diff --git a/synapse/rest/admin/__init__.py b/synapse/rest/admin/__init__.py
index 7f3051aef1..6e1c8736e1 100644
--- a/synapse/rest/admin/__init__.py
+++ b/synapse/rest/admin/__init__.py
@@ -36,6 +36,11 @@ from synapse.rest.admin.event_reports import (
from synapse.rest.admin.groups import DeleteGroupAdminRestServlet
from synapse.rest.admin.media import ListMediaInRoom, register_servlets_for_media_repo
+from synapse.rest.admin.registration_tokens import (
+ ListRegistrationTokensRestServlet,
+ NewRegistrationTokenRestServlet,
+ RegistrationTokenRestServlet,
from synapse.rest.admin.rooms import (
@@ -238,6 +243,9 @@ def register_servlets(hs: "HomeServer", http_server: HttpServer) -> None:
+ ListRegistrationTokensRestServlet(hs).register(http_server)
+ NewRegistrationTokenRestServlet(hs).register(http_server)
+ RegistrationTokenRestServlet(hs).register(http_server)
def register_servlets_for_client_rest_resource(
diff --git a/synapse/rest/admin/registration_tokens.py b/synapse/rest/admin/registration_tokens.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5a1c929d85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/synapse/rest/admin/registration_tokens.py
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+# Copyright 2021 Callum Brown
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import logging
+import string
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Tuple
+from synapse.api.errors import Codes, NotFoundError, SynapseError
+from synapse.http.servlet import (
+ RestServlet,
+ parse_boolean,
+ parse_json_object_from_request,
+from synapse.http.site import SynapseRequest
+from synapse.rest.admin._base import admin_patterns, assert_requester_is_admin
+from synapse.types import JsonDict
+ from synapse.server import HomeServer
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class ListRegistrationTokensRestServlet(RestServlet):
+ """List registration tokens.
+ To list all tokens:
+ GET /_synapse/admin/v1/registration_tokens
+ 200 OK
+ {
+ "registration_tokens": [
+ {
+ "token": "abcd",
+ "uses_allowed": 3,
+ "pending": 0,
+ "completed": 1,
+ "expiry_time": null
+ },
+ {
+ "token": "wxyz",
+ "uses_allowed": null,
+ "pending": 0,
+ "completed": 9,
+ "expiry_time": 1625394937000
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ The optional query parameter `valid` can be used to filter the response.
+ If it is `true`, only valid tokens are returned. If it is `false`, only
+ tokens that have expired or have had all uses exhausted are returned.
+ If it is omitted, all tokens are returned regardless of validity.
+ """
+ PATTERNS = admin_patterns("/registration_tokens$")
+ def __init__(self, hs: "HomeServer"):
+ self.hs = hs
+ self.auth = hs.get_auth()
+ self.store = hs.get_datastore()
+ async def on_GET(self, request: SynapseRequest) -> Tuple[int, JsonDict]:
+ await assert_requester_is_admin(self.auth, request)
+ valid = parse_boolean(request, "valid")
+ token_list = await self.store.get_registration_tokens(valid)
+ return 200, {"registration_tokens": token_list}
+class NewRegistrationTokenRestServlet(RestServlet):
+ """Create a new registration token.
+ For example, to create a token specifying some fields:
+ POST /_synapse/admin/v1/registration_tokens/new
+ {
+ "token": "defg",
+ "uses_allowed": 1
+ }
+ 200 OK
+ {
+ "token": "defg",
+ "uses_allowed": 1,
+ "pending": 0,
+ "completed": 0,
+ "expiry_time": null
+ }
+ Defaults are used for any fields not specified.
