summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/synapse/storage/
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authorErik Johnston <>2018-02-23 11:26:31 +0000
committerErik Johnston <>2018-02-23 11:26:31 +0000
commita90c60912f3bd03c71086c061030736f9a9126b8 (patch)
tree1a9c2452b19ff8e2b648c646365d72e29da8eea8 /synapse/storage/
parentUpdate copyright (diff)
parentMerge pull request #2902 from matrix-org/erikj/split_events_store (diff)
Merge branch 'develop' of into erikj/split_event_push_actions
Diffstat (limited to 'synapse/storage/')
1 files changed, 395 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/synapse/storage/ b/synapse/storage/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..86c3b48ad4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/synapse/storage/
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2018 New Vector Ltd
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from ._base import SQLBaseStore
+from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
+from import FrozenEvent
+from import prune_event
+from synapse.util.logcontext import (
+    preserve_fn, PreserveLoggingContext, make_deferred_yieldable
+from synapse.util.metrics import Measure
+from synapse.api.errors import SynapseError
+from collections import namedtuple
+import logging
+import ujson as json
+# these are only included to make the type annotations work
+from import EventBase    # noqa: F401
+from import EventContext   # noqa: F401
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# These values are used in the `enqueus_event` and `_do_fetch` methods to
+# control how we batch/bulk fetch events from the database.
+# The values are plucked out of thing air to make initial sync run faster
+# on
+# TODO: Make these configurable.
+EVENT_QUEUE_THREADS = 3  # Max number of threads that will fetch events
+EVENT_QUEUE_ITERATIONS = 3  # No. times we block waiting for requests for events
+EVENT_QUEUE_TIMEOUT_S = 0.1  # Timeout when waiting for requests for events
+_EventCacheEntry = namedtuple("_EventCacheEntry", ("event", "redacted_event"))
+class EventsWorkerStore(SQLBaseStore):
+    @defer.inlineCallbacks
+    def get_event(self, event_id, check_redacted=True,
+                  get_prev_content=False, allow_rejected=False,
+                  allow_none=False):
+        """Get an event from the database by event_id.
+        Args:
+            event_id (str): The event_id of the event to fetch
+            check_redacted (bool): If True, check if event has been redacted
+                and redact it.
+            get_prev_content (bool): If True and event is a state event,
+                include the previous states content in the unsigned field.
+            allow_rejected (bool): If True return rejected events.
+            allow_none (bool): If True, return None if no event found, if
+                False throw an exception.
+        Returns:
+            Deferred : A FrozenEvent.
+        """
+        events = yield self._get_events(
+            [event_id],
+            check_redacted=check_redacted,
+            get_prev_content=get_prev_content,
+            allow_rejected=allow_rejected,
+        )
+        if not events and not allow_none:
+            raise SynapseError(404, "Could not find event %s" % (event_id,))
+        defer.returnValue(events[0] if events else None)
+    @defer.inlineCallbacks
+    def get_events(self, event_ids, check_redacted=True,
+                   get_prev_content=False, allow_rejected=False):
+        """Get events from the database
+        Args:
+            event_ids (list): The event_ids of the events to fetch
+            check_redacted (bool): If True, check if event has been redacted
+                and redact it.
+            get_prev_content (bool): If True and event is a state event,
+                include the previous states content in the unsigned field.
+            allow_rejected (bool): If True return rejected events.
+        Returns:
+            Deferred : Dict from event_id to event.
