config_dir: "sadfasdf",
-  }
+    },
+    baseConfig: {
+        setupDone: true,
+        baseConfigChecked: false,
+        servername: "server_name",
+        reportStats: false,
+        gettingSecretKey: false,
+        secretKey: "asdfsadf",
+        delegationType: "local|well_known|DNS_SRV",
+        delegationServerName: "name",
+        delegationFederationPort: "\"\"|325",
+        delegationClientPort: "\"\"|325",
+        reverseProxy: "nginx|caddy|apache|haproxy|other|none",
+        tls: "acme|tls|reverseproxy",
+        testingCertPaths: true,
+        uploadingCerts: true,
+        certPathInvalid: true,
+        certKeyPathInvalid: true,
+        tlsCertPath: "sadfaf",
+        tlsCertKeyPath: "sdfasdf",
+        tlsCertFile: "sadfa;dlf;sad;fkla;sdlfjkas;dlfkjas;dflkja;sdfkljadf ------",
+        tlsCertKeyFile: "sadfa;dlf;sad;fkla;sdlfjkas;dlfkjas;dflkja;sdfkljadf ------",
+        tlsPath: "sdasfaf/a/fdasfd/a/fasd/",
+        verifyingPorts: true,
+        synapseFederationPortFree: true,
+        synapseClientPortFree: true,
+        synapseFederationPort: 1234,
+        synapseClientPort: 1234,
+        database: "sqlite3|postgres",
+        configDir: "sadfasdf",
+    },
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/reducers/ui_constants.js b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/reducers/ui-constants.js
index 911ff5769e..8675654f3a 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/reducers/ui_constants.js
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/reducers/ui-constants.js
@@ -13,15 +13,15 @@ export const COMPLETE_UI = "complete_ui";
 // Setup order
 export const SETUP_ORDER = [
-  TLS_UI,
+    TLS_UI,
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/templates/apache.js b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/templates/apache.js
index 1c9a489fe3..d896c9cb47 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/templates/apache.js
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/templates/apache.js
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 export default ({
-  delegationFedPort,
-  delegationClientPort,
-  fedPort,
-  clientPort,
-  synapseServerName,
+    delegationFedPort,
+    delegationClientPort,
+    fedPort,
+    clientPort,
+    synapseServerName,
 }) => `
 <VirtualHost *:${delegationClientPort}>
     SSLEngine on
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/templates/caddy.js b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/templates/caddy.js
index d073358811..50c4abca61 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/templates/caddy.js
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/templates/caddy.js
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 export default ({
-  delegationFedPort,
-  delegationClientPort,
-  fedPort,
-  clientPort,
-  synapseServerName,
+    delegationFedPort,
+    delegationClientPort,
+    fedPort,
+    clientPort,
+    synapseServerName,
 }) => `${synapseServerName}:${delegationClientPort} {
   proxy /_matrix http://localhost:${clientPort} {
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/templates/client-well-known.js b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/templates/client-well-known.js
index 2919695eab..2583d70f6d 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/templates/client-well-known.js
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/templates/client-well-known.js
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
+/* eslint-disable max-len */
 export default ({
-  synapseServerName,
-  delegationClientPort,
+    synapseServerName,
+    delegationClientPort,
 }) => `{
   "m.homeserver": {
     "base_url": "https://${synapseServerName}${delegationClientPort ? `:${delegationClientPort}` : ""}"
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/templates/dns-srv.js b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/templates/dns-srv.js
index 40826d6eb0..23d6327544 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/templates/dns-srv.js
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/templates/dns-srv.js
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
+/* eslint-disable max-len */
 export default ({
-  delegationFedPort,
-  delegationClientPort,
-  fedPort,
-  clientPort,
-  serverName,
-  synapseServerName,
+    delegationFedPort,
+    delegationClientPort,
+    fedPort,
+    clientPort,
+    serverName,
+    synapseServerName,
 }) => `_matrix._tcp.${serverName} 3600 IN SRV 10 5 ${delegationClientPort} ${synapseServerName}`
