diff --git a/changelog.d/8868.misc b/changelog.d/8868.misc
index 1a11e30944..346741d982 100644
--- a/changelog.d/8868.misc
+++ b/changelog.d/8868.misc
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Improve efficiency of large state resolutions for new rooms.
+Improve efficiency of large state resolutions.
diff --git a/changelog.d/9029.misc b/changelog.d/9029.misc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..346741d982
--- /dev/null
+++ b/changelog.d/9029.misc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Improve efficiency of large state resolutions.
diff --git a/scripts/synapse_port_db b/scripts/synapse_port_db
index 22dd169bfb..69bf9110a6 100755
--- a/scripts/synapse_port_db
+++ b/scripts/synapse_port_db
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ logger = logging.getLogger("synapse_port_db")
"events": ["processed", "outlier", "contains_url"],
- "rooms": ["is_public"],
+ "rooms": ["is_public", "has_auth_chain_index"],
"event_edges": ["is_state"],
"presence_list": ["accepted"],
"presence_stream": ["currently_active"],
diff --git a/synapse/storage/databases/main/events.py b/synapse/storage/databases/main/events.py
index 186f064036..e0fbcc58cf 100644
--- a/synapse/storage/databases/main/events.py
+++ b/synapse/storage/databases/main/events.py
@@ -466,9 +466,6 @@ class PersistEventsStore:
if not state_events:
- # Map from event ID to chain ID/sequence number.
- chain_map = {} # type: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]]
# We need to know the type/state_key and auth events of the events we're
# calculating chain IDs for. We don't rely on having the full Event
# instances as we'll potentially be pulling more events from the DB and
@@ -479,9 +476,33 @@ class PersistEventsStore:
event_to_auth_chain = {
e.event_id: e.auth_event_ids() for e in state_events.values()
+ event_to_room_id = {e.event_id: e.room_id for e in state_events.values()}
+ self._add_chain_cover_index(
+ txn, event_to_room_id, event_to_types, event_to_auth_chain
+ )
+ def _add_chain_cover_index(
+ self,
+ txn,
+ event_to_room_id: Dict[str, str],
+ event_to_types: Dict[str, Tuple[str, str]],
+ event_to_auth_chain: Dict[str, List[str]],
+ ) -> None:
+ """Calculate the chain cover index for the given events.
+ Args:
+ event_to_room_id: Event ID to the room ID of the event
+ event_to_types: Event ID to type and state_key of the event
+ event_to_auth_chain: Event ID to list of auth event IDs of the
+ event (events with no auth events can be excluded).
+ """
+ # Map from event ID to chain ID/sequence number.
+ chain_map = {} # type: Dict[str, Tuple[int, int]]
# Set of event IDs to calculate chain ID/seq numbers for.
- events_to_calc_chain_id_for = set(state_events)
+ events_to_calc_chain_id_for = set(event_to_room_id)
# We check if there are any events that need to be handled in the rooms
# we're looking at. These should just be out of band memberships, where
@@ -491,7 +512,7 @@ class PersistEventsStore:
- iterable={e.room_id for e in state_events.values()},
+ iterable=set(event_to_room_id.values()),
retcols=("event_id", "type", "state_key"),
for row in rows:
@@ -582,16 +603,17 @@ class PersistEventsStore:
# the list of events to calculate chain IDs for next time
# around. (Otherwise we will have already added it to the
# table).
- event = state_events.get(event_id)
- if event:
+ room_id = event_to_room_id.get(event_id)
+ if room_id:
+ e_type, state_key = event_to_types[event_id]
- "event_id": event.event_id,
- "room_id": event.room_id,
- "type": event.type,
- "state_key": event.state_key,
+ "event_id": event_id,
+ "room_id": room_id,
+ "type": e_type,
+ "state_key": state_key,
@@ -617,7 +639,7 @@ class PersistEventsStore:
events_to_calc_chain_id_for, event_to_auth_chain
existing_chain_id = None
- for auth_id in event_to_auth_chain[event_id]:
+ for auth_id in event_to_auth_chain.get(event_id, []):
if event_to_types.get(event_id) == event_to_types.get(auth_id):
existing_chain_id = chain_map[auth_id]
@@ -730,11 +752,11 @@ class PersistEventsStore:
