diff --git a/synapse/http/server.py b/synapse/http/server.py
index 165c684d0d..4b567215c8 100644
--- a/synapse/http/server.py
+++ b/synapse/http/server.py
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2014-2016 OpenMarket Ltd
+# Copyright 2018 New Vector Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -59,6 +60,11 @@ response_count = metrics.register_counter(
+requests_counter = metrics.register_counter(
+ "requests_received",
+ labels=["method", "servlet", ],
outgoing_responses_counter = metrics.register_counter(
labels=["method", "code"],
@@ -145,7 +151,8 @@ def wrap_request_handler(request_handler, include_metrics=False):
# at the servlet name. For most requests that name will be
# JsonResource (or a subclass), and JsonResource._async_render
# will update it once it picks a servlet.
- request_metrics.start(self.clock, name=self.__class__.__name__)
+ servlet_name = self.__class__.__name__
+ request_metrics.start(self.clock, name=servlet_name)
request_context.request = request_id
with request.processing():
@@ -154,6 +161,7 @@ def wrap_request_handler(request_handler, include_metrics=False):
if include_metrics:
yield request_handler(self, request, request_metrics)
+ requests_counter.inc(request.method, servlet_name)
yield request_handler(self, request)
except CodeMessageException as e:
code = e.code
@@ -229,7 +237,7 @@ class JsonResource(HttpServer, resource.Resource):
""" This implements the HttpServer interface and provides JSON support for
- Register callbacks via register_path()
+ Register callbacks via register_paths()
Callbacks can return a tuple of status code and a dict in which case the
the dict will automatically be sent to the client as a JSON object.
@@ -276,49 +284,59 @@ class JsonResource(HttpServer, resource.Resource):
This checks if anyone has registered a callback for that method and
- if request.method == "OPTIONS":
- self._send_response(request, 200, {})
- return
+ callback, group_dict = self._get_handler_for_request(request)
- # Loop through all the registered callbacks to check if the method
- # and path regex match
- for path_entry in self.path_regexs.get(request.method, []):
- m = path_entry.pattern.match(request.path)
- if not m:
- continue
+ servlet_instance = getattr(callback, "__self__", None)
+ if servlet_instance is not None:
+ servlet_classname = servlet_instance.__class__.__name__
+ else:
+ servlet_classname = "%r" % callback
- # We found a match! First update the metrics object to indicate
- # which servlet is handling the request.
+ request_metrics.name = servlet_classname
+ requests_counter.inc(request.method, servlet_classname)
- callback = path_entry.callback
+ # Now trigger the callback. If it returns a response, we send it
+ # here. If it throws an exception, that is handled by the wrapper
+ # installed by @request_handler.
- servlet_instance = getattr(callback, "__self__", None)
- if servlet_instance is not None:
- servlet_classname = servlet_instance.__class__.__name__
- else:
- servlet_classname = "%r" % callback
+ kwargs = intern_dict({
+ name: urllib.unquote(value).decode("UTF-8") if value else value
+ for name, value in group_dict.items()
+ })
- request_metrics.name = servlet_classname
+ callback_return = yield callback(request, **kwargs)
+ if callback_return is not None:
+ code, response = callback_return
+ self._send_response(request, code, response)
- # Now trigger the callback. If it returns a response, we send it
- # here. If it throws an exception, that is handled by the wrapper
- # installed by @request_handler.
+ def _get_handler_for_request(self, request):
+ """Finds a callback method to handle the given request
- kwargs = intern_dict({
- name: urllib.unquote(value).decode("UTF-8") if value else value
- for name, value in m.groupdict().items()
- })
+ Args:
+ request (twisted.web.http.Request):
+ Returns:
+ Tuple[Callable, dict[str, str]]: callback method, and the dict
+ mapping keys to path components as specified in the handler's
+ path match regexp.
- callback_return = yield callback(request, **kwargs)
- if callback_return is not None:
- code, response = callback_return
- self._send_response(request, code, response)
+ The callback will normally be a method registered via
+ register_paths, so will return (possibly via Deferred) either
+ None, or a tuple of (http code, response body).
+ """
+ if request.method == "OPTIONS":
+ return _options_handler, {}
- return
+ # Loop through all the registered callbacks to check if the method
+ # and path regex match
+ for path_entry in self.path_regexs.get(request.method, []):
+ m = path_entry.pattern.match(request.path)
+ if m:
+ # We found a match!
+ return path_entry.callback, m.groupdict()
# Huh. No one wanted to handle that? Fiiiiiine. Send 400.
- request_metrics.name = self.__class__.__name__ + ".UnrecognizedRequest"
- raise UnrecognizedRequestError()
+ return _unrecognised_request_handler, {}
def _send_response(self, request, code, response_json_object,
@@ -335,6 +353,34 @@ class JsonResource(HttpServer, resource.Resource):
+def _options_handler(request):
+ """Request handler for OPTIONS requests
+ This is a request handler suitable for return from
+ _get_handler_for_request. It returns a 200 and an empty body.
+ Args:
+ request (twisted.web.http.Request):
+ Returns:
+ Tuple[int, dict]: http code, response body.
+ """
+ return 200, {}
+def _unrecognised_request_handler(request):
+ """Request handler for unrecognised requests
+ This is a request handler suitable for return from
+ _get_handler_for_request. It actually just raises an
+ UnrecognizedRequestError.
+ Args:
+ request (twisted.web.http.Request):
+ """
+ raise UnrecognizedRequestError()
class RequestMetrics(object):
def start(self, clock, name):
self.start = clock.time_msec()