diff --git a/synapse/storage/database.py b/synapse/storage/database.py
index 715c0346dd..a7cd97b0b0 100644
--- a/synapse/storage/database.py
+++ b/synapse/storage/database.py
@@ -17,7 +17,17 @@
import logging
import time
from time import monotonic as monotonic_time
-from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple
+from typing import (
+ Any,
+ Callable,
+ Dict,
+ Iterable,
+ Iterator,
+ List,
+ Optional,
+ Tuple,
+ TypeVar,
from six import iteritems, iterkeys, itervalues
from six.moves import intern, range
@@ -1557,3 +1567,74 @@ def make_in_list_sql_clause(
return "%s = ANY(?)" % (column,), [list(iterable)]
return "%s IN (%s)" % (column, ",".join("?" for _ in iterable)), list(iterable)
+KV = TypeVar("KV")
+def make_tuple_comparison_clause(
+ database_engine: BaseDatabaseEngine, keys: List[Tuple[str, KV]]
+) -> Tuple[str, List[KV]]:
+ """Returns a tuple comparison SQL clause
+ Depending what the SQL engine supports, builds a SQL clause that looks like either
+ "(a, b) > (?, ?)", or "(a > ?) OR (a == ? AND b > ?)".
+ Args:
+ database_engine
+ keys: A set of (column, value) pairs to be compared.
+ Returns:
+ A tuple of SQL query and the args
+ """
+ if database_engine.supports_tuple_comparison:
+ return (
+ "(%s) > (%s)" % (",".join(k[0] for k in keys), ",".join("?" for _ in keys)),
+ [k[1] for k in keys],
+ )
+ # we want to build a clause
+ # (a > ?) OR
+ # (a == ? AND b > ?) OR
+ # (a == ? AND b == ? AND c > ?)
+ # ...
+ # (a == ? AND b == ? AND ... AND z > ?)
+ #
+ # or, equivalently:
+ #
+ # (a > ? OR (a == ? AND
+ # (b > ? OR (b == ? AND
+ # ...
+ # (y > ? OR (y == ? AND
+ # z > ?
+ # ))
+ # ...
+ # ))
+ # ))
+ #
+ # which itself is equivalent to (and apparently easier for the query optimiser):
+ #
+ # (a >= ? AND (a > ? OR
+ # (b >= ? AND (b > ? OR
+ # ...
+ # (y >= ? AND (y > ? OR
+ # z > ?
+ # ))
+ # ...
+ # ))
+ # ))
+ #
+ #
+ clause = ""
+ args = [] # type: List[KV]
+ for k, v in keys[:-1]:
+ clause = clause + "(%s >= ? AND (%s > ? OR " % (k, k)
+ args.extend([v, v])
+ (k, v) = keys[-1]
+ clause += "%s > ?" % (k,)
+ args.append(v)
+ clause += "))" * (len(keys) - 1)
+ return clause, args