diff --git a/latest/usage/administration/request_log.html b/latest/usage/administration/request_log.html
index 47b1defb1e..81b34fc9cf 100644
--- a/latest/usage/administration/request_log.html
+++ b/latest/usage/administration/request_log.html
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
<tr><td>NNNN</td><td>Total time waiting for response to DB queries across all parallel DB work from this request</td></tr>
<tr><td>OOOO</td><td>Count of DB transactions performed</td></tr>
<tr><td>PPPP</td><td>Response body size</td></tr>
-<tr><td>QQQQ</td><td>Response status code (prefixed with ! if the socket was closed before the response was generated)</td></tr>
+<tr><td>QQQQ</td><td>Response status code<br/>Suffixed with <code>!</code> if the socket was closed before the response was generated.<br/>A <code>499!</code> status code indicates that Synapse also cancelled request processing after the socket was closed.<br/></td></tr>
<tr><td>TTTT</td><td>Events fetched from DB to service this request (note that this does not include events fetched from the cache)</td></tr>
diff --git a/latest/usage/administration/useful_sql_for_admins.html b/latest/usage/administration/useful_sql_for_admins.html
index 308b1870f7..e6a8059845 100644
--- a/latest/usage/administration/useful_sql_for_admins.html
+++ b/latest/usage/administration/useful_sql_for_admins.html
@@ -148,40 +148,23 @@
<h2 id="some-useful-sql-queries-for-synapse-admins"><a class="header" href="#some-useful-sql-queries-for-synapse-admins">Some useful SQL queries for Synapse Admins</a></h2>
<h2 id="size-of-full-matrix-db"><a class="header" href="#size-of-full-matrix-db">Size of full matrix db</a></h2>
-<p><code>SELECT pg_size_pretty( pg_database_size( 'matrix' ) );</code></p>
+<pre><code class="language-sql">SELECT pg_size_pretty( pg_database_size( 'matrix' ) );
<h3 id="result-example"><a class="header" href="#result-example">Result example:</a></h3>
6420 MB
(1 row)
-<h2 id="show-top-20-larger-rooms-by-state-events-count"><a class="header" href="#show-top-20-larger-rooms-by-state-events-count">Show top 20 larger rooms by state events count</a></h2>
-<pre><code class="language-sql">SELECT r.name, s.room_id, s.current_state_events
- FROM room_stats_current s
- LEFT JOIN room_stats_state r USING (room_id)
- ORDER BY current_state_events DESC
- LIMIT 20;
-<p>and by state_group_events count:</p>
-<pre><code class="language-sql">SELECT rss.name, s.room_id, count(s.room_id) FROM state_groups_state s
-LEFT JOIN room_stats_state rss USING (room_id)
-GROUP BY s.room_id, rss.name
-ORDER BY count(s.room_id) DESC
-LIMIT 20;
-<p>plus same, but with join removed for performance reasons:</p>
-<pre><code class="language-sql">SELECT s.room_id, count(s.room_id) FROM state_groups_state s
-GROUP BY s.room_id
-ORDER BY count(s.room_id) DESC
-LIMIT 20;
<h2 id="show-top-20-larger-tables-by-row-count"><a class="header" href="#show-top-20-larger-tables-by-row-count">Show top 20 larger tables by row count</a></h2>
-<pre><code class="language-sql">SELECT relname, n_live_tup as rows
- FROM pg_stat_user_tables
+<pre><code class="language-sql">SELECT relname, n_live_tup AS "rows"
+ FROM pg_stat_user_tables
ORDER BY n_live_tup DESC
-<p>This query is quick, but may be very approximate, for exact number of rows use <code>SELECT COUNT(*) FROM <table_name></code>.</p>
+<p>This query is quick, but may be very approximate, for exact number of rows use:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-sql">SELECT COUNT(*) FROM <table_name>;
<h3 id="result-example-1"><a class="header" href="#result-example-1">Result example:</a></h3>
<pre><code>state_groups_state - 161687170
event_auth - 8584785
@@ -204,37 +187,15 @@ users_in_public_rooms - 364059
device_lists_stream - 326903
user_directory_search - 316433
-<h2 id="show-top-20-rooms-by-new-events-count-in-last-1-day"><a class="header" href="#show-top-20-rooms-by-new-events-count-in-last-1-day">Show top 20 rooms by new events count in last 1 day:</a></h2>
-<pre><code class="language-sql">SELECT e.room_id, r.name, COUNT(e.event_id) cnt FROM events e
-LEFT JOIN room_stats_state r USING (room_id)
-WHERE e.origin_server_ts >= DATE_PART('epoch', NOW() - INTERVAL '1 day') * 1000 GROUP BY e.room_id, r.name ORDER BY cnt DESC LIMIT 20;
