diff --git a/synapse/config/cas.py b/synapse/config/cas.py
index 2f97e6d258..c7877b4095 100644
--- a/synapse/config/cas.py
+++ b/synapse/config/cas.py
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class CasConfig(Config):
self.cas_required_attributes = {}
def generate_config_section(self, config_dir_path, server_name, **kwargs):
- return """
+ return """\
# Enable Central Authentication Service (CAS) for registration and login.
diff --git a/synapse/config/oidc_config.py b/synapse/config/oidc_config.py
index fddca19223..c7fa749377 100644
--- a/synapse/config/oidc_config.py
+++ b/synapse/config/oidc_config.py
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
# limitations under the License.
import string
-from typing import Optional, Type
+from typing import Iterable, Optional, Type
import attr
@@ -33,16 +33,8 @@ class OIDCConfig(Config):
section = "oidc"
def read_config(self, config, **kwargs):
- validate_config(MAIN_CONFIG_SCHEMA, config, ())
- self.oidc_provider = None # type: Optional[OidcProviderConfig]
- oidc_config = config.get("oidc_config")
- if oidc_config and oidc_config.get("enabled", False):
- validate_config(OIDC_PROVIDER_CONFIG_SCHEMA, oidc_config, ("oidc_config",))
- self.oidc_provider = _parse_oidc_config_dict(oidc_config)
- if not self.oidc_provider:
+ self.oidc_providers = tuple(_parse_oidc_provider_configs(config))
+ if not self.oidc_providers:
@@ -58,144 +50,153 @@ class OIDCConfig(Config):
def oidc_enabled(self) -> bool:
# OIDC is enabled if we have a provider
- return bool(self.oidc_provider)
+ return bool(self.oidc_providers)
def generate_config_section(self, config_dir_path, server_name, **kwargs):
return """\
- # Enable OpenID Connect (OIDC) / OAuth 2.0 for registration and login.
+ # List of OpenID Connect (OIDC) / OAuth 2.0 identity providers, for registration
+ # and login.
+ #
+ # Options for each entry include:
+ #
+ # idp_id: a unique identifier for this identity provider. Used internally
+ # by Synapse; should be a single word such as 'github'.
+ #
+ # Note that, if this is changed, users authenticating via that provider
+ # will no longer be recognised as the same user!
+ #
+ # idp_name: A user-facing name for this identity provider, which is used to
+ # offer the user a choice of login mechanisms.
+ #
+ # discover: set to 'false' to disable the use of the OIDC discovery mechanism
+ # to discover endpoints. Defaults to true.
+ #
+ # issuer: Required. The OIDC issuer. Used to validate tokens and (if discovery
+ # is enabled) to discover the provider's endpoints.
+ #
+ # client_id: Required. oauth2 client id to use.
+ #
+ # client_secret: Required. oauth2 client secret to use.
+ #
+ # client_auth_method: auth method to use when exchanging the token. Valid
+ # values are 'client_secret_basic' (default), 'client_secret_post' and
+ # 'none'.
+ #
+ # scopes: list of scopes to request. This should normally include the "openid"
+ # scope. Defaults to ["openid"].
+ #
+ # authorization_endpoint: the oauth2 authorization endpoint. Required if
+ # provider discovery is disabled.
+ #
+ # token_endpoint: the oauth2 token endpoint. Required if provider discovery is
+ # disabled.
+ #
+ # userinfo_endpoint: the OIDC userinfo endpoint. Required if discovery is
+ # disabled and the 'openid' scope is not requested.
+ #
+ # jwks_uri: URI where to fetch the JWKS. Required if discovery is disabled and
+ # the 'openid' scope is used.
+ #
+ # skip_verification: set to 'true' to skip metadata verification. Use this if
+ # you are connecting to a provider that is not OpenID Connect compliant.
+ # Defaults to false. Avoid this in production.
+ #
+ # user_profile_method: Whether to fetch the user profile from the userinfo
+ # endpoint. Valid values are: 'auto' or 'userinfo_endpoint'.
+ #
+ # Defaults to 'auto', which fetches the userinfo endpoint if 'openid' is
+ # included in 'scopes'. Set to 'userinfo_endpoint' to always fetch the
+ # userinfo endpoint.
