Be able to correlate timeouts in reverse-proxy layer in front of Synapse (pull request ID from header) (#13801)
New config:
- port: 8008
tls: false
type: http
x_forwarded: true
+ request_id_header: "cf-ray"
bind_addresses: ['::1', '', '']
2 files changed, 14 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index d1618e8155..4e7a1d4435 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -45,6 +45,10 @@ listens to traffic on localhost. (Do not change `bind_addresses` to ``
when using a containerized Synapse, as that will prevent it from responding
to proxied traffic.)
+Optionally, you can also set
+so that the server extracts and re-uses the same request ID format that the
+reverse proxy is using.
## Reverse-proxy configuration examples
diff --git a/docs/usage/configuration/ b/docs/usage/configuration/
index cd546041b2..69d305b62e 100644
--- a/docs/usage/configuration/
+++ b/docs/usage/configuration/
@@ -434,7 +434,16 @@ Sub-options for each listener include:
* `tls`: set to true to enable TLS for this listener. Will use the TLS key/cert specified in tls_private_key_path / tls_certificate_path.
* `x_forwarded`: Only valid for an 'http' listener. Set to true to use the X-Forwarded-For header as the client IP. Useful when Synapse is
- behind a reverse-proxy.
+ behind a [reverse-proxy](../../
+* `request_id_header`: The header extracted from each incoming request that is
+ used as the basis for the request ID. The request ID is used in
+ [logs](../administration/ and tracing to
+ correlate and match up requests. When unset, Synapse will automatically
+ generate sequential request IDs. This option is useful when Synapse is behind
+ a [reverse-proxy](../../
+ _Added in Synapse 1.68.0._
* `resources`: Only valid for an 'http' listener. A list of resources to host
on this port. Sub-options for each resource are: