diff --git a/synapse/api/filtering.py b/synapse/api/filtering.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4d570b74f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/synapse/api/filtering.py
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2015 OpenMarket Ltd
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from synapse.api.errors import SynapseError
+from synapse.types import UserID, RoomID
+class Filtering(object):
+ def __init__(self, hs):
+ super(Filtering, self).__init__()
+ self.store = hs.get_datastore()
+ def get_user_filter(self, user_localpart, filter_id):
+ result = self.store.get_user_filter(user_localpart, filter_id)
+ result.addCallback(Filter)
+ return result
+ def add_user_filter(self, user_localpart, user_filter):
+ self._check_valid_filter(user_filter)
+ return self.store.add_user_filter(user_localpart, user_filter)
+ # TODO(paul): surely we should probably add a delete_user_filter or
+ # replace_user_filter at some point? There's no REST API specified for
+ # them however
+ def _check_valid_filter(self, user_filter_json):
+ """Check if the provided filter is valid.
+ This inspects all definitions contained within the filter.
+ Args:
+ user_filter_json(dict): The filter
+ Raises:
+ SynapseError: If the filter is not valid.
+ """
+ # NB: Filters are the complete json blobs. "Definitions" are an
+ # individual top-level key e.g. public_user_data. Filters are made of
+ # many definitions.
+ top_level_definitions = [
+ "public_user_data", "private_user_data", "server_data"
+ ]
+ room_level_definitions = [
+ "state", "events", "ephemeral"
+ ]
+ for key in top_level_definitions:
+ if key in user_filter_json:
+ self._check_definition(user_filter_json[key])
+ if "room" in user_filter_json:
+ for key in room_level_definitions:
+ if key in user_filter_json["room"]:
+ self._check_definition(user_filter_json["room"][key])
+ def _check_definition(self, definition):
+ """Check if the provided definition is valid.
+ This inspects not only the types but also the values to make sure they
+ make sense.
+ Args:
+ definition(dict): The filter definition
+ Raises:
+ SynapseError: If there was a problem with this definition.
+ """
+ # NB: Filters are the complete json blobs. "Definitions" are an
+ # individual top-level key e.g. public_user_data. Filters are made of
+ # many definitions.
+ if type(definition) != dict:
+ raise SynapseError(
+ 400, "Expected JSON object, not %s" % (definition,)
+ )
+ # check rooms are valid room IDs
+ room_id_keys = ["rooms", "not_rooms"]
+ for key in room_id_keys:
+ if key in definition:
+ if type(definition[key]) != list:
+ raise SynapseError(400, "Expected %s to be a list." % key)
+ for room_id in definition[key]:
+ RoomID.from_string(room_id)
+ # check senders are valid user IDs
+ user_id_keys = ["senders", "not_senders"]
+ for key in user_id_keys:
+ if key in definition:
+ if type(definition[key]) != list:
+ raise SynapseError(400, "Expected %s to be a list." % key)
+ for user_id in definition[key]:
+ UserID.from_string(user_id)
+ # TODO: We don't limit event type values but we probably should...
+ # check types are valid event types
+ event_keys = ["types", "not_types"]
+ for key in event_keys:
+ if key in definition:
+ if type(definition[key]) != list:
+ raise SynapseError(400, "Expected %s to be a list." % key)
+ for event_type in definition[key]:
+ if not isinstance(event_type, basestring):
+ raise SynapseError(400, "Event type should be a string")
+ if "format" in definition:
+ event_format = definition["format"]
+ if event_format not in ["federation", "events"]:
+ raise SynapseError(400, "Invalid format: %s" % (event_format,))
+ if "select" in definition:
+ event_select_list = definition["select"]
+ for select_key in event_select_list:
+ if select_key not in ["event_id", "origin_server_ts",
+ "thread_id", "content", "content.body"]:
+ raise SynapseError(400, "Bad select: %s" % (select_key,))
+ if ("bundle_updates" in definition and
+ type(definition["bundle_updates"]) != bool):
+ raise SynapseError(400, "Bad bundle_updates: expected bool.")
+class Filter(object):
+ def __init__(self, filter_json):
+ self.filter_json = filter_json
+ def filter_public_user_data(self, events):
+ return self._filter_on_key(events, ["public_user_data"])
+ def filter_private_user_data(self, events):
+ return self._filter_on_key(events, ["private_user_data"])
+ def filter_room_state(self, events):
+ return self._filter_on_key(events, ["room", "state"])
+ def filter_room_events(self, events):
+ return self._filter_on_key(events, ["room", "events"])
+ def filter_room_ephemeral(self, events):
+ return self._filter_on_key(events, ["room", "ephemeral"])
+ def _filter_on_key(self, events, keys):
+ filter_json = self.filter_json
+ if not filter_json:
+ return events
+ try:
+ # extract the right definition from the filter
+ definition = filter_json
+ for key in keys:
+ definition = definition[key]
+ return self._filter_with_definition(events, definition)
+ except KeyError:
+ # return all events if definition isn't specified.
+ return events
+ def _filter_with_definition(self, events, definition):
+ return [e for e in events if self._passes_definition(definition, e)]
+ def _passes_definition(self, definition, event):
+ """Check if the event passes through the given definition.
+ Args:
+ definition(dict): The definition to check against.
+ event(Event): The event to check.
+ Returns:
+ True if the event passes through the filter.
+ """
+ # Algorithm notes:
+ # For each key in the definition, check the event meets the criteria:
+ # * For types: Literal match or prefix match (if ends with wildcard)
+ # * For senders/rooms: Literal match only
+ # * "not_" checks take presedence (e.g. if "m.*" is in both 'types'
+ # and 'not_types' then it is treated as only being in 'not_types')
+ # room checks
+ if hasattr(event, "room_id"):
+ room_id = event.room_id
+ allow_rooms = definition.get("rooms", None)
+ reject_rooms = definition.get("not_rooms", None)
+ if reject_rooms and room_id in reject_rooms:
+ return False
+ if allow_rooms and room_id not in allow_rooms:
+ return False
+ # sender checks
+ if hasattr(event, "sender"):
+ # Should we be including event.state_key for some event types?
+ sender = event.sender
+ allow_senders = definition.get("senders", None)
+ reject_senders = definition.get("not_senders", None)
+ if reject_senders and sender in reject_senders:
+ return False
+ if allow_senders and sender not in allow_senders:
+ return False
+ # type checks
+ if "not_types" in definition:
+ for def_type in definition["not_types"]:
+ if self._event_matches_type(event, def_type):
+ return False
+ if "types" in definition:
+ included = False
+ for def_type in definition["types"]:
+ if self._event_matches_type(event, def_type):
+ included = True
+ break
+ if not included:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def _event_matches_type(self, event, def_type):
+ if def_type.endswith("*"):
+ type_prefix = def_type[:-1]
+ return event.type.startswith(type_prefix)
+ else:
+ return event.type == def_type