Clarify list/set/dict/tuple comprehensions and enforce via flake8 (#6957)
Ensure good comprehension hygiene using flake8-comprehensions.
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/synapse/handlers/ b/synapse/handlers/
index 4324bc702e..669dbc8a48 100644
--- a/synapse/handlers/
+++ b/synapse/handlers/
@@ -682,11 +682,9 @@ class SyncHandler(object):
# FIXME: order by stream ordering rather than as returned by SQL
if joined_user_ids or invited_user_ids:
- summary["m.heroes"] = sorted(
- [user_id for user_id in (joined_user_ids + invited_user_ids)]
- )[0:5]
+ summary["m.heroes"] = sorted(joined_user_ids + invited_user_ids)[0:5]
- summary["m.heroes"] = sorted([user_id for user_id in gone_user_ids])[0:5]
+ summary["m.heroes"] = sorted(gone_user_ids)[0:5]
if not sync_config.filter_collection.lazy_load_members():
return summary
@@ -697,9 +695,9 @@ class SyncHandler(object):
# track which members the client should already know about via LL:
# Ones which are already in state...
- existing_members = set(
+ existing_members = {
user_id for (typ, user_id) in state.keys() if typ == EventTypes.Member
- )
+ }
# ...or ones which are in the timeline...
for ev in
@@ -773,10 +771,10 @@ class SyncHandler(object):
# We only request state for the members needed to display the
# timeline:
- members_to_fetch = set(
+ members_to_fetch = {
event.sender # FIXME: we also care about invite targets etc.
for event in
- )
+ }
if full_state:
# always make sure we LL ourselves so we know we're in the room
@@ -1993,10 +1991,10 @@ def _calculate_state(
- c_ids = set(e for e in itervalues(current))
- ts_ids = set(e for e in itervalues(timeline_start))
- p_ids = set(e for e in itervalues(previous))
- tc_ids = set(e for e in itervalues(timeline_contains))
+ c_ids = set(itervalues(current))
+ ts_ids = set(itervalues(timeline_start))
+ p_ids = set(itervalues(previous))
+ tc_ids = set(itervalues(timeline_contains))
# If we are lazyloading room members, we explicitly add the membership events
# for the senders in the timeline into the state block returned by /sync,