+ #
+ # allow_existing_users: set to 'true' to allow a user logging in via OIDC to
+ # match a pre-existing account instead of failing. This could be used if
+ # switching from password logins to OIDC. Defaults to false.
+ #
+ # user_mapping_provider: Configuration for how attributes returned from a OIDC
+ # provider are mapped onto a matrix user. This setting has the following
+ # sub-properties:
+ #
+ # module: The class name of a custom mapping module. Default is
+ # {mapping_provider!r}.
+ # See https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/blob/master/docs/sso_mapping_providers.md#openid-mapping-providers
+ # for information on implementing a custom mapping provider.
+ #
+ # config: Configuration for the mapping provider module. This section will
+ # be passed as a Python dictionary to the user mapping provider
+ # module's `parse_config` method.
+ #
+ # For the default provider, the following settings are available:
+ #
+ # sub: name of the claim containing a unique identifier for the
+ # user. Defaults to 'sub', which OpenID Connect compliant
+ # providers should provide.
+ #
+ # localpart_template: Jinja2 template for the localpart of the MXID.
+ # If this is not set, the user will be prompted to choose their
+ # own username.
+ #
+ # display_name_template: Jinja2 template for the display name to set
+ # on first login. If unset, no displayname will be set.
+ #
+ # extra_attributes: a map of Jinja2 templates for extra attributes
+ # to send back to the client during login.
+ # Note that these are non-standard and clients will ignore them
+ # without modifications.
+ #
+ # When rendering, the Jinja2 templates are given a 'user' variable,
+ # which is set to the claims returned by the UserInfo Endpoint and/or
+ # in the ID Token.
# See https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/blob/master/docs/openid.md
- # for some example configurations.
+ # for information on how to configure these options.
- oidc_config:
- # Uncomment the following to enable authorization against an OpenID Connect
- # server. Defaults to false.
- #
- #enabled: true
- # Uncomment the following to disable use of the OIDC discovery mechanism to
- # discover endpoints. Defaults to true.
- #
- #discover: false
- # the OIDC issuer. Used to validate tokens and (if discovery is enabled) to
- # discover the provider's endpoints.
- #
- # Required if 'enabled' is true.
- #
- #issuer: "https://accounts.example.com/"
- # oauth2 client id to use.
- #
- # Required if 'enabled' is true.
- #
- #client_id: "provided-by-your-issuer"
- # oauth2 client secret to use.
- #
- # Required if 'enabled' is true.
- #
- #client_secret: "provided-by-your-issuer"
- # auth method to use when exchanging the token.
- # Valid values are 'client_secret_basic' (default), 'client_secret_post' and
- # 'none'.
- #
- #client_auth_method: client_secret_post
- # list of scopes to request. This should normally include the "openid" scope.
- # Defaults to ["openid"].
- #
- #scopes: ["openid", "profile"]
- # the oauth2 authorization endpoint. Required if provider discovery is disabled.
- #
- #authorization_endpoint: "https://accounts.example.com/oauth2/auth"
- # the oauth2 token endpoint. Required if provider discovery is disabled.
- #
- #token_endpoint: "https://accounts.example.com/oauth2/token"
- # the OIDC userinfo endpoint. Required if discovery is disabled and the
- # "openid" scope is not requested.
- #
- #userinfo_endpoint: "https://accounts.example.com/userinfo"
- # URI where to fetch the JWKS. Required if discovery is disabled and the
- # "openid" scope is used.
- #
- #jwks_uri: "https://accounts.example.com/.well-known/jwks.json"
- # Uncomment to skip metadata verification. Defaults to false.
- #
- # Use this if you are connecting to a provider that is not OpenID Connect
- # compliant.
- # Avoid this in production.
- #
- #skip_verification: true
- # Whether to fetch the user profile from the userinfo endpoint. Valid
- # values are: "auto" or "userinfo_endpoint".
+ # For backwards compatibility, it is also possible to configure a single OIDC
+ # provider via an 'oidc_config' setting. This is now deprecated and admins are
+ # advised to migrate to the 'oidc_providers' format.
+ #
+ oidc_providers:
+ # Generic example
- # Defaults to "auto", which fetches the userinfo endpoint if "openid" is included
- # in `scopes`. Uncomment the following to always fetch the userinfo endpoint.
