Run complement with Synapse workers manually. (#10039)
Adds an option to to run Synapse in worker
mode (instead of the default monolith mode).
1 files changed, 22 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/scripts-dev/ b/scripts-dev/
index 1612ab522c..0043964673 100755
--- a/scripts-dev/
+++ b/scripts-dev/
@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@
# checkout by setting the COMPLEMENT_DIR environment variable to the
# filepath of a local Complement checkout.
+# By default Synapse is run in monolith mode. This can be overridden by
+# setting the WORKERS environment variable.
# A regular expression of test method names can be supplied as the first
# argument to the script. Complement will then only run those tests. If
# no regex is supplied, all tests are run. For example;
@@ -32,10 +35,26 @@ if [[ -z "$COMPLEMENT_DIR" ]]; then
echo "Checkout available at 'complement-master'"
+# If we're using workers, modify the docker files slightly.
+if [[ -n "$WORKERS" ]]; then
+ BASE_IMAGE=matrixdotorg/synapse-workers
+ BASE_DOCKERFILE=docker/Dockerfile-workers
+ export COMPLEMENT_BASE_IMAGE=complement-synapse-workers
+ COMPLEMENT_DOCKERFILE=SynapseWorkers.Dockerfile
+ # And provide some more configuration to complement.
+ export COMPLEMENT_CA=true
+ BASE_IMAGE=matrixdotorg/synapse
+ BASE_DOCKERFILE=docker/Dockerfile
+ export COMPLEMENT_BASE_IMAGE=complement-synapse
# Build the base Synapse image from the local checkout
-docker build -t matrixdotorg/synapse -f docker/Dockerfile .
+docker build -t $BASE_IMAGE -f "$BASE_DOCKERFILE" .
# Build the Synapse monolith image from Complement, based on the above image we just built
-docker build -t complement-synapse -f "$COMPLEMENT_DIR/dockerfiles/Synapse.Dockerfile" "$COMPLEMENT_DIR/dockerfiles"
@@ -46,4 +65,4 @@ if [[ -n "$1" ]]; then
# Run the tests!
-COMPLEMENT_BASE_IMAGE=complement-synapse go test -v -tags synapse_blacklist,msc2946,msc3083 -count=1 $EXTRA_COMPLEMENT_ARGS ./tests
+go test -v -tags synapse_blacklist,msc2946,msc3083 -count=1 $EXTRA_COMPLEMENT_ARGS ./tests