diff --git a/synapse/state.py b/synapse/state.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e1092b97a9..0000000000
--- a/synapse/state.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,866 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright 2014-2016 OpenMarket Ltd
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import hashlib
-import logging
-from collections import namedtuple
-from six import iteritems, iterkeys, itervalues
-from frozendict import frozendict
-from twisted.internet import defer
-from synapse import event_auth
-from synapse.api.constants import EventTypes
-from synapse.api.errors import AuthError
-from synapse.events.snapshot import EventContext
-from synapse.util.async import Linearizer
-from synapse.util.caches import CACHE_SIZE_FACTOR
-from synapse.util.caches.expiringcache import ExpiringCache
-from synapse.util.logutils import log_function
-from synapse.util.metrics import Measure
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-KeyStateTuple = namedtuple("KeyStateTuple", ("context", "type", "state_key"))
-POWER_KEY = (EventTypes.PowerLevels, "")
-def _gen_state_id():
- global _NEXT_STATE_ID
- s = "X%d" % (_NEXT_STATE_ID,)
- return s
-class _StateCacheEntry(object):
- __slots__ = ["state", "state_group", "state_id", "prev_group", "delta_ids"]
- def __init__(self, state, state_group, prev_group=None, delta_ids=None):
- # dict[(str, str), str] map from (type, state_key) to event_id
- self.state = frozendict(state)
- # the ID of a state group if one and only one is involved.
- # otherwise, None otherwise?
- self.state_group = state_group
- self.prev_group = prev_group
- self.delta_ids = frozendict(delta_ids) if delta_ids is not None else None
- # The `state_id` is a unique ID we generate that can be used as ID for
- # this collection of state. Usually this would be the same as the
- # state group, but on worker instances we can't generate a new state
- # group each time we resolve state, so we generate a separate one that
- # isn't persisted and is used solely for caches.
- # `state_id` is either a state_group (and so an int) or a string. This
- # ensures we don't accidentally persist a state_id as a stateg_group
- if state_group:
- self.state_id = state_group
- else:
- self.state_id = _gen_state_id()
- def __len__(self):
- return len(self.state)
-class StateHandler(object):
- """Fetches bits of state from the stores, and does state resolution
- where necessary
- """
- def __init__(self, hs):
- self.clock = hs.get_clock()
- self.store = hs.get_datastore()
- self.hs = hs
- self._state_resolution_handler = hs.get_state_resolution_handler()
- def start_caching(self):
- # TODO: remove this shim
- self._state_resolution_handler.start_caching()
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def get_current_state(self, room_id, event_type=None, state_key="",
- latest_event_ids=None):
- """ Retrieves the current state for the room. This is done by
- calling `get_latest_events_in_room` to get the leading edges of the
- event graph and then resolving any of the state conflicts.
- This is equivalent to getting the state of an event that were to send
- next before receiving any new events.
- If `event_type` is specified, then the method returns only the one
- event (or None) with that `event_type` and `state_key`.