+        """
+        events = yield self._get_events(
+            event_ids,
+            check_redacted=check_redacted,
+            get_prev_content=get_prev_content,
+            allow_rejected=allow_rejected,
+        )
+        defer.returnValue({e.event_id: e for e in events})
+    @defer.inlineCallbacks
+    def _get_events(self, event_ids, check_redacted=True,
+                    get_prev_content=False, allow_rejected=False):
+        if not event_ids:
+            defer.returnValue([])
+        event_id_list = event_ids
+        event_ids = set(event_ids)
+        event_entry_map = self._get_events_from_cache(
+            event_ids,
+            allow_rejected=allow_rejected,
+        )
+        missing_events_ids = [e for e in event_ids if e not in event_entry_map]
+        if missing_events_ids:
+            missing_events = yield self._enqueue_events(
+                missing_events_ids,
+                check_redacted=check_redacted,
+                allow_rejected=allow_rejected,
+            )
+            event_entry_map.update(missing_events)
+        events = []
+        for event_id in event_id_list:
+            entry = event_entry_map.get(event_id, None)
+            if not entry:
+                continue
+            if allow_rejected or not entry.event.rejected_reason:
+                if check_redacted and entry.redacted_event:
+                    event = entry.redacted_event
+                else:
+                    event = entry.event
+                events.append(event)
+                if get_prev_content:
+                    if "replaces_state" in event.unsigned:
+                        prev = yield self.get_event(
+                            event.unsigned["replaces_state"],
+                            get_prev_content=False,
+                            allow_none=True,
+                        )
+                        if prev:
+                            event.unsigned = dict(event.unsigned)
+                            event.unsigned["prev_content"] = prev.content
+                            event.unsigned["prev_sender"] = prev.sender
+        defer.returnValue(events)
+    def _invalidate_get_event_cache(self, event_id):
+            self._get_event_cache.invalidate((event_id,))
+    def _get_events_from_cache(self, events, allow_rejected, update_metrics=True):
+        """Fetch events from the caches
+        Args:
+            events (list(str)): list of event_ids to fetch
+            allow_rejected (bool): Whether to teturn events that were rejected
+            update_metrics (bool): Whether to update the cache hit ratio metrics
+        Returns:
+            dict of event_id -> _EventCacheEntry for each event_id in cache. If
+            allow_rejected is `False` then there will still be an entry but it
+            will be `None`
+        """
+        event_map = {}
+        for event_id in events:
+            ret = self._get_event_cache.get(
+                (event_id,), None,
+                update_metrics=update_metrics,
+            )
+            if not ret:
+                continue
+            if allow_rejected or not ret.event.rejected_reason:
+                event_map[event_id] = ret
+            else:
+                event_map[event_id] = None
+        return event_map
+    def _do_fetch(self, conn):
+        """Takes a database connection and waits for requests for events from
+        the _event_fetch_list queue.
+        """
+        event_list = []
+        i = 0
+        while True:
+            try:
+                with self._event_fetch_lock:
+                    event_list = self._event_fetch_list
+                    self._event_fetch_list = []
+                    if not event_list:
+                        single_threaded = self.database_engine.single_threaded
+                        if single_threaded or i > EVENT_QUEUE_ITERATIONS:
+                            self._event_fetch_ongoing -= 1
+                            return
+                        else:
+                            self._event_fetch_lock.wait(EVENT_QUEUE_TIMEOUT_S)
+                            i += 1
+                            continue
+                    i = 0
+                event_id_lists = zip(*event_list)[0]
+                event_ids = [
+                    item for sublist in event_id_lists for item in sublist
+                ]
+                rows = self._new_transaction(
+                    conn, "do_fetch", [], [], None, self._fetch_event_rows, event_ids
+                )
+                row_dict = {
+                    r["event_id"]: r
+                    for r in rows
+                }
+                # We only want to resolve deferreds from the main thread
+                def fire(lst, res):
+                    for ids, d in lst:
+                        if not d.called:
+                            try:
+                                with PreserveLoggingContext():
+                                    d.callback([
+                                        res[i]
+                                        for i in ids
+                                        if i in res
+                                    ])
+                            except Exception:
+                                logger.exception("Failed to callback")
+                with PreserveLoggingContext():
+                    reactor.callFromThread(fire, event_list, row_dict)
+            except Exception as e:
+                logger.exception("do_fetch")
+                # We only want to resolve deferreds from the main thread
+                def fire(evs):
+                    for _, d in evs:
+                        if not d.called:
+                            with PreserveLoggingContext():
+                                d.errback(e)
+                if event_list:
+                    with PreserveLoggingContext():
+                        reactor.callFromThread(fire, event_list)
+    @defer.inlineCallbacks
+    def _enqueue_events(self, events, check_redacted=True, allow_rejected=False):
+        """Fetches events from the database using the _event_fetch_list. This
+        allows batch and bulk fetching of events - it allows us to fetch events
+        without having to create a new transaction for each request for events.
