diff --git a/synapse/http/__init__.py b/synapse/http/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe8a073cd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/synapse/http/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2014 matrix.org
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
diff --git a/synapse/http/client.py b/synapse/http/client.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb22b0ee9a
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+++ b/synapse/http/client.py
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+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2014 matrix.org
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
+from twisted.web.client import _AgentBase, _URI, readBody
+from twisted.web.http_headers import Headers
+from synapse.http.endpoint import matrix_endpoint
+from synapse.util.async import sleep
+from syutil.jsonutil import encode_canonical_json
+from synapse.api.errors import CodeMessageException
+import json
+import logging
+import urllib
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+_destination_mappings = {
+ "red": "localhost:8080",
+ "blue": "localhost:8081",
+ "green": "localhost:8082",
+class HttpClient(object):
+ """ Interface for talking json over http
+ """
+ def put_json(self, destination, path, data):
+ """ Sends the specifed json data using PUT
+ Args:
+ destination (str): The remote server to send the HTTP request
+ to.
+ path (str): The HTTP path.
+ data (dict): A dict containing the data that will be used as
+ the request body. This will be encoded as JSON.
+ Returns:
+ Deferred: Succeeds when we get *any* HTTP response.
+ The result of the deferred is a tuple of `(code, response)`,
+ where `response` is a dict representing the decoded JSON body.
+ """
+ pass
+ def get_json(self, destination, path, args=None):
+ """ Get's some json from the given host homeserver and path
+ Args:
+ destination (str): The remote server to send the HTTP request
+ to.
+ path (str): The HTTP path.
+ args (dict): A dictionary used to create query strings, defaults to
+ None.
+ **Note**: The value of each key is assumed to be an iterable
+ and *not* a string.
+ Returns:
+ Deferred: Succeeds when we get *any* HTTP response.
+ The result of the deferred is a tuple of `(code, response)`,
+ where `response` is a dict representing the decoded JSON body.
+ """
+ pass
+class MatrixHttpAgent(_AgentBase):
+ def __init__(self, reactor, pool=None):
+ _AgentBase.__init__(self, reactor, pool)
+ def request(self, destination, endpoint, method, path, params, query,
+ headers, body_producer):
+ host = b""
+ port = 0
+ fragment = b""
+ parsed_URI = _URI(b"http", destination, host, port, path, params,
+ query, fragment)
+ # Set the connection pool key to be the destination.
+ key = destination
+ return self._requestWithEndpoint(key, endpoint, method, parsed_URI,
+ headers, body_producer,
+ parsed_URI.originForm)
+class TwistedHttpClient(HttpClient):
+ """ Wrapper around the twisted HTTP client api.
+ Attributes:
+ agent (twisted.web.client.Agent): The twisted Agent used to send the
+ requests.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.agent = MatrixHttpAgent(reactor)
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def put_json(self, destination, path, data):
+ if destination in _destination_mappings:
+ destination = _destination_mappings[destination]
+ response = yield self._create_request(
+ destination.encode("ascii"),
+ "PUT",
+ path.encode("ascii"),
+ producer=_JsonProducer(data),
+ headers_dict={"Content-Type": ["application/json"]}
+ )
+ logger.debug("Getting resp body")
+ body = yield readBody(response)
+ logger.debug("Got resp body")
+ defer.returnValue((response.code, body))
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def get_json(self, destination, path, args={}):
+ if destination in _destination_mappings:
+ destination = _destination_mappings[destination]
+ logger.debug("get_json args: %s", args)
+ query_bytes = urllib.urlencode(args, True)
+ response = yield self._create_request(
+ destination.encode("ascii"),
+ "GET",
+ path.encode("ascii"),
+ query_bytes
+ )
+ body = yield readBody(response)
+ defer.returnValue(json.loads(body))
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def _create_request(self, destination, method, path_bytes, param_bytes=b"",
+ query_bytes=b"", producer=None, headers_dict={}):
+ """ Creates and sends a request to the given url
+ """
+ headers_dict[b"User-Agent"] = [b"Synapse"]
+ headers_dict[b"Host"] = [destination]
+ logger.debug("Sending request to %s: %s %s;%s?%s",
+ destination, method, path_bytes, param_bytes, query_bytes)
+ logger.debug(
+ "Types: %s",
+ [
+ type(destination), type(method), type(path_bytes),
+ type(param_bytes),
+ type(query_bytes)
+ ]
+ )
+ retries_left = 5
+ # TODO: setup and pass in an ssl_context to enable TLS
+ endpoint = matrix_endpoint(reactor, destination, timeout=10)
+ while True:
+ try:
+ response = yield self.agent.request(
+ destination,
+ endpoint,
+ method,
+ path_bytes,
+ param_bytes,
+ query_bytes,
+ Headers(headers_dict),
+ producer
+ )
+ logger.debug("Got response to %s", method)
+ break
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.exception("Got error in _create_request")
+ _print_ex(e)
+ if retries_left:
+ yield sleep(2 ** (5 - retries_left))
+ retries_left -= 1
+ else:
+ raise
+ if 200 <= response.code < 300:
+ # We need to update the transactions table to say it was sent?
