diff --git a/synapse/util/macaroons.py b/synapse/util/macaroons.py
index 84e4f6ff55..df77edcce2 100644
--- a/synapse/util/macaroons.py
+++ b/synapse/util/macaroons.py
@@ -17,8 +17,14 @@
from typing import Callable, Optional
+import attr
import pymacaroons
from pymacaroons.exceptions import MacaroonVerificationFailedException
+from typing_extensions import Literal
+from synapse.util import Clock, stringutils
+MacaroonType = Literal["access", "delete_pusher", "session", "login"]
def get_value_from_macaroon(macaroon: pymacaroons.Macaroon, key: str) -> str:
@@ -86,3 +92,305 @@ def satisfy_expiry(v: pymacaroons.Verifier, get_time_ms: Callable[[], int]) -> N
return time_msec < expiry
+@attr.s(frozen=True, slots=True, auto_attribs=True)
+class OidcSessionData:
+ """The attributes which are stored in a OIDC session cookie"""
+ idp_id: str
+ """The Identity Provider being used"""
+ nonce: str
+ """The `nonce` parameter passed to the OIDC provider."""
+ client_redirect_url: str
+ """The URL the client gave when it initiated the flow. ("" if this is a UI Auth)"""
+ ui_auth_session_id: str
+ """The session ID of the ongoing UI Auth ("" if this is a login)"""
+@attr.s(slots=True, frozen=True, auto_attribs=True)
+class LoginTokenAttributes:
+ """Data we store in a short-term login token"""
+ user_id: str
+ auth_provider_id: str
+ """The SSO Identity Provider that the user authenticated with, to get this token."""
+ auth_provider_session_id: Optional[str]
+ """The session ID advertised by the SSO Identity Provider."""
+class MacaroonGenerator:
+ def __init__(self, clock: Clock, location: str, secret_key: bytes):
+ self._clock = clock
+ self._location = location
+ self._secret_key = secret_key
+ def generate_guest_access_token(self, user_id: str) -> str:
+ """Generate a guest access token for the given user ID
+ Args:
+ user_id: The user ID for which the guest token should be generated.
+ Returns:
+ A signed access token for that guest user.
+ """
+ nonce = stringutils.random_string_with_symbols(16)
+ macaroon = self._generate_base_macaroon("access")
+ macaroon.add_first_party_caveat(f"user_id = {user_id}")
+ macaroon.add_first_party_caveat(f"nonce = {nonce}")
+ macaroon.add_first_party_caveat("guest = true")
+ return macaroon.serialize()
+ def generate_delete_pusher_token(
+ self, user_id: str, app_id: str, pushkey: str
+ ) -> str:
+ """Generate a signed token used for unsubscribing from email notifications
+ Args:
+ user_id: The user for which this token will be valid.
+ app_id: The app_id for this pusher.
+ pushkey: The unique identifier of this pusher.
+ Returns:
+ A signed token which can be used in unsubscribe links.
+ """
+ macaroon = self._generate_base_macaroon("delete_pusher")
+ macaroon.add_first_party_caveat(f"user_id = {user_id}")
+ macaroon.add_first_party_caveat(f"app_id = {app_id}")
+ macaroon.add_first_party_caveat(f"pushkey = {pushkey}")
+ return macaroon.serialize()
+ def generate_short_term_login_token(
+ self,
+ user_id: str,
+ auth_provider_id: str,
+ auth_provider_session_id: Optional[str] = None,
+ duration_in_ms: int = (2 * 60 * 1000),
+ ) -> str:
+ """Generate a short-term login token used during SSO logins
+ Args:
+ user_id: The user for which the token is valid.
+ auth_provider_id: The SSO IdP the user used.
+ auth_provider_session_id: The session ID got during login from the SSO IdP.
+ Returns:
+ A signed token valid for using as a ``m.login.token`` token.
