Use and recommend poetry 1.1.14, up from 1.1.12 (#13285)
1 files changed, 25 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/development/ b/docs/development/
index 8ef7d357d8..236856a6b0 100644
--- a/docs/development/
+++ b/docs/development/
@@ -237,3 +237,28 @@ poetry run pip install build && poetry run python -m build
because [`build`]( is a standardish tool which
doesn't require poetry. (It's what we use in CI too). However, you could try
`poetry build` too.
+# Troubleshooting
+## Check the version of poetry with `poetry --version`.
+At the time of writing, the 1.2 series is beta only. We have seen some examples
+where the lockfiles generated by 1.2 prereleasese aren't interpreted correctly
+by poetry 1.1.x. For now, use poetry 1.1.14, which includes a critical
+[change]( needed to remain
+[compatible with PyPI](
+It can also be useful to check the version of `poetry-core` in use. If you've
+installed `poetry` with `pipx`, try `pipx runpip poetry list | grep poetry-core`.
+## Clear caches: `poetry cache clear --all pypi`.
+Poetry caches a bunch of information about packages that isn't readily available
+from PyPI. (This is what makes poetry seem slow when doing the first
+`poetry install`.) Try `poetry cache list` and `poetry cache clear --all
+<name of cache>` to see if that fixes things.
+## Try `--verbose` or `--dry-run` arguments.
+Sometimes useful to see what poetry's internal logic is.