diff --git a/docs/SUMMARY.md b/docs/SUMMARY.md
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--- a/docs/SUMMARY.md
+++ b/docs/SUMMARY.md
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- [Media](admin_api/media_admin_api.md)
- [Purge History](admin_api/purge_history_api.md)
- [Register Users](admin_api/register_api.md)
+ - [Registration Tokens](usage/administration/admin_api/registration_tokens.md)
- [Manipulate Room Membership](admin_api/room_membership.md)
- [Rooms](admin_api/rooms.md)
- [Server Notices](admin_api/server_notices.md)
diff --git a/docs/sample_config.yaml b/docs/sample_config.yaml
index 2b0c453242..935841dbfa 100644
--- a/docs/sample_config.yaml
+++ b/docs/sample_config.yaml
@@ -793,6 +793,8 @@ log_config: "CONFDIR/SERVERNAME.log.config"
# is using
# - one for registration that ratelimits registration requests based on the
# client's IP address.
+# - one for checking the validity of registration tokens that ratelimits
+# requests based on the client's IP address.
# - one for login that ratelimits login requests based on the client's IP
# address.
# - one for login that ratelimits login requests based on the account the
@@ -821,6 +823,10 @@ log_config: "CONFDIR/SERVERNAME.log.config"
# per_second: 0.17
# burst_count: 3
+# per_second: 0.1
+# burst_count: 5
# address:
# per_second: 0.17
@@ -1169,6 +1175,15 @@ url_preview_accept_language:
#enable_3pid_lookup: true
+# Require users to submit a token during registration.
+# Tokens can be managed using the admin API:
+# https://matrix-org.github.io/synapse/latest/usage/administration/admin_api/registration_tokens.html
+# Note that `enable_registration` must be set to `true`.
+# Disabling this option will not delete any tokens previously generated.
+# Defaults to false. Uncomment the following to require tokens:
+#registration_requires_token: true
# If set, allows registration of standard or admin accounts by anyone who
# has the shared secret, even if registration is otherwise disabled.
diff --git a/docs/usage/administration/admin_api/registration_tokens.md b/docs/usage/administration/admin_api/registration_tokens.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..828c0277d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/usage/administration/admin_api/registration_tokens.md
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+# Registration Tokens
+This API allows you to manage tokens which can be used to authenticate
+registration requests, as proposed in [MSC3231](https://github.com/govynnus/matrix-doc/blob/token-registration/proposals/3231-token-authenticated-registration.md).
+To use it, you will need to enable the `registration_requires_token` config
+option, and authenticate by providing an `access_token` for a server admin:
+see [Admin API](../../usage/administration/admin_api).
+Note that this API is still experimental; not all clients may support it yet.
+## Registration token objects
+Most endpoints make use of JSON objects that contain details about tokens.
+These objects have the following fields:
+- `token`: The token which can be used to authenticate registration.
+- `uses_allowed`: The number of times the token can be used to complete a
+ registration before it becomes invalid.
+- `pending`: The number of pending uses the token has. When someone uses
+ the token to authenticate themselves, the pending counter is incremented
+ so that the token is not used more than the permitted number of times.
+ When the person completes registration the pending counter is decremented,
+ and the completed counter is incremented.
+- `completed`: The number of times the token has been used to successfully
+ complete a registration.
+- `expiry_time`: The latest time the token is valid. Given as the number of
+ milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (the start of the Unix epoch).
+ To convert this into a human-readable form you can remove the milliseconds
+ and use the `date` command. For example, `date -d '@1625394937'`.
+## List all tokens
+Lists all tokens and details about them. If the request is successful, the top
+level JSON object will have a `registration_tokens` key which is an array of
+registration token objects.
+GET /_synapse/admin/v1/registration_tokens
+Optional query parameters:
+- `valid`: `true` or `false`. If `true`, only valid tokens are returned.
+ If `false`, only tokens that have expired or have had all uses exhausted are
+ returned. If omitted, all tokens are returned regardless of validity.
+GET /_synapse/admin/v1/registration_tokens
+200 OK
+ "registration_tokens": [
+ {
+ "token": "abcd",
+ "uses_allowed": 3,
+ "pending": 0,
+ "completed": 1,
+ "expiry_time": null
+ },
+ {
+ "token": "pqrs",
+ "uses_allowed": 2,
+ "pending": 1,
+ "completed": 1,
+ "expiry_time": null
+ },
+ {
+ "token": "wxyz",
+ "uses_allowed": null,
+ "pending": 0,
+ "completed": 9,
+ "expiry_time": 1625394937000 // 2021-07-04 10:35:37 UTC
+ }
+ ]
+Example using the `valid` query parameter:
+GET /_synapse/admin/v1/registration_tokens?valid=false
+200 OK
+ "registration_tokens": [
+ {
+ "token": "pqrs",
+ "uses_allowed": 2,
+ "pending": 1,
+ "completed": 1,
+ "expiry_time": null
+ },
+ {
+ "token": "wxyz",
+ "uses_allowed": null,
+ "pending": 0,
+ "completed": 9,
+ "expiry_time": 1625394937000 // 2021-07-04 10:35:37 UTC
+ }
+ ]
+## Get one token
+Get details about a single token. If the request is successful, the response
+body will be a registration token object.
