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path: root/docs/implementation-notes
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authorMatthew Hodgson <>2014-11-11 21:03:10 +0200
committerMatthew Hodgson <>2014-11-12 00:18:25 +0200
commit0c59bc5e359c54092cc41457a86db562bb8c6157 (patch)
tree1a17159770830ad74feb965f5c3e9a1a87626597 /docs/implementation-notes
parenttypo (diff)
move stuff out of implementation-notes - /everything/ here should be implementation-notes now
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/implementation-notes')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 145 deletions
diff --git a/docs/implementation-notes/architecture.rst b/docs/implementation-notes/architecture.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 98050428b9..0000000000
--- a/docs/implementation-notes/architecture.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-Synapse Architecture
-As of the end of Oct 2014, Synapse's overall architecture looks like::
-        synapse
-        .-----------------------------------------------------.
-        |                          Notifier                   |
-        |                            ^  |                     |
-        |                            |  |                     |
-        |                  .------------|------.              |
-        |                  | handlers/  |      |              |
-        |                  |            v      |              |
-        |                  | Event*Handler <--------> rest/* <=> Client
-        |                  | Rooms*Handler     |              |
-  HSes <=> federation/* <==> FederationHandler |              |
-        |      |           | PresenceHandler   |              |
-        |      |           | TypingHandler     |              |
-        |      |           '-------------------'              |
-        |      |                 |     |                      |
-        |      |              state/*  |                      |
-        |      |                 |     |                      |
-        |      |                 v     v                      |
-        |      `--------------> storage/*                     |
-        |                          |                          |
-        '--------------------------|--------------------------'
-                                   v
-                                .----.
-                                | DB |
-                                '----'
-* Handlers: business logic of synapse itself.  Follows a set contract of BaseHandler:
-  - BaseHandler gives us onNewRoomEvent which: (TODO: flesh this out and make it less cryptic):
-    + handle_state(event)
-    + auth(event)
-    + persist_event(event)
-    + notify notifier or federation(event)
-  - PresenceHandler: use distributor to get EDUs out of Federation.  Very
-    lightweight logic built on the distributor
-  - TypingHandler: use distributor to get EDUs out of Federation.  Very
-    lightweight logic built on the distributor
-  - EventsHandler: handles the events stream...
-  - FederationHandler: - gets PDU from Federation Layer; turns into an event;
-    follows basehandler functionality.
-  - RoomsHandler: does all the room logic, including members - lots of classes in
-    RoomsHandler.
-  - ProfileHandler: talks to the storage to store/retrieve profile info.
-* EventFactory: generates events of particular event types.
-* Notifier: Backs the events handler
-* REST: Interfaces handlers and events to the outside world via HTTP/JSON.
-  Converts events back and forth from JSON.
-* Federation: holds the HTTP client & server to talk to other servers.  Does
-  replication to make sure there's nothing missing in the graph.  Handles
-  reliability.  Handles txns.
-* Distributor: generic event bus. used for presence & typing only currently. 
-  Notifier could be implemented using Distributor - so far we are only using for
-  things which actually /require/ dynamic pluggability however as it can
-  obfuscate the actual flow of control.
-* Auth: helper singleton to say whether a given event is allowed to do a given
-  thing  (TODO: put this on the diagram)
-* State: helper singleton: does state conflict resolution. You give it an event
-  and it tells you if it actually updates the state or not, and annotates the
-  event up properly and handles merge conflict resolution.
-* Storage: abstracts the storage engine.
diff --git a/docs/implementation-notes/code_style.rst b/docs/implementation-notes/code_style.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index d7e2d5e69e..0000000000
--- a/docs/implementation-notes/code_style.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-Basically, PEP8
-- Max line width: 80 chars.
-- Use camel case for class and type names
-- Use underscores for functions and variables.
-- Use double quotes.
-- Use parentheses instead of '\' for line continuation where ever possible (which is pretty much everywhere)
-- There should be max a single new line between:
-    - statements
-    - functions in a class
-- There should be two new lines between:
-    - definitions in a module (e.g., between different classes)
-- There should be spaces where spaces should be and not where there shouldn't be:
-    - a single space after a comma
-    - a single space before and after for '=' when used as assignment
-    - no spaces before and after for '=' for default values and keyword arguments.
-Comments should follow the google code style. This is so that we can generate documentation with sphinx ( 
diff --git a/docs/implementation-notes/python_architecture.rst b/docs/implementation-notes/python_architecture.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a5a2613c4..0000000000
--- a/docs/implementation-notes/python_architecture.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-  These architecture notes are spectacularly old, and date back to when Synapse 
-  was just federation code in isolation.  This should be merged into the main
-  spec.
-= Server to Server =
-== Server to Server Stack ==
-To use the server to server stack, home servers should only need to interact with the Messaging layer.
-The server to server side of things is designed into 4 distinct layers:
-    1. Messaging Layer
-    2. Pdu Layer
-    3. Transaction Layer
-    4. Transport Layer
-Where the bottom (the transport layer) is what talks to the internet via HTTP, and the top (the messaging layer) talks to the rest of the Home Server with a domain specific API.
-1. Messaging Layer
-    This is what the rest of the Home Server hits to send messages, join rooms, etc. It also allows you to register callbacks for when it get's notified by lower levels that e.g. a new message has been received.
-    It is responsible for serializing requests to send to the data layer, and to parse requests received from the data layer.
-2. PDU Layer
-    This layer handles: 
-        * duplicate pdu_id's - i.e., it makes sure we ignore them. 
-        * responding to requests for a given pdu_id
-        * responding to requests for all metadata for a given context (i.e. room)
-        * handling incoming backfill requests
-    So it has to parse incoming messages to discover which are metadata and which aren't, and has to correctly clobber existing metadata where appropriate.
-    For incoming PDUs, it has to check the PDUs it references to see if we have missed any. If we have go and ask someone (another home server) for it.    
-3. Transaction Layer
-    This layer makes incoming requests idempotent. I.e., it stores which transaction id's we have seen and what our response were. If we have already seen a message with the given transaction id, we do not notify higher levels but simply respond with the previous response.
-transaction_id is from "GET /send/<tx_id>/"
-    It's also responsible for batching PDUs into single transaction for sending to remote destinations, so that we only ever have one transaction in flight to a given destination at any one time.
-    This is also responsible for answering requests for things after a given set of transactions, i.e., ask for everything after 'ver' X.
-4. Transport Layer
-    This is responsible for starting a HTTP server and hitting the correct callbacks on the Transaction layer, as well as sending both data and requests for data.
-== Persistence ==
-We persist things in a single sqlite3 database. All database queries get run on a separate, dedicated thread. This that we only ever have one query running at a time, making it a lot easier to do things in a safe manner.
-The queries are located in the synapse.persistence.transactions module, and the table information in the synapse.persistence.tables module.