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/templates/federation-well-known.js b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/templates/federation-well-known.js
index 39c9f15c0a..5b6ffd5faf 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/templates/federation-well-known.js
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/templates/federation-well-known.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 export default ({
-  synapseServerName,
-  delegationSynapsePort,
+    synapseServerName,
+    delegationSynapsePort,
 }) => `{
   "m.server": "${synapseServerName}:${delegationSynapsePort}"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/templates/haproxy.js b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/templates/haproxy.js
index 25b9cf1734..a1810c2cf7 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/templates/haproxy.js
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/templates/haproxy.js
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
+/* eslint-disable max-len */
 export default ({
-  delegationFedPort,
-  delegationClientPort,
-  fedPort,
-  clientPort,
-  synapseServerName,
+    delegationFedPort,
+    delegationClientPort,
+    fedPort,
+    clientPort,
+    synapseServerName,
 }) => {
-  if (fedPort == clientPort) {
-    return `frontend https
+    if (fedPort == clientPort) {
+        return `frontend https
   bind :::${delegationClientPort} v4v6 ssl crt /etc/ssl/haproxy/ strict-sni alpn h2,http/1.1
   # Matrix client traffic
@@ -22,8 +25,10 @@ frontend matrix-federation
 backend matrix
   server matrix${fedPort}
-  } else {
-    return `frontend https
+    } else {
+        return `frontend https
   bind:::${delegationClientPort} v4v6 ssl crt /etc/ssl/haproxy/ strict-sni alpn h2, http / 1.1
 # Matrix client traffic
@@ -40,5 +45,7 @@ backend matrix
   server matrix${fedPort}
 backend matrix-client${clientPort}`
-  }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/templates/nginx.js b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/templates/nginx.js
index 294f47baf7..aa19ea7116 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/templates/nginx.js
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/templates/nginx.js
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 import React from 'react';
 export default ({
-  delegationFedPort,
-  delegationClientPort,
-  fedPort,
-  clientPort,
-  synapseServerName,
+    delegationFedPort,
+    delegationClientPort,
+    fedPort,
+    clientPort,
+    synapseServerName,
 }) => `listen {delegationClientPort} ssl;
 listen [::]:${delegationClientPort} ssl;
 server_name ${synapseServerName};
diff --git a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/utils/yaml.js b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/utils/yaml.js
index 6b8dc5c6fb..191b604a8f 100644
--- a/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/utils/yaml.js
+++ b/synapse_topology/webui/src/js/utils/yaml.js
@@ -1,117 +1,149 @@
-import yaml from 'yaml';
+/* eslint-disable camelcase */
 import { TLS_TYPES, REVERSE_PROXY_TYPES } from '../actions/constants';
 import { CONFIG_LOCK } from '../api/constants';
 const listeners = config => {
-  const listeners = [];
-  if (config.tls == TLS_TYPES.TLS) {
-    listeners.push({
-      port: config.synapse_federation_port,
-      tls: true,
-      bind_addresses: ['::1', ''],
-      type: "http",
-      x_forwarded: true,
-      resources: [{
-        names: ["federation"],
-        compress: false,
-      }],
-    });
-  } else {
-    listeners.push({
-      port: config.synapse_federation_port,
-      tls: true,
-      type: "http",
-      resources: [{
-        names: ["federation"],
-      }],
-    });
-  }
-  if (config.synapse_client_port == config.synapse_federation_port) {
-    listeners[0].resources[0].names.push("client");
-  } else if (config.tls == TLS_TYPES.TLS) {
-    listeners.push({
-      port: config.synapse_client_port,
-      tls: true,
-      bind_addresses: ['::1', ''],
-      type: "http",
-      x_forwarded: true,
-      resources: [{
-        names: ["client"],
-        compress: false,
-      }],
-    });
-  } else {
-    listeners.push({
-      port: config.synapse_client_port,
-      tls: true,
-      type: "http",
-      resources: [{
-        names: ["client"],
-      }],
-    });
-  }
-  return { listeners: listeners };
-const tls_paths = config => {
-  if (config.reverse_proxy == REVERSE_PROXY_TYPES.TLS) {
-    return {
-      tls_certificate_path: config.tls_cert_path,
-      tls_private_key_path: config.tls_cert_key_path,
+    const listeners = [];
