diff --git a/synapse/storage/database.py b/synapse/storage/database.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c2e121a001
--- /dev/null
+++ b/synapse/storage/database.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1485 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2014-2016 OpenMarket Ltd
+# Copyright 2017-2018 New Vector Ltd
+# Copyright 2019 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+import random
+import sys
+import time
+from typing import Iterable, Tuple
+from six import iteritems, iterkeys, itervalues
+from six.moves import intern, range
+from prometheus_client import Histogram
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from synapse.api.errors import StoreError
+from synapse.logging.context import LoggingContext, make_deferred_yieldable
+from synapse.metrics.background_process_metrics import run_as_background_process
+from synapse.storage.engines import PostgresEngine, Sqlite3Engine
+from synapse.util.stringutils import exception_to_unicode
+# import a function which will return a monotonic time, in seconds
+ # on python 3, use time.monotonic, since time.clock can go backwards
+ from time import monotonic as monotonic_time
+except ImportError:
+ # ... but python 2 doesn't have it
+ from time import clock as monotonic_time
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ MAX_TXN_ID = sys.maxint - 1
+except AttributeError:
+ # python 3 does not have a maximum int value
+ MAX_TXN_ID = 2 ** 63 - 1
+sql_logger = logging.getLogger("synapse.storage.SQL")
+transaction_logger = logging.getLogger("synapse.storage.txn")
+perf_logger = logging.getLogger("synapse.storage.TIME")
+sql_scheduling_timer = Histogram("synapse_storage_schedule_time", "sec")
+sql_query_timer = Histogram("synapse_storage_query_time", "sec", ["verb"])
+sql_txn_timer = Histogram("synapse_storage_transaction_time", "sec", ["desc"])
+# Unique indexes which have been added in background updates. Maps from table name
+# to the name of the background update which added the unique index to that table.
+# This is used by the upsert logic to figure out which tables are safe to do a proper
+# UPSERT on: until the relevant background update has completed, we
+# have to emulate an upsert by locking the table.
+ "user_ips": "user_ips_device_unique_index",
+ "device_lists_remote_extremeties": "device_lists_remote_extremeties_unique_idx",
+ "device_lists_remote_cache": "device_lists_remote_cache_unique_idx",
+ "event_search": "event_search_event_id_idx",
+class LoggingTransaction(object):
+ """An object that almost-transparently proxies for the 'txn' object
+ passed to the constructor. Adds logging and metrics to the .execute()
+ method.
+ Args:
+ txn: The database transcation object to wrap.
+ name (str): The name of this transactions for logging.
+ database_engine (Sqlite3Engine|PostgresEngine)
+ after_callbacks(list|None): A list that callbacks will be appended to
+ that have been added by `call_after` which should be run on
+ successful completion of the transaction. None indicates that no
+ callbacks should be allowed to be scheduled to run.
+ exception_callbacks(list|None): A list that callbacks will be appended
+ to that have been added by `call_on_exception` which should be run
+ if transaction ends with an error. None indicates that no callbacks
+ should be allowed to be scheduled to run.
+ """
+ __slots__ = [
+ "txn",
+ "name",
+ "database_engine",
+ "after_callbacks",
+ "exception_callbacks",
+ ]
+ def __init__(
+ self, txn, name, database_engine, after_callbacks=None, exception_callbacks=None
+ ):
+ object.__setattr__(self, "txn", txn)
+ object.__setattr__(self, "name", name)
+ object.__setattr__(self, "database_engine", database_engine)
+ object.__setattr__(self, "after_callbacks", after_callbacks)
+ object.__setattr__(self, "exception_callbacks", exception_callbacks)
+ def call_after(self, callback, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Call the given callback on the main twisted thread after the
+ transaction has finished. Used to invalidate the caches on the
+ correct thread.
+ """
+ self.after_callbacks.append((callback, args, kwargs))
+ def call_on_exception(self, callback, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.exception_callbacks.append((callback, args, kwargs))
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ return getattr(self.txn, name)
+ def __setattr__(self, name, value):
+ setattr(self.txn, name, value)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self.txn.__iter__()
+ def execute_batch(self, sql, args):
+ if isinstance(self.database_engine, PostgresEngine):
+ from psycopg2.extras import execute_batch
+ self._do_execute(lambda *x: execute_batch(self.txn, *x), sql, args)
+ else:
+ for val in args:
+ self.execute(sql, val)
+ def execute(self, sql, *args):
+ self._do_execute(self.txn.execute, sql, *args)
+ def executemany(self, sql, *args):
+ self._do_execute(self.txn.executemany, sql, *args)
+ def _make_sql_one_line(self, sql):
+ "Strip newlines out of SQL so that the loggers in the DB are on one line"
+ return " ".join(l.strip() for l in sql.splitlines() if l.strip())
+ def _do_execute(self, func, sql, *args):
+ sql = self._make_sql_one_line(sql)
+ # TODO(paul): Maybe use 'info' and 'debug' for values?
