diff --git a/synapse/storage/__init__.py b/synapse/storage/__init__.py
index b9968debe5..d604e7668f 100644
--- a/synapse/storage/__init__.py
+++ b/synapse/storage/__init__.py
@@ -297,6 +297,82 @@ class DataStore(RoomMemberStore, RoomStore,
+ def get_users(self):
+ """Function to reterive a list of users in users table.
+ Args:
+ Returns:
+ defer.Deferred: resolves to list[dict[str, Any]]
+ """
+ return self._simple_select_list(
+ table="users",
+ keyvalues={},
+ retcols=[
+ "name",
+ "password_hash",
+ "is_guest",
+ "admin"
+ ],
+ desc="get_users",
+ )
+ def get_users_paginate(self, order, start, limit):
+ """Function to reterive a paginated list of users from
+ users list. This will return a json object, which contains
+ list of users and the total number of users in users table.
+ Args:
+ order (str): column name to order the select by this column
+ start (int): start number to begin the query from
+ limit (int): number of rows to reterive
+ Returns:
+ defer.Deferred: resolves to json object {list[dict[str, Any]], count}
+ """
+ is_guest = 0
+ i_start = (int)(start)
+ i_limit = (int)(limit)
+ return self.get_user_list_paginate(
+ table="users",
+ keyvalues={
+ "is_guest": is_guest
+ },
+ pagevalues=[
+ order,
+ i_limit,
+ i_start
+ ],
+ retcols=[
+ "name",
+ "password_hash",
+ "is_guest",
+ "admin"
+ ],
+ desc="get_users_paginate",
+ )
+ def search_users(self, term):
+ """Function to search users list for one or more users with
+ the matched term.
+ Args:
+ term (str): search term
+ col (str): column to query term should be matched to
+ Returns:
+ defer.Deferred: resolves to list[dict[str, Any]]
+ """
+ return self._simple_search_list(
+ table="users",
+ term=term,
+ col="name",
+ retcols=[
+ "name",
+ "password_hash",
+ "is_guest",
+ "admin"
+ ],
+ desc="search_users",
+ )
def are_all_users_on_domain(txn, database_engine, domain):
sql = database_engine.convert_param_style(
diff --git a/synapse/storage/_base.py b/synapse/storage/_base.py
index 05374682fd..b0dc391190 100644
--- a/synapse/storage/_base.py
+++ b/synapse/storage/_base.py
@@ -934,6 +934,165 @@ class SQLBaseStore(object):
return 0
+ def _simple_select_list_paginate(self, table, keyvalues, pagevalues, retcols,
+ desc="_simple_select_list_paginate"):
+ """Executes a SELECT query on the named table with start and limit,
+ of row numbers, which may return zero or number of rows from start to limit,
+ returning the result as a list of dicts.
+ Args:
+ table (str): the table name
+ keyvalues (dict[str, Any] | None):
+ column names and values to select the rows with, or None to not
+ apply a WHERE clause.
+ retcols (iterable[str]): the names of the columns to return
+ order (str): order the select by this column
+ start (int): start number to begin the query from
+ limit (int): number of rows to reterive
+ Returns:
+ defer.Deferred: resolves to list[dict[str, Any]]
+ """
+ return self.runInteraction(
+ desc,
+ self._simple_select_list_paginate_txn,
+ table, keyvalues, pagevalues, retcols
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ def _simple_select_list_paginate_txn(cls, txn, table, keyvalues, pagevalues, retcols):
+ """Executes a SELECT query on the named table with start and limit,
+ of row numbers, which may return zero or number of rows from start to limit,
+ returning the result as a list of dicts.
+ Args:
+ txn : Transaction object
+ table (str): the table name
+ keyvalues (dict[str, T] | None):
+ column names and values to select the rows with, or None to not
+ apply a WHERE clause.
+ pagevalues ([]):
+ order (str): order the select by this column
+ start (int): start number to begin the query from
+ limit (int): number of rows to reterive
+ retcols (iterable[str]): the names of the columns to return
+ Returns:
+ defer.Deferred: resolves to list[dict[str, Any]]
+ """
+ if keyvalues:
+ sql = "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s ORDER BY %s" % (
+ ", ".join(retcols),
+ table,
+ " AND ".join("%s = ?" % (k,) for k in keyvalues),
+ )
+ txn.execute(sql, keyvalues.values() + pagevalues)
+ else:
+ sql = "SELECT %s FROM %s ORDER BY %s" % (
+ ", ".join(retcols),
+ table,
+ )
+ txn.execute(sql, pagevalues)
+ return cls.cursor_to_dict(txn)
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def get_user_list_paginate(self, table, keyvalues, pagevalues, retcols,
+ desc="get_user_list_paginate"):
+ """Get a list of users from start row to a limit number of rows. This will
+ return a json object with users and total number of users in users list.
+ Args:
+ table (str): the table name
+ keyvalues (dict[str, Any] | None):
+ column names and values to select the rows with, or None to not
+ apply a WHERE clause.
+ pagevalues ([]):
+ order (str): order the select by this column
+ start (int): start number to begin the query from
+ limit (int): number of rows to reterive
+ retcols (iterable[str]): the names of the columns to return
+ Returns:
+ defer.Deferred: resolves to json object {list[dict[str, Any]], count}
+ """
+ users = yield self.runInteraction(
+ desc,
+ self._simple_select_list_paginate_txn,
+ table, keyvalues, pagevalues, retcols
+ )
+ count = yield self.runInteraction(
+ desc,
+ self.get_user_count_txn
+ )
+ retval = {
+ "users": users,
+ "total": count
+ }
+ defer.returnValue(retval)
+ def get_user_count_txn(self, txn):
+ """Get a total number of registerd users in the users list.
+ Args:
+ txn : Transaction object
+ Returns:
+ defer.Deferred: resolves to int
+ """
+ sql_count = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE is_guest = 0;"
+ txn.execute(sql_count)
+ count = txn.fetchone()[0]
+ defer.returnValue(count)
+ def _simple_search_list(self, table, term, col, retcols,
+ desc="_simple_search_list"):
+ """Executes a SELECT query on the named table, which may return zero or
+ more rows, returning the result as a list of dicts.
+ Args:
+ table (str): the table name
+ term (str | None):
+ term for searching the table matched to a column.
+ col (str): column to query term should be matched to
+ retcols (iterable[str]): the names of the columns to return
+ Returns:
+ defer.Deferred: resolves to list[dict[str, Any]] or None
+ """
+ return self.runInteraction(
+ desc,
+ self._simple_search_list_txn,
+ table, term, col, retcols
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ def _simple_search_list_txn(cls, txn, table, term, col, retcols):
+ """Executes a SELECT query on the named table, which may return zero or
+ more rows, returning the result as a list of dicts.
+ Args:
+ txn : Transaction object
+ table (str): the table name
+ term (str | None):
+ term for searching the table matched to a column.
+ col (str): column to query term should be matched to
+ retcols (iterable[str]): the names of the columns to return
+ Returns:
+ defer.Deferred: resolves to list[dict[str, Any]] or None
+ """
+ if term:
+ sql = "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s LIKE ?" % (
+ ", ".join(retcols),
+ table,
+ col
+ )
+ termvalues = ["%%" + term + "%%"]
+ txn.execute(sql, termvalues)
+ else:
+ return 0
+ return cls.cursor_to_dict(txn)
class _RollbackButIsFineException(Exception):
""" This exception is used to rollback a transaction without implying