diff --git a/synapse/rest/media/v1/_base.py b/synapse/rest/media/v1/_base.py
index 2dcc8f74d6..3318638d3e 100644
--- a/synapse/rest/media/v1/_base.py
+++ b/synapse/rest/media/v1/_base.py
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ def parse_media_id(request):
server_name, media_id = request.postpath[:2]
if isinstance(server_name, bytes):
- server_name = server_name.decode('utf-8')
- media_id = media_id.decode('utf8')
+ server_name = server_name.decode("utf-8")
+ media_id = media_id.decode("utf8")
file_name = None
if len(request.postpath) > 2:
@@ -120,11 +120,11 @@ def add_file_headers(request, media_type, file_size, upload_name):
# correctly interpret those as of 0.99.2 and (b) they are a bit of a pain and we
# may as well just do the filename* version.
if _can_encode_filename_as_token(upload_name):
- disposition = 'inline; filename=%s' % (upload_name, )
+ disposition = "inline; filename=%s" % (upload_name,)
- disposition = "inline; filename*=utf-8''%s" % (_quote(upload_name), )
+ disposition = "inline; filename*=utf-8''%s" % (_quote(upload_name),)
- request.setHeader(b"Content-Disposition", disposition.encode('ascii'))
+ request.setHeader(b"Content-Disposition", disposition.encode("ascii"))
# cache for at least a day.
# XXX: we might want to turn this off for data we don't want to
@@ -137,10 +137,27 @@ def add_file_headers(request, media_type, file_size, upload_name):
# separators as defined in RFC2616. SP and HT are handled separately.
# see _can_encode_filename_as_token.
- "(", ")", "<", ">", "@", ",", ";", ":", "\\", '"',
- "/", "[", "]", "?", "=", "{", "}",
+ (
+ "(",
+ ")",
+ "<",
+ ">",
+ "@",
+ ",",
+ ";",
+ ":",
+ "\\",
+ '"',
+ "/",
+ "[",
+ "]",
+ "?",
+ "=",
+ "{",
+ "}",
+ )
def _can_encode_filename_as_token(x):
@@ -271,7 +288,7 @@ def get_filename_from_headers(headers):
A Unicode string of the filename, or None.
- content_disposition = headers.get(b"Content-Disposition", [b''])
+ content_disposition = headers.get(b"Content-Disposition", [b""])
# No header, bail out.
if not content_disposition[0]:
@@ -293,7 +310,7 @@ def get_filename_from_headers(headers):
# Once it is decoded, we can then unquote the %-encoded
# parts strictly into a unicode string.
upload_name = urllib.parse.unquote(
- upload_name_utf8.decode('ascii'), errors="strict"
+ upload_name_utf8.decode("ascii"), errors="strict"
except UnicodeDecodeError:
# Incorrect UTF-8.
@@ -302,7 +319,7 @@ def get_filename_from_headers(headers):
# On Python 2, we first unquote the %-encoded parts and then
# decode it strictly using UTF-8.
- upload_name = urllib.parse.unquote(upload_name_utf8).decode('utf8')
+ upload_name = urllib.parse.unquote(upload_name_utf8).decode("utf8")
except UnicodeDecodeError:
@@ -310,7 +327,7 @@ def get_filename_from_headers(headers):
if not upload_name:
upload_name_ascii = params.get(b"filename", None)
if upload_name_ascii and is_ascii(upload_name_ascii):
- upload_name = upload_name_ascii.decode('ascii')
+ upload_name = upload_name_ascii.decode("ascii")
# This may be None here, indicating we did not find a matching name.
return upload_name
@@ -328,19 +345,19 @@ def _parse_header(line):
Tuple[bytes, dict[bytes, bytes]]:
the main content-type, followed by the parameter dictionary
- parts = _parseparam(b';' + line)
+ parts = _parseparam(b";" + line)
key = next(parts)
pdict = {}
for p in parts:
- i = p.find(b'=')
+ i = p.find(b"=")
if i >= 0:
name = p[:i].strip().lower()
- value = p[i + 1:].strip()
+ value = p[i + 1 :].strip()
# strip double-quotes
if len(value) >= 2 and value[0:1] == value[-1:] == b'"':
value = value[1:-1]
- value = value.replace(b'\\\\', b'\\').replace(b'\\"', b'"')
+ value = value.replace(b"\\\\", b"\\").replace(b'\\"', b'"')
pdict[name] = value
return key, pdict
@@ -357,16 +374,16 @@ def _parseparam(s):
Iterable[bytes]: the split input
- while s[:1] == b';':
+ while s[:1] == b";":
s = s[1:]
# look for the next ;
- end = s.find(b';')
+ end = s.find(b";")
# if there is an odd number of " marks between here and the next ;, skip to the
# next ; instead
while end > 0 and (s.count(b'"', 0, end) - s.count(b'\\"', 0, end)) % 2:
- end = s.find(b';', end + 1)
+ end = s.find(b";", end + 1)
if end < 0:
end = len(s)