diff --git a/changelog.d/16782.misc b/changelog.d/16782.misc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d0cb0be26f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/changelog.d/16782.misc
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Port `EventInternalMetadata` class to Rust.
diff --git a/rust/src/events/internal_metadata.rs b/rust/src/events/internal_metadata.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a53601862d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/src/events/internal_metadata.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+ * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2024 New Vector, Ltd
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details:
+ * <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html>.
+ *
+ * Originally licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0:
+ * <http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0>.
+ *
+ * [This file includes modifications made by New Vector Limited]
+ *
+ */
+//! Implements the internal metadata class attached to events.
+//! The internal metadata is a bit like a `TypedDict`, in that it is stored as a
+//! JSON dict in the DB. Most events have zero, or only a few, of these keys
+//! set. Therefore, since we care more about memory size than performance here,
+//! we store these fields in a mapping.
+//! We want to store (most) of the fields as Rust objects, so we implement the
+//! mapping by using a vec of enums. This is less efficient than using
+//! attributes, but for small number of keys is actually faster than using a
+//! hash or btree map.
+use std::{num::NonZeroI64, ops::Deref};
+use anyhow::Context;
+use log::warn;
+use pyo3::{
+ exceptions::PyAttributeError,
+ pyclass, pymethods,
+ types::{PyDict, PyString},
+ IntoPy, PyAny, PyObject, PyResult, Python,
+/// Definitions of the various fields of the internal metadata.
+enum EventInternalMetadataData {
+ OutOfBandMembership(bool),
+ SendOnBehalfOf(Box<str>),
+ RecheckRedaction(bool),
+ SoftFailed(bool),
+ ProactivelySend(bool),
+ Redacted(bool),
+ TxnId(Box<str>),
+ TokenId(i64),
+ DeviceId(Box<str>),
+impl EventInternalMetadataData {
+ /// Convert the field to its name and python object.
+ fn to_python_pair<'a>(&self, py: Python<'a>) -> (&'a PyString, PyObject) {
+ match self {
+ EventInternalMetadataData::OutOfBandMembership(o) => {
+ (pyo3::intern!(py, "out_of_band_membership"), o.into_py(py))
+ }
+ EventInternalMetadataData::SendOnBehalfOf(o) => {
+ (pyo3::intern!(py, "send_on_behalf_of"), o.into_py(py))
+ }
+ EventInternalMetadataData::RecheckRedaction(o) => {
+ (pyo3::intern!(py, "recheck_redaction"), o.into_py(py))
+ }
+ EventInternalMetadataData::SoftFailed(o) => {
+ (pyo3::intern!(py, "soft_failed"), o.into_py(py))
+ }
+ EventInternalMetadataData::ProactivelySend(o) => {
+ (pyo3::intern!(py, "proactively_send"), o.into_py(py))
+ }
+ EventInternalMetadataData::Redacted(o) => {
+ (pyo3::intern!(py, "redacted"), o.into_py(py))
+ }
+ EventInternalMetadataData::TxnId(o) => (pyo3::intern!(py, "txn_id"), o.into_py(py)),
+ EventInternalMetadataData::TokenId(o) => (pyo3::intern!(py, "token_id"), o.into_py(py)),
+ EventInternalMetadataData::DeviceId(o) => {
+ (pyo3::intern!(py, "device_id"), o.into_py(py))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// Converts from python key/values to the field.
+ ///
+ /// Returns `None` if the key is a valid but unrecognized string.