+ sql_logger.debug("[SQL] {%s} %s", self.name, sql)
+ sql = self.database_engine.convert_param_style(sql)
+ if args:
+ try:
+ sql_logger.debug("[SQL values] {%s} %r", self.name, args[0])
+ except Exception:
+ # Don't let logging failures stop SQL from working
+ pass
+ start = time.time()
+ try:
+ return func(sql, *args)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.debug("[SQL FAIL] {%s} %s", self.name, e)
+ raise
+ finally:
+ secs = time.time() - start
+ sql_logger.debug("[SQL time] {%s} %f sec", self.name, secs)
+ sql_query_timer.labels(sql.split()[0]).observe(secs)
+class PerformanceCounters(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.current_counters = {}
+ self.previous_counters = {}
+ def update(self, key, duration_secs):
+ count, cum_time = self.current_counters.get(key, (0, 0))
+ count += 1
+ cum_time += duration_secs
+ self.current_counters[key] = (count, cum_time)
+ def interval(self, interval_duration_secs, limit=3):
+ counters = []
+ for name, (count, cum_time) in iteritems(self.current_counters):
+ prev_count, prev_time = self.previous_counters.get(name, (0, 0))
+ counters.append(
+ (
+ (cum_time - prev_time) / interval_duration_secs,
+ count - prev_count,
+ name,
+ )
+ )
+ self.previous_counters = dict(self.current_counters)
+ counters.sort(reverse=True)
+ top_n_counters = ", ".join(
+ "%s(%d): %.3f%%" % (name, count, 100 * ratio)
+ for ratio, count, name in counters[:limit]
+ )
+ return top_n_counters
+class Database(object):
+ _TXN_ID = 0
+ def __init__(self, hs):
+ self.hs = hs
+ self._clock = hs.get_clock()
+ self._db_pool = hs.get_db_pool()
+ self._previous_txn_total_time = 0
+ self._current_txn_total_time = 0
+ self._previous_loop_ts = 0
+ # TODO(paul): These can eventually be removed once the metrics code
+ # is running in mainline, and we have some nice monitoring frontends
+ # to watch it
+ self._txn_perf_counters = PerformanceCounters()
+ self.database_engine = hs.database_engine
+ # A set of tables that are not safe to use native upserts in.
+ self._unsafe_to_upsert_tables = set(UNIQUE_INDEX_BACKGROUND_UPDATES.keys())
+ # We add the user_directory_search table to the blacklist on SQLite
+ # because the existing search table does not have an index, making it
+ # unsafe to use native upserts.
+ if isinstance(self.database_engine, Sqlite3Engine):
+ self._unsafe_to_upsert_tables.add("user_directory_search")
+ if self.database_engine.can_native_upsert:
+ # Check ASAP (and then later, every 1s) to see if we have finished
+ # background updates of tables that aren't safe to update.
+ self._clock.call_later(
+ 0.0,
+ run_as_background_process,
+ "upsert_safety_check",
+ self._check_safe_to_upsert,
+ )
+ self.rand = random.SystemRandom()
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def _check_safe_to_upsert(self):
+ """
+ Is it safe to use native UPSERT?
+ If there are background updates, we will need to wait, as they may be
+ the addition of indexes that set the UNIQUE constraint that we require.
+ If the background updates have not completed, wait 15 sec and check again.
+ """
+ updates = yield self.simple_select_list(
+ "background_updates",
+ keyvalues=None,
+ retcols=["update_name"],
+ desc="check_background_updates",
+ )
+ updates = [x["update_name"] for x in updates]
+ for table, update_name in UNIQUE_INDEX_BACKGROUND_UPDATES.items():
+ if update_name not in updates:
+ logger.debug("Now safe to upsert in %s", table)
+ self._unsafe_to_upsert_tables.discard(table)
+ # If there's any updates still running, reschedule to run.
+ if updates:
+ self._clock.call_later(
+ 15.0,
+ run_as_background_process,
+ "upsert_safety_check",
+ self._check_safe_to_upsert,
+ )
+ def start_profiling(self):
+ self._previous_loop_ts = monotonic_time()
+ def loop():
+ curr = self._current_txn_total_time
+ prev = self._previous_txn_total_time
+ self._previous_txn_total_time = curr
+ time_now = monotonic_time()
+ time_then = self._previous_loop_ts
+ self._previous_loop_ts = time_now
+ duration = time_now - time_then
+ ratio = (curr - prev) / duration
+ top_three_counters = self._txn_perf_counters.interval(duration, limit=3)
+ perf_logger.info(
+ "Total database time: %.3f%% {%s}", ratio * 100, top_three_counters
+ )
+ self._clock.looping_call(loop, 10000)
+ def new_transaction(
+ self, conn, desc, after_callbacks, exception_callbacks, func, *args, **kwargs
+ ):
+ start = monotonic_time()
+ txn_id = self._TXN_ID
+ # We don't really need these to be unique, so lets stop it from
+ # growing really large.
+ self._TXN_ID = (self._TXN_ID + 1) % (MAX_TXN_ID)
+ name = "%s-%x" % (desc, txn_id)
+ transaction_logger.debug("[TXN START] {%s}", name)
+ try:
+ i = 0
+ N = 5
+ while True:
+ cursor = LoggingTransaction(
+ conn.cursor(),
+ name,
+ self.database_engine,
+ after_callbacks,
+ exception_callbacks,
+ )
+ try:
+ r = func(cursor, *args, **kwargs)
+ conn.commit()
+ return r
+ except self.database_engine.module.OperationalError as e:
+ # This can happen if the database disappears mid
+ # transaction.
+ logger.warning(
+ "[TXN OPERROR] {%s} %s %d/%d",
+ name,
+ exception_to_unicode(e),
+ i,
+ N,
+ )
+ if i < N:
+ i += 1
+ try:
+ conn.rollback()
+ except self.database_engine.module.Error as e1:
+ logger.warning(
+ "[TXN EROLL] {%s} %s", name, exception_to_unicode(e1)
+ )
+ continue
+ raise
+ except self.database_engine.module.DatabaseError as e:
+ if self.database_engine.is_deadlock(e):
+ logger.warning("[TXN DEADLOCK] {%s} %d/%d", name, i, N)
+ if i < N:
+ i += 1
+ try:
+ conn.rollback()
+ except self.database_engine.module.Error as e1:
+ logger.warning(
+ "[TXN EROLL] {%s} %s",
+ name,
+ exception_to_unicode(e1),
+ )
+ continue
+ raise
+ finally:
+ # we're either about to retry with a new cursor, or we're about to
+ # release the connection. Once we release the connection, it could
+ # get used for another query, which might do a conn.rollback().
