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path: root/synapse/config/
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authorShay <>2022-06-14 07:53:42 -0700
committerGitHub <>2022-06-14 07:53:42 -0700
commit493c2fc44abcf3457953cc2f6f23509ff7855253 (patch)
treef429a75b187fdd0449bc1a460ce730b6d2b2ccd2 /synapse/config/
parentRename delta to apply in the proper schema version. (#13050) (diff)
Remove code generating comments in configuration file (#12941)
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 197 deletions
diff --git a/synapse/config/ b/synapse/config/
index b9c40522d8..98e8cd8b5a 100644
--- a/synapse/config/
+++ b/synapse/config/
@@ -66,203 +66,6 @@ class OIDCConfig(Config):
         # OIDC is enabled if we have a provider
         return bool(self.oidc_providers)
-    def generate_config_section(self, **kwargs: Any) -> str:
-        return """\
-        # List of OpenID Connect (OIDC) / OAuth 2.0 identity providers, for registration
-        # and login.
-        #
-        # Options for each entry include:
-        #
-        #   idp_id: a unique identifier for this identity provider. Used internally
-        #       by Synapse; should be a single word such as 'github'.
-        #
-        #       Note that, if this is changed, users authenticating via that provider
-        #       will no longer be recognised as the same user!
-        #
-        #       (Use "oidc" here if you are migrating from an old "oidc_config"
-        #       configuration.)
-        #
-        #   idp_name: A user-facing name for this identity provider, which is used to
-        #       offer the user a choice of login mechanisms.
-        #
-        #   idp_icon: An optional icon for this identity provider, which is presented
-        #       by clients and Synapse's own IdP picker page. If given, must be an
-        #       MXC URI of the format mxc://<server-name>/<media-id>. (An easy way to
-        #       obtain such an MXC URI is to upload an image to an (unencrypted) room
-        #       and then copy the "url" from the source of the event.)
-        #
-        #   idp_brand: An optional brand for this identity provider, allowing clients
-        #       to style the login flow according to the identity provider in question.
-        #       See the spec for possible options here.
-        #
-        #   discover: set to 'false' to disable the use of the OIDC discovery mechanism
-        #       to discover endpoints. Defaults to true.
-        #
-        #   issuer: Required. The OIDC issuer. Used to validate tokens and (if discovery
-        #       is enabled) to discover the provider's endpoints.
-        #
-        #   client_id: Required. oauth2 client id to use.
-        #
-        #   client_secret: oauth2 client secret to use. May be omitted if
-        #        client_secret_jwt_key is given, or if client_auth_method is 'none'.
-        #
-        #   client_secret_jwt_key: Alternative to client_secret: details of a key used
-        #      to create a JSON Web Token to be used as an OAuth2 client secret. If
-        #      given, must be a dictionary with the following properties:
-        #
-        #          key: a pem-encoded signing key. Must be a suitable key for the
-        #              algorithm specified. Required unless 'key_file' is given.
-        #
-        #          key_file: the path to file containing a pem-encoded signing key file.
-        #              Required unless 'key' is given.
-        #
-        #          jwt_header: a dictionary giving properties to include in the JWT
-        #              header. Must include the key 'alg', giving the algorithm used to
-        #              sign the JWT, such as "ES256", using the JWA identifiers in
-        #              RFC7518.
-        #
-        #          jwt_payload: an optional dictionary giving properties to include in
-        #              the JWT payload. Normally this should include an 'iss' key.
-        #
-        #   client_auth_method: auth method to use when exchanging the token. Valid
-        #       values are 'client_secret_basic' (default), 'client_secret_post' and
-        #       'none'.
-        #
-        #   scopes: list of scopes to request. This should normally include the "openid"
-        #       scope. Defaults to ["openid"].
-        #
-        #   authorization_endpoint: the oauth2 authorization endpoint. Required if
-        #       provider discovery is disabled.
-        #
-        #   token_endpoint: the oauth2 token endpoint. Required if provider discovery is
-        #       disabled.
-        #
-        #   userinfo_endpoint: the OIDC userinfo endpoint. Required if discovery is
-        #       disabled and the 'openid' scope is not requested.
-        #
-        #   jwks_uri: URI where to fetch the JWKS. Required if discovery is disabled and
-        #       the 'openid' scope is used.
-        #
-        #   skip_verification: set to 'true' to skip metadata verification. Use this if
-        #       you are connecting to a provider that is not OpenID Connect compliant.
-        #       Defaults to false. Avoid this in production.
-        #
-        #   user_profile_method: Whether to fetch the user profile from the userinfo
-        #       endpoint, or to rely on the data returned in the id_token from the
-        #       token_endpoint.
-        #
-        #       Valid values are: 'auto' or 'userinfo_endpoint'.