+ fn from_python_pair(key: &PyAny, value: &PyAny) -> PyResult<Option<Self>> {
+ let key_str: &str = key.extract()?;
+ let e = match key_str {
+ "out_of_band_membership" => EventInternalMetadataData::OutOfBandMembership(
+ value
+ .extract()
+ .with_context(|| format!("'{key_str}' has invalid type"))?,
+ ),
+ "send_on_behalf_of" => EventInternalMetadataData::SendOnBehalfOf(
+ value
+ .extract()
+ .map(String::into_boxed_str)
+ .with_context(|| format!("'{key_str}' has invalid type"))?,
+ ),
+ "recheck_redaction" => EventInternalMetadataData::RecheckRedaction(
+ value
+ .extract()
+ .with_context(|| format!("'{key_str}' has invalid type"))?,
+ ),
+ "soft_failed" => EventInternalMetadataData::SoftFailed(
+ value
+ .extract()
+ .with_context(|| format!("'{key_str}' has invalid type"))?,
+ ),
+ "proactively_send" => EventInternalMetadataData::ProactivelySend(
+ value
+ .extract()
+ .with_context(|| format!("'{key_str}' has invalid type"))?,
+ ),
+ "redacted" => EventInternalMetadataData::Redacted(
+ value
+ .extract()
+ .with_context(|| format!("'{key_str}' has invalid type"))?,
+ ),
+ "txn_id" => EventInternalMetadataData::TxnId(
+ value
+ .extract()
+ .map(String::into_boxed_str)
+ .with_context(|| format!("'{key_str}' has invalid type"))?,
+ ),
+ "token_id" => EventInternalMetadataData::TokenId(
+ value
+ .extract()
+ .with_context(|| format!("'{key_str}' has invalid type"))?,
+ ),
+ "device_id" => EventInternalMetadataData::DeviceId(
+ value
+ .extract()
+ .map(String::into_boxed_str)
+ .with_context(|| format!("'{key_str}' has invalid type"))?,
+ ),
+ _ => return Ok(None),
+ };
+ Ok(Some(e))
+ }
+/// Helper macro to find the given field in internal metadata, returning None if
+/// not found.
+macro_rules! get_property_opt {
+ ($self:expr, $name:ident) => {
+ $self.data.iter().find_map(|entry| {
+ if let EventInternalMetadataData::$name(data) = entry {
+ Some(data)
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ })
+ };
+/// Helper macro to find the given field in internal metadata, raising an
+/// attribute error if not found.
+macro_rules! get_property {
+ ($self:expr, $name:ident) => {
+ get_property_opt!($self, $name).ok_or_else(|| {
+ PyAttributeError::new_err(format!(
+ "'EventInternalMetadata' has no attribute '{}'",
+ stringify!($name),
+ ))
+ })
+ };
+/// Helper macro to set the give field.
+macro_rules! set_property {
+ ($self:expr, $name:ident, $obj:expr) => {
+ for entry in &mut $self.data {
+ if let EventInternalMetadataData::$name(data) = entry {
+ *data = $obj;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ $self.data.push(EventInternalMetadataData::$name($obj))
+ };
+pub struct EventInternalMetadata {
+ /// The fields of internal metadata. This functions as a mapping.
+ data: Vec<EventInternalMetadataData>,
+ /// The stream ordering of this event. None, until it has been persisted.
+ #[pyo3(get, set)]
+ stream_ordering: Option<NonZeroI64>,
+ /// whether this event is an outlier (ie, whether we have the state at that
+ /// point in the DAG)
+ #[pyo3(get, set)]
+ outlier: bool,
+impl EventInternalMetadata {
+ #[new]
+ fn new(dict: &PyDict) -> PyResult<Self> {
+ let mut data = Vec::with_capacity(dict.len());
+ for (key, value) in dict.iter() {
+ match EventInternalMetadataData::from_python_pair(key, value) {
+ Ok(Some(entry)) => data.push(entry),
+ Ok(None) => {}
+ Err(err) => {
+ warn!("Ignoring internal metadata field '{key}', as failed to convert to Rust due to {err}")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ data.shrink_to_fit();
+ Ok(EventInternalMetadata {
+ data,
+ stream_ordering: None,
+ outlier: false,
+ })
+ }
+ fn copy(&self) -> Self {
+ self.clone()
+ }
+ fn get_dict(&self, py: Python<'_>) -> PyResult<PyObject> {
+ let dict = PyDict::new(py);
+ for entry in &self.data {
+ let (key, value) = entry.to_python_pair(py);
+ dict.set_item(key, value)?;
+ }
+ Ok(dict.into())
+ }
+ fn is_outlier(&self) -> bool {
+ self.outlier
+ }
+ /// Whether this event is an out-of-band membership.
+ ///
+ /// OOB memberships are a special case of outlier events: they are
+ /// membership events for federated rooms that we aren't full members of.
+ /// Examples include invites received over federation, and rejections for
+ /// such invites.
+ ///
+ /// The concept of an OOB membership is needed because these events need to
+ /// be processed as if they're new regular events (e.g. updating membership
+ /// state in the database, relaying to clients via /sync, etc) despite being
+ /// outliers.
+ ///
+ /// See also
+ /// https://element-hq.github.io/synapse/develop/development/room-dag-concepts.html#out-of-band-membership-events.