+ #
+ # In the latter case, even though that probably wouldn't affect the
+ # results of this transaction, python's sqlite will reset all
+ # statements on the connection [1], which will make our cursor
+ # invalid [2].
+ #
+ # In any case, continuing to read rows after commit()ing seems
+ # dubious from the PoV of ACID transactional semantics
+ # (sqlite explicitly says that once you commit, you may see rows
+ # from subsequent updates.)
+ #
+ # In psycopg2, cursors are essentially a client-side fabrication -
+ # all the data is transferred to the client side when the statement
+ # finishes executing - so in theory we could go on streaming results
+ # from the cursor, but attempting to do so would make us
+ # incompatible with sqlite, so let's make sure we're not doing that
+ # by closing the cursor.
+ #
+ # (*named* cursors in psycopg2 are different and are proper server-
+ # side things, but (a) we don't use them and (b) they are implicitly
+ # closed by ending the transaction anyway.)
+ #
+ # In short, if we haven't finished with the cursor yet, that's a
+ # problem waiting to bite us.
+ #
+ # TL;DR: we're done with the cursor, so we can close it.
+ #
+ # [1]: https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/v3.8.0/Modules/_sqlite/connection.c#L465
+ # [2]: https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/v3.8.0/Modules/_sqlite/cursor.c#L236
+ cursor.close()
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.debug("[TXN FAIL] {%s} %s", name, e)
+ raise
+ finally:
+ end = monotonic_time()
+ duration = end - start
+ LoggingContext.current_context().add_database_transaction(duration)
+ transaction_logger.debug("[TXN END] {%s} %f sec", name, duration)
+ self._current_txn_total_time += duration
+ self._txn_perf_counters.update(desc, duration)
+ sql_txn_timer.labels(desc).observe(duration)
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def runInteraction(self, desc, func, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Starts a transaction on the database and runs a given function
+ Arguments:
+ desc (str): description of the transaction, for logging and metrics
+ func (func): callback function, which will be called with a
+ database transaction (twisted.enterprise.adbapi.Transaction) as
+ its first argument, followed by `args` and `kwargs`.
+ args (list): positional args to pass to `func`
+ kwargs (dict): named args to pass to `func`
+ Returns:
+ Deferred: The result of func
+ """
+ after_callbacks = []
+ exception_callbacks = []
+ if LoggingContext.current_context() == LoggingContext.sentinel:
+ logger.warning("Starting db txn '%s' from sentinel context", desc)
+ try:
+ result = yield self.runWithConnection(
+ self.new_transaction,
+ desc,
+ after_callbacks,
+ exception_callbacks,
+ func,
+ *args,
+ **kwargs
+ )
+ for after_callback, after_args, after_kwargs in after_callbacks:
+ after_callback(*after_args, **after_kwargs)
+ except: # noqa: E722, as we reraise the exception this is fine.
+ for after_callback, after_args, after_kwargs in exception_callbacks:
+ after_callback(*after_args, **after_kwargs)
+ raise
+ return result
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def runWithConnection(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
+ """Wraps the .runWithConnection() method on the underlying db_pool.
+ Arguments:
+ func (func): callback function, which will be called with a
+ database connection (twisted.enterprise.adbapi.Connection) as
+ its first argument, followed by `args` and `kwargs`.
+ args (list): positional args to pass to `func`
+ kwargs (dict): named args to pass to `func`
+ Returns:
+ Deferred: The result of func
+ """
+ parent_context = LoggingContext.current_context()
+ if parent_context == LoggingContext.sentinel:
+ logger.warning(
+ "Starting db connection from sentinel context: metrics will be lost"
+ )
+ parent_context = None
+ start_time = monotonic_time()
+ def inner_func(conn, *args, **kwargs):
+ with LoggingContext("runWithConnection", parent_context) as context:
+ sched_duration_sec = monotonic_time() - start_time
+ sql_scheduling_timer.observe(sched_duration_sec)
+ context.add_database_scheduled(sched_duration_sec)
+ if self.database_engine.is_connection_closed(conn):
+ logger.debug("Reconnecting closed database connection")
+ conn.reconnect()
+ return func(conn, *args, **kwargs)
+ result = yield make_deferred_yieldable(
+ self._db_pool.runWithConnection(inner_func, *args, **kwargs)
+ )
+ return result
+ @staticmethod
+ def cursor_to_dict(cursor):
+ """Converts a SQL cursor into an list of dicts.
+ Args:
+ cursor : The DBAPI cursor which has executed a query.
+ Returns:
+ A list of dicts where the key is the column header.
+ """
+ col_headers = list(intern(str(column[0])) for column in cursor.description)
+ results = list(dict(zip(col_headers, row)) for row in cursor)
+ return results
+ def execute(self, desc, decoder, query, *args):
+ """Runs a single query for a result set.
+ Args:
+ decoder - The function which can resolve the cursor results to
+ something meaningful.
+ query - The query string to execute
+ *args - Query args.
+ Returns:
+ The result of decoder(results)
+ """
+ def interaction(txn):
+ txn.execute(query, args)
+ if decoder:
+ return decoder(txn)
+ else:
+ return txn.fetchall()
+ return self.runInteraction(desc, interaction)
+ # "Simple" SQL API methods that operate on a single table with no JOINs,
+ # no complex WHERE clauses, just a dict of values for columns.
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def simple_insert(self, table, values, or_ignore=False, desc="simple_insert"):
+ """Executes an INSERT query on the named table.
