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+++ b/docs/SUMMARY.md
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- [Third-party rules callbacks](modules/third_party_rules_callbacks.md)
- [Presence router callbacks](modules/presence_router_callbacks.md)
- [Account validity callbacks](modules/account_validity_callbacks.md)
+ - [Password auth provider callbacks](modules/password_auth_provider_callbacks.md)
- [Porting a legacy module to the new interface](modules/porting_legacy_module.md)
- [Workers](workers.md)
- [Using `synctl` with Workers](synctl_workers.md)
diff --git a/docs/modules/password_auth_provider_callbacks.md b/docs/modules/password_auth_provider_callbacks.md
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+# Password auth provider callbacks
+Password auth providers offer a way for server administrators to integrate
+their Synapse installation with an external authentication system. The callbacks can be
+registered by using the Module API's `register_password_auth_provider_callbacks` method.
+## Callbacks
+### `auth_checkers`
+ auth_checkers: Dict[Tuple[str,Tuple], Callable]
+A dict mapping from tuples of a login type identifier (such as `m.login.password`) and a
+tuple of field names (such as `("password", "secret_thing")`) to authentication checking
+callbacks, which should be of the following form:
+async def check_auth(
+ user: str,
+ login_type: str,
+ login_dict: "synapse.module_api.JsonDict",
+) -> Optional[
+ Tuple[
+ str,
+ Optional[Callable[["synapse.module_api.LoginResponse"], Awaitable[None]]]
+ ]
+The login type and field names should be provided by the user in the
+request to the `/login` API. [The Matrix specification](https://matrix.org/docs/spec/client_server/latest#authentication-types)
+defines some types, however user defined ones are also allowed.
+The callback is passed the `user` field provided by the client (which might not be in
+`@username:server` form), the login type, and a dictionary of login secrets passed by
+the client.
+If the authentication is successful, the module must return the user's Matrix ID (e.g.
+`@alice:example.com`) and optionally a callback to be called with the response to the
+`/login` request. If the module doesn't wish to return a callback, it must return `None`
+If the authentication is unsuccessful, the module must return `None`.
+### `check_3pid_auth`
+async def check_3pid_auth(
+ medium: str,
+ address: str,
+ password: str,
+) -> Optional[
+ Tuple[
+ str,
+ Optional[Callable[["synapse.module_api.LoginResponse"], Awaitable[None]]]
+ ]
+Called when a user attempts to register or log in with a third party identifier,
+such as email. It is passed the medium (eg. `email`), an address (eg. `jdoe@example.com`)
+and the user's password.
+If the authentication is successful, the module must return the user's Matrix ID (e.g.
+`@alice:example.com`) and optionally a callback to be called with the response to the `/login` request.
+If the module doesn't wish to return a callback, it must return None instead.
+If the authentication is unsuccessful, the module must return None.
+### `on_logged_out`
+async def on_logged_out(
+ user_id: str,
+ device_id: Optional[str],
+ access_token: str
+) -> None
+Called during a logout request for a user. It is passed the qualified user ID, the ID of the
+deactivated device (if any: access tokens are occasionally created without an associated
+device ID), and the (now deactivated) access token.
+## Example
+The example module below implements authentication checkers for two different login types:
+- `my.login.type`
+ - Expects a `my_field` field to be sent to `/login`
+ - Is checked by the method: `self.check_my_login`
+- `m.login.password` (defined in [the spec](https://matrix.org/docs/spec/client_server/latest#password-based))
+ - Expects a `password` field to be sent to `/login`
+ - Is checked by the method: `self.check_pass`
+from typing import Awaitable, Callable, Optional, Tuple
+import synapse
+from synapse import module_api
+class MyAuthProvider:
+ def __init__(self, config: dict, api: module_api):
+ self.api = api
+ self.credentials = {
+ "bob": "building",
+ "@scoop:matrix.org": "digging",
+ }
+ api.register_password_auth_provider_callbacks(
+ auth_checkers={
+ ("my.login_type", ("my_field",)): self.check_my_login,
+ ("m.login.password", ("password",)): self.check_pass,
+ },
+ )
+ async def check_my_login(
+ self,
+ username: str,
+ login_type: str,
+ login_dict: "synapse.module_api.JsonDict",
+ ) -> Optional[
+ Tuple[
+ str,
+ Optional[Callable[["synapse.module_api.LoginResponse"], Awaitable[None]]],
+ ]
+ ]:
+ if login_type != "my.login_type":
+ return None
+ if self.credentials.get(username) == login_dict.get("my_field"):
+ return self.api.get_qualified_user_id(username)
+ async def check_pass(
+ self,
+ username: str,
+ login_type: str,
+ login_dict: "synapse.module_api.JsonDict",
+ ) -> Optional[
+ Tuple[
+ str,
+ Optional[Callable[["synapse.module_api.LoginResponse"], Awaitable[None]]],
+ ]
+ ]:
+ if login_type != "m.login.password":
+ return None
+ if self.credentials.get(username) == login_dict.get("password"):
+ return self.api.get_qualified_user_id(username)
diff --git a/docs/modules/porting_legacy_module.md b/docs/modules/porting_legacy_module.md
index a7a251e535..89084eb7b3 100644
--- a/docs/modules/porting_legacy_module.md
+++ b/docs/modules/porting_legacy_module.md
@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ should register this resource in its `__init__` method using the `register_web_r
method from the `ModuleApi` class (see [this section](writing_a_module.html#registering-a-web-resource) for
more info).
+There is no longer a `get_db_schema_files` callback provided for password auth provider modules. Any
+changes to the database should now be made by the module using the module API class.
The module's author should also update any example in the module's configuration to only
use the new `modules` section in Synapse's configuration file (see [this section](index.html#using-modules)
for more info).
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--- a/docs/password_auth_providers.md
+++ b/docs/password_auth_providers.md
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+<h2 style="color:red">
+This page of the Synapse documentation is now deprecated. For up to date
+documentation on setting up or writing a password auth provider module, please see
+<a href="modules.md">this page</a>.
# Password auth provider modules
Password auth providers offer a way for server administrators to
diff --git a/docs/sample_config.yaml b/docs/sample_config.yaml
index 166cec38d3..7bfaed483b 100644
--- a/docs/sample_config.yaml
+++ b/docs/sample_config.yaml
@@ -2260,34 +2260,6 @@ email:
#email_validation: "[%(server_name)s] Validate your email"
-# Password providers allow homeserver administrators to integrate
-# their Synapse installation with existing authentication methods
-# ex. LDAP, external tokens, etc.
-# For more information and known implementations, please see
-# https://matrix-org.github.io/synapse/latest/password_auth_providers.html
-# Note: instances wishing to use SAML or CAS authentication should
-# instead use the `saml2_config` or `cas_config` options,
-# respectively.
-# # Example config for an LDAP auth provider
-# - module: "ldap_auth_provider.LdapAuthProvider"
-# config:
-# enabled: true
-# uri: "ldap://ldap.example.com:389"
-# start_tls: true
-# base: "ou=users,dc=example,dc=com"
-# attributes:
-# uid: "cn"
-# mail: "email"
-# name: "givenName"
-# #bind_dn:
-# #bind_password:
-# #filter: "(objectClass=posixAccount)"
## Push ##