+ ///
+ /// (Added in synapse 0.99.0, so may be unreliable for events received
+ /// before that)
+ fn is_out_of_band_membership(&self) -> bool {
+ get_property_opt!(self, OutOfBandMembership)
+ .copied()
+ .unwrap_or(false)
+ }
+ /// Whether this server should send the event on behalf of another server.
+ /// This is used by the federation "send_join" API to forward the initial
+ /// join event for a server in the room.
+ ///
+ /// returns a str with the name of the server this event is sent on behalf
+ /// of.
+ fn get_send_on_behalf_of(&self) -> Option<&str> {
+ let s = get_property_opt!(self, SendOnBehalfOf);
+ s.map(|a| a.deref())
+ }
+ /// Whether the redaction event needs to be rechecked when fetching
+ /// from the database.
+ ///
+ /// Starting in room v3 redaction events are accepted up front, and later
+ /// checked to see if the redacter and redactee's domains match.
+ ///
+ /// If the sender of the redaction event is allowed to redact any event
+ /// due to auth rules, then this will always return false.
+ fn need_to_check_redaction(&self) -> bool {
+ get_property_opt!(self, RecheckRedaction)
+ .copied()
+ .unwrap_or(false)
+ }
+ /// Whether the event has been soft failed.
+ ///
+ /// Soft failed events should be handled as usual, except:
+ /// 1. They should not go down sync or event streams, or generally sent to
+ /// clients.
+ /// 2. They should not be added to the forward extremities (and therefore
+ /// not to current state).
+ fn is_soft_failed(&self) -> bool {
+ get_property_opt!(self, SoftFailed)
+ .copied()
+ .unwrap_or(false)
+ }
+ /// Whether the event, if ours, should be sent to other clients and servers.
+ ///
+ /// This is used for sending dummy events internally. Servers and clients
+ /// can still explicitly fetch the event.
+ fn should_proactively_send(&self) -> bool {
+ get_property_opt!(self, ProactivelySend)
+ .copied()
+ .unwrap_or(true)
+ }
+ /// Whether the event has been redacted.
+ ///
+ /// This is used for efficiently checking whether an event has been marked
+ /// as redacted without needing to make another database call.
+ fn is_redacted(&self) -> bool {
+ get_property_opt!(self, Redacted).copied().unwrap_or(false)
+ }
+ /// Whether this event can trigger a push notification
+ fn is_notifiable(&self) -> bool {
+ !self.outlier || self.is_out_of_band_membership()
+ }
+ // ** The following are the getters and setters of the various properties **
+ #[getter]
+ fn get_out_of_band_membership(&self) -> PyResult<bool> {
+ let bool = get_property!(self, OutOfBandMembership)?;
+ Ok(*bool)
+ }
+ #[setter]
+ fn set_out_of_band_membership(&mut self, obj: bool) {
+ set_property!(self, OutOfBandMembership, obj);
+ }
+ #[getter(send_on_behalf_of)]
+ fn getter_send_on_behalf_of(&self) -> PyResult<&str> {
+ let s = get_property!(self, SendOnBehalfOf)?;
+ Ok(s)
+ }
+ #[setter]
+ fn set_send_on_behalf_of(&mut self, obj: String) {
+ set_property!(self, SendOnBehalfOf, obj.into_boxed_str());
+ }
+ #[getter]
+ fn get_recheck_redaction(&self) -> PyResult<bool> {
+ let bool = get_property!(self, RecheckRedaction)?;
+ Ok(*bool)
+ }
+ #[setter]
+ fn set_recheck_redaction(&mut self, obj: bool) {
+ set_property!(self, RecheckRedaction, obj);
+ }
+ #[getter]
+ fn get_soft_failed(&self) -> PyResult<bool> {
+ let bool = get_property!(self, SoftFailed)?;
+ Ok(*bool)
+ }
+ #[setter]
+ fn set_soft_failed(&mut self, obj: bool) {
+ set_property!(self, SoftFailed, obj);
+ }
+ #[getter]
+ fn get_proactively_send(&self) -> PyResult<bool> {
+ let bool = get_property!(self, ProactivelySend)?;
+ Ok(*bool)
+ }
+ #[setter]
+ fn set_proactively_send(&mut self, obj: bool) {
+ set_property!(self, ProactivelySend, obj);
+ }
+ #[getter]
+ fn get_redacted(&self) -> PyResult<bool> {
+ let bool = get_property!(self, Redacted)?;
+ Ok(*bool)
+ }
+ #[setter]
+ fn set_redacted(&mut self, obj: bool) {
+ set_property!(self, Redacted, obj);
+ }
+ /// The transaction ID, if it was set when the event was created.