+ Args:
+ table : string giving the table name
+ values : dict of new column names and values for them
+ or_ignore : bool stating whether an exception should be raised
+ when a conflicting row already exists. If True, False will be
+ returned by the function instead
+ desc : string giving a description of the transaction
+ Returns:
+ bool: Whether the row was inserted or not. Only useful when
+ `or_ignore` is True
+ """
+ try:
+ yield self.runInteraction(desc, self.simple_insert_txn, table, values)
+ except self.database_engine.module.IntegrityError:
+ # We have to do or_ignore flag at this layer, since we can't reuse
+ # a cursor after we receive an error from the db.
+ if not or_ignore:
+ raise
+ return False
+ return True
+ @staticmethod
+ def simple_insert_txn(txn, table, values):
+ keys, vals = zip(*values.items())
+ sql = "INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES(%s)" % (
+ table,
+ ", ".join(k for k in keys),
+ ", ".join("?" for _ in keys),
+ )
+ txn.execute(sql, vals)
+ def simple_insert_many(self, table, values, desc):
+ return self.runInteraction(desc, self.simple_insert_many_txn, table, values)
+ @staticmethod
+ def simple_insert_many_txn(txn, table, values):
+ if not values:
+ return
+ # This is a *slight* abomination to get a list of tuples of key names
+ # and a list of tuples of value names.
+ #
+ # i.e. [{"a": 1, "b": 2}, {"c": 3, "d": 4}]
+ # => [("a", "b",), ("c", "d",)] and [(1, 2,), (3, 4,)]
+ #
+ # The sort is to ensure that we don't rely on dictionary iteration
+ # order.
+ keys, vals = zip(
+ *[zip(*(sorted(i.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[0]))) for i in values if i]
+ )
+ for k in keys:
+ if k != keys[0]:
+ raise RuntimeError("All items must have the same keys")
+ sql = "INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES(%s)" % (
+ table,
+ ", ".join(k for k in keys[0]),
+ ", ".join("?" for _ in keys[0]),
+ )
+ txn.executemany(sql, vals)
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def simple_upsert(
+ self,
+ table,
+ keyvalues,
+ values,
+ insertion_values={},
+ desc="simple_upsert",
+ lock=True,
+ ):
+ """
+ `lock` should generally be set to True (the default), but can be set
+ to False if either of the following are true:
+ * there is a UNIQUE INDEX on the key columns. In this case a conflict
+ will cause an IntegrityError in which case this function will retry
+ the update.
+ * we somehow know that we are the only thread which will be updating
+ this table.
+ Args:
+ table (str): The table to upsert into
+ keyvalues (dict): The unique key columns and their new values
+ values (dict): The nonunique columns and their new values
+ insertion_values (dict): additional key/values to use only when
+ inserting
+ lock (bool): True to lock the table when doing the upsert.
+ Returns:
+ Deferred(None or bool): Native upserts always return None. Emulated
+ upserts return True if a new entry was created, False if an existing
+ one was updated.
+ """
+ attempts = 0
+ while True:
+ try:
+ result = yield self.runInteraction(
+ desc,
+ self.simple_upsert_txn,
+ table,
+ keyvalues,
+ values,
+ insertion_values,
+ lock=lock,
+ )
+ return result
+ except self.database_engine.module.IntegrityError as e:
+ attempts += 1
+ if attempts >= 5:
+ # don't retry forever, because things other than races
+ # can cause IntegrityErrors
+ raise
+ # presumably we raced with another transaction: let's retry.
+ logger.warning(
+ "IntegrityError when upserting into %s; retrying: %s", table, e
+ )
+ def simple_upsert_txn(
+ self, txn, table, keyvalues, values, insertion_values={}, lock=True
+ ):
+ """
+ Pick the UPSERT method which works best on the platform. Either the
+ native one (Pg9.5+, recent SQLites), or fall back to an emulated method.
+ Args:
+ txn: The transaction to use.
+ table (str): The table to upsert into
+ keyvalues (dict): The unique key tables and their new values
+ values (dict): The nonunique columns and their new values
+ insertion_values (dict): additional key/values to use only when
+ inserting
+ lock (bool): True to lock the table when doing the upsert.
+ Returns:
+ None or bool: Native upserts always return None. Emulated
+ upserts return True if a new entry was created, False if an existing
+ one was updated.
+ """
+ if (
+ self.database_engine.can_native_upsert
+ and table not in self._unsafe_to_upsert_tables
+ ):
+ return self.simple_upsert_txn_native_upsert(
+ txn, table, keyvalues, values, insertion_values=insertion_values
+ )
+ else:
+ return self.simple_upsert_txn_emulated(
+ txn,
+ table,
+ keyvalues,
+ values,
+ insertion_values=insertion_values,
+ lock=lock,
+ )
+ def simple_upsert_txn_emulated(
+ self, txn, table, keyvalues, values, insertion_values={}, lock=True
+ ):
+ """
+ Args:
+ table (str): The table to upsert into
+ keyvalues (dict): The unique key tables and their new values
+ values (dict): The nonunique columns and their new values
+ insertion_values (dict): additional key/values to use only when
+ inserting
+ lock (bool): True to lock the table when doing the upsert.
+ Returns:
+ bool: Return True if a new entry was created, False if an existing
+ one was updated.
+ """
+ # We need to lock the table :(, unless we're *really* careful
+ if lock:
+ self.database_engine.lock_table(txn, table)
+ def _getwhere(key):
+ # If the value we're passing in is None (aka NULL), we need to use
+ # IS, not =, as NULL = NULL equals NULL (False).
+ if keyvalues[key] is None:
+ return "%s IS ?" % (key,)
+ else:
+ return "%s = ?" % (key,)
+ if not values:
+ # If `values` is empty, then all of the values we care about are in
+ # the unique key, so there is nothing to UPDATE. We can just do a
+ # SELECT instead to see if it exists.
+ sql = "SELECT 1 FROM %s WHERE %s" % (
+ table,
+ " AND ".join(_getwhere(k) for k in keyvalues),
+ )
+ sqlargs = list(keyvalues.values())
+ txn.execute(sql, sqlargs)
+ if txn.fetchall():
+ # We have an existing record.
+ return False
+ else:
+ # First try to update.
+ sql = "UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE %s" % (
+ table,
+ ", ".join("%s = ?" % (k,) for k in values),
+ " AND ".join(_getwhere(k) for k in keyvalues),
+ )
+ sqlargs = list(values.values()) + list(keyvalues.values())
+ txn.execute(sql, sqlargs)
+ if txn.rowcount > 0:
+ # successfully updated at least one row.
+ return False
+ # We didn't find any existing rows, so insert a new one
+ allvalues = {}
+ allvalues.update(keyvalues)
+ allvalues.update(values)
+ allvalues.update(insertion_values)
+ sql = "INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)" % (
+ table,
+ ", ".join(k for k in allvalues),
+ ", ".join("?" for _ in allvalues),
+ )
+ txn.execute(sql, list(allvalues.values()))
+ # successfully inserted
+ return True
+ def simple_upsert_txn_native_upsert(
+ self, txn, table, keyvalues, values, insertion_values={}
+ ):
+ """
+ Use the native UPSERT functionality in recent PostgreSQL versions.
+ Args:
+ table (str): The table to upsert into
+ keyvalues (dict): The unique key tables and their new values
+ values (dict): The nonunique columns and their new values
+ insertion_values (dict): additional key/values to use only when
+ inserting
+ Returns:
+ None
+ """
+ allvalues = {}
+ allvalues.update(keyvalues)
+ allvalues.update(insertion_values)
+ if not values:
+ latter = "NOTHING"
+ else:
+ allvalues.update(values)
+ latter = "UPDATE SET " + ", ".join(k + "=EXCLUDED." + k for k in values)
+ sql = ("INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s) ON CONFLICT (%s) DO %s") % (
+ table,
+ ", ".join(k for k in allvalues),
+ ", ".join("?" for _ in allvalues),
+ ", ".join(k for k in keyvalues),
+ latter,
+ )
+ txn.execute(sql, list(allvalues.values()))
+ def simple_upsert_many_txn(
+ self, txn, table, key_names, key_values, value_names, value_values
+ ):
+ """
+ Upsert, many times.
+ Args:
+ table (str): The table to upsert into
+ key_names (list[str]): The key column names.
+ key_values (list[list]): A list of each row's key column values.
+ value_names (list[str]): The value column names. If empty, no
+ values will be used, even if value_values is provided.
+ value_values (list[list]): A list of each row's value column values.
+ Returns:
+ None
+ """
+ if (
+ self.database_engine.can_native_upsert
+ and table not in self._unsafe_to_upsert_tables
+ ):
+ return self.simple_upsert_many_txn_native_upsert(
+ txn, table, key_names, key_values, value_names, value_values
+ )
+ else:
+ return self.simple_upsert_many_txn_emulated(
+ txn, table, key_names, key_values, value_names, value_values
+ )
+ def simple_upsert_many_txn_emulated(
+ self, txn, table, key_names, key_values, value_names, value_values
+ ):
+ """
+ Upsert, many times, but without native UPSERT support or batching.
+ Args:
+ table (str): The table to upsert into
+ key_names (list[str]): The key column names.
+ key_values (list[list]): A list of each row's key column values.
+ value_names (list[str]): The value column names. If empty, no
+ values will be used, even if value_values is provided.
+ value_values (list[list]): A list of each row's value column values.
+ Returns:
+ None
+ """
+ # No value columns, therefore make a blank list so that the following
+ # zip() works correctly.
+ if not value_names:
+ value_values = [() for x in range(len(key_values))]
+ for keyv, valv in zip(key_values, value_values):
+ _keys = {x: y for x, y in zip(key_names, keyv)}
+ _vals = {x: y for x, y in zip(value_names, valv)}
+ self.simple_upsert_txn_emulated(txn, table, _keys, _vals)
+ def simple_upsert_many_txn_native_upsert(
+ self, txn, table, key_names, key_values, value_names, value_values
+ ):
+ """
+ Upsert, many times, using batching where possible.
+ Args:
+ table (str): The table to upsert into
+ key_names (list[str]): The key column names.
+ key_values (list[list]): A list of each row's key column values.
+ value_names (list[str]): The value column names. If empty, no
+ values will be used, even if value_values is provided.
+ value_values (list[list]): A list of each row's value column values.
+ Returns:
+ None
+ """
+ allnames = []
+ allnames.extend(key_names)
+ allnames.extend(value_names)
+ if not value_names:
+ # No value columns, therefore make a blank list so that the
+ # following zip() works correctly.
+ latter = "NOTHING"
+ value_values = [() for x in range(len(key_values))]
+ else:
+ latter = "UPDATE SET " + ", ".join(
+ k + "=EXCLUDED." + k for k in value_names
+ )
+ sql = "INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s) ON CONFLICT (%s) DO %s" % (
+ table,
+ ", ".join(k for k in allnames),
+ ", ".join("?" for _ in allnames),
+ ", ".join(key_names),
+ latter,
+ )
+ args = []
+ for x, y in zip(key_values, value_values):
+ args.append(tuple(x) + tuple(y))
+ return txn.execute_batch(sql, args)
+ def simple_select_one(
+ self, table, keyvalues, retcols, allow_none=False, desc="simple_select_one"
+ ):
+ """Executes a SELECT query on the named table, which is expected to
+ return a single row, returning multiple columns from it.
