diff --git a/synapse/handlers/__init__.py b/synapse/handlers/__init__.py
index 7417a02cea..b645977767 100644
--- a/synapse/handlers/__init__.py
+++ b/synapse/handlers/__init__.py
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ from .login import LoginHandler
from .profile import ProfileHandler
from .presence import PresenceHandler
from .directory import DirectoryHandler
+from .typing import TypingNotificationHandler
class Handlers(object):
@@ -46,3 +47,4 @@ class Handlers(object):
self.room_list_handler = RoomListHandler(hs)
self.login_handler = LoginHandler(hs)
self.directory_handler = DirectoryHandler(hs)
+ self.typing_notification_handler = TypingNotificationHandler(hs)
diff --git a/synapse/handlers/typing.py b/synapse/handlers/typing.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9d38a7336e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/synapse/handlers/typing.py
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2014 matrix.org
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from ._base import BaseHandler
+import logging
+from collections import namedtuple
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# A tiny object useful for storing a user's membership in a room, as a mapping
+# key
+RoomMember = namedtuple("RoomMember", ("room_id", "user"))
+class TypingNotificationHandler(BaseHandler):
+ def __init__(self, hs):
+ super(TypingNotificationHandler, self).__init__(hs)
+ self.homeserver = hs
+ self.clock = hs.get_clock()
+ self.federation = hs.get_replication_layer()
+ self.federation.register_edu_handler("m.typing", self._recv_edu)
+ self._member_typing_until = {}
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def started_typing(self, target_user, auth_user, room_id, timeout):
+ if not target_user.is_mine:
+ raise SynapseError(400, "User is not hosted on this Home Server")
+ if target_user != auth_user:
+ raise AuthError(400, "Cannot set another user's typing state")
+ until = self.clock.time_msec() + timeout
+ member = RoomMember(room_id=room_id, user=target_user)
+ was_present = member in self._member_typing_until
+ self._member_typing_until[member] = until
+ if was_present:
+ # No point sending another notification
+ defer.returnValue(None)
+ yield self._push_update(
+ room_id=room_id,
+ user=target_user,
+ typing=True,
+ )
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def stopped_typing(self, target_user, auth_user, room_id):
+ if not target_user.is_mine:
+ raise SynapseError(400, "User is not hosted on this Home Server")
+ if target_user != auth_user:
+ raise AuthError(400, "Cannot set another user's typing state")
+ member = RoomMember(room_id=room_id, user=target_user)
+ if member not in self._member_typing_until:
+ # No point
+ defer.returnValue(None)
+ yield self._push_update(
+ room_id=room_id,
+ user=target_user,
+ typing=False,
+ )
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def _push_update(self, room_id, user, typing):
+ localusers = set()
+ remotedomains = set()
+ rm_handler = self.homeserver.get_handlers().room_member_handler
+ yield rm_handler.fetch_room_distributions_into(room_id,
+ localusers=localusers, remotedomains=remotedomains,
+ ignore_user=user)
+ for u in localusers:
+ self.push_update_to_clients(
+ room_id=room_id,
+ observer_user=u,
+ observed_user=user,
+ typing=typing,
+ )
+ deferreds = []
+ for domain in remotedomains:
+ deferreds.append(self.federation.send_edu(
+ destination=domain,
+ edu_type="m.typing",
+ content={
+ "room_id": room_id,
+ "user_id": user.to_string(),
+ "typing": typing,
+ },
+ ))
+ yield defer.DeferredList(deferreds, consumeErrors=False)
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def _recv_edu(self, origin, content):
+ room_id = content["room_id"]
+ user = self.homeserver.parse_userid(content["user_id"])
+ localusers = set()
+ rm_handler = self.homeserver.get_handlers().room_member_handler
+ yield rm_handler.fetch_room_distributions_into(room_id,
+ localusers=localusers)
+ for u in localusers:
+ self.push_update_to_clients(
+ room_id=room_id,
+ observer_user=u,
+ observed_user=user,
+ typing=content["typing"]
+ )
+ def push_update_to_clients(self, room_id, observer_user, observed_user,
+ typing):
+ # TODO(paul) steal this from presence.py
+ pass
diff --git a/tests/handlers/test_typing.py b/tests/handlers/test_typing.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..300a6e340a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/handlers/test_typing.py
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright 2014 matrix.org
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from twisted.trial import unittest
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from mock import Mock, call, ANY
+import json
+import logging
+from ..utils import MockHttpResource, MockClock, DeferredMockCallable
+from synapse.server import HomeServer
+from synapse.handlers.typing import TypingNotificationHandler
+def _expect_edu(destination, edu_type, content, origin="test"):
+ return {
+ "origin": origin,
+ "ts": 1000000,
+ "pdus": [],
+ "edus": [
+ {
+ "origin": origin,
+ "destination": destination,
+ "edu_type": edu_type,
+ "content": content,
+ }
+ ],
+ }
+def _make_edu_json(origin, edu_type, content):
+ return json.dumps(_expect_edu("test", edu_type, content, origin=origin))
+class JustTypingNotificationHandlers(object):
+ def __init__(self, hs):
+ self.typing_notification_handler = TypingNotificationHandler(hs)
+class TypingNotificationsTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Tests typing notifications to rooms."""