+ #[getter]
+ fn get_txn_id(&self) -> PyResult<&str> {
+ let s = get_property!(self, TxnId)?;
+ Ok(s)
+ }
+ #[setter]
+ fn set_txn_id(&mut self, obj: String) {
+ set_property!(self, TxnId, obj.into_boxed_str());
+ }
+ /// The access token ID of the user who sent this event, if any.
+ #[getter]
+ fn get_token_id(&self) -> PyResult<i64> {
+ let r = get_property!(self, TokenId)?;
+ Ok(*r)
+ }
+ #[setter]
+ fn set_token_id(&mut self, obj: i64) {
+ set_property!(self, TokenId, obj);
+ }
+ /// The device ID of the user who sent this event, if any.
+ #[getter]
+ fn get_device_id(&self) -> PyResult<&str> {
+ let s = get_property!(self, DeviceId)?;
+ Ok(s)
+ }
+ #[setter]
+ fn set_device_id(&mut self, obj: String) {
+ set_property!(self, DeviceId, obj.into_boxed_str());
+ }
diff --git a/rust/src/events/mod.rs b/rust/src/events/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ee857b3d72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/src/events/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3.
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2024 New Vector, Ltd
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details:
+ * <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html>.
+ *
+ * Originally licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0:
+ * <http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0>.
+ *
+ * [This file includes modifications made by New Vector Limited]
+ *
+ */
+//! Classes for representing Events.
+use pyo3::{types::PyModule, PyResult, Python};
+mod internal_metadata;
+/// Called when registering modules with python.
+pub fn register_module(py: Python<'_>, m: &PyModule) -> PyResult<()> {
+ let child_module = PyModule::new(py, "events")?;
+ child_module.add_class::<internal_metadata::EventInternalMetadata>()?;
+ m.add_submodule(child_module)?;
+ // We need to manually add the module to sys.modules to make `from
+ // synapse.synapse_rust import events` work.
+ py.import("sys")?
+ .getattr("modules")?
+ .set_item("synapse.synapse_rust.events", child_module)?;
+ Ok(())
diff --git a/rust/src/lib.rs b/rust/src/lib.rs
index c44c09bda7..7b3b579e55 100644
--- a/rust/src/lib.rs
+++ b/rust/src/lib.rs
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ use pyo3::prelude::*;
use pyo3_log::ResetHandle;
pub mod acl;
+pub mod events;
pub mod push;
lazy_static! {
@@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ fn synapse_rust(py: Python<'_>, m: &PyModule) -> PyResult<()> {
acl::register_module(py, m)?;
push::register_module(py, m)?;
+ events::register_module(py, m)?;
diff --git a/synapse/events/__init__.py b/synapse/events/__init__.py
index c52e726661..92b406e336 100644
--- a/synapse/events/__init__.py
+++ b/synapse/events/__init__.py
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ from unpaddedbase64 import encode_base64
from synapse.api.constants import RelationTypes
from synapse.api.room_versions import EventFormatVersions, RoomVersion, RoomVersions
+from synapse.synapse_rust.events import EventInternalMetadata
from synapse.types import JsonDict, StrCollection
from synapse.util.caches import intern_dict
from synapse.util.frozenutils import freeze
@@ -74,7 +75,7 @@ T = TypeVar("T")