+ #- idp_id: my_idp
+ # idp_name: "My OpenID provider"
+ # discover: false
+ # issuer: "https://accounts.example.com/"
+ # client_id: "provided-by-your-issuer"
+ # client_secret: "provided-by-your-issuer"
+ # client_auth_method: client_secret_post
+ # scopes: ["openid", "profile"]
+ # authorization_endpoint: "https://accounts.example.com/oauth2/auth"
+ # token_endpoint: "https://accounts.example.com/oauth2/token"
+ # userinfo_endpoint: "https://accounts.example.com/userinfo"
+ # jwks_uri: "https://accounts.example.com/.well-known/jwks.json"
+ # skip_verification: true
+ # For use with Keycloak
- #user_profile_method: "userinfo_endpoint"
- # Uncomment to allow a user logging in via OIDC to match a pre-existing account instead
- # of failing. This could be used if switching from password logins to OIDC. Defaults to false.
- #
- #allow_existing_users: true
- # An external module can be provided here as a custom solution to mapping
- # attributes returned from a OIDC provider onto a matrix user.
+ #- idp_id: keycloak
+ # idp_name: Keycloak
+ # issuer: ""
+ # client_id: "synapse"
+ # client_secret: "copy secret generated in Keycloak UI"
+ # scopes: ["openid", "profile"]
+ # For use with Github
- user_mapping_provider:
- # The custom module's class. Uncomment to use a custom module.
- # Default is {mapping_provider!r}.
- #
- # See https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/blob/master/docs/sso_mapping_providers.md#openid-mapping-providers
- # for information on implementing a custom mapping provider.
- #
- #module: mapping_provider.OidcMappingProvider
- # Custom configuration values for the module. This section will be passed as
- # a Python dictionary to the user mapping provider module's `parse_config`
- # method.
- #
- # The examples below are intended for the default provider: they should be
- # changed if using a custom provider.
- #
- config:
- # name of the claim containing a unique identifier for the user.
- # Defaults to `sub`, which OpenID Connect compliant providers should provide.
- #
- #subject_claim: "sub"
- # Jinja2 template for the localpart of the MXID.
- #
- # When rendering, this template is given the following variables:
- # * user: The claims returned by the UserInfo Endpoint and/or in the ID
- # Token
- #
- # If this is not set, the user will be prompted to choose their
- # own username.
- #
- #localpart_template: "{{{{ user.preferred_username }}}}"
- # Jinja2 template for the display name to set on first login.
- #
- # If unset, no displayname will be set.
- #
- #display_name_template: "{{{{ user.given_name }}}} {{{{ user.last_name }}}}"
- # Jinja2 templates for extra attributes to send back to the client during
- # login.
- #
- # Note that these are non-standard and clients will ignore them without modifications.
- #
- #extra_attributes:
- #birthdate: "{{{{ user.birthdate }}}}"
+ #- idp_id: google
+ # idp_name: Google
+ # discover: false
+ # issuer: "https://github.com/"
+ # client_id: "your-client-id" # TO BE FILLED
+ # client_secret: "your-client-secret" # TO BE FILLED
+ # authorization_endpoint: "https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize"
+ # token_endpoint: "https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token"
+ # userinfo_endpoint: "https://api.github.com/user"
+ # scopes: ["read:user"]
+ # user_mapping_provider:
+ # config:
+ # subject_claim: "id"
+ # localpart_template: "{{ user.login }}"
+ # display_name_template: "{{ user.name }}"
@@ -234,7 +235,22 @@ OIDC_PROVIDER_CONFIG_SCHEMA = {
-# the `oidc_config` setting can either be None (as it is in the default
+# the same as OIDC_PROVIDER_CONFIG_SCHEMA, but with compulsory idp_id and idp_name
+ "allOf": [OIDC_PROVIDER_CONFIG_SCHEMA, {"required": ["idp_id", "idp_name"]}]
+# the `oidc_providers` list can either be None (as it is in the default config), or
+# a list of provider configs, each of which requires an explicit ID and name.