+ Args:
+ table : string giving the table name
+ keyvalues : dict of column names and values to select the row with
+ retcols : list of strings giving the names of the columns to return
+ allow_none : If true, return None instead of failing if the SELECT
+ statement returns no rows
+ """
+ return self.runInteraction(
+ desc, self.simple_select_one_txn, table, keyvalues, retcols, allow_none
+ )
+ def simple_select_one_onecol(
+ self,
+ table,
+ keyvalues,
+ retcol,
+ allow_none=False,
+ desc="simple_select_one_onecol",
+ ):
+ """Executes a SELECT query on the named table, which is expected to
+ return a single row, returning a single column from it.
+ Args:
+ table : string giving the table name
+ keyvalues : dict of column names and values to select the row with
+ retcol : string giving the name of the column to return
+ """
+ return self.runInteraction(
+ desc,
+ self.simple_select_one_onecol_txn,
+ table,
+ keyvalues,
+ retcol,
+ allow_none=allow_none,
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ def simple_select_one_onecol_txn(
+ cls, txn, table, keyvalues, retcol, allow_none=False
+ ):
+ ret = cls.simple_select_onecol_txn(
+ txn, table=table, keyvalues=keyvalues, retcol=retcol
+ )
+ if ret:
+ return ret[0]
+ else:
+ if allow_none:
+ return None
+ else:
+ raise StoreError(404, "No row found")
+ @staticmethod
+ def simple_select_onecol_txn(txn, table, keyvalues, retcol):
+ sql = ("SELECT %(retcol)s FROM %(table)s") % {"retcol": retcol, "table": table}
+ if keyvalues:
+ sql += " WHERE %s" % " AND ".join("%s = ?" % k for k in iterkeys(keyvalues))
+ txn.execute(sql, list(keyvalues.values()))
+ else:
+ txn.execute(sql)
+ return [r[0] for r in txn]
+ def simple_select_onecol(
+ self, table, keyvalues, retcol, desc="simple_select_onecol"
+ ):
+ """Executes a SELECT query on the named table, which returns a list
+ comprising of the values of the named column from the selected rows.
+ Args:
+ table (str): table name
+ keyvalues (dict|None): column names and values to select the rows with
+ retcol (str): column whos value we wish to retrieve.
+ Returns:
+ Deferred: Results in a list
+ """
+ return self.runInteraction(
+ desc, self.simple_select_onecol_txn, table, keyvalues, retcol
+ )
+ def simple_select_list(self, table, keyvalues, retcols, desc="simple_select_list"):
+ """Executes a SELECT query on the named table, which may return zero or
+ more rows, returning the result as a list of dicts.
+ Args:
+ table (str): the table name
+ keyvalues (dict[str, Any] | None):
+ column names and values to select the rows with, or None to not
+ apply a WHERE clause.
+ retcols (iterable[str]): the names of the columns to return
+ Returns:
+ defer.Deferred: resolves to list[dict[str, Any]]
+ """
+ return self.runInteraction(
+ desc, self.simple_select_list_txn, table, keyvalues, retcols
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ def simple_select_list_txn(cls, txn, table, keyvalues, retcols):
+ """Executes a SELECT query on the named table, which may return zero or
+ more rows, returning the result as a list of dicts.
+ Args:
+ txn : Transaction object
+ table (str): the table name
+ keyvalues (dict[str, T] | None):
+ column names and values to select the rows with, or None to not
+ apply a WHERE clause.
+ retcols (iterable[str]): the names of the columns to return
+ """
+ if keyvalues:
+ sql = "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s" % (
+ ", ".join(retcols),
+ table,
+ " AND ".join("%s = ?" % (k,) for k in keyvalues),
+ )
+ txn.execute(sql, list(keyvalues.values()))
+ else:
+ sql = "SELECT %s FROM %s" % (", ".join(retcols), table)
+ txn.execute(sql)
+ return cls.cursor_to_dict(txn)
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def simple_select_many_batch(
+ self,
+ table,
+ column,
+ iterable,
+ retcols,
+ keyvalues={},
+ desc="simple_select_many_batch",
+ batch_size=100,
+ ):
+ """Executes a SELECT query on the named table, which may return zero or
+ more rows, returning the result as a list of dicts.
+ Filters rows by if value of `column` is in `iterable`.
+ Args:
+ table : string giving the table name
+ column : column name to test for inclusion against `iterable`
+ iterable : list
+ keyvalues : dict of column names and values to select the rows with
+ retcols : list of strings giving the names of the columns to return
+ """
+ results = []
+ if not iterable:
+ return results
+ # iterables can not be sliced, so convert it to a list first
+ it_list = list(iterable)
+ chunks = [
+ it_list[i : i + batch_size] for i in range(0, len(it_list), batch_size)
+ ]
+ for chunk in chunks:
+ rows = yield self.runInteraction(
+ desc,
+ self.simple_select_many_txn,
+ table,
+ column,
+ chunk,
+ keyvalues,
+ retcols,
+ )
+ results.extend(rows)
+ return results
+ @classmethod
+ def simple_select_many_txn(cls, txn, table, column, iterable, keyvalues, retcols):
+ """Executes a SELECT query on the named table, which may return zero or
+ more rows, returning the result as a list of dicts.
+ Filters rows by if value of `column` is in `iterable`.