# Note that DictProperty/DefaultDictProperty cannot actually be used with
# EventBuilder as it lacks a _dict property.
-_DictPropertyInstance = Union["_EventInternalMetadata", "EventBase", "EventBuilder"]
+_DictPropertyInstance = Union["EventBase", "EventBuilder"]
class DictProperty(Generic[T]):
@@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ class DictProperty(Generic[T]):
if instance is None:
return self
- assert isinstance(instance, (EventBase, _EventInternalMetadata))
+ assert isinstance(instance, EventBase)
return instance._dict[self.key]
except KeyError as e1:
# We want this to look like a regular attribute error (mostly so that
@@ -127,11 +128,11 @@ class DictProperty(Generic[T]):
) from e1.__context__
def __set__(self, instance: _DictPropertyInstance, v: T) -> None:
- assert isinstance(instance, (EventBase, _EventInternalMetadata))
+ assert isinstance(instance, EventBase)
instance._dict[self.key] = v
def __delete__(self, instance: _DictPropertyInstance) -> None:
- assert isinstance(instance, (EventBase, _EventInternalMetadata))
+ assert isinstance(instance, EventBase)
del instance._dict[self.key]
except KeyError as e1:
@@ -176,118 +177,10 @@ class DefaultDictProperty(DictProperty, Generic[T]):
) -> Union[T, "DefaultDictProperty"]:
if instance is None:
return self
- assert isinstance(instance, (EventBase, _EventInternalMetadata))
+ assert isinstance(instance, EventBase)
return instance._dict.get(self.key, self.default)
-class _EventInternalMetadata:
- __slots__ = ["_dict", "stream_ordering", "outlier"]
- def __init__(self, internal_metadata_dict: JsonDict):
- # we have to copy the dict, because it turns out that the same dict is
- # reused. TODO: fix that
- self._dict = dict(internal_metadata_dict)
- # the stream ordering of this event. None, until it has been persisted.
- self.stream_ordering: Optional[int] = None
- # whether this event is an outlier (ie, whether we have the state at that point
- # in the DAG)
- self.outlier = False
- out_of_band_membership: DictProperty[bool] = DictProperty("out_of_band_membership")
- send_on_behalf_of: DictProperty[str] = DictProperty("send_on_behalf_of")
- recheck_redaction: DictProperty[bool] = DictProperty("recheck_redaction")
- soft_failed: DictProperty[bool] = DictProperty("soft_failed")
- proactively_send: DictProperty[bool] = DictProperty("proactively_send")
- redacted: DictProperty[bool] = DictProperty("redacted")
- txn_id: DictProperty[str] = DictProperty("txn_id")
- """The transaction ID, if it was set when the event was created."""
- token_id: DictProperty[int] = DictProperty("token_id")
- """The access token ID of the user who sent this event, if any."""
- device_id: DictProperty[str] = DictProperty("device_id")
- """The device ID of the user who sent this event, if any."""
- def get_dict(self) -> JsonDict:
- return dict(self._dict)
- def is_outlier(self) -> bool:
- return self.outlier
- def is_out_of_band_membership(self) -> bool:
- """Whether this event is an out-of-band membership.
- OOB memberships are a special case of outlier events: they are membership events
- for federated rooms that we aren't full members of. Examples include invites
- received over federation, and rejections for such invites.
- The concept of an OOB membership is needed because these events need to be
- processed as if they're new regular events (e.g. updating membership state in
- the database, relaying to clients via /sync, etc) despite being outliers.
- See also https://element-hq.github.io/synapse/develop/development/room-dag-concepts.html#out-of-band-membership-events.
- (Added in synapse 0.99.0, so may be unreliable for events received before that)
- """
- return self._dict.get("out_of_band_membership", False)
- def get_send_on_behalf_of(self) -> Optional[str]:
- """Whether this server should send the event on behalf of another server.
- This is used by the federation "send_join" API to forward the initial join
- event for a server in the room.
- returns a str with the name of the server this event is sent on behalf of.
- """
- return self._dict.get("send_on_behalf_of")
- def need_to_check_redaction(self) -> bool:
- """Whether the redaction event needs to be rechecked when fetching
- from the database.
- Starting in room v3 redaction events are accepted up front, and later
- checked to see if the redacter and redactee's domains match.
- If the sender of the redaction event is allowed to redact any event
- due to auth rules, then this will always return false.
- """
- return self._dict.get("recheck_redaction", False)
- def is_soft_failed(self) -> bool:
- """Whether the event has been soft failed.
- Soft failed events should be handled as usual, except:
- 1. They should not go down sync or event streams, or generally
- sent to clients.
- 2. They should not be added to the forward extremities (and
- therefore not to current state).
- """
- return self._dict.get("soft_failed", False)
- def should_proactively_send(self) -> bool:
- """Whether the event, if ours, should be sent to other clients and
- servers.
- This is used for sending dummy events internally. Servers and clients
- can still explicitly fetch the event.
- """
- return self._dict.get("proactively_send", True)
- def is_redacted(self) -> bool:
- """Whether the event has been redacted.
- This is used for efficiently checking whether an event has been
- marked as redacted without needing to make another database call.
