diff --git a/synapse/federation/send_queue.py b/synapse/federation/send_queue.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3d3c3d98ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/synapse/federation/send_queue.py
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2014-2016 OpenMarket Ltd
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from blist import sorteddict
+class FederationRemoteSendQueue(object):
+ def __init__(self, hs):
+ self.clock = hs.get_clock()
+ # TODO: Add metrics for size of lists below
+ self.presence_map = {}
+ self.presence_changed = sorteddict()
+ self.keyed_edu = {}
+ self.keyed_edu_changed = sorteddict()
+ self.edus = sorteddict()
+ self.failures = sorteddict()
+ self.pos = 1
+ self.pos_time = sorteddict()
+ self.clock.looping_call(self._clear_queue, 30 * 1000)
+ def _next_pos(self):
+ pos = self.pos
+ self.pos += 1
+ self.pos_time[self.clock.time_msec()] = pos
+ return pos
+ def _clear_queue(self):
+ # TODO measure this function time.
+ FIVE_MINUTES_AGO = 5 * 60 * 1000
+ now = self.clock.time_msec()
+ keys = self.pos_time.keys()
+ time = keys.bisect_left(now - FIVE_MINUTES_AGO)
+ if not keys[:time]:
+ return
+ position_to_delete = max(keys[:time])
+ for key in keys[:time]:
+ del self.pos_time[key]
+ self._clear_queue_before_pos(position_to_delete)
+ def _clear_queue_before_pos(self, position_to_delete):
+ # Delete things out of presence maps
+ keys = self.presence_changed.keys()
+ i = keys.bisect_left(position_to_delete)
+ for key in keys[:i]:
+ del self.presence_changed[key]
+ user_ids = set()
+ for _, states in self.presence_changed.values():
+ user_ids.update(s.user_id for s in user_ids)
+ to_del = [user_id for user_id in self.presence_map if user_id not in user_ids]
+ for user_id in self.to_del:
+ del self.presence_map[user_id]
+ # Delete things out of keyed edus
+ keys = self.keyed_edu_changed.keys()
+ i = keys.bisect_left(position_to_delete)
+ for key in keys[:i]:
+ del self.keyed_edu_changed[key]
+ live_keys = set()
+ for edu_key in self.keyed_edu_changed.values():
+ live_keys.add(edu_key)
+ to_del = [edu_key for edu_key in self.keyed_edu if edu_key not in live_keys]
+ for edu_key in to_del:
+ del self.keyed_edu[edu_key]
+ # Delete things out of edu map
+ keys = self.edus.keys()
+ i = keys.bisect_left(position_to_delete)
+ for key in keys[:i]:
+ del self.edus[key]
+ # Delete things out of failure map
+ keys = self.failures.keys()
+ i = keys.bisect_left(position_to_delete)
+ for key in keys[:i]:
+ del self.failures[key]
+ def send_edu(self, edu, key=None):
+ pos = self._next_pos()
+ if key:
+ self.keyed_edu[(edu.destination, key)] = edu
+ self.keyed_edu_changed[pos] = (edu.destination, key)
+ else:
+ self.edus[pos] = edu
+ def send_presence(self, destination, states):
+ pos = self._next_pos()
+ self.presence_map.presence_map.update({
+ state.user_id: state
+ for state in states
+ })
+ self.presence_changed[pos] = (destination, [
+ state.user_id for state in states
+ ])
+ def send_failure(self, failure, destination):
+ pos = self._next_pos()
+ self.failures[pos] = (destination, failure)
+ def notify_new_device_message(self, destination):
+ # TODO
+ pass
+ def get_replication_rows(self, token):
+ rows = []
+ # Fetch changed presence
+ keys = self.presence_changed.keys()
+ i = keys.bisect_right(token)
+ dest_user_ids = set((k, self.presence_changed[k]) for k in keys[i:])
+ for (key, (dest, user_ids)) in dest_user_ids:
+ for user_id in user_ids:
+ rows.append((key, dest, "p", self.presence_map[user_id]))
+ # Fetch changes keyed edus
+ keys = self.keyed_edu_changed.keys()
+ i = keys.bisect_right(token)
+ keyed_edus = set((k, self.keyed_edu_changed[k]) for k in keys[i:])
+ for (pos, edu_key) in keyed_edus:
+ rows.append((pos, edu_key, "k", self.keyed_edu[edu_key]))
+ # Fetch changed edus
+ keys = self.edus.keys()
+ i = keys.bisect_right(token)
+ edus = set((k, self.edus[k]) for k in keys[i:])
+ for (pos, edu) in edus:
+ rows.append((pos, edu.destination, "e", edu))
+ # Fetch changed failures
+ keys = self.failures.keys()
+ i = keys.bisect_right(token)
+ failures = set((k, self.failures[k]) for k in keys[i:])
+ for (pos, (destination, failure)) in failures:
+ rows.append((pos, destination, "f", failure))
+ # Sort rows based on pos
+ rows.sort()
+ return rows