- Returns:
- map from (type, state_key) to event
- """
- if not latest_event_ids:
- latest_event_ids = yield self.store.get_latest_event_ids_in_room(room_id)
- logger.debug("calling resolve_state_groups from get_current_state")
- ret = yield self.resolve_state_groups_for_events(room_id, latest_event_ids)
- state = ret.state
- if event_type:
- event_id = state.get((event_type, state_key))
- event = None
- if event_id:
- event = yield self.store.get_event(event_id, allow_none=True)
- defer.returnValue(event)
- return
- state_map = yield self.store.get_events(list(state.values()),
- get_prev_content=False)
- state = {
- key: state_map[e_id] for key, e_id in iteritems(state) if e_id in state_map
- }
- defer.returnValue(state)
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def get_current_state_ids(self, room_id, latest_event_ids=None):
- """Get the current state, or the state at a set of events, for a room
- Args:
- room_id (str):
- latest_event_ids (iterable[str]|None): if given, the forward
- extremities to resolve. If None, we look them up from the
- database (via a cache)
- Returns:
- Deferred[dict[(str, str), str)]]: the state dict, mapping from
- (event_type, state_key) -> event_id
- """
- if not latest_event_ids:
- latest_event_ids = yield self.store.get_latest_event_ids_in_room(room_id)
- logger.debug("calling resolve_state_groups from get_current_state_ids")
- ret = yield self.resolve_state_groups_for_events(room_id, latest_event_ids)
- state = ret.state
- defer.returnValue(state)
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def get_current_user_in_room(self, room_id, latest_event_ids=None):
- if not latest_event_ids:
- latest_event_ids = yield self.store.get_latest_event_ids_in_room(room_id)
- logger.debug("calling resolve_state_groups from get_current_user_in_room")
- entry = yield self.resolve_state_groups_for_events(room_id, latest_event_ids)
- joined_users = yield self.store.get_joined_users_from_state(room_id, entry)
- defer.returnValue(joined_users)
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def get_current_hosts_in_room(self, room_id, latest_event_ids=None):
- if not latest_event_ids:
- latest_event_ids = yield self.store.get_latest_event_ids_in_room(room_id)
- logger.debug("calling resolve_state_groups from get_current_hosts_in_room")
- entry = yield self.resolve_state_groups_for_events(room_id, latest_event_ids)
- joined_hosts = yield self.store.get_joined_hosts(room_id, entry)
- defer.returnValue(joined_hosts)
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def compute_event_context(self, event, old_state=None):
- """Build an EventContext structure for the event.
- This works out what the current state should be for the event, and
- generates a new state group if necessary.
- Args:
- event (synapse.events.EventBase):
- old_state (dict|None): The state at the event if it can't be
- calculated from existing events. This is normally only specified
- when receiving an event from federation where we don't have the
- prev events for, e.g. when backfilling.
- Returns:
- synapse.events.snapshot.EventContext:
- """
- if event.internal_metadata.is_outlier():
- # If this is an outlier, then we know it shouldn't have any current
- # state. Certainly store.get_current_state won't return any, and
- # persisting the event won't store the state group.
- if old_state:
- prev_state_ids = {
- (s.type, s.state_key): s.event_id for s in old_state
- }
- if event.is_state():
- current_state_ids = dict(prev_state_ids)
- key = (event.type, event.state_key)
- current_state_ids[key] = event.event_id
- else:
- current_state_ids = prev_state_ids
- else:
- current_state_ids = {}
- prev_state_ids = {}
- # We don't store state for outliers, so we don't generate a state
- # group for it.
- context = EventContext.with_state(
- state_group=None,
- current_state_ids=current_state_ids,
- prev_state_ids=prev_state_ids,
- )
- defer.returnValue(context)
- if old_state:
- # We already have the state, so we don't need to calculate it.
- # Let's just correctly fill out the context and create a
- # new state group for it.
- prev_state_ids = {
- (s.type, s.state_key): s.event_id for s in old_state
- }
- if event.is_state():
- key = (event.type, event.state_key)
- if key in prev_state_ids:
- replaces = prev_state_ids[key]
- if replaces != event.event_id: # Paranoia check
- event.unsigned["replaces_state"] = replaces
- current_state_ids = dict(prev_state_ids)
- current_state_ids[key] = event.event_id
- else:
- current_state_ids = prev_state_ids
- state_group = yield self.store.store_state_group(
- event.event_id,
- event.room_id,
- prev_group=None,
- delta_ids=None,
- current_state_ids=current_state_ids,
- )
- context = EventContext.with_state(
- state_group=state_group,
- current_state_ids=current_state_ids,
- prev_state_ids=prev_state_ids,
- )
- defer.returnValue(context)
- logger.debug("calling resolve_state_groups from compute_event_context")
- entry = yield self.resolve_state_groups_for_events(
- event.room_id, [e for e, _ in event.prev_events],
- )
- prev_state_ids = entry.state
- prev_group = None
- delta_ids = None
- if event.is_state():
- # If this is a state event then we need to create a new state
- # group for the state after this event.
- key = (event.type, event.state_key)
- if key in prev_state_ids:
- replaces = prev_state_ids[key]
- event.unsigned["replaces_state"] = replaces
- current_state_ids = dict(prev_state_ids)
- current_state_ids[key] = event.event_id
- if entry.state_group:
- # If the state at the event has a state group assigned then
- # we can use that as the prev group
- prev_group = entry.state_group
- delta_ids = {
- key: event.event_id
- }
- elif entry.prev_group:
- # If the state at the event only has a prev group, then we can
- # use that as a prev group too.
