this is obsolete and lives in matrix-doc in specification/30_server_server_api.rst now
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/docs/server-server/protocol-format.rst b/docs/server-server/protocol-format.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 2838253ab7..0000000000
--- a/docs/server-server/protocol-format.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-Required keys:
-============ =================== ===============================================
- Key Type Description
-============ =================== ===============================================
-origin String DNS name of homeserver making this transaction.
-ts Integer Timestamp in milliseconds on originating
- homeserver when this transaction started.
-previous_ids List of Strings List of transactions that were sent immediately
- prior to this transaction.
-pdus List of Objects List of updates contained in this transaction.
-============ =================== ===============================================
-Required keys:
-============ ================== ================================================
- Key Type Description
-============ ================== ================================================
-context String Event context identifier
-origin String DNS name of homeserver that created this PDU.
-pdu_id String Unique identifier for PDU within the context for
- the originating homeserver.
-ts Integer Timestamp in milliseconds on originating
- homeserver when this PDU was created.
-pdu_type String PDU event type.
-prev_pdus List of Pairs The originating homeserver and PDU ids of the
- of Strings most recent PDUs the homeserver was aware of for
- this context when it made this PDU.
-depth Integer The maximum depth of the previous PDUs plus one.
-============ ================== ================================================
-Keys for state updates:
-================== ============ ================================================
- Key Type Description
-================== ============ ================================================
-is_state Boolean True if this PDU is updating state.
-state_key String Optional key identifying the updated state within
- the context.
-power_level Integer The asserted power level of the user performing
- the update.
-min_update Integer The required power level needed to replace this
- update.
-prev_state_id String The homeserver of the update this replaces
-prev_state_origin String The PDU id of the update this replaces.
-user String The user updating the state.
-================== ============ ================================================