+    if (config.tls == TLS_TYPES.TLS) {
+        listeners.push({
+            port: config.synapseFederationPort,
+            tls: true,
+            bind_addresses: ['::1', ''],
+            type: "http",
+            x_forwarded: true,
+            resources: [{
+                names: ["federation"],
+                compress: false,
+            }],
+        });
+    } else {
+        listeners.push({
+            port: config.synapseFederationPort,
+            tls: true,
+            type: "http",
+            resources: [{
+                names: ["federation"],
+            }],
+        });
-  } else if (config.reverser_proxy == REVERSE_PROXY_TYPES.ACME) {
-    return {
-      tls_certificate_path: config.config_dir + "/" + config.server_name + ".tls.cert",
-      tls_private_key_path: config.config_dir + "/" + config.server_name + ".tls.key",
+    if (config.synapseClientPort == config.synapseFederationPort) {
+        listeners[0].resources[0].names.push("client");
+    } else if (config.tls == TLS_TYPES.TLS) {
+        listeners.push({
+            port: config.synapseClientPort,
+            tls: true,
+            bind_addresses: ['::1', ''],
+            type: "http",
+            x_forwarded: true,
+            resources: [{
+                names: ["client"],
+                compress: false,
+            }],
+        });
+    } else {
+        listeners.push({
+            port: config.synapseClientPort,
+            tls: true,
+            type: "http",
+            resources: [{
+                names: ["client"],
+            }],
+        });
-  } else {
-    return {}
-  }
+    return { listeners: listeners };
+const tlsPaths = config => {
+    if (config.reverseProxy == REVERSE_PROXY_TYPES.TLS) {
+        return {
+            tls_certificate_path: config.tlsCertPath,
+            tls_private_key_path: config.tlsCertKeyPath,
+        }
+    } else if (config.reverser_proxy == REVERSE_PROXY_TYPES.ACME) {
+        return {
+            tls_certificate_path:
+                config.configDir + "/" + config.server_name + ".tls.cert",
+            tls_private_key_path:
+                config.configDir + "/" + config.server_name + ".tls.key",
+        }
+    } else {
+        return {}
+    }
 const acme = config => {
-  if (config.tls == TLS_TYPES.ACME) {
-    return {
-      acme: {
-        url: "",
-        port: 80,
-        bind_addresses: ['::', ''],
-        reprovision_threshold: 30,
-        domain: config.delegation_server_name ? config.delegation_server_name : servername,
-        account_key_file: config.config_dir + "/data/acme_account.key",
-      }
+    if (config.tls == TLS_TYPES.ACME) {
+        return {
+            acme: {
+                url: "",
+                port: 80,
+                bind_addresses: ['::', ''],
+                reprovision_threshold: 30,
+                domain: config.delegationServerName ?
+                    config.delegationServerName :
+                    servername,
+                account_key_file: config.configDir + "/data/acme_account.key",
+            },
+        }
+    } else {
+        return {}
-  } else {
-    return {}
-  }
 const database = config => ({
-  database: {
-    name: config.database,
-    args: config.config_dir + "/data/homeserver.db"
-  }
+    database: {
+        name: config.database,
+        args: config.configDir + "/data/homeserver.db",
+    },
-export const base_config_to_synapse_config = config => {
-  const conf = {
-    server_name: config.servername,
-    report_stats: config.report_stats,
-    log_config: config.config_dir + "/" + config.servername + ".log.config",
-    media_store_path: config.config_dir + "/data/media_store",
-    uploads_path: config.config_dir + "/data/uploads",
-    pid_file: config.config_dir + "/data/",
-    ...listeners(config),
-    ...tls_paths(config),
-    ...acme(config),
-    ...database(config),
-    [CONFIG_LOCK]: true,
-  }
-  console.log(conf)
-  return conf
+export const baseConfigToSynapseConfig = config => {
+    const conf = {
+        server_name: config.servername,
+        report_stats: config.reportStats,
+        log_config: config.configDir + "/" + config.servername + ".log.config",
+        media_store_path: config.configDir + "/data/media_store",
+        uploads_path: config.configDir + "/data/uploads",
+        pid_file: config.configDir + "/data/",
+        ...listeners(config),
+        ...tlsPaths(config),
+        ...acme(config),
+        ...database(config),
+        [CONFIG_LOCK]: true,
+    }
+    console.log(conf)
+    return conf