- prev_group = entry.prev_group
- delta_ids = dict(entry.delta_ids)
- delta_ids[key] = event.event_id
- state_group = yield self.store.store_state_group(
- event.event_id,
- event.room_id,
- prev_group=prev_group,
- delta_ids=delta_ids,
- current_state_ids=current_state_ids,
- )
- else:
- current_state_ids = prev_state_ids
- prev_group = entry.prev_group
- delta_ids = entry.delta_ids
- if entry.state_group is None:
- entry.state_group = yield self.store.store_state_group(
- event.event_id,
- event.room_id,
- prev_group=entry.prev_group,
- delta_ids=entry.delta_ids,
- current_state_ids=current_state_ids,
- )
- entry.state_id = entry.state_group
- state_group = entry.state_group
- context = EventContext.with_state(
- state_group=state_group,
- current_state_ids=current_state_ids,
- prev_state_ids=prev_state_ids,
- prev_group=prev_group,
- delta_ids=delta_ids,
- )
- defer.returnValue(context)
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- def resolve_state_groups_for_events(self, room_id, event_ids):
- """ Given a list of event_ids this method fetches the state at each
- event, resolves conflicts between them and returns them.
- Args:
- room_id (str):
- event_ids (list[str]):
- Returns:
- Deferred[_StateCacheEntry]: resolved state
- """
- logger.debug("resolve_state_groups event_ids %s", event_ids)
- # map from state group id to the state in that state group (where
- # 'state' is a map from state key to event id)
- # dict[int, dict[(str, str), str]]
- state_groups_ids = yield self.store.get_state_groups_ids(
- room_id, event_ids
- )
- if len(state_groups_ids) == 1:
- name, state_list = list(state_groups_ids.items()).pop()
- prev_group, delta_ids = yield self.store.get_state_group_delta(name)
- defer.returnValue(_StateCacheEntry(
- state=state_list,
- state_group=name,
- prev_group=prev_group,
- delta_ids=delta_ids,
- ))
- result = yield self._state_resolution_handler.resolve_state_groups(
- room_id, state_groups_ids, None, self._state_map_factory,
- )
- defer.returnValue(result)
- def _state_map_factory(self, ev_ids):
- return self.store.get_events(
- ev_ids, get_prev_content=False, check_redacted=False,
- )
- def resolve_events(self, state_sets, event):
- logger.info(
- "Resolving state for %s with %d groups", event.room_id, len(state_sets)
- )
- state_set_ids = [{
- (ev.type, ev.state_key): ev.event_id
- for ev in st
- } for st in state_sets]
- state_map = {
- ev.event_id: ev
- for st in state_sets
- for ev in st
- }
- with Measure(self.clock, "state._resolve_events"):
- new_state = resolve_events_with_state_map(state_set_ids, state_map)
- new_state = {
- key: state_map[ev_id] for key, ev_id in iteritems(new_state)
- }
- return new_state
-class StateResolutionHandler(object):
- """Responsible for doing state conflict resolution.
- Note that the storage layer depends on this handler, so all functions must
- be storage-independent.
- """
- def __init__(self, hs):
- self.clock = hs.get_clock()
- # dict of set of event_ids -> _StateCacheEntry.
- self._state_cache = None
- self.resolve_linearizer = Linearizer(name="state_resolve_lock")
- def start_caching(self):
- logger.debug("start_caching")
- self._state_cache = ExpiringCache(
- cache_name="state_cache",
- clock=self.clock,
- max_len=SIZE_OF_CACHE,
- expiry_ms=EVICTION_TIMEOUT_SECONDS * 1000,
- iterable=True,
- reset_expiry_on_get=True,
- )
- self._state_cache.start()
- @defer.inlineCallbacks
- @log_function
- def resolve_state_groups(
- self, room_id, state_groups_ids, event_map, state_map_factory,
- ):
- """Resolves conflicts between a set of state groups
- Always generates a new state group (unless we hit the cache), so should
- not be called for a single state group
- Args:
- room_id (str): room we are resolving for (used for logging)
- state_groups_ids (dict[int, dict[(str, str), str]]):
- map from state group id to the state in that state group
- (where 'state' is a map from state key to event id)
- event_map(dict[str,FrozenEvent]|None):
- a dict from event_id to event, for any events that we happen to
- have in flight (eg, those currently being persisted). This will be
- used as a starting point fof finding the state we need; any missing
- events will be requested via state_map_factory.
