diff --git a/synapse/http/client.py b/synapse/http/client.py
index fee8c901a2..575510637e 100644
--- a/synapse/http/client.py
+++ b/synapse/http/client.py
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ class SimpleHttpClient(object):
def get_json(self, uri, args={}):
- """ Gets some json from the given host and path
+ """ Gets some json from the given URI.
uri (str): The URI to request, not including query parameters
@@ -92,7 +92,8 @@ class SimpleHttpClient(object):
**Note**: The value of each key is assumed to be an iterable
and *not* a string.
- Deferred: Succeeds when we get *any* 2xx HTTP response.
+ Deferred: Succeeds when we get *any* 2xx HTTP response, with the
+ HTTP body as JSON.
On a non-2xx HTTP response.
@@ -118,6 +119,49 @@ class SimpleHttpClient(object):
# load it into JSON if they want.
raise CodeMessageException(response.code, body)
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def put_json(self, uri, json_body, args={}):
+ """ Puts some json to the given URI.
+ Args:
+ uri (str): The URI to request, not including query parameters
+ json_body (dict): The JSON to put in the HTTP body,
+ args (dict): A dictionary used to create query strings, defaults to
+ None.
+ **Note**: The value of each key is assumed to be an iterable
+ and *not* a string.
+ Returns:
+ Deferred: Succeeds when we get *any* 2xx HTTP response, with the
+ HTTP body as JSON.
+ Raises:
+ On a non-2xx HTTP response.
+ """
+ if len(args):
+ query_bytes = urllib.urlencode(args, True)
+ uri = "%s?%s" % (uri, query_bytes)
+ json_str = json.dumps(json_body)
+ response = yield self.agent.request(
+ "PUT",
+ uri.encode("ascii"),
+ headers=Headers({
+ b"User-Agent": [AGENT_NAME],
+ "Content-Type": ["application/json"]
+ }),
+ bodyProducer=FileBodyProducer(StringIO(json_str))
+ )
+ body = yield readBody(response)
+ if 200 <= response.code < 300:
+ defer.returnValue(json.loads(body))
+ else:
+ # NB: This is explicitly not json.loads(body)'d because the contract
+ # of CodeMessageException is a *string* message. Callers can always
+ # load it into JSON if they want.
+ raise CodeMessageException(response.code, body)
class CaptchaServerHttpClient(SimpleHttpClient):