Fix the --no-rate-limit option for messages and make it bypass rate limit on registration and login too.
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/demo/ b/demo/
index dcc4d6f4fa..c4a1328a6f 100755
--- a/demo/
+++ b/demo/
@@ -27,17 +27,27 @@ for port in 8080 8081 8082; do
--config-path "$DIR/etc/$port.config" \
--report-stats no
+ printf '\n\n# Customisation made by demo/\n' >> $DIR/etc/$port.config
+ echo 'enable_registration: true' >> $DIR/etc/$port.config
# Check script parameters
if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
if [ $1 = "--no-rate-limit" ]; then
- # Set high limits in config file to disable rate limiting
- perl -p -i -e 's/rc_messages_per_second.*/rc_messages_per_second: 1000/g' $DIR/etc/$port.config
- perl -p -i -e 's/rc_message_burst_count.*/rc_message_burst_count: 1000/g' $DIR/etc/$port.config
+ # messages rate limit
+ echo 'rc_messages_per_second: 1000' >> $DIR/etc/$port.config
+ echo 'rc_message_burst_count: 1000' >> $DIR/etc/$port.config
+ # registration rate limit
+ printf 'rc_registration:\n per_second: 1000\n burst_count: 1000\n' >> $DIR/etc/$port.config
+ # login rate limit
+ echo 'rc_login:' >> $DIR/etc/$port.config
+ printf ' address:\n per_second: 1000\n burst_count: 1000\n' >> $DIR/etc/$port.config
+ printf ' account:\n per_second: 1000\n burst_count: 1000\n' >> $DIR/etc/$port.config
+ printf ' failed_attempts:\n per_second: 1000\n burst_count: 1000\n' >> $DIR/etc/$port.config
- perl -p -i -e 's/^enable_registration:.*/enable_registration: true/g' $DIR/etc/$port.config
if ! grep -F "full_twisted_stacktraces" -q $DIR/etc/$port.config; then
echo "full_twisted_stacktraces: true" >> $DIR/etc/$port.config