+ "oneOf": [
+ {"type": "null"},
+ {"type": "array", "items": OIDC_PROVIDER_CONFIG_WITH_ID_SCHEMA},
+ ]
+# the `oidc_config` setting can either be None (which it used to be in the default
# config), or an object. If an object, it is ignored unless it has an "enabled: True"
# property.
@@ -243,12 +259,41 @@ OIDC_PROVIDER_CONFIG_SCHEMA = {
# additional checks in the code.
OIDC_CONFIG_SCHEMA = {"oneOf": [{"type": "null"}, {"type": "object"}]}
+# the top-level schema can contain an "oidc_config" and/or an "oidc_providers".
"type": "object",
- "properties": {"oidc_config": OIDC_CONFIG_SCHEMA},
+ "properties": {
+ "oidc_config": OIDC_CONFIG_SCHEMA,
+ "oidc_providers": OIDC_PROVIDER_LIST_SCHEMA,
+ },
+def _parse_oidc_provider_configs(config: JsonDict) -> Iterable["OidcProviderConfig"]:
+ """extract and parse the OIDC provider configs from the config dict
+ The configuration may contain either a single `oidc_config` object with an
+ `enabled: True` property, or a list of provider configurations under
+ `oidc_providers`, *or both*.
+ Returns a generator which yields the OidcProviderConfig objects
+ """
+ validate_config(MAIN_CONFIG_SCHEMA, config, ())
+ for p in config.get("oidc_providers") or []:
+ yield _parse_oidc_config_dict(p)
+ # for backwards-compatibility, it is also possible to provide a single "oidc_config"
+ # object with an "enabled: True" property.
+ oidc_config = config.get("oidc_config")
+ if oidc_config and oidc_config.get("enabled", False):
+ # MAIN_CONFIG_SCHEMA checks that `oidc_config` is an object, but not that
+ # it matches OIDC_PROVIDER_CONFIG_SCHEMA (see the comments on OIDC_CONFIG_SCHEMA
+ # above), so now we need to validate it.
+ validate_config(OIDC_PROVIDER_CONFIG_SCHEMA, oidc_config, ("oidc_config",))
+ yield _parse_oidc_config_dict(oidc_config)
def _parse_oidc_config_dict(oidc_config: JsonDict) -> "OidcProviderConfig":
"""Take the configuration dict and parse it into an OidcProviderConfig
diff --git a/synapse/handlers/oidc_handler.py b/synapse/handlers/oidc_handler.py
index f63a90ec5c..5e5fda7b2f 100644
--- a/synapse/handlers/oidc_handler.py
+++ b/synapse/handlers/oidc_handler.py
@@ -78,21 +78,28 @@ class OidcHandler:
def __init__(self, hs: "HomeServer"):
self._sso_handler = hs.get_sso_handler()
- provider_conf = hs.config.oidc.oidc_provider
+ provider_confs = hs.config.oidc.oidc_providers
# we should not have been instantiated if there is no configured provider.
- assert provider_conf is not None
+ assert provider_confs
self._token_generator = OidcSessionTokenGenerator(hs)
- self._provider = OidcProvider(hs, self._token_generator, provider_conf)
+ self._providers = {
+ p.idp_id: OidcProvider(hs, self._token_generator, p) for p in provider_confs
+ }
async def load_metadata(self) -> None:
"""Validate the config and load the metadata from the remote endpoint.
Called at startup to ensure we have everything we need.
- await self._provider.load_metadata()
- await self._provider.load_jwks()
+ for idp_id, p in self._providers.items():
+ try:
+ await p.load_metadata()
+ await p.load_jwks()
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise Exception(
+ "Error while initialising OIDC provider %r" % (idp_id,)
+ ) from e
async def handle_oidc_callback(self, request: SynapseRequest) -> None:
"""Handle an incoming request to /_synapse/oidc/callback
@@ -184,6 +191,12 @@ class OidcHandler:
self._sso_handler.render_error(request, "mismatching_session", str(e))
+ oidc_provider = self._providers.get(session_data.idp_id)
+ if not oidc_provider:
+ logger.error("OIDC session uses unknown IdP %r", oidc_provider)
+ self._sso_handler.render_error(request, "unknown_idp", "Unknown IdP")
+ return
if b"code" not in request.args:
logger.info("Code parameter is missing")
@@ -193,7 +206,7 @@ class OidcHandler:
code = request.args[b"code"][0].decode()
- await self._provider.handle_oidc_callback(request, session_data, code)
+ await oidc_provider.handle_oidc_callback(request, session_data, code)
class OidcError(Exception):