+ """
+ PATTERNS = admin_patterns("/registration_tokens/new$")
+ def __init__(self, hs: "HomeServer"):
+ self.hs = hs
+ self.auth = hs.get_auth()
+ self.store = hs.get_datastore()
+ self.clock = hs.get_clock()
+ # A string of all the characters allowed to be in a registration_token
+ self.allowed_chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "-_"
+ self.allowed_chars_set = set(self.allowed_chars)
+ async def on_POST(self, request: SynapseRequest) -> Tuple[int, JsonDict]:
+ await assert_requester_is_admin(self.auth, request)
+ body = parse_json_object_from_request(request)
+ if "token" in body:
+ token = body["token"]
+ if not isinstance(token, str):
+ raise SynapseError(400, "token must be a string", Codes.INVALID_PARAM)
+ if not (0 < len(token) <= 64):
+ raise SynapseError(
+ 400,
+ "token must not be empty and must not be longer than 64 characters",
+ )
+ if not set(token).issubset(self.allowed_chars_set):
+ raise SynapseError(
+ 400,
+ "token must consist only of characters matched by the regex [A-Za-z0-9-_]",
+ )
+ else:
+ # Get length of token to generate (default is 16)
+ length = body.get("length", 16)
+ if not isinstance(length, int):
+ raise SynapseError(
+ 400, "length must be an integer", Codes.INVALID_PARAM
+ )
+ if not (0 < length <= 64):
+ raise SynapseError(
+ 400,
+ "length must be greater than zero and not greater than 64",
+ )
+ # Generate token
+ token = await self.store.generate_registration_token(
+ length, self.allowed_chars
+ )
+ uses_allowed = body.get("uses_allowed", None)
+ if not (
+ uses_allowed is None
+ or (isinstance(uses_allowed, int) and uses_allowed >= 0)
+ ):
+ raise SynapseError(
+ 400,
+ "uses_allowed must be a non-negative integer or null",
+ )
+ expiry_time = body.get("expiry_time", None)
+ if not isinstance(expiry_time, (int, type(None))):
+ raise SynapseError(
+ 400, "expiry_time must be an integer or null", Codes.INVALID_PARAM
+ )
+ if isinstance(expiry_time, int) and expiry_time < self.clock.time_msec():
+ raise SynapseError(
+ 400, "expiry_time must not be in the past", Codes.INVALID_PARAM
+ )
+ created = await self.store.create_registration_token(
+ token, uses_allowed, expiry_time
+ )
+ if not created:
+ raise SynapseError(
+ 400, f"Token already exists: {token}", Codes.INVALID_PARAM
+ )
+ resp = {
+ "token": token,
+ "uses_allowed": uses_allowed,
+ "pending": 0,
+ "completed": 0,
+ "expiry_time": expiry_time,
+ }
+ return 200, resp
+class RegistrationTokenRestServlet(RestServlet):
+ """Retrieve, update, or delete the given token.
+ For example,
+ to retrieve a token:
+ GET /_synapse/admin/v1/registration_tokens/abcd
+ 200 OK
+ {
+ "token": "abcd",
+ "uses_allowed": 3,
+ "pending": 0,
+ "completed": 1,
+ "expiry_time": null
+ }
+ to update a token:
+ PUT /_synapse/admin/v1/registration_tokens/defg
+ {
+ "uses_allowed": 5,
+ "expiry_time": 4781243146000
+ }
+ 200 OK
+ {
+ "token": "defg",
+ "uses_allowed": 5,
+ "pending": 0,
+ "completed": 0,
+ "expiry_time": 4781243146000
+ }
+ to delete a token:
+ DELETE /_synapse/admin/v1/registration_tokens/wxyz
+ 200 OK
+ {}
+ """
+ PATTERNS = admin_patterns("/registration_tokens/(?P<token>[^/]*)$")
+ def __init__(self, hs: "HomeServer"):
+ self.hs = hs
+ self.clock = hs.get_clock()
+ self.auth = hs.get_auth()
+ self.store = hs.get_datastore()
+ async def on_GET(self, request: SynapseRequest, token: str) -> Tuple[int, JsonDict]:
+ """Retrieve a registration token."""
+ await assert_requester_is_admin(self.auth, request)
+ token_info = await self.store.get_one_registration_token(token)
+ # If no result return a 404
+ if token_info is None:
+ raise NotFoundError(f"No such registration token: {token}")
+ return 200, token_info
+ async def on_PUT(self, request: SynapseRequest, token: str) -> Tuple[int, JsonDict]:
+ """Update a registration token."""
+ await assert_requester_is_admin(self.auth, request)
+ body = parse_json_object_from_request(request)
+ new_attributes = {}
+ # Only add uses_allowed to new_attributes if it is present and valid
+ if "uses_allowed" in body:
+ uses_allowed = body["uses_allowed"]
+ if not (
+ uses_allowed is None
+ or (isinstance(uses_allowed, int) and uses_allowed >= 0)
+ ):
+ raise SynapseError(
+ 400,
+ "uses_allowed must be a non-negative integer or null",
+ )
+ new_attributes["uses_allowed"] = uses_allowed
+ if "expiry_time" in body:
+ expiry_time = body["expiry_time"]
+ if not isinstance(expiry_time, (int, type(None))):
+ raise SynapseError(
+ 400, "expiry_time must be an integer or null", Codes.INVALID_PARAM
+ )
+ if isinstance(expiry_time, int) and expiry_time < self.clock.time_msec():
+ raise SynapseError(
+ 400, "expiry_time must not be in the past", Codes.INVALID_PARAM
+ )
+ new_attributes["expiry_time"] = expiry_time
+ if len(new_attributes) == 0:
+ # Nothing to update, get token info to return
+ token_info = await self.store.get_one_registration_token(token)
+ else:
+ token_info = await self.store.update_registration_token(
+ token, new_attributes
+ )
+ # If no result return a 404
+ if token_info is None:
+ raise NotFoundError(f"No such registration token: {token}")
+ return 200, token_info
+ async def on_DELETE(
+ self, request: SynapseRequest, token: str
+ ) -> Tuple[int, JsonDict]:
+ """Delete a registration token."""
+ await assert_requester_is_admin(self.auth, request)
+ if await self.store.delete_registration_token(token):
+ return 200, {}
+ raise NotFoundError(f"No such registration token: {token}")