+ Args:
+ txn : Transaction object
+ table : string giving the table name
+ column : column name to test for inclusion against `iterable`
+ iterable : list
+ keyvalues : dict of column names and values to select the rows with
+ retcols : list of strings giving the names of the columns to return
+ """
+ if not iterable:
+ return []
+ clause, values = make_in_list_sql_clause(txn.database_engine, column, iterable)
+ clauses = [clause]
+ for key, value in iteritems(keyvalues):
+ clauses.append("%s = ?" % (key,))
+ values.append(value)
+ sql = "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s" % (
+ ", ".join(retcols),
+ table,
+ " AND ".join(clauses),
+ )
+ txn.execute(sql, values)
+ return cls.cursor_to_dict(txn)
+ def simple_update(self, table, keyvalues, updatevalues, desc):
+ return self.runInteraction(
+ desc, self.simple_update_txn, table, keyvalues, updatevalues
+ )
+ @staticmethod
+ def simple_update_txn(txn, table, keyvalues, updatevalues):
+ if keyvalues:
+ where = "WHERE %s" % " AND ".join("%s = ?" % k for k in iterkeys(keyvalues))
+ else:
+ where = ""
+ update_sql = "UPDATE %s SET %s %s" % (
+ table,
+ ", ".join("%s = ?" % (k,) for k in updatevalues),
+ where,
+ )
+ txn.execute(update_sql, list(updatevalues.values()) + list(keyvalues.values()))
+ return txn.rowcount
+ def simple_update_one(
+ self, table, keyvalues, updatevalues, desc="simple_update_one"
+ ):
+ """Executes an UPDATE query on the named table, setting new values for
+ columns in a row matching the key values.
+ Args:
+ table : string giving the table name
+ keyvalues : dict of column names and values to select the row with
+ updatevalues : dict giving column names and values to update
+ retcols : optional list of column names to return
+ If present, retcols gives a list of column names on which to perform
+ a SELECT statement *before* performing the UPDATE statement. The values
+ of these will be returned in a dict.
+ These are performed within the same transaction, allowing an atomic
+ get-and-set. This can be used to implement compare-and-set by putting
+ the update column in the 'keyvalues' dict as well.
+ """
+ return self.runInteraction(
+ desc, self.simple_update_one_txn, table, keyvalues, updatevalues
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ def simple_update_one_txn(cls, txn, table, keyvalues, updatevalues):
+ rowcount = cls.simple_update_txn(txn, table, keyvalues, updatevalues)
+ if rowcount == 0:
+ raise StoreError(404, "No row found (%s)" % (table,))
+ if rowcount > 1:
+ raise StoreError(500, "More than one row matched (%s)" % (table,))
+ @staticmethod
+ def simple_select_one_txn(txn, table, keyvalues, retcols, allow_none=False):
+ select_sql = "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s" % (
+ ", ".join(retcols),
+ table,
+ " AND ".join("%s = ?" % (k,) for k in keyvalues),
+ )
+ txn.execute(select_sql, list(keyvalues.values()))
+ row = txn.fetchone()
+ if not row:
+ if allow_none:
+ return None
+ raise StoreError(404, "No row found (%s)" % (table,))
+ if txn.rowcount > 1:
+ raise StoreError(500, "More than one row matched (%s)" % (table,))
+ return dict(zip(retcols, row))
+ def simple_delete_one(self, table, keyvalues, desc="simple_delete_one"):
+ """Executes a DELETE query on the named table, expecting to delete a
+ single row.
+ Args:
+ table : string giving the table name
+ keyvalues : dict of column names and values to select the row with
+ """
+ return self.runInteraction(desc, self.simple_delete_one_txn, table, keyvalues)
+ @staticmethod
+ def simple_delete_one_txn(txn, table, keyvalues):
+ """Executes a DELETE query on the named table, expecting to delete a
+ single row.
+ Args:
+ table : string giving the table name
+ keyvalues : dict of column names and values to select the row with
+ """
+ sql = "DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s" % (
+ table,
+ " AND ".join("%s = ?" % (k,) for k in keyvalues),
+ )
+ txn.execute(sql, list(keyvalues.values()))
+ if txn.rowcount == 0:
+ raise StoreError(404, "No row found (%s)" % (table,))
+ if txn.rowcount > 1:
+ raise StoreError(500, "More than one row matched (%s)" % (table,))
+ def simple_delete(self, table, keyvalues, desc):
+ return self.runInteraction(desc, self.simple_delete_txn, table, keyvalues)
+ @staticmethod
+ def simple_delete_txn(txn, table, keyvalues):
+ sql = "DELETE FROM %s WHERE %s" % (
+ table,
+ " AND ".join("%s = ?" % (k,) for k in keyvalues),
+ )
+ txn.execute(sql, list(keyvalues.values()))
+ return txn.rowcount
+ def simple_delete_many(self, table, column, iterable, keyvalues, desc):
+ return self.runInteraction(
+ desc, self.simple_delete_many_txn, table, column, iterable, keyvalues
+ )
+ @staticmethod
+ def simple_delete_many_txn(txn, table, column, iterable, keyvalues):
+ """Executes a DELETE query on the named table.
+ Filters rows by if value of `column` is in `iterable`.
+ Args:
+ txn : Transaction object
+ table : string giving the table name
+ column : column name to test for inclusion against `iterable`
+ iterable : list
+ keyvalues : dict of column names and values to select the rows with
+ Returns:
+ int: Number rows deleted
+ """
+ if not iterable:
+ return 0
+ sql = "DELETE FROM %s" % table
+ clause, values = make_in_list_sql_clause(txn.database_engine, column, iterable)
+ clauses = [clause]
+ for key, value in iteritems(keyvalues):
+ clauses.append("%s = ?" % (key,))
+ values.append(value)
+ if clauses:
+ sql = "%s WHERE %s" % (sql, " AND ".join(clauses))
+ txn.execute(sql, values)
+ return txn.rowcount
+ def get_cache_dict(
+ self, db_conn, table, entity_column, stream_column, max_value, limit=100000
+ ):
+ # Fetch a mapping of room_id -> max stream position for "recent" rooms.
+ # It doesn't really matter how many we get, the StreamChangeCache will
+ # do the right thing to ensure it respects the max size of cache.
