diff --git a/changelog.d/5561.feature b/changelog.d/5561.feature
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..85380bc517
--- /dev/null
+++ b/changelog.d/5561.feature
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Update Docker image to deprecate the use of environment variables for configuration, and make the use of a static configuration the default.
diff --git a/docker/start.py b/docker/start.py
index a7a54dacf7..bdb703aebd 100755
--- a/docker/start.py
+++ b/docker/start.py
@@ -1,52 +1,124 @@
-import jinja2
+import codecs
+import glob
import os
-import sys
import subprocess
-import glob
-import codecs
+import sys
+import jinja2
# Utility functions
-convert = lambda src, dst, environ: open(dst, "w").write(
- jinja2.Template(open(src).read()).render(**environ)
+def log(txt):
+ print(txt, file=sys.stderr)
+def error(txt):
+ log(txt)
+ sys.exit(2)
+def convert(src, dst, environ):
+ """Generate a file from a template
+ Args:
+ src (str): path to input file
+ dst (str): path to file to write
+ environ (dict): environment dictionary, for replacement mappings.
+ """
+ with open(src) as infile:
+ template = infile.read()
+ rendered = jinja2.Template(template).render(**environ)
+ with open(dst, "w") as outfile:
+ outfile.write(rendered)
+def generate_config_from_template(environ, ownership):
+ """Generate a homeserver.yaml from environment variables
+ Args:
+ environ (dict): environment dictionary
+ ownership (str): "<user>:<group>" string which will be used to set
+ ownership of the generated configs
-def check_arguments(environ, args):
- for argument in args:
- if argument not in environ:
- print("Environment variable %s is mandatory, exiting." % argument)
- sys.exit(2)
+ Returns:
+ path to generated config file
+ """
+ if v not in environ:
+ error(
+ "Environment variable '%s' is mandatory when generating a config "
+ "file on-the-fly." % (v,)
+ )
+ # populate some params from data files (if they exist, else create new ones)
+ environ = environ.copy()
+ secrets = {
+ }
-def generate_secrets(environ, secrets):
for name, secret in secrets.items():
if secret not in environ:
filename = "/data/%s.%s.key" % (environ["SYNAPSE_SERVER_NAME"], name)
+ # if the file already exists, load in the existing value; otherwise,
+ # generate a new secret and write it to a file
if os.path.exists(filename):
with open(filename) as handle:
value = handle.read()
- print("Generating a random secret for {}".format(name))
+ log("Generating a random secret for {}".format(name))
value = codecs.encode(os.urandom(32), "hex").decode()
with open(filename, "w") as handle:
environ[secret] = value
+ environ["SYNAPSE_APPSERVICES"] = glob.glob("/data/appservices/*.yaml")
+ if not os.path.exists("/compiled"):
+ os.mkdir("/compiled")
+ config_path = "/compiled/homeserver.yaml"
+ # Convert SYNAPSE_NO_TLS to boolean if exists
+ if "SYNAPSE_NO_TLS" in environ:
+ tlsanswerstring = str.lower(environ["SYNAPSE_NO_TLS"])
+ if tlsanswerstring in ("true", "on", "1", "yes"):
+ environ["SYNAPSE_NO_TLS"] = True
+ else:
+ if tlsanswerstring in ("false", "off", "0", "no"):
+ environ["SYNAPSE_NO_TLS"] = False
+ else:
+ error(
+ 'Environment variable "SYNAPSE_NO_TLS" found but value "'
+ + tlsanswerstring
+ + '" unrecognized; exiting.'
+ )
+ convert("/conf/homeserver.yaml", config_path, environ)
+ convert("/conf/log.config", "/compiled/log.config", environ)
+ subprocess.check_output(["chown", "-R", ownership, "/data"])
+ return config_path
+def run_generate_config(environ):
+ """Run synapse with a --generate-config param to generate a template config file
-# Prepare the configuration
-mode = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else None
-environ = os.environ.copy()
-ownership = "{}:{}".format(environ.get("UID", 991), environ.get("GID", 991))
-args = ["python", "-m", "synapse.app.homeserver"]
+ Args:
+ environ (dict): environment dictionary
-# In generate mode, generate a configuration, missing keys, then exit
-if mode == "generate":
- check_arguments(
- )
- args += [
+ Never returns.
+ """
+ if v not in environ:
+ error("Environment variable '%s' is mandatory in `generate` mode." % (v,))
+ args = [
+ "python",
+ "-m",
+ "synapse.app.homeserver",
@@ -57,46 +129,25 @@ if mode == "generate":
os.execv("/usr/local/bin/python", args)
-# In normal mode, generate missing keys if any, then run synapse
+def main(args, environ):
+ mode = args[1] if len(args) > 1 else None
+ ownership = "{}:{}".format(environ.get("UID", 991), environ.get("GID", 991))
+ # In generate mode, generate a configuration, missing keys, then exit
+ if mode == "generate":
+ return run_generate_config(environ)
+ # In normal mode, generate missing keys if any, then run synapse
if "SYNAPSE_CONFIG_PATH" in environ:
config_path = environ["SYNAPSE_CONFIG_PATH"]
- check_arguments(environ, ("SYNAPSE_SERVER_NAME", "SYNAPSE_REPORT_STATS"))
- generate_secrets(
- environ,
- {
- },
- )
- environ["SYNAPSE_APPSERVICES"] = glob.glob("/data/appservices/*.yaml")
- if not os.path.exists("/compiled"):
- os.mkdir("/compiled")
- config_path = "/compiled/homeserver.yaml"
- # Convert SYNAPSE_NO_TLS to boolean if exists
- if "SYNAPSE_NO_TLS" in environ:
- tlsanswerstring = str.lower(environ["SYNAPSE_NO_TLS"])
- if tlsanswerstring in ("true", "on", "1", "yes"):
- environ["SYNAPSE_NO_TLS"] = True
- else:
- if tlsanswerstring in ("false", "off", "0", "no"):
- environ["SYNAPSE_NO_TLS"] = False
- else:
- print(
- 'Environment variable "SYNAPSE_NO_TLS" found but value "'
- + tlsanswerstring
- + '" unrecognized; exiting.'
- )
- sys.exit(2)
- convert("/conf/homeserver.yaml", config_path, environ)
- convert("/conf/log.config", "/compiled/log.config", environ)
- subprocess.check_output(["chown", "-R", ownership, "/data"])
- args += [
+ config_path = generate_config_from_template(environ, ownership)
+ args = [
+ "python",
+ "-m",
+ "synapse.app.homeserver",
# tell synapse to put any generated keys in /data rather than /compiled
@@ -107,3 +158,7 @@ else:
# Generate missing keys and start synapse
subprocess.check_output(args + ["--generate-keys"])
os.execv("/sbin/su-exec", ["su-exec", ownership] + args)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main(sys.argv, os.environ)