-<h2 id="show-top-20-users-on-homeserver-by-sent-events-messages-at-last-month"><a class="header" href="#show-top-20-users-on-homeserver-by-sent-events-messages-at-last-month">Show top 20 users on homeserver by sent events (messages) at last month:</a></h2>
-<pre><code class="language-sql">SELECT user_id, SUM(total_events)
- FROM user_stats_historical
- WHERE TO_TIMESTAMP(end_ts/1000) AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' > date_trunc('day', now() - interval '1 month')
- GROUP BY user_id
- ORDER BY SUM(total_events) DESC
- LIMIT 20;
-<h2 id="show-last-100-messages-from-needed-user-with-room-names"><a class="header" href="#show-last-100-messages-from-needed-user-with-room-names">Show last 100 messages from needed user, with room names:</a></h2>
-<pre><code class="language-sql">SELECT e.room_id, r.name, e.event_id, e.type, e.content, j.json FROM events e
- LEFT JOIN event_json j USING (room_id)
- LEFT JOIN room_stats_state r USING (room_id)
- WHERE sender = '@LOGIN:example.com'
- AND e.type = 'm.room.message'
- ORDER BY stream_ordering DESC
- LIMIT 100;
<h2 id="show-top-20-larger-tables-by-storage-size"><a class="header" href="#show-top-20-larger-tables-by-storage-size">Show top 20 larger tables by storage size</a></h2>
<pre><code class="language-sql">SELECT nspname || '.' || relname AS "relation",
- pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size(C.oid)) AS "total_size"
- FROM pg_class C
- LEFT JOIN pg_namespace N ON (N.oid = C.relnamespace)
+ pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size(c.oid)) AS "total_size"
+ FROM pg_class c
+ LEFT JOIN pg_namespace n ON (n.oid = c.relnamespace)
WHERE nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema')
- AND C.relkind <> 'i'
+ AND c.relkind <> 'i'
AND nspname !~ '^pg_toast'
- ORDER BY pg_total_relation_size(C.oid) DESC
+ ORDER BY pg_total_relation_size(c.oid) DESC
<h3 id="result-example-2"><a class="header" href="#result-example-2">Result example:</a></h3>
@@ -259,8 +220,75 @@ public.state_groups - 160 MB
public.device_lists_remote_cache - 124 MB
public.state_group_edges - 122 MB
+<h2 id="show-top-20-larger-rooms-by-state-events-count"><a class="header" href="#show-top-20-larger-rooms-by-state-events-count">Show top 20 larger rooms by state events count</a></h2>
+<p>You get the same information when you use the
+<a href="../../admin_api/rooms.html#list-room-api">admin API</a>
+and set parameter <code>order_by=state_events</code>.</p>
+<pre><code class="language-sql">SELECT r.name, s.room_id, s.current_state_events
+ FROM room_stats_current s
+ LEFT JOIN room_stats_state r USING (room_id)
+ ORDER BY current_state_events DESC
+ LIMIT 20;
+<p>and by state_group_events count:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-sql">SELECT rss.name, s.room_id, COUNT(s.room_id)
+ FROM state_groups_state s
+ LEFT JOIN room_stats_state rss USING (room_id)
+ GROUP BY s.room_id, rss.name
+ ORDER BY COUNT(s.room_id) DESC
+ LIMIT 20;
+<p>plus same, but with join removed for performance reasons:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-sql">SELECT s.room_id, COUNT(s.room_id)
+ FROM state_groups_state s
+ GROUP BY s.room_id
+ ORDER BY COUNT(s.room_id) DESC
+ LIMIT 20;
+<h2 id="show-top-20-rooms-by-new-events-count-in-last-1-day"><a class="header" href="#show-top-20-rooms-by-new-events-count-in-last-1-day">Show top 20 rooms by new events count in last 1 day:</a></h2>
+<pre><code class="language-sql">SELECT e.room_id, r.name, COUNT(e.event_id) cnt
+ FROM events e
+ LEFT JOIN room_stats_state r USING (room_id)
+ WHERE e.origin_server_ts >= DATE_PART('epoch', NOW() - INTERVAL '1 day') * 1000
+ GROUP BY e.room_id, r.name
+ LIMIT 20;
+<h2 id="show-top-20-users-on-homeserver-by-sent-events-messages-at-last-month"><a class="header" href="#show-top-20-users-on-homeserver-by-sent-events-messages-at-last-month">Show top 20 users on homeserver by sent events (messages) at last month:</a></h2>
+<p>Caution. This query does not use any indexes, can be slow and create load on the database.</p>
+<pre><code class="language-sql">SELECT COUNT(*), sender
+ FROM events
+ WHERE (type = 'm.room.encrypted' OR type = 'm.room.message')