+        """
+        if not events:
+            defer.returnValue({})
+        events_d = defer.Deferred()
+        with self._event_fetch_lock:
+            self._event_fetch_list.append(
+                (events, events_d)
+            )
+            self._event_fetch_lock.notify()
+            if self._event_fetch_ongoing < EVENT_QUEUE_THREADS:
+                self._event_fetch_ongoing += 1
+                should_start = True
+            else:
+                should_start = False
+        if should_start:
+            with PreserveLoggingContext():
+                self.runWithConnection(
+                    self._do_fetch
+                )
+        logger.debug("Loading %d events", len(events))
+        with PreserveLoggingContext():
+            rows = yield events_d
+        logger.debug("Loaded %d events (%d rows)", len(events), len(rows))
+        if not allow_rejected:
+            rows[:] = [r for r in rows if not r["rejects"]]
+        res = yield make_deferred_yieldable(defer.gatherResults(
+            [
+                preserve_fn(self._get_event_from_row)(
+                    row["internal_metadata"], row["json"], row["redacts"],
+                    rejected_reason=row["rejects"],
+                )
+                for row in rows
+            ],
+            consumeErrors=True
+        ))
+        defer.returnValue({
+            e.event.event_id: e
+            for e in res if e
+        })
+    def _fetch_event_rows(self, txn, events):
+        rows = []
+        N = 200
+        for i in range(1 + len(events) / N):
+            evs = events[i * N:(i + 1) * N]
+            if not evs:
+                break
+            sql = (
+                "SELECT "
+                " e.event_id as event_id, "
+                " e.internal_metadata,"
+                " e.json,"
+                " r.redacts as redacts,"
+                " rej.event_id as rejects "
+                " FROM event_json as e"
+                " LEFT JOIN rejections as rej USING (event_id)"
+                " LEFT JOIN redactions as r ON e.event_id = r.redacts"
+                " WHERE e.event_id IN (%s)"
+            ) % (",".join(["?"] * len(evs)),)
+            txn.execute(sql, evs)
+            rows.extend(self.cursor_to_dict(txn))
+        return rows
+    @defer.inlineCallbacks
+    def _get_event_from_row(self, internal_metadata, js, redacted,
+                            rejected_reason=None):
+        with Measure(self._clock, "_get_event_from_row"):
+            d = json.loads(js)
+            internal_metadata = json.loads(internal_metadata)
+            if rejected_reason:
+                rejected_reason = yield self._simple_select_one_onecol(
+                    table="rejections",
+                    keyvalues={"event_id": rejected_reason},
+                    retcol="reason",
+                    desc="_get_event_from_row_rejected_reason",
+                )
+            original_ev = FrozenEvent(
+                d,
+                internal_metadata_dict=internal_metadata,
+                rejected_reason=rejected_reason,
+            )
+            redacted_event = None
+            if redacted:
+                redacted_event = prune_event(original_ev)
+                redaction_id = yield self._simple_select_one_onecol(
+                    table="redactions",
+                    keyvalues={"redacts": redacted_event.event_id},
+                    retcol="event_id",
+                    desc="_get_event_from_row_redactions",
+                )
+                redacted_event.unsigned["redacted_by"] = redaction_id
+                # Get the redaction event.
+                because = yield self.get_event(
+                    redaction_id,
+                    check_redacted=False,
+                    allow_none=True,
+                )
+                if because:
+                    # It's fine to do add the event directly, since get_pdu_json
+                    # will serialise this field correctly
+                    redacted_event.unsigned["redacted_because"] = because
+            cache_entry = _EventCacheEntry(
+                event=original_ev,
+                redacted_event=redacted_event,
+            )
+            self._get_event_cache.prefill((original_ev.event_id,), cache_entry)
+        defer.returnValue(cache_entry)