# auth events (A, B) to check if B is reachable from A.
reduction = {
- for a_id in event_to_auth_chain[event_id]
+ for a_id in event_to_auth_chain.get(event_id, [])
if chain_map[a_id][0] != chain_id
for start_auth_id, end_auth_id in itertools.permutations(
- event_to_auth_chain[event_id], r=2,
+ event_to_auth_chain.get(event_id, []), r=2,
if chain_links.exists_path_from(
chain_map[start_auth_id], chain_map[end_auth_id]
diff --git a/synapse/storage/databases/main/events_bg_updates.py b/synapse/storage/databases/main/events_bg_updates.py
index 7e4b175d08..90a40a92b4 100644
--- a/synapse/storage/databases/main/events_bg_updates.py
+++ b/synapse/storage/databases/main/events_bg_updates.py
@@ -14,13 +14,13 @@
# limitations under the License.
import logging
-from typing import List, Tuple
+from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
from synapse.api.constants import EventContentFields
from synapse.api.room_versions import KNOWN_ROOM_VERSIONS
from synapse.events import make_event_from_dict
from synapse.storage._base import SQLBaseStore, db_to_json, make_in_list_sql_clause
-from synapse.storage.database import DatabasePool
+from synapse.storage.database import DatabasePool, make_tuple_comparison_clause
from synapse.storage.types import Cursor
from synapse.types import JsonDict
@@ -108,6 +108,10 @@ class EventsBackgroundUpdatesStore(SQLBaseStore):
"rejected_events_metadata", self._rejected_events_metadata,
+ self.db_pool.updates.register_background_update_handler(
+ "chain_cover", self._chain_cover_index,
+ )
async def _background_reindex_fields_sender(self, progress, batch_size):
target_min_stream_id = progress["target_min_stream_id_inclusive"]
max_stream_id = progress["max_stream_id_exclusive"]
@@ -706,3 +710,187 @@ class EventsBackgroundUpdatesStore(SQLBaseStore):
return len(results)
+ async def _chain_cover_index(self, progress: dict, batch_size: int) -> int:
+ """A background updates that iterates over all rooms and generates the
+ chain cover index for them.
+ """
+ current_room_id = progress.get("current_room_id", "")
+ # Have we finished processing the current room.
+ finished = progress.get("finished", True)
+ # Where we've processed up to in the room, defaults to the start of the
+ # room.
+ last_depth = progress.get("last_depth", -1)
+ last_stream = progress.get("last_stream", -1)
+ # Have we set the `has_auth_chain_index` for the room yet.
+ has_set_room_has_chain_index = progress.get(
+ "has_set_room_has_chain_index", False
+ )
+ if finished:
+ # If we've finished with the previous room (or its our first
+ # iteration) we move on to the next room.
+ def _get_next_room(txn: Cursor) -> Optional[str]:
+ sql = """
+ SELECT room_id FROM rooms
+ WHERE room_id > ?
+ AND (
+ NOT has_auth_chain_index
+ OR has_auth_chain_index IS NULL
+ )
+ ORDER BY room_id
+ """
+ txn.execute(sql, (current_room_id,))
+ row = txn.fetchone()
+ if row:
+ return row[0]
+ return None
+ current_room_id = await self.db_pool.runInteraction(
+ "_chain_cover_index", _get_next_room
+ )
+ if not current_room_id:
+ await self.db_pool.updates._end_background_update("chain_cover")
+ return 0
+ logger.debug("Adding chain cover to %s", current_room_id)
+ def _calculate_auth_chain(
+ txn: Cursor, last_depth: int, last_stream: int
+ ) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
+ # Get the next set of events in the room (that we haven't already
+ # computed chain cover for). We do this in topological order.
+ # We want to do a `(topological_ordering, stream_ordering) > (?,?)`
+ # comparison, but that is not supported on older SQLite versions
+ tuple_clause, tuple_args = make_tuple_comparison_clause(
+ self.database_engine,
+ [
+ ("topological_ordering", last_depth),
+ ("stream_ordering", last_stream),
+ ],
+ )
+ sql = """
+ event_id, state_events.type, state_events.state_key,
+ topological_ordering, stream_ordering
+ FROM events
+ INNER JOIN state_events USING (event_id)
+ LEFT JOIN event_auth_chains USING (event_id)
+ LEFT JOIN event_auth_chain_to_calculate USING (event_id)
+ WHERE events.room_id = ?