+ """
+ now = self._clock.time_msec()
+ expiry = now + duration_in_ms
+ macaroon = self._generate_base_macaroon("login")
+ macaroon.add_first_party_caveat(f"user_id = {user_id}")
+ macaroon.add_first_party_caveat(f"time < {expiry}")
+ macaroon.add_first_party_caveat(f"auth_provider_id = {auth_provider_id}")
+ if auth_provider_session_id is not None:
+ macaroon.add_first_party_caveat(
+ f"auth_provider_session_id = {auth_provider_session_id}"
+ )
+ return macaroon.serialize()
+ def generate_oidc_session_token(
+ self,
+ state: str,
+ session_data: OidcSessionData,
+ duration_in_ms: int = (60 * 60 * 1000),
+ ) -> str:
+ """Generates a signed token storing data about an OIDC session.
+ When Synapse initiates an authorization flow, it creates a random state
+ and a random nonce. Those parameters are given to the provider and
+ should be verified when the client comes back from the provider.
+ It is also used to store the client_redirect_url, which is used to
+ complete the SSO login flow.
+ Args:
+ state: The ``state`` parameter passed to the OIDC provider.
+ session_data: data to include in the session token.
+ duration_in_ms: An optional duration for the token in milliseconds.
+ Defaults to an hour.
+ Returns:
+ A signed macaroon token with the session information.
+ """
+ now = self._clock.time_msec()
+ expiry = now + duration_in_ms
+ macaroon = self._generate_base_macaroon("session")
+ macaroon.add_first_party_caveat(f"state = {state}")
+ macaroon.add_first_party_caveat(f"idp_id = {session_data.idp_id}")
+ macaroon.add_first_party_caveat(f"nonce = {session_data.nonce}")
+ macaroon.add_first_party_caveat(
+ f"client_redirect_url = {session_data.client_redirect_url}"
+ )
+ macaroon.add_first_party_caveat(
+ f"ui_auth_session_id = {session_data.ui_auth_session_id}"
+ )
+ macaroon.add_first_party_caveat(f"time < {expiry}")
+ return macaroon.serialize()
+ def verify_short_term_login_token(self, token: str) -> LoginTokenAttributes:
+ """Verify a short-term-login macaroon
+ Checks that the given token is a valid, unexpired short-term-login token
+ minted by this server.
+ Args:
+ token: The login token to verify.
+ Returns:
+ A set of attributes carried by this token, including the
+ ``user_id`` and informations about the SSO IDP used during that
+ login.
+ Raises:
+ MacaroonVerificationFailedException if the verification failed
+ """
+ macaroon = pymacaroons.Macaroon.deserialize(token)
+ v = self._base_verifier("login")
+ v.satisfy_general(lambda c: c.startswith("user_id = "))
+ v.satisfy_general(lambda c: c.startswith("auth_provider_id = "))
+ v.satisfy_general(lambda c: c.startswith("auth_provider_session_id = "))
+ satisfy_expiry(v, self._clock.time_msec)
+ v.verify(macaroon, self._secret_key)
+ user_id = get_value_from_macaroon(macaroon, "user_id")
+ auth_provider_id = get_value_from_macaroon(macaroon, "auth_provider_id")
+ auth_provider_session_id: Optional[str] = None
+ try:
+ auth_provider_session_id = get_value_from_macaroon(
+ macaroon, "auth_provider_session_id"
+ )
+ except MacaroonVerificationFailedException:
+ pass
+ return LoginTokenAttributes(
+ user_id=user_id,
+ auth_provider_id=auth_provider_id,
+ auth_provider_session_id=auth_provider_session_id,
+ )
+ def verify_guest_token(self, token: str) -> str:
+ """Verify a guest access token macaroon
+ Checks that the given token is a valid, unexpired guest access token
+ minted by this server.
+ Args:
+ token: The access token to verify.
+ Returns:
+ The ``user_id`` that this token is valid for.
+ Raises:
+ MacaroonVerificationFailedException if the verification failed
+ """
+ macaroon = pymacaroons.Macaroon.deserialize(token)
+ user_id = get_value_from_macaroon(macaroon, "user_id")
+ # At some point, Synapse would generate macaroons without the "guest"
+ # caveat for regular users. Because of how macaroon verification works,
+ # to avoid validating those as guest tokens, we explicitely verify if
+ # the macaroon includes the "guest = true" caveat.
