diff --git a/synapse/storage/databases/main/room.py b/synapse/storage/databases/main/room.py
index 7412bce255..e41c99027a 100644
--- a/synapse/storage/databases/main/room.py
+++ b/synapse/storage/databases/main/room.py
@@ -207,21 +207,30 @@ class RoomWorkerStore(CacheInvalidationWorkerStore):
def _construct_room_type_where_clause(
self, room_types: Union[List[Union[str, None]], None]
- ) -> Tuple[Union[str, None], List[str]]:
+ ) -> Tuple[Union[str, None], list]:
if not room_types:
return None, []
- else:
- # We use None when we want get rooms without a type
- is_null_clause = ""
- if None in room_types:
- is_null_clause = "OR room_type IS NULL"
- room_types = [value for value in room_types if value is not None]
+ # Since None is used to represent a room without a type, care needs to
+ # be taken into account when constructing the where clause.
+ clauses = []
+ args: list = []
+ room_types_set = set(room_types)
+ # We use None to represent a room without a type.
+ if None in room_types_set:
+ clauses.append("room_type IS NULL")
+ room_types_set.remove(None)
+ # If there are other room types, generate the proper clause.
+ if room_types:
list_clause, args = make_in_list_sql_clause(
- self.database_engine, "room_type", room_types
+ self.database_engine, "room_type", room_types_set
+ clauses.append(list_clause)
- return f"({list_clause} {is_null_clause})", args
+ return f"({' OR '.join(clauses)})", args
async def count_public_rooms(
@@ -241,14 +250,6 @@ class RoomWorkerStore(CacheInvalidationWorkerStore):
def _count_public_rooms_txn(txn: LoggingTransaction) -> int:
query_args = []
- room_type_clause, args = self._construct_room_type_where_clause(
- search_filter.get(PublicRoomsFilterFields.ROOM_TYPES, None)
- if search_filter
- else None
- )
- room_type_clause = f" AND {room_type_clause}" if room_type_clause else ""
- query_args += args
if network_tuple:
if network_tuple.appservice_id:
published_sql = """
@@ -268,6 +269,14 @@ class RoomWorkerStore(CacheInvalidationWorkerStore):
UNION SELECT room_id from appservice_room_list
+ room_type_clause, args = self._construct_room_type_where_clause(
+ search_filter.get(PublicRoomsFilterFields.ROOM_TYPES, None)
+ if search_filter
+ else None
+ )
+ room_type_clause = f" AND {room_type_clause}" if room_type_clause else ""
+ query_args += args
sql = f"""