+ AND event_auth_chains.event_id IS NULL
+ AND event_auth_chain_to_calculate.event_id IS NULL
+ AND %(tuple_cmp)s
+ ORDER BY topological_ordering, stream_ordering
+ """ % {
+ "tuple_cmp": tuple_clause,
+ }
+ args = [current_room_id]
+ args.extend(tuple_args)
+ args.append(batch_size)
+ txn.execute(sql, args)
+ rows = txn.fetchall()
+ # Put the results in the necessary format for
+ # `_add_chain_cover_index`
+ event_to_room_id = {row[0]: current_room_id for row in rows}
+ event_to_types = {row[0]: (row[1], row[2]) for row in rows}
+ new_last_depth = rows[-1][3] if rows else last_depth # type: int
+ new_last_stream = rows[-1][4] if rows else last_stream # type: int
+ count = len(rows)
+ # We also need to fetch the auth events for them.
+ auth_events = self.db_pool.simple_select_many_txn(
+ txn,
+ table="event_auth",
+ column="event_id",
+ iterable=event_to_room_id,
+ keyvalues={},
+ retcols=("event_id", "auth_id"),
+ )
+ event_to_auth_chain = {} # type: Dict[str, List[str]]
+ for row in auth_events:
+ event_to_auth_chain.setdefault(row["event_id"], []).append(
+ row["auth_id"]
+ )
+ # Calculate and persist the chain cover index for this set of events.
+ #
+ # Annoyingly we need to gut wrench into the persit event store so that
+ # we can reuse the function to calculate the chain cover for rooms.
+ self.hs.get_datastores().persist_events._add_chain_cover_index(
+ txn, event_to_room_id, event_to_types, event_to_auth_chain,
+ )
+ return new_last_depth, new_last_stream, count
+ last_depth, last_stream, count = await self.db_pool.runInteraction(
+ "_chain_cover_index", _calculate_auth_chain, last_depth, last_stream
+ )
+ total_rows_processed = count
+ if count < batch_size and not has_set_room_has_chain_index:
+ # If we've done all the events in the room we flip the
+ # `has_auth_chain_index` in the DB. Note that its possible for
+ # further events to be persisted between the above and setting the
+ # flag without having the chain cover calculated for them. This is
+ # fine as a) the code gracefully handles these cases and b) we'll
+ # calculate them below.
+ await self.db_pool.simple_update(
+ table="rooms",
+ keyvalues={"room_id": current_room_id},
+ updatevalues={"has_auth_chain_index": True},
+ desc="_chain_cover_index",
+ )
+ has_set_room_has_chain_index = True
+ # Handle any events that might have raced with us flipping the
+ # bit above.
+ last_depth, last_stream, count = await self.db_pool.runInteraction(
+ "_chain_cover_index", _calculate_auth_chain, last_depth, last_stream
+ )
+ total_rows_processed += count
+ # Note that at this point its technically possible that more events
+ # than our `batch_size` have been persisted without their chain
+ # cover, so we need to continue processing this room if the last
+ # count returned was equal to the `batch_size`.
+ if count < batch_size:
+ # We've finished calculating the index for this room, move on to the
+ # next room.
+ await self.db_pool.updates._background_update_progress(
+ "chain_cover", {"current_room_id": current_room_id, "finished": True},
+ )
+ else:
+ # We still have outstanding events to calculate the index for.