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.clock = MockClock()
+ self.mock_http_client = Mock(spec=[])
+ self.mock_http_client.put_json = DeferredMockCallable()
+ self.mock_federation_resource = MockHttpResource()
+ hs = HomeServer("test",
+ clock=self.clock,
+ db_pool=None,
+ datastore=Mock(spec=[
+ # Bits that Federation needs
+ "prep_send_transaction",
+ "delivered_txn",
+ "get_received_txn_response",
+ "set_received_txn_response",
+ ]),
+ handlers=None,
+ resource_for_client=Mock(),
+ resource_for_federation=self.mock_federation_resource,
+ http_client=self.mock_http_client,
+ )
+ hs.handlers = JustTypingNotificationHandlers(hs)
+ self.mock_update_client = Mock()
+ self.mock_update_client.return_value = defer.succeed(None)
+ self.handler = hs.get_handlers().typing_notification_handler
+ self.handler.push_update_to_clients = self.mock_update_client
+ self.datastore = hs.get_datastore()
+ def get_received_txn_response(*args):
+ return defer.succeed(None)
+ self.datastore.get_received_txn_response = get_received_txn_response
+ self.room_id = "a-room"
+ # Mock the RoomMemberHandler
+ hs.handlers.room_member_handler = Mock(spec=[])
+ self.room_member_handler = hs.handlers.room_member_handler
+ self.room_members = []
+ def get_rooms_for_user(user):
+ if user in self.room_members:
+ return defer.succeed([self.room_id])
+ else:
+ return defer.succeed([])
+ self.room_member_handler.get_rooms_for_user = get_rooms_for_user
+ def get_room_members(room_id):
+ if room_id == self.room_id:
+ return defer.succeed(self.room_members)
+ else:
+ return defer.succeed([])
+ self.room_member_handler.get_room_members = get_room_members
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def fetch_room_distributions_into(room_id, localusers=None,
+ remotedomains=None, ignore_user=None):
+ members = yield get_room_members(room_id)
+ for member in members:
+ if ignore_user is not None and member == ignore_user:
+ continue
+ if member.is_mine:
+ if localusers is not None:
+ localusers.add(member)
+ else:
+ if remotedomains is not None:
+ remotedomains.add(member.domain)
+ self.room_member_handler.fetch_room_distributions_into = (
+ fetch_room_distributions_into)
+ # Some local users to test with
+ self.u_apple = hs.parse_userid("@apple:test")
+ self.u_banana = hs.parse_userid("@banana:test")
+ # Remote user
+ self.u_onion = hs.parse_userid("@onion:farm")
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def test_started_typing_local(self):
+ self.room_members = [self.u_apple, self.u_banana]
+ yield self.handler.started_typing(
+ target_user=self.u_apple,
+ auth_user=self.u_apple,
+ room_id=self.room_id,
+ timeout=20000,
+ )
+ self.mock_update_client.assert_has_calls([
+ call(observer_user=self.u_banana,
+ observed_user=self.u_apple,
+ room_id=self.room_id,
+ typing=True),
+ ])
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def test_started_typing_remote_send(self):
+ self.room_members = [self.u_apple, self.u_onion]
+ put_json = self.mock_http_client.put_json
+ put_json.expect_call_and_return(
+ call("farm",
+ path="/matrix/federation/v1/send/1000000/",
+ data=_expect_edu("farm", "m.typing",
+ content={
+ "room_id": self.room_id,
+ "user_id": self.u_apple.to_string(),
+ "typing": True,
+ }
+ )
+ ),
+ defer.succeed((200, "OK"))
+ )
+ yield self.handler.started_typing(
+ target_user=self.u_apple,
+ auth_user=self.u_apple,
+ room_id=self.room_id,
+ timeout=20000,
+ )
+ yield put_json.await_calls()
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def test_started_typing_remote_recv(self):
+ self.room_members = [self.u_apple, self.u_onion]
+ yield self.mock_federation_resource.trigger("PUT",
+ "/matrix/federation/v1/send/1000000/",
+ _make_edu_json("farm", "m.typing",
+ content={
+ "room_id": self.room_id,
+ "user_id": self.u_onion.to_string(),
+ "typing": True,
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ self.mock_update_client.assert_has_calls([
+ call(observer_user=self.u_apple,
+ observed_user=self.u_onion,
+ room_id=self.room_id,
+ typing=True),
+ ])
+ @defer.inlineCallbacks
+ def test_stopped_typing(self):
+ self.room_members = [self.u_apple, self.u_banana, self.u_onion]
+ put_json = self.mock_http_client.put_json
+ put_json.expect_call_and_return(
+ call("farm",
+ path="/matrix/federation/v1/send/1000000/",
+ data=_expect_edu("farm", "m.typing",
+ content={
+ "room_id": self.room_id,
+ "user_id": self.u_apple.to_string(),
+ "typing": False,
+ }
+ )
+ ),
+ defer.succeed((200, "OK"))
+ )
+ # Gut-wrenching
+ from synapse.handlers.typing import RoomMember
+ self.handler._member_typing_until[
+ RoomMember(self.room_id, self.u_apple)
+ ] = 1002000
+ yield self.handler.stopped_typing(
+ target_user=self.u_apple,
+ auth_user=self.u_apple,
+ room_id=self.room_id,
+ )
+ self.mock_update_client.assert_has_calls([
+ call(observer_user=self.u_banana,
+ observed_user=self.u_apple,
+ room_id=self.room_id,
+ typing=False),
+ ])
+ yield put_json.await_calls()