- If None, all events will be fetched via state_map_factory.
- Returns:
- Deferred[_StateCacheEntry]: resolved state
- """
- logger.debug(
- "resolve_state_groups state_groups %s",
- state_groups_ids.keys()
- )
- group_names = frozenset(state_groups_ids.keys())
- with (yield self.resolve_linearizer.queue(group_names)):
- if self._state_cache is not None:
- cache = self._state_cache.get(group_names, None)
- if cache:
- defer.returnValue(cache)
- logger.info(
- "Resolving state for %s with %d groups", room_id, len(state_groups_ids)
- )
- # start by assuming we won't have any conflicted state, and build up the new
- # state map by iterating through the state groups. If we discover a conflict,
- # we give up and instead use `resolve_events_with_factory`.
- #
- # XXX: is this actually worthwhile, or should we just let
- # resolve_events_with_factory do it?
- new_state = {}
- conflicted_state = False
- for st in itervalues(state_groups_ids):
- for key, e_id in iteritems(st):
- if key in new_state:
- conflicted_state = True
- break
- new_state[key] = e_id
- if conflicted_state:
- break
- if conflicted_state:
- logger.info("Resolving conflicted state for %r", room_id)
- with Measure(self.clock, "state._resolve_events"):
- new_state = yield resolve_events_with_factory(
- list(itervalues(state_groups_ids)),
- event_map=event_map,
- state_map_factory=state_map_factory,
- )
- # if the new state matches any of the input state groups, we can
- # use that state group again. Otherwise we will generate a state_id
- # which will be used as a cache key for future resolutions, but
- # not get persisted.
- with Measure(self.clock, "state.create_group_ids"):
- cache = _make_state_cache_entry(new_state, state_groups_ids)
- if self._state_cache is not None:
- self._state_cache[group_names] = cache
- defer.returnValue(cache)
-def _make_state_cache_entry(
- new_state,
- state_groups_ids,
- """Given a resolved state, and a set of input state groups, pick one to base
- a new state group on (if any), and return an appropriately-constructed
- _StateCacheEntry.
- Args:
- new_state (dict[(str, str), str]): resolved state map (mapping from
- (type, state_key) to event_id)
- state_groups_ids (dict[int, dict[(str, str), str]]):
- map from state group id to the state in that state group
- (where 'state' is a map from state key to event id)
- Returns:
- _StateCacheEntry
- """
- # if the new state matches any of the input state groups, we can
- # use that state group again. Otherwise we will generate a state_id
- # which will be used as a cache key for future resolutions, but
- # not get persisted.
- # first look for exact matches
- new_state_event_ids = set(itervalues(new_state))
- for sg, state in iteritems(state_groups_ids):
- if len(new_state_event_ids) != len(state):
- continue
- old_state_event_ids = set(itervalues(state))
- if new_state_event_ids == old_state_event_ids:
- # got an exact match.
- return _StateCacheEntry(
- state=new_state,
- state_group=sg,
- )
- # TODO: We want to create a state group for this set of events, to
- # increase cache hits, but we need to make sure that it doesn't
- # end up as a prev_group without being added to the database
- # failing that, look for the closest match.
- prev_group = None
- delta_ids = None
- for old_group, old_state in iteritems(state_groups_ids):
- n_delta_ids = {
- k: v
- for k, v in iteritems(new_state)
- if old_state.get(k) != v
- }
- if not delta_ids or len(n_delta_ids) < len(delta_ids):
- prev_group = old_group
- delta_ids = n_delta_ids
- return _StateCacheEntry(
- state=new_state,
- state_group=None,
- prev_group=prev_group,
- delta_ids=delta_ids,
- )
-def _ordered_events(events):
- def key_func(e):
- return -int(e.depth), hashlib.sha1(e.event_id.encode('ascii')).hexdigest()
- return sorted(events, key=key_func)
-def resolve_events_with_state_map(state_sets, state_map):
- """
- Args:
- state_sets(list): List of dicts of (type, state_key) -> event_id,
- which are the different state groups to resolve.