+ AND origin_server_ts >= DATE_PART('epoch', NOW() - INTERVAL '1 month') * 1000
+ GROUP BY sender
+ LIMIT 20;
+<h2 id="show-last-100-messages-from-needed-user-with-room-names"><a class="header" href="#show-last-100-messages-from-needed-user-with-room-names">Show last 100 messages from needed user, with room names:</a></h2>
+<pre><code class="language-sql">SELECT e.room_id, r.name, e.event_id, e.type, e.content, j.json
+ FROM events e
+ LEFT JOIN event_json j USING (room_id)
+ LEFT JOIN room_stats_state r USING (room_id)
+ WHERE sender = '@LOGIN:example.com'
+ AND e.type = 'm.room.message'
+ ORDER BY stream_ordering DESC
+ LIMIT 100;
<h2 id="show-rooms-with-names-sorted-by-events-in-this-rooms"><a class="header" href="#show-rooms-with-names-sorted-by-events-in-this-rooms">Show rooms with names, sorted by events in this rooms</a></h2>
-<p><code>echo "select event_json.room_id,room_stats_state.name from event_json,room_stats_state where room_stats_state.room_id=event_json.room_id" | psql synapse | sort | uniq -c | sort -n</code></p>
+<p><strong>Sort and order with bash</strong></p>
+<pre><code class="language-bash">echo "SELECT event_json.room_id, room_stats_state.name FROM event_json, room_stats_state \
+WHERE room_stats_state.room_id = event_json.room_id" | psql -d synapse -h localhost -U synapse_user -t \
+| sort | uniq -c | sort -n
+<p>Documentation for <code>psql</code> command line parameters: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/app-psql.html</p>
+<p><strong>Sort and order with SQL</strong></p>
+<pre><code class="language-sql">SELECT COUNT(*), event_json.room_id, room_stats_state.name
+ FROM event_json, room_stats_state
+ WHERE room_stats_state.room_id = event_json.room_id
+ GROUP BY event_json.room_id, room_stats_state.name
+ LIMIT 50;
<h3 id="result-example-3"><a class="header" href="#result-example-3">Result example:</a></h3>
<pre><code> 9459 !FPUfgzXYWTKgIrwKxW:matrix.org | This Week in Matrix
9459 !FPUfgzXYWTKgIrwKxW:matrix.org | This Week in Matrix (TWIM)
@@ -272,13 +300,21 @@ public.state_group_edges - 122 MB
43601 !iNmaIQExDMeqdITdHH:matrix.org | Riot Web/Desktop
<h2 id="lookup-room-state-info-by-list-of-room_id"><a class="header" href="#lookup-room-state-info-by-list-of-room_id">Lookup room state info by list of room_id</a></h2>
-<pre><code class="language-sql">SELECT rss.room_id, rss.name, rss.canonical_alias, rss.topic, rss.encryption, rsc.joined_members, rsc.local_users_in_room, rss.join_rules
-FROM room_stats_state rss
-LEFT JOIN room_stats_current rsc USING (room_id)
-WHERE room_id IN (WHERE room_id IN (
- '!OGEhHVWSdvArJzumhm:matrix.org',
- '!YTvKGNlinIzlkMTVRl:matrix.org'
+<p>You get the same information when you use the
+<a href="../../admin_api/rooms.html#room-details-api">admin API</a>.</p>
+<pre><code class="language-sql">SELECT rss.room_id, rss.name, rss.canonical_alias, rss.topic, rss.encryption,
+ rsc.joined_members, rsc.local_users_in_room, rss.join_rules
+ FROM room_stats_state rss
+ LEFT JOIN room_stats_current rsc USING (room_id)
+ WHERE room_id IN ( WHERE room_id IN (
+ '!OGEhHVWSdvArJzumhm:matrix.org',
+ '!YTvKGNlinIzlkMTVRl:matrix.org'
+ );
+<h2 id="show-users-and-devices-that-have-not-been-online-for-a-while"><a class="header" href="#show-users-and-devices-that-have-not-been-online-for-a-while">Show users and devices that have not been online for a while</a></h2>
+<pre><code class="language-sql">SELECT user_id, device_id, user_agent, TO_TIMESTAMP(last_seen / 1000) AS "last_seen"
+ FROM devices
+ WHERE last_seen < DATE_PART('epoch', NOW() - INTERVAL '3 month') * 1000;
diff --git a/latest/usage/configuration/config_documentation.html b/latest/usage/configuration/config_documentation.html
index e0c2459f3b..0603e07295 100644
--- a/latest/usage/configuration/config_documentation.html
+++ b/latest/usage/configuration/config_documentation.html
@@ -660,6 +660,17 @@ session. Defaults to 0. </p>
<pre><code class="language-yaml">mau_trial_days: 5
<hr />
+<p>Config option: <code>mau_appservice_trial_days</code></p>
+<p>The option <code>mau_appservice_trial_days</code> is similar to <code>mau_trial_days</code>, but applies a different
+trial number if the user was registered by an appservice. A value