+ is_guest = any(
+ (caveat.caveat_id == "guest = true" for caveat in macaroon.caveats)
+ )
+ if not is_guest:
+ raise MacaroonVerificationFailedException("Macaroon is not a guest token")
+ v = self._base_verifier("access")
+ v.satisfy_exact("guest = true")
+ v.satisfy_general(lambda c: c.startswith("user_id = "))
+ v.satisfy_general(lambda c: c.startswith("nonce = "))
+ satisfy_expiry(v, self._clock.time_msec)
+ v.verify(macaroon, self._secret_key)
+ return user_id
+ def verify_delete_pusher_token(self, token: str, app_id: str, pushkey: str) -> str:
+ """Verify a token from an email unsubscribe link
+ Args:
+ token: The token to verify.
+ app_id: The app_id of the pusher to delete.
+ pushkey: The unique identifier of the pusher to delete.
+ Return:
+ The ``user_id`` for which this token is valid.
+ Raises:
+ MacaroonVerificationFailedException if the verification failed
+ """
+ macaroon = pymacaroons.Macaroon.deserialize(token)
+ user_id = get_value_from_macaroon(macaroon, "user_id")
+ v = self._base_verifier("delete_pusher")
+ v.satisfy_exact(f"app_id = {app_id}")
+ v.satisfy_exact(f"pushkey = {pushkey}")
+ v.satisfy_general(lambda c: c.startswith("user_id = "))
+ v.verify(macaroon, self._secret_key)
+ return user_id
+ def verify_oidc_session_token(self, session: bytes, state: str) -> OidcSessionData:
+ """Verifies and extract an OIDC session token.
+ This verifies that a given session token was issued by this homeserver
+ and extract the nonce and client_redirect_url caveats.
+ Args:
+ session: The session token to verify
+ state: The state the OIDC provider gave back
+ Returns:
+ The data extracted from the session cookie
+ Raises:
+ KeyError if an expected caveat is missing from the macaroon.
+ """
+ macaroon = pymacaroons.Macaroon.deserialize(session)
+ v = self._base_verifier("session")
+ v.satisfy_exact(f"state = {state}")
+ v.satisfy_general(lambda c: c.startswith("nonce = "))
+ v.satisfy_general(lambda c: c.startswith("idp_id = "))
+ v.satisfy_general(lambda c: c.startswith("client_redirect_url = "))
+ v.satisfy_general(lambda c: c.startswith("ui_auth_session_id = "))
+ satisfy_expiry(v, self._clock.time_msec)
+ v.verify(macaroon, self._secret_key)
+ # Extract the session data from the token.
+ nonce = get_value_from_macaroon(macaroon, "nonce")
+ idp_id = get_value_from_macaroon(macaroon, "idp_id")
+ client_redirect_url = get_value_from_macaroon(macaroon, "client_redirect_url")
+ ui_auth_session_id = get_value_from_macaroon(macaroon, "ui_auth_session_id")
+ return OidcSessionData(
+ nonce=nonce,
+ idp_id=idp_id,
+ client_redirect_url=client_redirect_url,
+ ui_auth_session_id=ui_auth_session_id,
+ )
+ def _generate_base_macaroon(self, type: MacaroonType) -> pymacaroons.Macaroon:
+ macaroon = pymacaroons.Macaroon(
+ location=self._location,
+ identifier="key",
+ key=self._secret_key,
+ )
+ macaroon.add_first_party_caveat("gen = 1")
+ macaroon.add_first_party_caveat(f"type = {type}")
+ return macaroon
+ def _base_verifier(self, type: MacaroonType) -> pymacaroons.Verifier:
+ v = pymacaroons.Verifier()
+ v.satisfy_exact("gen = 1")
+ v.satisfy_exact(f"type = {type}")
+ return v