+ pass
+ else:
+ # :'(
+ # Update transactions table?
+ logger.error(
+ "Got response %d %s", response.code, response.phrase
+ )
+ raise CodeMessageException(
+ response.code, response.phrase
+ )
+ defer.returnValue(response)
+def _print_ex(e):
+ if hasattr(e, "reasons") and e.reasons:
+ for ex in e.reasons:
+ _print_ex(ex)
+ else:
+ logger.exception(e)
+class _JsonProducer(object):
+ """ Used by the twisted http client to create the HTTP body from json
+ """
+ def __init__(self, jsn):
+ self.body = encode_canonical_json(jsn)
+ self.length = len(self.body)
+ def startProducing(self, consumer):
+ consumer.write(self.body)
+ return defer.succeed(None)
+ def pauseProducing(self):
+ pass
+ def stopProducing(self):
+ pass
diff --git a/synapse/http/endpoint.py b/synapse/http/endpoint.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c4e6e63a80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/synapse/http/endpoint.py
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2014 matrix.org
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from twisted.internet.endpoints import SSL4ClientEndpoint, TCP4ClientEndpoint
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from twisted.internet.error import ConnectError
+from twisted.names import client, dns
+from twisted.names.error import DNSNameError
+import collections
+import logging
+import random
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def matrix_endpoint(reactor, destination, ssl_context_factory=None,
+ timeout=None):
+ """Construct an endpoint for the given matrix destination.
+ Args:
+ reactor: Twisted reactor.
+ destination (bytes): The name of the server to connect to.
+ ssl_context_factory (twisted.internet.ssl.ContextFactory): Factory
+ which generates SSL contexts to use for TLS.
+ timeout (int): connection timeout in seconds
+ """
+ domain_port = destination.split(":")
+ domain = domain_port[0]
+ port = int(domain_port[1]) if domain_port[1:] else None
+ endpoint_kw_args = {}
+ if timeout is not None:
+ endpoint_kw_args.update(timeout=timeout)
+ if ssl_context_factory is None:
+ transport_endpoint = TCP4ClientEndpoint
+ default_port = 8080
+ else:
+ transport_endpoint = SSL4ClientEndpoint
+ endpoint_kw_args.update(ssl_context_factory=ssl_context_factory)
+ default_port = 443
+ if port is None:
+ return SRVClientEndpoint(
+ reactor, "matrix", domain, protocol="tcp",
+ default_port=default_port, endpoint=transport_endpoint,
+ endpoint_kw_args=endpoint_kw_args
+ )
+ else:
+ return transport_endpoint(reactor, domain, port, **endpoint_kw_args)
+class SRVClientEndpoint(object):
+ """An endpoint which looks up SRV records for a service.
+ Cycles through the list of servers starting with each call to connect
+ picking the next server.
+ Implements twisted.internet.interfaces.IStreamClientEndpoint.
+ """
+ _Server = collections.namedtuple(
+ "_Server", "priority weight host port"
+ )
+ def __init__(self, reactor, service, domain, protocol="tcp",
+ default_port=None, endpoint=TCP4ClientEndpoint,
+ endpoint_kw_args={}):
+ self.reactor = reactor
+ self.service_name = "_%s._%s.%s" % (service, protocol, domain)
+ if default_port is not None:
+ self.default_server = self._Server(
+ host=domain,
+ port=default_port,
+ priority=0,
+ weight=0
+ )
+ else:
+ self.default_server = None
+ self.endpoint = endpoint
+ self.endpoint_kw_args = endpoint_kw_args
+ self.servers = None
+ self.used_servers = None
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def fetch_servers(self):
+ try:
+ answers, auth, add = yield client.lookupService(self.service_name)
+ except DNSNameError:
+ answers = []
+ if (len(answers) == 1
+ and answers[0].type == dns.SRV
+ and answers[0].payload
+ and answers[0].payload.target == dns.Name('.')):
+ raise ConnectError("Service %s unavailable", self.service_name)
+ self.servers = []
+ self.used_servers = []
+ for answer in answers:
+ if answer.type != dns.SRV or not answer.payload:
+ continue
+ payload = answer.payload
+ self.servers.append(self._Server(
+ host=str(payload.target),
+ port=int(payload.port),
+ priority=int(payload.priority),
+ weight=int(payload.weight)
+ ))
+ self.servers.sort()
+ def pick_server(self):
+ if not self.servers:
+ if self.used_servers:
+ self.servers = self.used_servers
+ self.used_servers = []
+ self.servers.sort()
+ elif self.default_server:
+ return self.default_server
+ else:
+ raise ConnectError(
+ "Not server available for %s", self.service_name
+ )
+ min_priority = self.servers[0].priority
+ weight_indexes = list(
+ (index, server.weight + 1)
+ for index, server in enumerate(self.servers)
+ if server.priority == min_priority
+ )
+ total_weight = sum(weight for index, weight in weight_indexes)
+ target_weight = random.randint(0, total_weight)
+ for index, weight in weight_indexes:
+ target_weight -= weight
+ if target_weight <= 0:
+ server = self.servers[index]
+ del self.servers[index]
+ self.used_servers.append(server)
+ return server
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def connect(self, protocolFactory):
+ if self.servers is None:
+ yield self.fetch_servers()
+ server = self.pick_server()
+ logger.info("Connecting to %s:%s", server.host, server.port)
+ endpoint = self.endpoint(
+ self.reactor, server.host, server.port, **self.endpoint_kw_args
+ )
+ connection = yield endpoint.connect(protocolFactory)
+ defer.returnValue(connection)
diff --git a/synapse/http/server.py b/synapse/http/server.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8823aade78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/synapse/http/server.py
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2014 matrix.org
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from syutil.jsonutil import (
+ encode_canonical_json, encode_pretty_printed_json
+from synapse.api.errors import cs_exception, CodeMessageException
+from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
+from twisted.web import server, resource
+from twisted.web.server import NOT_DONE_YET
+import collections
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class HttpServer(object):
+ """ Interface for registering callbacks on a HTTP server
+ """
+ def register_path(self, method, path_pattern, callback):
+ """ Register a callback that get's fired if we receive a http request
+ with the given method for a path that matches the given regex.