+ sql = (
+ "SELECT %(entity)s, MAX(%(stream)s) FROM %(table)s"
+ " WHERE %(stream)s > ? - %(limit)s"
+ " GROUP BY %(entity)s"
+ ) % {
+ "table": table,
+ "entity": entity_column,
+ "stream": stream_column,
+ "limit": limit,
+ }
+ sql = self.database_engine.convert_param_style(sql)
+ txn = db_conn.cursor()
+ txn.execute(sql, (int(max_value),))
+ cache = {row[0]: int(row[1]) for row in txn}
+ txn.close()
+ if cache:
+ min_val = min(itervalues(cache))
+ else:
+ min_val = max_value
+ return cache, min_val
+ def simple_select_list_paginate(
+ self,
+ table,
+ keyvalues,
+ orderby,
+ start,
+ limit,
+ retcols,
+ order_direction="ASC",
+ desc="simple_select_list_paginate",
+ ):
+ """
+ Executes a SELECT query on the named table with start and limit,
+ of row numbers, which may return zero or number of rows from start to limit,
+ returning the result as a list of dicts.
+ Args:
+ table (str): the table name
+ keyvalues (dict[str, T] | None):
+ column names and values to select the rows with, or None to not
+ apply a WHERE clause.
+ orderby (str): Column to order the results by.
+ start (int): Index to begin the query at.
+ limit (int): Number of results to return.
+ retcols (iterable[str]): the names of the columns to return
+ order_direction (str): Whether the results should be ordered "ASC" or "DESC".
+ Returns:
+ defer.Deferred: resolves to list[dict[str, Any]]
+ """
+ return self.runInteraction(
+ desc,
+ self.simple_select_list_paginate_txn,
+ table,
+ keyvalues,
+ orderby,
+ start,
+ limit,
+ retcols,
+ order_direction=order_direction,
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ def simple_select_list_paginate_txn(
+ cls,
+ txn,
+ table,
+ keyvalues,
+ orderby,
+ start,
+ limit,
+ retcols,
+ order_direction="ASC",
+ ):
+ """
+ Executes a SELECT query on the named table with start and limit,
+ of row numbers, which may return zero or number of rows from start to limit,
+ returning the result as a list of dicts.
+ Args:
+ txn : Transaction object
+ table (str): the table name
+ keyvalues (dict[str, T] | None):
+ column names and values to select the rows with, or None to not
+ apply a WHERE clause.
+ orderby (str): Column to order the results by.
+ start (int): Index to begin the query at.
+ limit (int): Number of results to return.
+ retcols (iterable[str]): the names of the columns to return
+ order_direction (str): Whether the results should be ordered "ASC" or "DESC".
+ Returns:
+ defer.Deferred: resolves to list[dict[str, Any]]
+ """
+ if order_direction not in ["ASC", "DESC"]:
+ raise ValueError("order_direction must be one of 'ASC' or 'DESC'.")
+ if keyvalues:
+ where_clause = "WHERE " + " AND ".join("%s = ?" % (k,) for k in keyvalues)
+ else:
+ where_clause = ""
+ sql = "SELECT %s FROM %s %s ORDER BY %s %s LIMIT ? OFFSET ?" % (
+ ", ".join(retcols),
+ table,
+ where_clause,
+ orderby,
+ order_direction,
+ )
+ txn.execute(sql, list(keyvalues.values()) + [limit, start])
+ return cls.cursor_to_dict(txn)
+ def get_user_count_txn(self, txn):
+ """Get a total number of registered users in the users list.
+ Args:
+ txn : Transaction object
+ Returns:
+ int : number of users
+ """
+ sql_count = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE is_guest = 0;"
+ txn.execute(sql_count)
+ return txn.fetchone()[0]
+ def simple_search_list(self, table, term, col, retcols, desc="simple_search_list"):
+ """Executes a SELECT query on the named table, which may return zero or
+ more rows, returning the result as a list of dicts.
+ Args:
+ table (str): the table name
+ term (str | None):
+ term for searching the table matched to a column.
+ col (str): column to query term should be matched to
+ retcols (iterable[str]): the names of the columns to return
+ Returns:
+ defer.Deferred: resolves to list[dict[str, Any]] or None
+ """
+ return self.runInteraction(
+ desc, self.simple_search_list_txn, table, term, col, retcols
+ )
+ @classmethod
+ def simple_search_list_txn(cls, txn, table, term, col, retcols):
+ """Executes a SELECT query on the named table, which may return zero or
+ more rows, returning the result as a list of dicts.
+ Args:
+ txn : Transaction object
+ table (str): the table name
+ term (str | None):
+ term for searching the table matched to a column.
+ col (str): column to query term should be matched to
+ retcols (iterable[str]): the names of the columns to return
+ Returns:
+ defer.Deferred: resolves to list[dict[str, Any]] or None
+ """
+ if term:
+ sql = "SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s LIKE ?" % (", ".join(retcols), table, col)
+ termvalues = ["%%" + term + "%%"]
+ txn.execute(sql, termvalues)
+ else:
+ return 0
+ return cls.cursor_to_dict(txn)
+def make_in_list_sql_clause(
+ database_engine, column: str, iterable: Iterable
+) -> Tuple[str, Iterable]:
+ """Returns an SQL clause that checks the given column is in the iterable.
+ On SQLite this expands to `column IN (?, ?, ...)`, whereas on Postgres
+ it expands to `column = ANY(?)`. While both DBs support the `IN` form,
+ using the `ANY` form on postgres means that it views queries with
+ different length iterables as the same, helping the query stats.
+ Args:
+ database_engine
+ column: Name of the column
+ iterable: The values to check the column against.
+ Returns:
+ A tuple of SQL query and the args
+ """
+ if database_engine.supports_using_any_list:
+ # This should hopefully be faster, but also makes postgres query
+ # stats easier to understand.
+ return "%s = ANY(?)" % (column,), [list(iterable)]
+ else:
+ return "%s IN (%s)" % (column, ",".join("?" for _ in iterable)), list(iterable)