Add an admin APIs to allow server admins to list users' pushers (#8610)
Add an admin API `GET /_synapse/admin/v1/users/<user_id>/pushers` like
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/admin_api/user_admin_api.rst b/docs/admin_api/user_admin_api.rst
index 636fc284e4..d4051d0257 100644
--- a/docs/admin_api/user_admin_api.rst
+++ b/docs/admin_api/user_admin_api.rst
@@ -611,3 +611,82 @@ The following parameters should be set in the URL:
- ``user_id`` - fully qualified: for example, ````.
- ``device_id`` - The device to delete.
+List all pushers
+Gets information about all pushers for a specific ``user_id``.
+The API is::
+ GET /_synapse/admin/v1/users/<user_id>/pushers
+To use it, you will need to authenticate by providing an ``access_token`` for a
+server admin: see `README.rst <README.rst>`_.
+A response body like the following is returned:
+.. code:: json
+ {
+ "pushers": [
+ {
+ "app_display_name":"HTTP Push Notifications",
+ "app_id":"m.http",
+ "data": {
+ "url":""
+ },
+ "device_display_name":"pushy push",
+ "kind":"http",
+ "lang":"None",
+ "profile_tag":"",
+ "pushkey":""
+ }
+ ],
+ "total": 1
+ }
+The following parameters should be set in the URL:
+- ``user_id`` - fully qualified: for example, ````.
+The following fields are returned in the JSON response body:
+- ``pushers`` - An array containing the current pushers for the user
+ - ``app_display_name`` - string - A string that will allow the user to identify
+ what application owns this pusher.
+ - ``app_id`` - string - This is a reverse-DNS style identifier for the application.
+ Max length, 64 chars.
+ - ``data`` - A dictionary of information for the pusher implementation itself.
+ - ``url`` - string - Required if ``kind`` is ``http``. The URL to use to send
+ notifications to.
+ - ``format`` - string - The format to use when sending notifications to the
+ Push Gateway.
+ - ``device_display_name`` - string - A string that will allow the user to identify
+ what device owns this pusher.
+ - ``profile_tag`` - string - This string determines which set of device specific rules
+ this pusher executes.
+ - ``kind`` - string - The kind of pusher. "http" is a pusher that sends HTTP pokes.
+ - ``lang`` - string - The preferred language for receiving notifications
+ (e.g. 'en' or 'en-US')
+ - ``profile_tag`` - string - This string determines which set of device specific rules
+ this pusher executes.
+ - ``pushkey`` - string - This is a unique identifier for this pusher.
+ Max length, 512 bytes.
+- ``total`` - integer - Number of pushers.
+See also `Client-Server API Spec <>`_