diff --git a/changelog.d/8779.doc b/changelog.d/8779.doc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3641ae7f91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/changelog.d/8779.doc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Update `turn-howto.md` with troubleshooting notes.
diff --git a/docs/turn-howto.md b/docs/turn-howto.md
index d4a726be66..a470c274a5 100644
--- a/docs/turn-howto.md
+++ b/docs/turn-howto.md
@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ This will install and start a systemd service called `coturn`.
- > You may need to install `libevent2`: if so, you should do so in
- > the way recommended by your operating system. You can ignore
- > warnings about lack of database support: a database is unnecessary
- > for this purpose.
+ You may need to install `libevent2`: if so, you should do so in
+ the way recommended by your operating system. You can ignore
+ warnings about lack of database support: a database is unnecessary
+ for this purpose.
1. Build and install it:
@@ -66,6 +66,19 @@ This will install and start a systemd service called `coturn`.
pwgen -s 64 1
+ A `realm` must be specified, but its value is somewhat arbitrary. (It is
+ sent to clients as part of the authentication flow.) It is conventional to
+ set it to be your server name.
+1. You will most likely want to configure coturn to write logs somewhere. The
+ easiest way is normally to send them to the syslog:
+ syslog
+ (in which case, the logs will be available via `journalctl -u coturn` on a
+ systemd system). Alternatively, coturn can be configured to write to a
+ logfile - check the example config file supplied with coturn.
1. Consider your security settings. TURN lets users request a relay which will
connect to arbitrary IP addresses and ports. The following configuration is
suggested as a minimum starting point:
@@ -96,11 +109,31 @@ This will install and start a systemd service called `coturn`.
# TLS private key file
+ In this case, replace the `turn:` schemes in the `turn_uri` settings below
+ with `turns:`.
+ We recommend that you only try to set up TLS/DTLS once you have set up a
+ basic installation and got it working.
1. Ensure your firewall allows traffic into the TURN server on the ports
- you've configured it to listen on (By default: 3478 and 5349 for the TURN(s)
+ you've configured it to listen on (By default: 3478 and 5349 for TURN
traffic (remember to allow both TCP and UDP traffic), and ports 49152-65535
for the UDP relay.)
+1. We do not recommend running a TURN server behind NAT, and are not aware of
+ anyone doing so successfully.
+ If you want to try it anyway, you will at least need to tell coturn its
+ external IP address:
+ external-ip=
+ ... and your NAT gateway must forward all of the relayed ports directly
+ (eg, port 56789 on the external IP must be always be forwarded to port
+ 56789 on the internal IP).
+ If you get this working, let us know!
1. (Re)start the turn server:
* If you used the Debian package (or have set up a systemd unit yourself):
@@ -137,9 +170,10 @@ Your home server configuration file needs the following extra keys:
without having gone through a CAPTCHA or similar to register a
real account.
-As an example, here is the relevant section of the config file for matrix.org:
+As an example, here is the relevant section of the config file for `matrix.org`. The
+`turn_uris` are appropriate for TURN servers listening on the default ports, with no TLS.
- turn_uris: [ "turn:turn.matrix.org:3478?transport=udp", "turn:turn.matrix.org:3478?transport=tcp" ]
+ turn_uris: [ "turn:turn.matrix.org?transport=udp", "turn:turn.matrix.org?transport=tcp" ]
turn_shared_secret: "n0t4ctuAllymatr1Xd0TorgSshar3d5ecret4obvIousreAsons"
turn_user_lifetime: 86400000
turn_allow_guests: True
@@ -155,5 +189,86 @@ After updating the homeserver configuration, you must restart synapse:
systemctl restart synapse.service
+... and then reload any clients (or wait an hour for them to refresh their
+## Troubleshooting
+The normal symptoms of a misconfigured TURN server are that calls between
+devices on different networks ring, but get stuck at "call
+connecting". Unfortunately, troubleshooting this can be tricky.
+Here are a few things to try:
+ * Check that your TURN server is not behind NAT. As above, we're not aware of
+ anyone who has successfully set this up.
+ * Check that you have opened your firewall to allow TCP and UDP traffic to the
+ TURN ports (normally 3478 and 5479).
+ * Check that you have opened your firewall to allow UDP traffic to the UDP
+ relay ports (49152-65535 by default).
+ * Some WebRTC implementations (notably, that of Google Chrome) appear to get
+ confused by TURN servers which are reachable over IPv6 (this appears to be
+ an unexpected side-effect of its handling of multiple IP addresses as
+ defined by
+ [`draft-ietf-rtcweb-ip-handling`](https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-rtcweb-ip-handling-12)).
+ Try removing any AAAA records for your TURN server, so that it is only
+ reachable over IPv4.
+ * Enable more verbose logging in coturn via the `verbose` setting:
+ ```
+ verbose
+ ```
+ ... and then see if there are any clues in its logs.
+ * If you are using a browser-based client under Chrome, check
+ `chrome://webrtc-internals/` for insights into the internals of the
+ negotiation. On Firefox, check the "Connection Log" on `about:webrtc`.
+ (Understanding the output is beyond the scope of this document!)
+ * There is a WebRTC test tool at
+ https://webrtc.github.io/samples/src/content/peerconnection/trickle-ice/. To
+ use it, you will need a username/password for your TURN server. You can
+ either:
+ * look for the `GET /_matrix/client/r0/voip/turnServer` request made by a
+ matrix client to your homeserver in your browser's network inspector. In
+ the response you should see `username` and `password`. Or:
+ * Use the following shell commands:
+ ```sh
+ secret=staticAuthSecretHere
+ u=$((`date +%s` + 3600)):test
+ p=$(echo -n $u | openssl dgst -hmac $secret -sha1 -binary | base64)
+ echo -e "username: $u\npassword: $p"
+ ```
+ Or:
+ * Temporarily configure coturn to accept a static username/password. To do
+ this, comment out `use-auth-secret` and `static-auth-secret` and add the
+ following:
+ ```
+ lt-cred-mech
+ user=username:password
+ ```
+ **Note**: these settings will not take effect unless `use-auth-secret`
+ and `static-auth-secret` are disabled.
+ Restart coturn after changing the configuration file.
+ Remember to restore the original settings to go back to testing with
+ Matrix clients!
-..and your Home Server now supports VoIP relaying!
+ If the TURN server is working correctly, you should see at least one `relay`
+ entry in the results.