+ If the regex contains groups these get's passed to the calback via
+ an unpacked tuple.
+ Args:
+ method (str): The method to listen to.
+ path_pattern (str): The regex used to match requests.
+ callback (function): The function to fire if we receive a matched
+ request. The first argument will be the request object and
+ subsequent arguments will be any matched groups from the regex.
+ This should return a tuple of (code, response).
+ """
+ pass
+# The actual HTTP server impl, using twisted http server
+class TwistedHttpServer(HttpServer, resource.Resource):
+ """ This wraps the twisted HTTP server, and triggers the correct callbacks
+ on the transport_layer.
+ Register callbacks via register_path()
+ """
+ isLeaf = True
+ _PathEntry = collections.namedtuple("_PathEntry", ["pattern", "callback"])
+ def __init__(self):
+ resource.Resource.__init__(self)
+ self.path_regexs = {}
+ def register_path(self, method, path_pattern, callback):
+ self.path_regexs.setdefault(method, []).append(
+ self._PathEntry(path_pattern, callback)
+ )
+ def start_listening(self, port):
+ """ Registers the http server with the twisted reactor.
+ Args:
+ port (int): The port to listen on.
+ """
+ reactor.listenTCP(port, server.Site(self))
+ # Gets called by twisted
+ def render(self, request):
+ """ This get's called by twisted every time someone sends us a request.
+ """
+ self._async_render(request)
+ return server.NOT_DONE_YET
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def _async_render(self, request):
+ """ This get's called by twisted every time someone sends us a request.
+ This checks if anyone has registered a callback for that method and
+ path.
+ """
+ try:
+ # Loop through all the registered callbacks to check if the method
+ # and path regex match
+ for path_entry in self.path_regexs.get(request.method, []):
+ m = path_entry.pattern.match(request.path)
+ if m:
+ # We found a match! Trigger callback and then return the
+ # returned response. We pass both the request and any
+ # matched groups from the regex to the callback.
+ code, response = yield path_entry.callback(
+ request,
+ *m.groups()
+ )
+ self._send_response(request, code, response)
+ return
+ # Huh. No one wanted to handle that? Fiiiiiine. Send 400.
+ self._send_response(
+ request,
+ 400,
+ {"error": "Unrecognized request"}
+ )
+ except CodeMessageException as e:
+ logger.exception(e)
+ self._send_response(
+ request,
+ e.code,
+ cs_exception(e)
+ )
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.exception(e)
+ self._send_response(
+ request,
+ 500,
+ {"error": "Internal server error"}
+ )
+ def _send_response(self, request, code, response_json_object):
+ if not self._request_user_agent_is_curl(request):
+ json_bytes = encode_canonical_json(response_json_object)
+ else:
+ json_bytes = encode_pretty_printed_json(response_json_object)
+ # TODO: Only enable CORS for the requests that need it.
+ respond_with_json_bytes(request, code, json_bytes, send_cors=True)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _request_user_agent_is_curl(request):
+ user_agents = request.requestHeaders.getRawHeaders(
+ "User-Agent", default=[]
+ )
+ for user_agent in user_agents:
+ if "curl" in user_agent:
+ return True
+ return False
+def respond_with_json_bytes(request, code, json_bytes, send_cors=False):
+ """Sends encoded JSON in response to the given request.
+ Args:
+ request (twisted.web.http.Request): The http request to respond to.
+ code (int): The HTTP response code.
+ json_bytes (bytes): The json bytes to use as the response body.
+ send_cors (bool): Whether to send Cross-Origin Resource Sharing headers
+ http://www.w3.org/TR/cors/
+ Returns:
+ twisted.web.server.NOT_DONE_YET"""
+ request.setResponseCode(code)
+ request.setHeader(b"Content-Type", b"application/json")
+ if send_cors:
+ request.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
+ request.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods",
+ request.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers",
+ "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept")
+ request.write(json_bytes)
+ request.finish()
+ return NOT_DONE_YET