+of 0 means no trial days are applied. Appservices not listed in this dictionary
+use the value of <code>mau_trial_days</code> instead.</p>
+<p>Example configuration:</p>
+<pre><code class="language-yaml">mau_appservice_trial_days:
+ my_appservice_id: 3
+ another_appservice_id: 6
+<hr />
<p>Config option: <code>mau_limit_alerting</code></p>
<p>The option <code>mau_limit_alerting</code> is a means of limiting client-side alerting
should the mau limit be reached. This is useful for small instances
@@ -975,11 +986,11 @@ on this homeserver.</p>
<hr />
<p>Config option: <code>allow_device_name_lookup_over_federation</code></p>
-<p>Set this option to false to disable device display name lookup over federation. By default, the
-Federation API allows other homeservers to obtain device display names of any user
+<p>Set this option to true to allow device display name lookup over federation. By default, the
+Federation API prevents other homeservers from obtaining the display names of any user devices
on this homeserver.</p>
<p>Example configuration:</p>
-<pre><code class="language-yaml">allow_device_name_lookup_over_federation: false
+<pre><code class="language-yaml">allow_device_name_lookup_over_federation: true
<hr />
<h2 id="caching"><a class="header" href="#caching">Caching</a></h2>
diff --git a/latest/usage/configuration/homeserver_sample_config.html b/latest/usage/configuration/homeserver_sample_config.html
index 836ae803f0..ec9c6791ec 100644
--- a/latest/usage/configuration/homeserver_sample_config.html
+++ b/latest/usage/configuration/homeserver_sample_config.html
@@ -563,6 +563,11 @@ manhole_settings:
# sign up in a short space of time never to return after their initial
# session.
+# The option `mau_appservice_trial_days` is similar to `mau_trial_days`, but
+# applies a different trial number if the user was registered by an appservice.
+# A value of 0 means no trial days are applied. Appservices not listed in this
+# dictionary use the value of `mau_trial_days` instead.
# 'mau_limit_alerting' is a means of limiting client side alerting
# should the mau limit be reached. This is useful for small instances
# where the admin has 5 mau seats (say) for 5 specific people and no
@@ -573,6 +578,8 @@ manhole_settings:
#max_mau_value: 50
#mau_trial_days: 2
#mau_limit_alerting: false
+# "appservice-id": 1
# If enabled, the metrics for the number of monthly active users will
# be populated, however no one will be limited. If limit_usage_by_mau
@@ -865,11 +872,11 @@ retention:
#allow_profile_lookup_over_federation: false
-# Uncomment to disable device display name lookup over federation. By default, the
-# Federation API allows other homeservers to obtain device display names of any user
-# on this homeserver. Defaults to 'true'.
+# Uncomment to allow device display name lookup over federation. By default, the
+# Federation API prevents other homeservers from obtaining the display names of
+# user devices on this homeserver. Defaults to 'false'.
-#allow_device_name_lookup_over_federation: false
+#allow_device_name_lookup_over_federation: true
## Caching ##
@@ -1479,6 +1486,12 @@ oembed:
#registration_requires_token: true
+# Allow users to submit a token during registration to bypass any required 3pid
+# steps configured in `registrations_require_3pid`.
+# Defaults to false, requiring that registration tokens (if enabled) complete a 3pid flow.
+#enable_registration_token_3pid_bypass: false
# If set, allows registration of standard or admin accounts by anyone who
# has the shared secret, even if registration is otherwise disabled.
diff --git a/latest/usage/configuration/logging_sample_config.html b/latest/usage/configuration/logging_sample_config.html
index fca0918503..7f22f2cba4 100644
--- a/latest/usage/configuration/logging_sample_config.html
+++ b/latest/usage/configuration/logging_sample_config.html
@@ -218,13 +218,6 @@ loggers:
# information such as access tokens.
level: INFO
- twisted:
- # We send the twisted logging directly to the file handler,
- # to work around https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/issues/3471
- # when using "buffer" logger. Use "console" to log to stderr instead.
- handlers: [file]
- propagate: false
level: INFO