Add dedicated admin API for blocking a room (#11324)
1 files changed, 78 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/admin_api/ b/docs/admin_api/
index 6a6ae92d66..0f1a74134f 100644
--- a/docs/admin_api/
+++ b/docs/admin_api/
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
- [Room Details API](#room-details-api)
- [Room Members API](#room-members-api)
- [Room State API](#room-state-api)
+- [Block Room API](#block-room-api)
- [Delete Room API](#delete-room-api)
* [Version 1 (old version)](#version-1-old-version)
* [Version 2 (new version)](#version-2-new-version)
@@ -386,6 +387,83 @@ A response body like the following is returned:
+# Block Room API
+The Block Room admin API allows server admins to block and unblock rooms,
+and query to see if a given room is blocked.
+This API can be used to pre-emptively block a room, even if it's unknown to this
+homeserver. Users will be prevented from joining a blocked room.
+## Block or unblock a room
+The API is:
+PUT /_synapse/admin/v1/rooms/<room_id>/block
+with a body of:
+ "block": true
+A response body like the following is returned:
+ "block": true
+The following parameters should be set in the URL:
+- `room_id` - The ID of the room.
+The following JSON body parameters are available:
+- `block` - If `true` the room will be blocked and if `false` the room will be unblocked.
+The following fields are possible in the JSON response body:
+- `block` - A boolean. `true` if the room is blocked, otherwise `false`
+## Get block status
+The API is:
+GET /_synapse/admin/v1/rooms/<room_id>/block
+A response body like the following is returned:
+ "block": true,
+ "user_id": "<user_id>"
+The following parameters should be set in the URL:
+- `room_id` - The ID of the room.
+The following fields are possible in the JSON response body:
+- `block` - A boolean. `true` if the room is blocked, otherwise `false`
+- `user_id` - An optional string. If the room is blocked (`block` is `true`) shows
+ the user who has add the room to blocking list. Otherwise it is not displayed.
# Delete Room API
The Delete Room admin API allows server admins to remove rooms from the server