- state_map(dict): a dict from event_id to event, for all events in
- state_sets.
- Returns
- dict[(str, str), str]:
- a map from (type, state_key) to event_id.
- """
- if len(state_sets) == 1:
- return state_sets[0]
- unconflicted_state, conflicted_state = _seperate(
- state_sets,
- )
- auth_events = _create_auth_events_from_maps(
- unconflicted_state, conflicted_state, state_map
- )
- return _resolve_with_state(
- unconflicted_state, conflicted_state, auth_events, state_map
- )
-def _seperate(state_sets):
- """Takes the state_sets and figures out which keys are conflicted and
- which aren't. i.e., which have multiple different event_ids associated
- with them in different state sets.
- Args:
- state_sets(iterable[dict[(str, str), str]]):
- List of dicts of (type, state_key) -> event_id, which are the
- different state groups to resolve.
- Returns:
- (dict[(str, str), str], dict[(str, str), set[str]]):
- A tuple of (unconflicted_state, conflicted_state), where:
- unconflicted_state is a dict mapping (type, state_key)->event_id
- for unconflicted state keys.
- conflicted_state is a dict mapping (type, state_key) to a set of
- event ids for conflicted state keys.
- """
- state_set_iterator = iter(state_sets)
- unconflicted_state = dict(next(state_set_iterator))
- conflicted_state = {}
- for state_set in state_set_iterator:
- for key, value in iteritems(state_set):
- # Check if there is an unconflicted entry for the state key.
- unconflicted_value = unconflicted_state.get(key)
- if unconflicted_value is None:
- # There isn't an unconflicted entry so check if there is a
- # conflicted entry.
- ls = conflicted_state.get(key)
- if ls is None:
- # There wasn't a conflicted entry so haven't seen this key before.
- # Therefore it isn't conflicted yet.
- unconflicted_state[key] = value
- else:
- # This key is already conflicted, add our value to the conflict set.
- ls.add(value)
- elif unconflicted_value != value:
- # If the unconflicted value is not the same as our value then we
- # have a new conflict. So move the key from the unconflicted_state
- # to the conflicted state.
- conflicted_state[key] = {value, unconflicted_value}
- unconflicted_state.pop(key, None)
- return unconflicted_state, conflicted_state
-def resolve_events_with_factory(state_sets, event_map, state_map_factory):
- """
- Args:
- state_sets(list): List of dicts of (type, state_key) -> event_id,
- which are the different state groups to resolve.
- event_map(dict[str,FrozenEvent]|None):
- a dict from event_id to event, for any events that we happen to
- have in flight (eg, those currently being persisted). This will be
- used as a starting point fof finding the state we need; any missing
- events will be requested via state_map_factory.
- If None, all events will be fetched via state_map_factory.
- state_map_factory(func): will be called
- with a list of event_ids that are needed, and should return with
- a Deferred of dict of event_id to event.
- Returns
- Deferred[dict[(str, str), str]]:
- a map from (type, state_key) to event_id.
- """
- if len(state_sets) == 1:
- defer.returnValue(state_sets[0])
- unconflicted_state, conflicted_state = _seperate(
- state_sets,
- )
- needed_events = set(
- event_id
- for event_ids in itervalues(conflicted_state)
- for event_id in event_ids
- )
- if event_map is not None:
- needed_events -= set(iterkeys(event_map))
- logger.info("Asking for %d conflicted events", len(needed_events))
- # dict[str, FrozenEvent]: a map from state event id to event. Only includes
- # the state events which are in conflict (and those in event_map)
- state_map = yield state_map_factory(needed_events)
- if event_map is not None:
- state_map.update(event_map)
- # get the ids of the auth events which allow us to authenticate the
- # conflicted state, picking only from the unconflicting state.