-        #
-        #       Defaults to 'auto', which uses the userinfo endpoint if 'openid' is
-        #       not included in 'scopes'. Set to 'userinfo_endpoint' to always use the
-        #       userinfo endpoint.
-        #
-        #   allow_existing_users: set to 'true' to allow a user logging in via OIDC to
-        #       match a pre-existing account instead of failing. This could be used if
-        #       switching from password logins to OIDC. Defaults to false.
-        #
-        #   user_mapping_provider: Configuration for how attributes returned from a OIDC
-        #       provider are mapped onto a matrix user. This setting has the following
-        #       sub-properties:
-        #
-        #       module: The class name of a custom mapping module. Default is
-        #           {mapping_provider!r}.
-        #           See
-        #           for information on implementing a custom mapping provider.
-        #
-        #       config: Configuration for the mapping provider module. This section will
-        #           be passed as a Python dictionary to the user mapping provider
-        #           module's `parse_config` method.
-        #
-        #           For the default provider, the following settings are available:
-        #
-        #             subject_claim: name of the claim containing a unique identifier
-        #                 for the user. Defaults to 'sub', which OpenID Connect
-        #                 compliant providers should provide.
-        #
-        #             localpart_template: Jinja2 template for the localpart of the MXID.
-        #                 If this is not set, the user will be prompted to choose their
-        #                 own username (see the documentation for the
-        #                 'sso_auth_account_details.html' template). This template can
-        #                 use the 'localpart_from_email' filter.
-        #
-        #             confirm_localpart: Whether to prompt the user to validate (or
-        #                 change) the generated localpart (see the documentation for the
-        #                 'sso_auth_account_details.html' template), instead of
-        #                 registering the account right away.
-        #
-        #             display_name_template: Jinja2 template for the display name to set
-        #                 on first login. If unset, no displayname will be set.
-        #
-        #             email_template: Jinja2 template for the email address of the user.
-        #                 If unset, no email address will be added to the account.
-        #
-        #             extra_attributes: a map of Jinja2 templates for extra attributes
-        #                 to send back to the client during login.
-        #                 Note that these are non-standard and clients will ignore them
-        #                 without modifications.
-        #
-        #           When rendering, the Jinja2 templates are given a 'user' variable,
-        #           which is set to the claims returned by the UserInfo Endpoint and/or
-        #           in the ID Token.
-        #
-        #   It is possible to configure Synapse to only allow logins if certain attributes
-        #   match particular values in the OIDC userinfo. The requirements can be listed under
-        #   `attribute_requirements` as shown below. All of the listed attributes must
-        #   match for the login to be permitted. Additional attributes can be added to
-        #   userinfo by expanding the `scopes` section of the OIDC config to retrieve
-        #   additional information from the OIDC provider.
-        #
-        #   If the OIDC claim is a list, then the attribute must match any value in the list.
-        #   Otherwise, it must exactly match the value of the claim. Using the example
-        #   below, the `family_name` claim MUST be "Stephensson", but the `groups`
-        #   claim MUST contain "admin".
-        #
-        #   attribute_requirements:
-        #     - attribute: family_name
-        #       value: "Stephensson"
-        #     - attribute: groups
-        #       value: "admin"
-        #
-        # See
-        # for information on how to configure these options.
-        #
-        # For backwards compatibility, it is also possible to configure a single OIDC
-        # provider via an 'oidc_config' setting. This is now deprecated and admins are
-        # advised to migrate to the 'oidc_providers' format. (When doing that migration,
-        # use 'oidc' for the idp_id to ensure that existing users continue to be
-        # recognised.)
-        #
-        oidc_providers:
-          # Generic example
-          #
-          #- idp_id: my_idp
-          #  idp_name: "My OpenID provider"
-          #  idp_icon: "mxc://"
-          #  discover: false
-          #  issuer: ""
-          #  client_id: "provided-by-your-issuer"
-          #  client_secret: "provided-by-your-issuer"
-          #  client_auth_method: client_secret_post
-          #  scopes: ["openid", "profile"]
-          #  authorization_endpoint: ""
-          #  token_endpoint: ""
-          #  userinfo_endpoint: ""
-          #  jwks_uri: ""
-          #  skip_verification: true
-          #  user_mapping_provider:
-          #    config:
-          #      subject_claim: "id"
-          #      localpart_template: "{{{{ user.login }}}}"
-          #      display_name_template: "{{{{ }}}}"
-          #      email_template: "{{{{ }}}}"
-          #  attribute_requirements:
-          #    - attribute: userGroup
-          #      value: "synapseUsers"
-        """.format(
-            mapping_provider=DEFAULT_USER_MAPPING_PROVIDER
-        )
 # jsonschema definition of the configuration settings for an oidc identity provider