+GET /_synapse/admin/v1/registration_tokens/<token>
+Path parameters:
+- `token`: The registration token to return details of.
+GET /_synapse/admin/v1/registration_tokens/abcd
+200 OK
+ "token": "abcd",
+ "uses_allowed": 3,
+ "pending": 0,
+ "completed": 1,
+ "expiry_time": null
+## Create token
+Create a new registration token. If the request is successful, the newly created
+token will be returned as a registration token object in the response body.
+POST /_synapse/admin/v1/registration_tokens/new
+The request body must be a JSON object and can contain the following fields:
+- `token`: The registration token. A string of no more than 64 characters that
+ consists only of characters matched by the regex `[A-Za-z0-9-_]`.
+ Default: randomly generated.
+- `uses_allowed`: The integer number of times the token can be used to complete
+ a registration before it becomes invalid.
+ Default: `null` (unlimited uses).
+- `expiry_time`: The latest time the token is valid. Given as the number of
+ milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (the start of the Unix epoch).
+ You could use, for example, `date '+%s000' -d 'tomorrow'`.
+ Default: `null` (token does not expire).
+- `length`: The length of the token randomly generated if `token` is not
+ specified. Must be between 1 and 64 inclusive. Default: `16`.
+If a field is omitted the default is used.
+Example using defaults:
+POST /_synapse/admin/v1/registration_tokens/new
+200 OK
+ "token": "0M-9jbkf2t_Tgiw1",
+ "uses_allowed": null,
+ "pending": 0,
+ "completed": 0,
+ "expiry_time": null
+Example specifying some fields:
+POST /_synapse/admin/v1/registration_tokens/new
+ "token": "defg",
+ "uses_allowed": 1
+200 OK
+ "token": "defg",
+ "uses_allowed": 1,
+ "pending": 0,
+ "completed": 0,
+ "expiry_time": null
+## Update token
+Update the number of allowed uses or expiry time of a token. If the request is
+successful, the updated token will be returned as a registration token object
+in the response body.
+PUT /_synapse/admin/v1/registration_tokens/<token>
+Path parameters:
+- `token`: The registration token to update.
+The request body must be a JSON object and can contain the following fields:
+- `uses_allowed`: The integer number of times the token can be used to complete
+ a registration before it becomes invalid. By setting `uses_allowed` to `0`
+ the token can be easily made invalid without deleting it.
+ If `null` the token will have an unlimited number of uses.
+- `expiry_time`: The latest time the token is valid. Given as the number of
+ milliseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC (the start of the Unix epoch).
+ If `null` the token will not expire.
+If a field is omitted its value is not modified.
+PUT /_synapse/admin/v1/registration_tokens/defg
+ "expiry_time": 4781243146000 // 2121-07-06 11:05:46 UTC
+200 OK
+ "token": "defg",
+ "uses_allowed": 1,
+ "pending": 0,
+ "completed": 0,
+ "expiry_time": 4781243146000
+## Delete token
+Delete a registration token. If the request is successful, the response body
+will be an empty JSON object.
+DELETE /_synapse/admin/v1/registration_tokens/<token>
+Path parameters:
+- `token`: The registration token to delete.
+DELETE /_synapse/admin/v1/registration_tokens/wxyz
+200 OK
+## Errors
+If a request fails a "standard error response" will be returned as defined in
+the [Matrix Client-Server API specification](https://matrix.org/docs/spec/client_server/r0.6.1#api-standards).
+For example, if the token specified in a path parameter does not exist a
+`404 Not Found` error will be returned.
+GET /_synapse/admin/v1/registration_tokens/1234
+404 Not Found
+ "errcode": "M_NOT_FOUND",
+ "error": "No such registration token: 1234"
diff --git a/docs/workers.md b/docs/workers.md
index 2e63f03452..3121241894 100644
--- a/docs/workers.md
+++ b/docs/workers.md
@@ -236,6 +236,7 @@ expressions:
# Registration/login requests
+ ^/_matrix/client/unstable/org.matrix.msc3231/register/org.matrix.msc3231.login.registration_token/validity$
# Event sending requests