- """
- return self._dict.get("redacted", False)
- def is_notifiable(self) -> bool:
- """Whether this event can trigger a push notification"""
- return not self.is_outlier() or self.is_out_of_band_membership()
class EventBase(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
@@ -313,7 +206,7 @@ class EventBase(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
self._dict = event_dict
- self.internal_metadata = _EventInternalMetadata(internal_metadata_dict)
+ self.internal_metadata = EventInternalMetadata(internal_metadata_dict)
depth: DictProperty[int] = DictProperty("depth")
content: DictProperty[JsonDict] = DictProperty("content")
diff --git a/synapse/events/builder.py b/synapse/events/builder.py
index ae7092daaa..f32449c7da 100644
--- a/synapse/events/builder.py
+++ b/synapse/events/builder.py
@@ -31,9 +31,10 @@ from synapse.api.room_versions import (
from synapse.crypto.event_signing import add_hashes_and_signatures
from synapse.event_auth import auth_types_for_event
-from synapse.events import EventBase, _EventInternalMetadata, make_event_from_dict
+from synapse.events import EventBase, make_event_from_dict
from synapse.state import StateHandler
from synapse.storage.databases.main import DataStore
+from synapse.synapse_rust.events import EventInternalMetadata
from synapse.types import EventID, JsonDict, StrCollection
from synapse.types.state import StateFilter
from synapse.util import Clock
@@ -93,8 +94,8 @@ class EventBuilder:
_redacts: Optional[str] = None
_origin_server_ts: Optional[int] = None
- internal_metadata: _EventInternalMetadata = attr.Factory(
- lambda: _EventInternalMetadata({})
+ internal_metadata: EventInternalMetadata = attr.Factory(
+ lambda: EventInternalMetadata({})
diff --git a/synapse/federation/federation_client.py b/synapse/federation/federation_client.py
index c412063091..e3679d8f37 100644
--- a/synapse/federation/federation_client.py
+++ b/synapse/federation/federation_client.py
@@ -1155,7 +1155,7 @@ class FederationClient(FederationBase):
# NB: We *need* to copy to ensure that we don't have multiple
# references being passed on, as that causes... issues.
for s in signed_state:
- s.internal_metadata = copy.deepcopy(s.internal_metadata)
+ s.internal_metadata = s.internal_metadata.copy()
# double-check that the auth chain doesn't include a different create event
auth_chain_create_events = [
diff --git a/synapse/storage/databases/main/events_worker.py b/synapse/storage/databases/main/events_worker.py
index 78ffeeaa46..1fd458b510 100644
--- a/synapse/storage/databases/main/events_worker.py
+++ b/synapse/storage/databases/main/events_worker.py
@@ -1496,7 +1496,7 @@ class EventsWorkerStore(SQLBaseStore):
- outlier=row[7],
+ outlier=bool(row[7]), # This is an int in SQLite3
# check for redactions
diff --git a/synapse/synapse_rust/events.pyi b/synapse/synapse_rust/events.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..423ede5969
--- /dev/null
+++ b/synapse/synapse_rust/events.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License (AGPL) version 3.
+# Copyright (C) 2024 New Vector, Ltd
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+# License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details:
+# <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html>.
+from typing import Optional
+from synapse.types import JsonDict
+class EventInternalMetadata:
+ def __init__(self, internal_metadata_dict: JsonDict): ...
+ stream_ordering: Optional[int]
+ """the stream ordering of this event. None, until it has been persisted."""
+ outlier: bool
+ """whether this event is an outlier (ie, whether we have the state at that
+ point in the DAG)"""
+ out_of_band_membership: bool
+ send_on_behalf_of: str
+ recheck_redaction: bool
+ soft_failed: bool
+ proactively_send: bool
+ redacted: bool
+ txn_id: str
+ """The transaction ID, if it was set when the event was created."""
+ token_id: int
+ """The access token ID of the user who sent this event, if any."""
+ device_id: str
+ """The device ID of the user who sent this event, if any."""
+ def get_dict(self) -> JsonDict: ...
+ def is_outlier(self) -> bool: ...
+ def copy(self) -> "EventInternalMetadata": ...
+ def is_out_of_band_membership(self) -> bool:
+ """Whether this event is an out-of-band membership.
+ OOB memberships are a special case of outlier events: they are membership events
+ for federated rooms that we aren't full members of. Examples include invites
+ received over federation, and rejections for such invites.
+ The concept of an OOB membership is needed because these events need to be
+ processed as if they're new regular events (e.g. updating membership state in
+ the database, relaying to clients via /sync, etc) despite being outliers.