- #
- # dict[(str, str), str]: a map from state key to event id
- auth_events = _create_auth_events_from_maps(
- unconflicted_state, conflicted_state, state_map
- )
- new_needed_events = set(itervalues(auth_events))
- new_needed_events -= needed_events
- if event_map is not None:
- new_needed_events -= set(iterkeys(event_map))
- logger.info("Asking for %d auth events", len(new_needed_events))
- state_map_new = yield state_map_factory(new_needed_events)
- state_map.update(state_map_new)
- defer.returnValue(_resolve_with_state(
- unconflicted_state, conflicted_state, auth_events, state_map
- ))
-def _create_auth_events_from_maps(unconflicted_state, conflicted_state, state_map):
- auth_events = {}
- for event_ids in itervalues(conflicted_state):
- for event_id in event_ids:
- if event_id in state_map:
- keys = event_auth.auth_types_for_event(state_map[event_id])
- for key in keys:
- if key not in auth_events:
- event_id = unconflicted_state.get(key, None)
- if event_id:
- auth_events[key] = event_id
- return auth_events
-def _resolve_with_state(unconflicted_state_ids, conflicted_state_ids, auth_event_ids,
- state_map):
- conflicted_state = {}
- for key, event_ids in iteritems(conflicted_state_ids):
- events = [state_map[ev_id] for ev_id in event_ids if ev_id in state_map]
- if len(events) > 1:
- conflicted_state[key] = events
- elif len(events) == 1:
- unconflicted_state_ids[key] = events[0].event_id
- auth_events = {
- key: state_map[ev_id]
- for key, ev_id in iteritems(auth_event_ids)
- if ev_id in state_map
- }
- try:
- resolved_state = _resolve_state_events(
- conflicted_state, auth_events
- )
- except Exception:
- logger.exception("Failed to resolve state")
- raise
- new_state = unconflicted_state_ids
- for key, event in iteritems(resolved_state):
- new_state[key] = event.event_id
- return new_state
-def _resolve_state_events(conflicted_state, auth_events):
- """ This is where we actually decide which of the conflicted state to
- use.
- We resolve conflicts in the following order:
- 1. power levels
- 2. join rules
- 3. memberships
- 4. other events.
- """
- resolved_state = {}
- if POWER_KEY in conflicted_state:
- events = conflicted_state[POWER_KEY]
- logger.debug("Resolving conflicted power levels %r", events)
- resolved_state[POWER_KEY] = _resolve_auth_events(
- events, auth_events)
- auth_events.update(resolved_state)
- for key, events in iteritems(conflicted_state):
- if key[0] == EventTypes.JoinRules:
- logger.debug("Resolving conflicted join rules %r", events)
- resolved_state[key] = _resolve_auth_events(
- events,
- auth_events
- )
- auth_events.update(resolved_state)
- for key, events in iteritems(conflicted_state):
- if key[0] == EventTypes.Member:
- logger.debug("Resolving conflicted member lists %r", events)
- resolved_state[key] = _resolve_auth_events(
- events,
- auth_events
- )
- auth_events.update(resolved_state)
- for key, events in iteritems(conflicted_state):
- if key not in resolved_state:
- logger.debug("Resolving conflicted state %r:%r", key, events)
- resolved_state[key] = _resolve_normal_events(
- events, auth_events
- )
- return resolved_state
-def _resolve_auth_events(events, auth_events):
- reverse = [i for i in reversed(_ordered_events(events))]
- auth_keys = set(
- key
- for event in events
- for key in event_auth.auth_types_for_event(event)
- )
- new_auth_events = {}
- for key in auth_keys:
- auth_event = auth_events.get(key, None)
- if auth_event:
- new_auth_events[key] = auth_event
- auth_events = new_auth_events
- prev_event = reverse[0]
- for event in reverse[1:]:
- auth_events[(prev_event.type, prev_event.state_key)] = prev_event
- try:
- # The signatures have already been checked at this point
- event_auth.check(event, auth_events, do_sig_check=False, do_size_check=False)
- prev_event = event
- except AuthError:
- return prev_event
- return event
-def _resolve_normal_events(events, auth_events):
- for event in _ordered_events(events):
- try:
- # The signatures have already been checked at this point
- event_auth.check(event, auth_events, do_sig_check=False, do_size_check=False)
- return event
- except AuthError:
- pass
- # Use the last event (the one with the least depth) if they all fail
- # the auth check.
- return event