+ await self.db_pool.updates._background_update_progress(
+ "chain_cover",
+ {
+ "current_room_id": current_room_id,
+ "last_depth": last_depth,
+ "last_stream": last_stream,
+ "has_auth_chain_index": has_set_room_has_chain_index,
+ "finished": False,
+ },
+ )
+ return total_rows_processed
diff --git a/synapse/storage/databases/main/schema/delta/59/06chain_cover_index.sql b/synapse/storage/databases/main/schema/delta/59/06chain_cover_index.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe3dca71dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/synapse/storage/databases/main/schema/delta/59/06chain_cover_index.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+/* Copyright 2020 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+INSERT INTO background_updates (ordering, update_name, progress_json, depends_on) VALUES
+ (5906, 'chain_cover', '{}', 'rejected_events_metadata');
diff --git a/tests/storage/test_event_chain.py b/tests/storage/test_event_chain.py
index 83c377824b..ff67a73749 100644
--- a/tests/storage/test_event_chain.py
+++ b/tests/storage/test_event_chain.py
@@ -20,7 +20,10 @@ from twisted.trial import unittest
from synapse.api.constants import EventTypes
from synapse.api.room_versions import RoomVersions
from synapse.events import EventBase
+from synapse.rest import admin
+from synapse.rest.client.v1 import login, room
from synapse.storage.databases.main.events import _LinkMap
+from synapse.types import create_requester
from tests.unittest import HomeserverTestCase
@@ -470,3 +473,114 @@ class LinkMapTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertCountEqual(link_map.get_links_between(1, 2), [(1, 1), (3, 3)])
self.assertCountEqual(link_map.get_additions(), [(1, 3, 2, 3), (2, 5, 1, 3)])
+class EventChainBackgroundUpdateTestCase(HomeserverTestCase):
+ servlets = [
+ admin.register_servlets,
+ room.register_servlets,
+ login.register_servlets,
+ ]
+ def test_background_update(self):
+ """Test that the background update to calculate auth chains for historic
+ rooms works correctly.
+ """
+ # Create a room
+ user_id = self.register_user("foo", "pass")
+ token = self.login("foo", "pass")
+ room_id = self.helper.create_room_as(user_id, tok=token)
+ requester = create_requester(user_id)
+ store = self.hs.get_datastore()
+ # Mark the room as not having a chain cover index
+ self.get_success(
+ store.db_pool.simple_update(
+ table="rooms",
+ keyvalues={"room_id": room_id},
+ updatevalues={"has_auth_chain_index": False},
+ desc="test",
+ )
+ )
+ # Create a fork in the DAG with different events.
+ event_handler = self.hs.get_event_creation_handler()
+ latest_event_ids = self.get_success(store.get_prev_events_for_room(room_id))
+ event, context = self.get_success(
+ event_handler.create_event(
+ requester,
+ {
+ "type": "some_state_type",
+ "state_key": "",
+ "content": {},
+ "room_id": room_id,
+ "sender": user_id,
+ },
+ prev_event_ids=latest_event_ids,
+ )
+ )
+ self.get_success(
+ event_handler.handle_new_client_event(requester, event, context)
+ )
+ state1 = list(self.get_success(context.get_current_state_ids()).values())
+ event, context = self.get_success(
+ event_handler.create_event(
+ requester,
+ {
+ "type": "some_state_type",
+ "state_key": "",
+ "content": {},
+ "room_id": room_id,
+ "sender": user_id,
+ },
+ prev_event_ids=latest_event_ids,
+ )
+ )
+ self.get_success(
+ event_handler.handle_new_client_event(requester, event, context)
+ )
+ state2 = list(self.get_success(context.get_current_state_ids()).values())
+ # Delete the chain cover info.
+ def _delete_tables(txn):
+ txn.execute("DELETE FROM event_auth_chains")
+ txn.execute("DELETE FROM event_auth_chain_links")
+ self.get_success(store.db_pool.runInteraction("test", _delete_tables))
+ # Insert and run the background update.
+ self.get_success(
+ store.db_pool.simple_insert(
+ "background_updates",
+ {"update_name": "chain_cover", "progress_json": "{}"},
+ )
+ )
+ # Ugh, have to reset this flag
+ store.db_pool.updates._all_done = False
+ while not self.get_success(
+ store.db_pool.updates.has_completed_background_updates()
+ ):
+ self.get_success(
+ store.db_pool.updates.do_next_background_update(100), by=0.1
+ )
+ # Test that the `has_auth_chain_index` has been set
+ self.assertTrue(self.get_success(store.has_auth_chain_index(room_id)))
+ # Test that calculating the auth chain difference using the newly
+ # calculated chain cover works.
+ self.get_success(
+ store.db_pool.runInteraction(
+ "test",
+ store._get_auth_chain_difference_using_cover_index_txn,
+ room_id,
+ [state1, state2],
+ )
+ )