+ See also https://element-hq.github.io/synapse/develop/development/room-dag-concepts.html#out-of-band-membership-events.
+ (Added in synapse 0.99.0, so may be unreliable for events received before that)
+ """
+ ...
+ def get_send_on_behalf_of(self) -> Optional[str]:
+ """Whether this server should send the event on behalf of another server.
+ This is used by the federation "send_join" API to forward the initial join
+ event for a server in the room.
+ returns a str with the name of the server this event is sent on behalf of.
+ """
+ ...
+ def need_to_check_redaction(self) -> bool:
+ """Whether the redaction event needs to be rechecked when fetching
+ from the database.
+ Starting in room v3 redaction events are accepted up front, and later
+ checked to see if the redacter and redactee's domains match.
+ If the sender of the redaction event is allowed to redact any event
+ due to auth rules, then this will always return false.
+ """
+ ...
+ def is_soft_failed(self) -> bool:
+ """Whether the event has been soft failed.
+ Soft failed events should be handled as usual, except:
+ 1. They should not go down sync or event streams, or generally
+ sent to clients.
+ 2. They should not be added to the forward extremities (and
+ therefore not to current state).
+ """
+ ...
+ def should_proactively_send(self) -> bool:
+ """Whether the event, if ours, should be sent to other clients and
+ servers.
+ This is used for sending dummy events internally. Servers and clients
+ can still explicitly fetch the event.
+ """
+ ...
+ def is_redacted(self) -> bool:
+ """Whether the event has been redacted.
+ This is used for efficiently checking whether an event has been
+ marked as redacted without needing to make another database call.
+ """
+ ...
+ def is_notifiable(self) -> bool:
+ """Whether this event can trigger a push notification"""
+ ...
diff --git a/tests/storage/databases/main/test_events_worker.py b/tests/storage/databases/main/test_events_worker.py
index ed747a8b3c..caa5752032 100644
--- a/tests/storage/databases/main/test_events_worker.py
+++ b/tests/storage/databases/main/test_events_worker.py
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ class DatabaseOutageTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
self.event_ids: List[str] = []
- for idx in range(20):
+ for idx in range(1, 21): # Stream ordering starts at 1.
event_json = {
"type": f"test {idx}",
"room_id": self.room_id,
diff --git a/tests/storage/test_event_federation.py b/tests/storage/test_event_federation.py
index b3e0bc47ec..0a6253e22c 100644
--- a/tests/storage/test_event_federation.py
+++ b/tests/storage/test_event_federation.py
@@ -44,12 +44,13 @@ from synapse.api.room_versions import (
-from synapse.events import EventBase, _EventInternalMetadata
+from synapse.events import EventBase
from synapse.rest import admin
from synapse.rest.client import login, room
from synapse.server import HomeServer
from synapse.storage.database import LoggingTransaction
from synapse.storage.types import Cursor
+from synapse.synapse_rust.events import EventInternalMetadata
from synapse.types import JsonDict
from synapse.util import Clock, json_encoder
@@ -1209,7 +1210,7 @@ class FakeEvent:
type = "foo"
state_key = "foo"
- internal_metadata = _EventInternalMetadata({})
+ internal_metadata = EventInternalMetadata({})
def auth_event_ids(self) -> List[str]:
return self.auth_events
diff --git a/tests/storage/test_redaction.py b/tests/storage/test_redaction.py
index c88ec69c94..cb459d6b03 100644
--- a/tests/storage/test_redaction.py
+++ b/tests/storage/test_redaction.py
@@ -25,9 +25,10 @@ from twisted.test.proto_helpers import MemoryReactor
from synapse.api.constants import EventTypes, Membership
from synapse.api.room_versions import RoomVersions
-from synapse.events import EventBase, _EventInternalMetadata
+from synapse.events import EventBase
from synapse.events.builder import EventBuilder
from synapse.server import HomeServer
+from synapse.synapse_rust.events import EventInternalMetadata
from synapse.types import JsonDict, RoomID, UserID
from synapse.util import Clock
@@ -268,7 +269,7 @@ class RedactionTestCase(unittest.HomeserverTestCase):
return self._base_builder.type
- def internal_metadata(self) -> _EventInternalMetadata:
+ def internal_metadata(self) -> EventInternalMetadata:
return self._base_builder.internal_metadata
event_1, unpersisted_context_1 = self.get_success(