diff --git a/synapse/python_dependencies.py b/synapse/python_dependencies.py
index 67f019fd22..288631477e 100644
--- a/synapse/python_dependencies.py
+++ b/synapse/python_dependencies.py
@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# installed when that optional dependency requirement is specified. It is passed
# to setup() as extras_require in setup.py
+# Note that these both represent runtime dependencies (and the versions
+# installed are checked at runtime).
# [1] https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/reference/pip_install/#requirement-specifiers.
@@ -92,20 +95,12 @@ CONDITIONAL_REQUIREMENTS = {
"oidc": ["authlib>=0.14.0"],
"systemd": ["systemd-python>=231"],
"url_preview": ["lxml>=3.5.0"],
- # Dependencies which are exclusively required by unit test code. This is
- # NOT a list of all modules that are necessary to run the unit tests.
- # Tests assume that all optional dependencies are installed.
- #
- # parameterized_class decorator was introduced in parameterized 0.7.0
- "test": ["mock>=2.0", "parameterized>=0.7.0"],
"sentry": ["sentry-sdk>=0.7.2"],
"opentracing": ["jaeger-client>=4.0.0", "opentracing>=2.2.0"],
"jwt": ["pyjwt>=1.6.4"],
# hiredis is not a *strict* dependency, but it makes things much faster.
# (if it is not installed, we fall back to slow code.)
"redis": ["txredisapi>=1.4.7", "hiredis"],
- # We pin black so that our tests don't start failing on new releases.
- "lint": ["isort==5.0.3", "black==19.10b0", "flake8-comprehensions", "flake8"],
ALL_OPTIONAL_REQUIREMENTS = set() # type: Set[str]
@@ -113,7 +108,7 @@ ALL_OPTIONAL_REQUIREMENTS = set() # type: Set[str]
for name, optional_deps in CONDITIONAL_REQUIREMENTS.items():
# Exclude systemd as it's a system-based requirement.
# Exclude lint as it's a dev-based requirement.
- if name not in ["systemd", "lint"]:
+ if name not in ["systemd"]: